1 Week of Game Dev = ???

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how much game development can you get done in one week that's what I've been wondering for quite a while now because at the end of a week I often wonder do they even make any progress for did I get done this week the to-do lists just don't get any smaller and oftentimes at the end of the week the game still looks exactly the same as at the beginning of the week or at least that's how it feels this week we'll run a little experiment we'll see where the game set at the beginning of the week and then we'll compare where the game is at at the end of the week if you're making games then you might know that feeling of falling further and further behind in your way to optimistic time line which I'm not gonna lie can be quite frustrating and discouraging at times but is it all real do a really make that little progress or is it just an illusion let's find out the game I'm working on is called will you snail it's a fast and skill based action platformer where an AI tries to predict your movement and tries to destroy you if you want to do me a super big favor you can wishlist the game on Steam because that makes sure that you don't miss the launch and it also helps me to stay motivated helps me to understand how many people are interested in actually playing this game so the steam link to that will obviously be in the description now here's where the game was at at the beginning of the week last week I already had the time to implement some of the localization features as you can see you can change the language and the menu here now and the way this works is I can download this Google sheet here burp and then I've wrote a script that imports that file into game maker does that mean we just now will be translated into different languages I don't know I can't promise anything but I wanted to make it possible it's possible now that rework here was the main task of last week reworking the AI voice system which brings us to where we're now the beginning of the game I want to rework the beginning of the game this week I want to implement a bunch of cool new voice lines and rework the tutorial here that is tutorial text at the moment I want to get rid of that text because there's a better way to do this a way that fits better to the main selling point of this game dai so papapapa file it skipped through this a little more quickly as you can see there are three rooms at the beginning of the game at the moment that sort of teach you the basic movement and those other ones were gonna replace on Monday I started off the week by going for a quick run and then after my dance break I had to worry about an Islanders update for a little bit because we added additional languages and we updated to a new unity version so there were a couple of little bucks that had to be fixed and we had to rebuild the game and upload it to steam so very soon the game will be available in 11 different languages which believe it or not actually makes a big impact then the steam discussions needed to be checked real quick I just won't work on the game as always but I can't same procedures every week next up I wanted to make a thumbnail for winged Alliance guest post on my channel you might have seen that come out on the high quality gets post like that are always welcome on my channel by the way just want to put that out there of course that entire procedure took a while but for that video it was absolutely worth it and then I wrote the community announcement for next week's video where I'll check out your game dev channels you can find that announcement in the community section in case you missed it then I went for a little walk and the rain recorded some footage of my game for this video and then the day was basically already over no photon unity networking is one word though in circles by the acronym pun there's also you net which is unity network unity networking okay so if you want to make a multiplayer game with unity there are basically those two options right photon and then the unity option that is called unit or something like that there yes but a unit is being deprecated Monday evening I talked with Welton who's working on a very impressive online multiplayer game called under pressure at the moment if you're interested in how to develop online multiplayer games in unity and how to grow a community for that then watch out for the interview that will go up on this channel sometime soon I do like water it's Tuesday 9 a.m. time to get started game maker on one screen and then my voice lines on the other screen three nice setup for working on voice lines so I start repeating the new levels for the opening sequence of the game and also still had to do a couple of improvements and automations for my voice line system it's 11 a.m. and I call it in some of the tutorial voice lines recorded yet air or blood is voice line has not being recorded yet alright alright alright alright this looks better now but I'm still not quite happy with you with the architecture here like this already started to get very messy for just a little bit of simple logic later on when this voice line logic gets more and more complicated in other levels I want a solid system figured out for that like this is not the way to do it so after break I went into full-on hacker mode and try to improve my voice line system even further I felt like doing that now would save me a lot of time later I was not making progress as quickly as I wanted to but hopefully in the end it will pay off it is 4 p.m. now and all of the voice lines that mark the screen are already implemented into the game so I implement a huge bulk of voice lines which is very nice now I'll take a break and then like when I come back I'll implement all of the remaining tutorial voice lines down here here here here have a look unfortunately at the moment it's still a little bit hard to imagine how this will feel in the final game because we only have placeholder voice lines maybe maybe I have a couple of minutes to get started with another level because in the evening I continued my collab with welcome we recorded a video for Welton's channel as well where I let him play the last official version of the game this one has predetermined spikes and yes okay at the moment the game has automatic difficulty adjustments meaning that when you die a bunch it gets easier with sugar which is something I'll get rid of in the next version properly and you the player will be able to pick the difficulty her or himself okay oh wow that was that was just does me still a bit sleepy let's get the voice lines for this implemented for this level I feel like the reason why progress can feel a bit slow at times is because you're not really looking at the big picture you're only looking what did I accomplish today what did I accomplish this week and let's be honest sometimes what you can accomplish in one day or in one week is just very limited because in game development it's often two steps forward one step backwards so where the majority of progress comes from usually is from consistency from the fact that you have 50 weeks a year this is really something I'd be interested to know from you do you feel unproductive sometimes even though objectively speaking you're getting a lot done I find this a very strange phenomenon like as a game developer you don't really know how much is enough games are never finished there's always more to do and the further you are into a project the slower things seem to move which is why I think it's so important to know what you're capable of what you can do in one week so you can plan accordingly and then also do plan accordingly which is something I still haven't mastered yet I still have to improve at that because my timeline so far clearly doesn't work out well at least I included a lot of buffer time at the end now after a nice and long break it's already half past one so I have about 30 minutes to make some more stuff happen in here implement a couple more voice lines and then I'll have to start preparing for the interview once again sneak peek now full video later publishing updates for a game is worse that if you're really committed to it and do it for a long time that's a theory I don't know maybe yeah I mean it might be worth discussing with the guys you know because Ireland it really is sold 250,000 units you might be worth considering making it into a long-term franchise I mean even if you farmed it out to another development it's about 5:00 p.m. and I'm working on these two rigor zones here let's skip a couple of voice lines skip skip skip and you can see I'm debugging these trigger zones down here with a bunch of numbers a lot of debug variables on the screen which will hopefully help me to figure out a bit better what's going on here when I fall down here certain voice lines will be triggered like this one here nope there's no way turn around and take the road at the top and then I'm gonna fall down again it will once again trigger a voice line and when I stay down here it will trigger different voice lines like this one here staying down yours 100% pointless you're wasting your time down here final result of Wednesday I managed to finish a huge portion of the tutorial the only thing that was still missing were the voice recordings so guess what I did on Thursday I recorded the voice lines 50 voice lines and implement them into the game over the course of this project I probably record a lot of voice lines so now that I'm getting started with voice line recordings I wanna make sure that that work flows as efficient as possible from doing some research for that I'm currently downloading the new Cubase version over here cuz that will allow me to batch export all of my audio files much easier apparently there's a new feature for that so that's how they got me spending a bit of money for saving some time always worth it in my opinion if you can afford it I value my time so while Cubase 10 was downloading I started to do some quote unquote voice acting in fact you've already been jumping around like a madman please be so kind and double jump otherwise there's no purpose to letting you otherwise there's no purpose to letting you proceed recording the voice lines didn't take all that long installing Cubase did so I had to kill some down time managed to watch half a GDC talk with my angry face of course I was not angry I was just waiting well that's your up the waiting paid off there's a very cool feature in Cubist's that allows you to basically automatically edit your entire audio clip after that all I had to do was selecting these snippets and giving them their proper names sorry that this turned into a free Cuba advertisement I'm just sharing what I think is useful I'm sure there are a lot of other doors that allow you to do this exact same thing as well yeah thirty voice lines right there after some more technical difficulties i managed to batch export all of them with just one click which feels awesome especially when you know how long it takes to do all of that manually and after some more technical difficulties I'll spare you the details I managed to finally import them into game maker on Thursday I did another late shift for creating the thumbnail of this video and then my Friday of course was spent on editing it so no more time for game development this week so here's the moment of truth how much did I get done this week before we look at the direct before and after comparison let's sum it up with I implemented 130 voice lines from ground up I created three new levels and I've put a lot of cool systems into place that will allow me to add voice lines even faster in the future so all in all not an insane amount of progress but progress nonetheless ok so here we go that's how the second level looked at the beginning of the week for example just a little reminder a little bit empty a little bit bare-bones and also doesn't feel like it has a lot to do with the AI so I'm gonna show you the new updated version now and if you want to help me out then feel free to leave some feedback in the comments this is the beginning of the game the beginning of the game is obviously very important for any feedback you can give me and that is highly appreciated here we go [Music] right the fine so you are perky haven't figured out hauntings yet I guess you're pretty much as dumb as I expected so now you're moving along okay Morgan here just leave the level on the ride when you're ready to be tested [Music] okay this test is quite simple even you can understand it when I say go you must understand anytime from the menu by the way this is just my personal recommendation for making you feel as dumb as possible now go ahead I want to show you something [Music] go on oh I won't say anything funny cause I don't want to reward you for wasting my time [Music] do you know this one a superhuman a I ended human walk into a bar I want to give a big thank you to everybody first wishlist at the game already means a lot and I guess the message of this video is keep going keep pushing through stay consistent you'll get there of course to some clever planning don't over scope and yeah I mean that's it thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed hope you had a good time and I'll see you next week oh yeah
Channel: Jonas Tyroller
Views: 44,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, game development, devlog, dev log, indie game dev, indie dev, indie devlog, indie game devlog, game developer, indie game developer, game design, indie game, one week of game development, game dev diary, game development process, will you snail, week of game dev
Id: VrQwIXl_Px0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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