10 Amazing Facts About Jurassic Park

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Jurassic Park the ultimate dinosaur adventure movie directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 1993 Jurassic Park really wowed audiences at the time who had never seen dinosaurs so lifelike before it was like going back in time and actually seeing real dinosaurs hence the movie's tagline and adventure 65 million years in the making but above all Jurassic Park has a cautionary tale about science being taken too far and why mankind shouldn't play God as scientists use modern technology to clone dinosaurs back into existence to be used at a theme park attraction in an operation led by John Hammond to secure the park safety three experts aboard to the park including paleontologist dr. Ellen grant played by Sam Neill and his partner paler botanist dr. Ellie Sattler played by Laura Dern and of course mathematical chaos theorist Ian Malcolm played with delightful quirkiness by Jeff Goldblum however one breach of security later and the parks electric security fences are down to which the dinosaurs roam free and cause havoc leaving the team on a desperate fight to survive these prehistoric beasts in this fun energetic and even terrifying movie that proves that no matter how much the human race tries to control nature and science life finds a way oh man these mad magazines never fail to make me chuckle your ass has had it in data well buckle up and get ready to take a ride into Jurassic Park as we look at 10 amazing facts about this truly amazing movie let's check it out [Music] [Music] that is one big pile of [ __ ] number ten Westworld is a precursor for Jurassic Park long before author Michael Crichton released his Jurassic Park novel in 1973 he wrote and directed the science fiction fantasy movie Westworld and there is actually a lot of similarities between the two stories the biggest difference is Jurassic Park has dinosaurs and West world has robots where rich people can go to a western themed attraction theme park where robots are there to serve the tourist needs and just like Jurassic Park the robots run amok and start killing the guests in fact a huge part of Jurassic Park pays attention to the parks visitors being hunted and turned into prey and that's exactly what happens in West world with the gunslinger character who is hell-bent on hunting down his prey and will stop at nothing both stories also feature dodgy electrical security systems that malfunction and both pose the same question should mankind meddled with science especially with things that we can't fully grasp especially when done in the name of entertainment whether intentional or not Westworld demonstrates Michael Crichton's interest in scientific theme park stowing wrong number nine the original 1990 novel [Music] yes before Jurassic Park slashed its way onto the big screen in 1993 it was terrifying readers on the printed page in the 1990 novel and there is actually a lot of differences between book and movie I won't go for all of them if you're interested then definitely check out the book but here are just a few differences that I find interesting in the novel the Grant character has a love for children whereas in the movie we learn that he can't stand kids and has no tolerance for them with his fatherly side only being present after the adventure the book opens up with a little girl getting attacked by little dinosaurs when her parents aren't looking while on a family vacation on a beach shore although this opening scene was omitted from the movie it was however the opening scene for the theatrical sequel the lost world in the book there was a scene where grant and the kids are being chased by a t-rex down a river on a raft in the movie grant and Sattler are a couple in a loving relationship but in the book they have a teacher and mentor relationship and are not romantically connected and Hammond is much more motivated by money and greed than he is in the film whereas in the film - Hammond it's all about the joy of discovery and creating in the book there was a major subplot revolving around the survivors of the Velociraptor attack taking refuge in a safari lodge where they tried to get the parks electrical system working again in order to get the electrical fence around said Lodge working and the book even hints that the dinosaurs are starting to mutate and are able to change color number 8 Spielberg sought for the rights of Jurassic Park before the book was published [Music] Steven spielberger michael crichton were working on a script that would become the ER TV series while doing so Spielberg asked Crichton what his next book was going to be and Crichton told him about Jurassic Park and Spielberg instantly saw potential and used straightaway that this could be a huge major movie so he persuaded Universal Pictures to buy the rights to Jurassic Park before the book was even published I guess when Spielberg consents a hit he gets to work immediately number seven scheduling around Schindler's List [Music] 1993 definitely belonged to Spielberg with two major hits two very different movies one was about dinosaurs the other about the Holocaust the two films couldn't be further apart but both came from the visionary of the same cinematic mind Spielberg wanted to get to work on Schindler's List first as it was his dream project and then after that go to work on Jurassic Park but he was told by Universal that they would only greenlight Schindler's List if he made Jurassic Park first so that's exactly what happened leaving Spielberg a very busy director in fact Spielberg supervised Jurassic park's post-production process while in Poland while he was filming Schindler's List he literally went from one film straight to the other with Jurassic Park hitting theaters on June the 11th and Schindler's List coming out November the 30th the funny thing is a similar kerfuffle happened in 1982 when Spielberg was working on two big movies at the time those being ETM poltergeist in which Spielberg was told if he wanted to direct et he couldn't direct poltergeist 2 to which he then acted as poltergeist producer instead or did he in fact in the movies later stages Steven Spielberg even got George Lucas on board to overlook things as he was so tied down with Schindler's less number 6 sexy Goldblum [Music] if one thing's for sure the internet loves Jeff Goldblum as thanks to his oddly cool obscurity and weird ooh-aaah way of talking the guy is so damn likeable and fun to make memes out of and nowhere is this more evident than with the sexy Goldblum trend so in Jurassic Park there is a scene where an unbuttoned shirt Jeff Goldblum rests up after getting injured by a t-rex encounter and yes Goldblum does kind of look like he's posing for some kind of portrait and who would have thought that in recent years this image from the movie would become such a huge internet sensation leading to memes paintings and other artwork t-shirts even pop dolls yeah pop dolls people just can't seem to get enough of sexy Goldblum but that's not the only meme to come out of Jurassic Park as the we've got Dodson here has also been doing the rounds in recent years what could I say we've had the Stone Age the Ice Age and we are now living in the mean age number 5 Jurassic merch [Music] so of course considering Jurassic Park was a huge hit and featured dinosaurs it was sky's the limit with merchandise of course like patent debt they've packaged it they slapped another plastic lunchbox and now they want to sell it and want to sell it first up there was the Kenner action figures back in the day cannot brought out toys of all the big movies from Star Wars - Ghostbusters - Batman and Jurassic Park was no exception man I love these figurines the dinosaur figures were the best and I would love to make them eat my other action figures and would do so for hours on end err although I never understood why Timmy looked nothing like the kid from the movie but looked more like the kid from Last Action Hero then there were the video games and oh boy everyone wanted a piece of that pie Jurassic Park was released on Nintendo Super Nintendo Game Boy Sega Genesis game gear and Sega CD for better or for worse the one that everyone seems to remember the most is the Sega Genesis version which was a side stroller where players could either play as grant or a Velociraptor when you play us grant it's basic you've just got to go to safety while not getting killed by the dinosaurs but when you play as the Velociraptor your goal is to kill off the Jurassic Park security guards and try and get to Grant so you can either play as the hero or villain which is kind of cool then of course Tops brought out a comic book lineup I can remember reading these as a kid and I loved the illustrations and I thought they captured the movie perfectly and I think the comics were actually a little darker and more brutal than the movie number 4 unused poster art we all know the iconic Jurassic Park logo of the silhouetted t-rex skeleton which actually first featured on the book's cover however before the movies poster went for a more simple and basic look there were many failed poster attempts to help sell the movie like this one where the logo is in a giant Sun overlooking the island I actually really like this one same here where this time the logo is the moon looking down on the Jurassic Park gates then there is this one which features a close-up of the Raptors eye giving a more predatory horrific feel but the one I find the most fascinating is this one which beaches the disembodied heads of the characters floating around the Jurassic Park gates while a lightning cloud forms a ghostly t-rex yes it completely misses the mark with the movie but as its own individual work of art I really like it number three the movie was going to use stop-motion animation Jurassic Park had shown dinosaurs on the big screen as they had never been seen before but the big question was how to bring the prehistoric reptiles onto the big screen well at one stage stop-motion animation was considered with some test footage even being put together which looked okay but the dinosaurs didn't move explored Lee or as realistically as Spielberg wanted them to so instead the film crew turned to the wizardry of CGI which was used just the right way sparingly along with puppet animatronics and even robots yes movie wizard Stan Winston who was fresh off Terminator 2 Judgment Day got involved with bringing the dinosaurs to life and even helped create robot model dinosaurs complete with latex skin what do you think about that squiggles in order to get the dinosaurs to come alive they have to use CGI animatronic puppets and robots oh well gee whiz all it takes for me to cover life is for you to put your hand up my ass Oh squeak OHS it's a bit rude isn't it don't talk to me unless you're gonna give me some matches number two Jurassic Park casting possibilities [Music] so of course when Jurassic Park was in the early stages of production the question was who was going to play who you actors were considered for the lead role Alan Grant include William Hurt and Harrison Ford but the part went to New Zealand actor Sam Neill Christina Ricci was considered for the role of teenage girls / computer enthusiast Lex Murphy but the role went to that girl from the Christmas movie Prancer Sean Connery was envisioned to play John Hammond which would have been just awesome I mean you can just imagine him saying welcome to Jurassic Park oh hell yeah but the role went to David Attenborough's brother Richard Attenborough and Robin Wright and Juliette Binoche were also considered for the role of doctor Ellie Sattler but the part was given to Laura Dern long before she would turn up in the last Jedi with a purple hair and of course not forgetting squiggles audition for the role of t-rex but never got it yeah that's because even Spielberg wouldn't let me play with any matches on the set number one attack of the hurricane Jurassic Park was filmed in hawaii's kawaii Island in 1992 but out of all the things that could have happened during that time the set was hit by Hurricane Iniki Hawaii's most powerful hurricane yet if things weren't hard enough what we've tried to come up with new technology to bring the dinosaurs to life a hurricane had to rear its head interestingly enough though Richard Attenborough slept through the whole thing and when asked how he could sleep for a hurricane he just explained that he slept through the London Blitz to you and if you think they were life-sized robot dinosaurs scattered all over the place then you're wrong there's only one robot model dinosaur actually made it on location that of course being the t-rex [Music] okay guys that was my look into Jurassic Park I hope that tooth and claw you all enjoyed it to this day I still think it's the ultimate dinosaur movie and not many other movie monsters can match up to the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park except the Godzilla anyway I'm in t soros ranks and I'm moving in herds they do move in herds yeah [Music] [Music] beautiful that Burt was just sensational
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 250,055
Rating: 4.9347858 out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic Park, Top 10 Countdown, Things You Didn't Know, Trivia, List, Trivia List, Review, Minty Comedic Arts, Dinosaurs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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