10 ‘HERO SHOTS’ Using a Gimbal | Filmmaking Tips For Beginners

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so if you're a filmmaker or videographer and you're looking to make someone look more heroic how do you do it maybe you want your shots to look more dramatic or maybe you want someone to look more menacing or intimidating well in this video I'm going to give you 10 go-to shots that will instantly make people look much more heroic it's coming up [Music] hey everyone Steve here from learn online video and today we're back in the city we've got Luke here's going to be the subject of today's video and the aim of the game is to make Luke look much more heroic powerful and dominant using cinematic camera movement I'm going to show you 10 shots as well as how to shoot them and then at the end of this video I'm going to edit all 10 shots into a sequence using music color grading and sound effects to see what results we get a big thanks to zhuin for sponsoring this video I'm going to be shooting everything on the Canon R6 a 16 to 35 millimeter lens and the all-important crane 4. this is an absolute Beast of a gimbal perfect for these types of shots but as always I will link this entire setup in the description below okay right let's start nice and simple with move number one the low angle shot now the objective with all of these shots is to make our character look more heroic dominant and Powerful so to do this we're going to use low angle shots we could just shoot this at eye level like like this nothing wrong with this shot would work great in just about any short film but now let's see that exact same shot only this time at a lower angle looking up and just like that we now have a much more dramatic shot our subject looks more powerful and heroic the lower the camera angle and The Wider the focal length the more dramatic these shots will look but by far the biggest takeaway here is to position the camera below your subject's eye level this angle makes your subject appear larger and more imposing evoking a sense of power and dominance okay next up the side track jib reveal for this we're going to start with our camera low to the ground tracking our subject from the side we're then going to lift our camera up to reveal our subject try to keep your camera moving at the same speed and distance from your subject throughout your shot this shot is great for revealing your subject perfect for introducing a character into a short film or scene a more intermediate version of this is to lift your camera tracking from the side and then orbit around to the front of your subject this angle not only reveals your sub object from the ground up but then ends with your subject directly facing the camera and my all-time favorite version of this is to Simply track from the front and lift nice and easy this one an absolute classic used in many Hollywood films if you're looking to introduce your character with some style Intrigue and class then this is the shot to use the orbit another Classic this one used in many Hollywood Blockbusters and the idea here is simple we're going to orbit around our subject keeping our camera the same distance from them at all times you can shoot tight and close up with more focus on your subject you could shoot wide with more focus on the environment or have your subject step into frame as you orbit around them slightly trickier shot this one but a great way of adding more movement and interest to your shots there are many variations of the orbits you could for example start slow pushing forward and then speed ramp into your subject then speed ramp out with an orbit remember to keep your camera low helping to create a feeling of dominance if we shoot too high looking down our subject will appear smaller more vulnerable and weaker great if this is what you're looking for but we're looking for hero shots so let's move on to number four the tilt down reveal for this we're going to track our subject from the front with our camera facing up and then slowly start to tilt down revealing our subject this shot is great for showing off both the location and introducing your character this is a wide shot at 16 millimeters and here is that same shot at 35 millimeters much tighter with more focus on our subject number five the Tilt up reveal a very similar shot this one only this time we're going to start with our camera lower to the ground facing down and tilt up to reveal our subject this would make such a good opening shot to your short film or scene the camera smoothly tracking forward slowly tilting up to reveal or introduce your subject very cool very cinematic and another great shot to add to your filmmaking Arsenal the soft focus reveal a little different this one because we're going to shoot this shot in Reverse we're going to start on a close-up of our subject with the face in crisp Focus we're going to hit record hold for a few seconds and then slowly start to walk backwards keeping our subject in the center of frame keep walking backwards until your subject is completely out of focus now when we reverse this clip we get a smooth shot pushing forward with our subject out of focus creating more mystery and Intrigue and as we get closer we gradually reveal our subject perfectly hitting our Mark with sharp Focus to add more drama and paste to this shot try speed ramping into your subject using sound effects the follow jib reveal okay getting a little bit more creative with this one for this we're going to attach our gimbal to an extension pole or monopod this will help replicate much more cinematic Movement by getting our camera higher off the ground for this shot we're going to start with our camera low tracking our subject from behind walk a good 10 paces and then slowly start to lift the camera up over your subject's head it as high as it will go this show is a great way of not only adding more cinematic movement to your films but also great for adding production value and revealing your subject's location number eight the flyby okay whilst we've got our gimbal on an extension pole let's make the most of it and capture a flyby of our subject for this I'm going to start with my camera and gimbal as high as it will go and cue my subject to walk as I fly by with the camera swooping down and orbiting around them this creates a shot starting high off the ground revealing our subject from behind this pillar the camera then starts to get closer to our subject and orbits around him as he carries on walking to end this shot try getting your camera low to the ground and pulling back number nine the walking orbit more advanced this shot and requires a bit of practice we're going to start by tracking our subject from behind and gradually start to orbit around them control your walking speed to maintain a smooth and consistent orbit keeping your subject in the center of frame when you've completed the orbit smoothly lower your camera to the ground and pull back this should make a great opening shot we set the scene by revealing our location and the back of our subject we then orbit around our subject revealing them from the front whilst seeing a full 360 degree shot of the environment we then pull back and go low while they walk off into the distance number 10 the low angle turn very cinematic this one perfect for a hero or a villain we're going to start with a camera low to the ground tracking our subject from the front track your subject for at least 10 paces and then start to turn your camera to face the opposite direction turn your camera a full 180 degrees and pull back as your subject keeps walking straight out of Hollywood this one this guy could easily be a secret agent on a mission to save the world as the camera turns and pulls back revealing where he is going bonus move the mega jib reveal for this we're going to attach our gimbal to an extension pole and have our subject stand high at an elevated position we're then going to lift our camera from the ground up slowly revealing our subject ending our shot at eye level a lot of movement in this shot the camera rising up to reveal our subject from the ground up very cinematic lots of anticipation as we reveal our subject so that's what all of these shots look like as individual Clips but what would all this footage look like edited into a sequence with music color grading and sound effects let's take a look [Music] [Applause] thank you so what did you think of that sequence and what was your favorite shot do let me know in the comments section below if you'd like to learn more about gimbal moves or filmmaking then be sure to check out these two videos here but that's it from me thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Learn Online Video
Views: 134,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hero Shots, Gimbal, Cinematic Shots, Filmmaking Tips, Cinematic Filmmaking, Gimbal Techniques, Cinematic Videography, Filmmaking Tutorial, Creative Filmmaking, Cinematic Techniques, Gimbal Stabilization, Cinematic Shots Tutorial, Filmmaking Inspiration, Cinematic Filmmaking Tips, Videography Techniques, Gimbal Tricks, Filmmaking Secrets, Cinematic Camera Movement, Hero Shots with Gimbal, Filmmaking Ideas, gimbal moves, learn online video
Id: WiHtMIB8Rgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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