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Varicose veins is a very common urban disease. Most of them occur in people who often stand or sit If it is not treated properly, it will not only affect the appearance, but also have a chance of rotten feet The protagonist of this episode is Mr. Miao who has suffered from varicose veins for more than 10 years. This episode shares his personal experience and how to successfully treat this disease In addition, Dr. Florence Wong, who is a registered Chinese medicine practitioner and a physical therapist, is also invited to talk about the treatment of varicose veins. Mr. Miao, can you share with us that you suffer from varicose veins experience? I didn’t have it at first but then I worked in a very busy restaurant I kept standing for more than ten hours a day even during the non-peak hours I need to stand for food preparation I don't have time to go toilet or even drink a cup of water I only remember to drink water after a few hours Besides, my working space is only for a single man size which is unable to do walk around for relaxing After standing for a long time, the problem is getting serious I watched a TV show or ads, whatever It said that the Varicose veins will eventually turn into Ulcer Therefore I take it seriously So you were frightened by this news? (yes) what make you suddenly feel that you need to seek Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) or Doctor for treatment? Blood vessels began to appear but I ignored them all the time because I was too busy at the time to pay attention to them. Then , when I had a stroke in 2018, my physical condition declined sharply I never knew that I had high blood pressure. The blood vessels were malformed, and then the blood vessels burst. The hospital did a brain surgery to help me deal with my physical problems Then I realised what happened. I started to feel that I need to adjust my body . But I want to know which side of you is not moving well after you have a stroke ? The right side, the right side does not move well , so you have varicose veins on your left foot, which exacerbates the situation . I am prone to cramps, and I tend to wake up with cramps at night . I can’t fall asleep. It takes at least half an hour to an hour to fall asleep. I don’t sleep much. I still have cramps (more tired) and more tired. I remember Mr. Miao said that I was very tired and wanted to take a rest when I got home from work, so I didn’t go to bed right away. You go to bed until very late. Right? Yes He goes to bed at 2 or 3 am. Maybe sleep 3 or 4 hours per day so he's body is affected broken blood vessels, unfortunately had a stroke and also looks ugly , other people may see how your feet are swollen , you need to wear long pants (even when it's hot?) Yes let me ask Dr. Wong, how serious was his condition when you saw him? For my patient, it is serious. The varicose veins usually start in the calf , but when I first saw his thigh, it was already obvious. In fact, varicose veins are also an inflammation . His condition is very hot, and you will feel like a string of lifts when you touch it. There are some hard lumps in some places, and some pigmentation in many places. The blood vessels that were stretched at the beginning become the current blood vessels. The hard lumps are gone, and the pigmentation has receded a lot. There are some hard lumps in the middle of the thigh that have actually dissipated before his thighs. Very swollen. Now the swelling has shrunk and the color has become more beautiful. I am very satisfied with the treatment. The improvement in all aspects actually took almost half a year to a year. I wonder why you chose Chinese medicine instead of Western medicine? The previous Chinese medicine practitioners told me that Western medicine treats headaches, head and feet, and feet , and treats the symptoms but not the root cause. I would like to ask Dr. Wong what treatment method he gave Mr. Miao at that time? In Chinese medicine, varicose veins are only symptoms (symptoms). Varicose veins will not appear in healthy people for no reason. There must be some problems. For example, in Mr. Miao’s body , qi deficiency, blood stasis, liver and kidney deficiency and inflammation. For example, in winter , he used to be very afraid of cold. To the heart (yes) and prone to stomach pain and diarrhea. His lack of energy is manifested in some situations , so he has varicose veins on his feet . Why do varicose veins appear? Because the blood is unable to return to the heart , hemorrhage occurs, the blood vessels are bent, deformed and expanded , and the valves are incomplete. In fact, some valves in veins are like a pair of doors . If the doors cannot be closed effectively, blood will accumulate and even flow backwards, so the blood vessels will become bigger and bigger . The varicose veins are getting more and more serious, and the opposite door cannot be closed. When it is not closed properly, it becomes a vicious circle . Why does it flow back to the heart ineffectively ? It turns out that from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the function of qi is not good. The second function of Qi is that it has a function of fixation . What is fixation? Gushe means to keep the blood running in the blood vessels and not let it go around. Varicose veins are blood leaving the meridian . In the case of Miaosheng, because the qi is not good , you need to take traditional Chinese medicine to help the promotion of qi , and Miaosheng will also have some phlegm. Therefore, many symptoms point to the state of spleen deficiency and qi deficiency , so Traditional Chinese medicine will refine the whole body problems in fact, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine help treat varicose veins fundamentally by adjusting this matter , but do you think that these small problems have nothing to do with varicose veins? It doesn’t matter, it’s just that the body is poor. The disease is really shallow. Traditional Chinese medicine can cure the root cause rather than the symptoms. But the problem is that it takes a long time to see the effect. It takes a long time Sometimes you think it’s impossible , but it will eventually do it . I treat some things in the body The essence, the essential problem to improve the condition of the foot. Rather than saying it’s better that I just draw out the blood vessel. He had the same experience before Yes the doctor told me to seal that blood vessel in the hospital. feel when you hear about the blood vessel seal? I really thought about it at first , but then I asked Chinese medicine practitioners first . The previous Chinese medicine practitioners told me not to because once the blood vessel was sealed and another one might happen again. So we take Chinese medicine or do acupuncture In fact, we use these ways to cure the whole body Not choosing which blood vessel to be fixed but I hope that when the function of the whole body is good blood flow goes smooth the blood can return to the heart effectively and there will be no varicose veins No wonder Mr. Miao just said that some methods of Western medicine may treat the symptoms but not the root cause On the contrary, Chinese medicine is more comprehensive. Apart from traditional Chinese medicine, it is It is not necessary to use acupuncture. Yes , we also use acupuncture . Acupuncture can soften local muscles and effectively restore the function of the second heart So the main heart is actually our heart, which pumps blood to body parts But we need to rely on the second heart, that is, our gastrocnemius muscle which can help pump blood back to the heart But why Mr. Miao have cramps? From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, if the blood is not flourishing, the tendons will cramp What is Rongjin? That is, the blood cannot nourish the tendons, so they will have cramps So when Mr. Miao came to see me, he would have cramps three to four times a week but when he came for treatment, we took it for about a month and he has obviously no cramps. The situation is much less , and now there are few cramps. After that, the pigmentation has actually decreased (yes) and the color has changed all the time the legs are not so hot It’s not so hot. It’s true. Without her, I would never know that How long do the treatment take to see an obvious improvement? After pricking traditional Chinese medicine is called bloodletting for short Bloodletting is to take some local blood. Didn’t I just say that varicose veins are some local blood accumulation because they can’t return to the heart so the tension of the local blood accumulation is released . In addition , he continues to take medicine and acupuncture and moxibustion started slowly and those ''grapes'' gradually narrowed the blood vessels Dr. Wong, I would like to know Other than working in a small space , and standing for a long time are the important factors Are there other factors that can easily cause this varicose veins? Some people, such as people who work a lot, are actually high-risk occupations In addition to chefs, there are also teachers police and flight attendants or people who often sit in offices without movement sit over 8 hours or 10 hours These people legs without stretching or they are often tense and do not relax in a movement. When the muscles are not relaxed and contracted it will make it difficult for the blood to return to the heart . Is there any daily movement that can relieve his varicose veins? For our physical therapists, this action is called Ankle Exercise (ankle exercise) That is, when we move our feet up and down , when the fat bowel muscles contract and relax, it seems that there is an Active Muscle Pumping (muscle pump) to pump the blood in the veins Bringing back to the heart is actually very simple We just need to find a bed at home and take some pillows to elevate the feet above the level of your heart . This is enough . But sometimes there are not beds everywhere, I will say Even if you are sitting here you can still move like this (raise your legs) Yes, you can do this in the air. This can already have a soothing effect, and it can also help 5 minutes every night Also can help Do you think it really has a soothing effect? Yes Indeed become healthy because they always have to stand at work. He can only sit for a while at lunch . Sometimes he often stands, and sometimes he has to carry heavy things This is a condition that exacerbates varicose veins and he needs to go to the health care. What What do you think is the most important point in treating this disease ? Persist in going to the doctor seek for Doctor help in the early stage he is really persistent, especially in the early stage Although he is very busy he will still persevere Mr. Miao, How do you feel When your condition is much better than before Well, the whole person became happy. What do you want to say to Dr. Wong? Thank you for not saying that . In fact, I really feel very happy. I can go through this with him We both said that he may not have confidence in me at first , but he is willing to try. He is willing to spend time and energy to drink medicine every day. To try this thing, I feel very happy to be his companion on this journey I think the most important thing about treatment is that doctors and patients trust each other and work together to achieve this result Today’s video is here. if you like our video remember to like, share and subscribe to our channel As a doctor, I feel very grateful I am very grateful because there are patients who are willing to entrust their health, illness and body to you. I hope you will I can help him. I am very grateful to Mr. Miao. He is willing to believe in me. We will persevere and work together to make things that most people think impossible possible. I am very grateful that I can be his companion in this process.
Channel: 健康嗎 Health Code
Views: 471,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 健康, 養生, 中醫藥, 保健, 食療, 食譜, 中醫 診斷學, 疾病, 疾病分類, 運動, 針灸, 醫藥, 西醫, 中醫 西醫, 中醫師 健身, health, healthcode, healthcare, health tips, good health, mental health, men's health, women's health, 男士健康, 女士健康, healthy, 健康嗎, chinesemedicine
Id: 3dNAoAGwnac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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