#1 Way NOT to Spook Deer

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now when you go out in the woods it's really important of course to try to fool a deer census and I'm talking about his ability or her ability to see us smell us and then certainly hear us and out of those three senses sight sound and scent there's one to me that sticks above the rest by far is way more important than the other two you know of course I talk about scent control I have a youtube video out there that I think it's approaching a hundred thousand views so it's obviously a hot topic of and and I talked about scent control scent control really is a non-factor if you know how to locate your stand or your blind appropriately so if you're actually putting your blind in a position that allows you to get in and out without spooking deer allows you to sit on stand and blow your scent into a non deer area for example maybe these mature Pines behind me right here then you really take your scent out of it doesn't really matter how much you smell now I like practicing scent control so I'm not leaving a scent trail in and out of the stand but once I'm in the stand then and you're in the stand your stand should be position that you're taking your scent out of the picture that deer aren't going to get down when you because let's face it if we mature pot gets downwind of you in most states especially the Upper Midwest doe or fog don't or Bach then they're gonna spook they're gonna run you know of course sight we have all the latest greatest camos and everyone is so particular about their camo patterns no different than Ford Chevy Dodge but the choice is there's a lot of camel I like something it's a little bit lighter because I'm a tree stand hunter I'm up in the stand all the time that being said does a camel pattern really make you a better hunter or make you blend into the woods that much more if you're using a backdrop you're not silhouetting yourself in the stand you're using a decent sized trunk you have trunks around ya then a lot of times you can blend right in and if you're not over hunting your stance and sitting in them every week several times per week and those deer are never going to know that you're in those stands so the sight factor is not really a big factor the scent factor is not really a big factor but folks hearing and the ability for a deer to hear you and when you get in and out of your stands as you access to your stands it all starts with hearing and I'll even say when when you start the truck you know we have the properties I have personally hunt I'm hunting 40 acre parcels three of them I don't a lot of small tracks on public land where deer skittish and so if I'm banging and clanging and stands making a lot of noise at the truck if my ding ding dings going off in the truck because I left my keys in there or my lights are on then that just makes me cringe I can't stand it so for me that being quiet starts right at the truck and then when I'm walking in if my gear my clothing if it squeaks if I have a backpack that snaps or rattling after I have gear that's moving around I can't stand it and if I'm walking in with someone that's the same thing I'm gonna say something I can't help it I couldn't help it since late 80s I can remember those awkward moments where can you please keep that quiet you know I'm trying to sneak into very small parcels and in the late eighties I was finding parcels or five acres 10 acres we just couldn't afford to spook deer 1/2 mile from the woodlot when we were walking across an Ag field because we saw that happening we saw that happen even in the middle a day where deer would run out the back we're just being too noisy and the ability to get into your stand and get to your stand undetected is critical now it does not mean I'm going to go out and with a leaf blower and blow off all the leaves and late October when they fall right before the road or during the rut and and make it so it's leaf free your ability to walk heel to toe and roll your foot forward you can walk through dry leaves you can walk through water you can walk very very quietly on the way to your stand I've taught my kids to do that you don't want to stomp stomp stomp to your stand you don't want to walk on your toes you walk heel to toe roll it forward and so the closer I get to my stand the slower I walk and the quieter I become now once you get to the stand a quiet quality tree stand is critical we use family tradition tree stands they're basically attached almost permanently to the tree they will not move they do not create they don't have any kinds of snaps or any kinds of fittings that need to be put through pins cotter pins to actually hold that stand together the actual stand itself that's the ladder the actual stand has you know we put it on a tee screw we Ratchet it to the tree but whatever stand you're using it's got to be quiet and think of it this way if you can hear it a hundred yards away if you can hear 150 yards away heck that's half way across almost a lot of forties you know a forty 40 acre parcels for 40 buy for 40 yards so then 220 yards in if that deer can hear you're clearing out half your property no it probably won't affect the dough's and fawns in young bucks but I'm here to tell you it will affect the mature bucks and being quiet and so a lot of times you know you start up the truck you do really well you make it to your stand you're doing great and then you climb into this creaky ladder stand that a deer can hear from 200 yards away to me I just ruined my hunt I've literally climbed into a tree made a noise knowing that I was 75 yards away from a bedding area knowing that if the mature buck was there that I'm hunting could hear me my hunt is done I've literally gone to another tree stand for that same wind because I felt that my hunt was ruined and I didn't want to waste that set opportunity I'd go somewhere else so that critical it's been that critical to me for decades so the stand has to be critical then of course all your gear your ball whatever you're doing in the stand moving around and let's say even if you're even if your clothing is less than ideal for being quiet well didn't just make sure when a deer comes in that you're leaning away from the tree if you're if you heat it up and sweated there's a lot of times where my back has frozen to the tree because I've been so sweaty I move forward I move back make sure that's peeled off and I'm free before deer comes in so you're really trying to think when that deer comes in can I move and get on him no of course you have to make sure he doesn't see you of course she already have taken care of they don't want to make sure these that he can smell you but you're looking at that situation you're saying can I get on that deer without making a sound if your clothing bow whatever might be pack whatever a branch off by your arm if it makes noise it's going to hinder you from being absolutely dead quiet when that moment of opportunity comes in then I'd get rid of it change it buy something different it's that critical so overall the ability for a deer to hear you and for you to clear out I firmly believe there's a lot of hunts and I know what's happened to myself that's how I've learned this that have been cleared out and your hunt is over before it even begins and I'll flip back we're in the yupi of Michigan right now just a few miles from now where I had some property I can remember a really important set I couldn't wait to set opening day at BOCES and I think it was 1999 went into my stand had a quiet access sandy access get on the tree starting to get daylight and I couldn't wait and I had my release hanging from my wrist I went to check my time the release hit the top of my bow made a noise immediately deer blew at me 200 yards away and my opening day set that I couldn't wait for and had worked on the land so hard for and put those stands in that location was literally over before it started it pays to be ultra quiet being quiet in the woods is the most important things a lot of predator moving through the property I'll give you one more example you know if some type of cougar some type of giant cat moved through the property they're gonna stink a deer could actually see them if they looked at him and saw him moving but a cougar has that ability to move through your entire property without being detected and that is largely based on their ability to not make one sound when they're walking through your property hunt like a predator be as quiet as possible and it'll really pay off in the deer woods this fall
Channel: Whitetail Habitat Solutions
Views: 474,158
Rating: 4.8417974 out of 5
Keywords: spook deer, stay quiet deer hunting, quiet hunting, fooling deer, spook, deer, deer hunting, sound control for deer, how to keep from, spooking whitetail, best way to keep from spooking deer, how to hunt, how to hunt deer, how to hunt whitetails, best way to fool deer
Id: HtfQkFKa13U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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