$1 Titan TV Man vs $1,000,000 Titan TV Man

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I have been sent on a secret mission to this Warehouse where I have a bunch of troops waiting for me Commander speaker what's going on I hear skies in there we've detected a brand new kind of skib toilet in this Warehouse it appears to be a skib toilet that is no longer confined to said toilet it stands on its own and it is not from our universe we're going to take it down we need your help are you with us absolutely hey skimy toilets no how did he find us here it is no matter we will not affect the events of the Multiverse let's take him down gang let's get him look at all of the dudes here oh it is a fullon battle hello Ural toilet I'll deal with these guys look at everyone going crazy wa I just got sent to infinity and beyond I'm coming back man I'm on my way bro the sky toilets just took out the cameraman the skiy toilets are going crazy on the cameraman oh my goodness dude we're taking so much damage oh no don't worry I've got a special ability look at this I am completely able to freeze all skiy toilets in their track but oh no we need backup this is bad look at this there's so many of them they completely got rid of all the cameramen oh pH I'm back out here that was terrifying they completely took out my entire Squad I need to call for backup and it looks look like backup has arrived right on time guys great work go get those skiy toilets now check this out oh we've got the dark speaker man agent here helping us oh my goodness I'm on my way what is going on down there I can barely even see here I'm almost home honey I'm almost here all right there we go oh we took out the okay skib Multiverse hit us don't worry I'll save us I'm I'm pausing the skib toilets here with my TV ability check this out they cannot even head towards me when I'm like this there we go oh take him down it's the sky Multiverse I'm going to free him in place while the dark agent speaker man takes on the multiversal skimy toilet that is so smart I am the backup while he takes on the main threat once we take this guy out we might get closer to figuring out what is going on dude Sky toilet just took out our cameraman ABC oh I I'll freeze both of them right here get get him boys get him I love the power of the TV man and guys today we're going to be checking out so many different levels of the tvman it's going to be insane let me just deal with this skiy toilet here waa that was close hey oh get him speaker man look oh he's running he's getting away stop him I need to escape to the Multiverse and alert the other skes they're onto US I can't believe he managed to escape that is crazy but what are these guys doing these guys oh oh hey he just ate the boot box man stop that I'm coming to assist take him down bki oh yeah this guy's dunzo this guy's absolute sting dity dunzo bro what was that I think we got a range cameraman with us let's just deal with this skibby toilet right now all right there we go how are we going over here oh wow there is a massive battle happening right now allow me to freeze these skibby toilets for you I'm going to deal with this skibby to what are you doing over there friend Haya take this skib ha SK bro how how is he still alive what is this oh there we go we got rid of the skib urinal and it looks like these speaker men have decided to wear the urinals on their heads a bit weird but let's go back to HQ and Report boss I think you're probably going to want to hear this one there's apparently an entire Multiverse of skippity toilets so it begins I knew this day was coming we're going to need every resource we have to take down this multiversal threat you have done well TV man I will issue you with upgrades for your next task your next task is to be the one that takes down the skiy multiversal agent that ran away all right boss well do few maybe I'm safe now not so far skibby Multiverse Toilet Man you think you can take me down I took out your a agent dark speaker man you haven't seen my technology yet let's get this party started you're going down check out this ability oh my backup has arrived let's take him down guys H oh I did a massive smack to him and we've got our entire Alliance going in here taking him on wait what's what's happening wait there's more toilets over there he's got backup don't worry guys let's go let's go check out backup he seems to be a bit preoccupied over here let's see what's going on over there oh my goodness toilets are everywhere but check this out with my TV ability I'm able to completely stop them I'm going to go take out this skiy Strider over here first and then I'm going to deal with the Multiverse guy later smash smack oh wow holy moly bro this guy does a lot of damage let's use our ability oh my goodness we just immediately took them out a larger skiy toilet and there's the Multiverse man oh guys this is bad this is bad I so low right now I cannot afford to take any damage let's keep hitting these guys with the power of the large TV man oh no I'm starting to get trapped I'm going to hit him check this out scoo oh we took out the skiy Multiverse agent that's exactly what we needed no he took out the boss what are we going to do you may have taken down El multiversal Ally but I am the strongest skimy toilet in this faction okay this this could be tough I don't have my back up here but I'll see what I can do oh dude he's actually quite he's quite dangerous this man is extremely dangerous I'm oh he's down no and don't forget to watch the end because we are upgrading our TV men from $1 all the way up to $1 million huh this is bad looks like I'll need to do things myself I am now the $1,000 Titan TV man and it's time to take on the military skib you may have taken out my friend but you won't take out me for the large TV man here we go oh we got a slap fight happening right now I'm headbutting him and I'm actually doing a lot of damage and he's barely doing any to me look at that power look at that ability let's summon some TV men while we're here let's initiate the summoning oh my goodness did you see that look at that as I was going to summon some TV men we're getting back up in here there we go we got three TV men who've come to assist back to the fight now look at this our backup is coming in and let's use the Ability on the military skiy toilet look at that and our TV men here are able to keep him completely Frozen oh he just took out one of my TV men that is not good he just took out my other he's taking out my entire TV men Army I'm going to have to hold him back with my red TV beam but this guy is getting stronger and stronger look at how much damage he's dealing oh this is bad I need to keep him down for the count it's time take him down once and for all goodbye military skiy now to continue our mission well well well it looks like we found the skiy scientist and he hasn't seen us but is that what down there is that a portal could that be a portal to the skiy toilet Multiverse this is bad we need to take him down now I'm going in and we've got our own cameraman Alliance here uh hold on wait a b hold on i b i b wait go back I need to call for backup that was bad that was way worse than I was expecting we barely escaped that one we're going to need even stronger help it's time to call in the Titan cameraman okay time to rejoin the fight and now we've got the Titan speaker man here helping us take on the katana skib toilet and we just took down the katana toilet and now it's time for these guys let me hit them with my TV look at that while the Titan speaker goes in there to take him down look at them all just sort of chilling down down there oh the Titan speaker man is bringing in a bombing run on the skimy toilets wait Titan speaker man be careful dude they almost took down the Titan speaker man that no Titan speaker man you will pay for this scientist ha we got rid of the scientist but we lost the Titan speaker man and we lost our troops was it worth it I don't know but some greater evil has been awoken something lies deep in the Multiverse waiting for us and if we're going to fight it we're going to need an upgrade I am now the upgraded Titan toilet TV man and I have found my way into the Multiverse and look at this my enemies lie ahead it is the clown toilet from the skib Multiverse let's see how we do here bring it on clown toilets yeah oh my goodness dude look at these hits from my upgraded claws that is insane I deal so much damage per punch these clown toilets are the ones that are the punch line and my punch line is pain this is the power of the $10,000 upgraded Titan TV man toilet guy oh oh ow yaowa yeah bro that helicopter is kind of crazy you know what I got something for for helicopters taste my Fury SK bro I what oh no I don't have the I don't have the ability to to um I don't I don't have the ability that allows me to use the TV on them oh this is bad this is really bad all I have are my claws that's all I can do guys we might be in trouble here as long as the main clown spy the clown boss doesn't come in I should be A-OK okay what was that what oh no guys this is bad we're going to have to take him on ourselves look at the damage he does he does so much damage I don't think we can do this wait is that the upgraded Titan speaker man he's found his way into the Multiverse to assist us let's go okay he's got the the spider main main spider Multiverse oh no the toilet TV is down it's up to the upgraded Titan speaker man bro how did this guy go inside oh no is he going to be able to do it I think he will look at that the upgraded Titan speaker in takes him down he takes them both down that's my boy in fact he's inspired me to upgrade myself say hello to the upgraded Titan TV Man Mark 1.5 complete with a battle axe error error infected by skidy parasite commencing battle against Alliance oh no that's not good oh no guys the upgraded Titan speaker man has become infected oh my goodness that is so much damage I need to use my abilities everything I got to take down this guy holy moly that that is terrifying Haya take this taste my battle axe okay it really is not doing much oh my goodness he is dealing so much damage I need to take him down yesterday oh I am sorry to do this upgraded Titan speaker man oh that was so close but we took down the upgraded Titan speaker man I cannot believe that the skiy toilet parasites infected him this is so bad for us I need to get to the bottom of what's Happening oh no you don't I'm here to bring you a delivery from the Multiverse Gman why are you working with him because he can do what I couldn't he can defeat all the alliance well then looks like I'll have to defeat you the battle is on guys I am taking on everybody from the skiy toilet Multiverse let's see how I can do these guys are much weaker than the upgraded Titan speaker man but they're all still very terrifying let's hit him back oh my goodness guys that is so much damage here let's take out the Michael Jackson toilet first he is the first one that poses a threat to us and once he's dealt with that is good perfect amazing all right now let's deal with the skiy toilet from the Multiverse in fact you know what let's go for the Gman right now the g man's providing range support here oh they are both stopping us let's hit them both at once with the power of our speakers oh my goodness we took them out in one go okay guys everything should be a okay now oh my goodness out of nowhere what are These Guys these are corrupted cameramen and the corrupted speaker man from the skippity toilet Multiverse these guys are terrifying look at these dudes can I hit him oh look at that speaker technology look this speaker technology allows me to utterly push these guys back oh they don't stand a chance they don't stand a chance but what is happening guys something bad is going on in the skib toilet Multiverse that is causing these guys to attack me who could be the behind this I need to figure out what is going on let's just finish these off with a couple more blows from my mega Axe and oh yeah we took down the corrupted Titan speaker man and say goodbye to the corrupted Titan cameraman goodbye fool I need to keep looking in the Multiverse something is very wrong let's go through a portal and have a look aha I knew something was going on through here the skiy toilets have been working on something at this strange location let's put a stop to this hi take him down oh dude this is so much easier this is so so much easier than when I was fighting the the the upgraded speaker man here we go look at that with one ability we just absolutely sco them tell me what's going on here upgraded Mafia man whoa oh my goodness this guy's actually got some moves on him I'm going to circle around him and come in for the for the O here we go hi oh yeah that's some good damage look at that look at that damage oh beautiful SK and you are done for pal BR is nothing going to be able to stop me perhaps I will wait who are you you look like the Titan sperman but it's like you're dark and evil I am here from a universe where the alliance is evil and you will be destroyed all right then dark speaker if it's a fight you want it's a fight you're going to get let's oh that's some damage here let's go what no I'm barely doing anything no that is so bad oh oh there we go that's what I'm talking about oh boy oh boy he does a lot of damage he does a lot of damage oh my goodness I don't even know if I'm going to survive this one let's use it oh the speaker damage on the speaker is funnily enough what does the most damage to him if we can escape here we might be able to do some things oh we knocked him back wait he's going for a bombing run oh that was close that was so close guys he almost took us down that was terrifying dude let's go and summon some TV men from while we're at it here we got to make sure that this guy is distracted let's send in the large cameraman the large TV man I should say let's see how these guys do against him oh my God he just took them down what about the UPG the the Titan TV man oh my goodness dude he did nothing it's a good thing I'm in my brand new upgraded form to be able to take him down check this out you will not go any further you're going to get sent back to the Multiverse oh my goodness that battle was legitimately so close guys he almost took me down that was scary I think I need to upgrade myself let's get let's upgrade and fight the next threat I am now the $100,000 upgraded Titan TV man and I am completely surrounded by Gman toilets but I don't think I'm going to lose check this out feel the mighty power of the upgraded Titan TV man oh that's a lot of them look at that oh my goodness I use one ability and they get destroyed and that's not even my ultimate ability I still have one more ability remaining I can deal with so many gmen at the exact same time check this out scabi and you scabi and check this out oh wow the other one just kind of disappeared look at that ability of the upgraded Titan TV man that is well worth $100,000 am I right oh TV man you don't understand what's about to come from the Multiverse to destroy you I don't need to I'll destroy it and you look at this it's the skiy scientist along with the same military toilet from before but look at how the tables have turned it is completely different now now I am the one that is barely taking any damage here despite them trying to O me I'm going to over here and I'm going to use my ultimate a power because the skiy scientist has done enough he opened up the multiversal portal it's time to put him to rest here we go feel the power of my energy beam oh that is beautiful check that out and then we're going to finish off the skib scientist with our energy beam again oh my goodness look at that sorry skiy scientist you couldn't unlock this technology boom and we barely took any damage is anything going to be able to stop us what the are those the monsters I've heard from the Puppy Playtime Universe it's time to go monster hunter hunting Hunter H bring it on that's what I meant to say oh that is a oh my goodness they do damage these guys do a lot of damage I need to stop them in their tracks holy moly that is terrifying guys if I can get in the air and activate my energy beam oh that's not going to hit anything bro this is bad these guys actually teal quite a bit oh no I I oh wow I have not said my prayers yet I'm going to stop these guys where they stand they're not even going to be able to get a chance oh no oh no nightmare catnap he's gone nightmare form this is bad this is bad activate the energy beam if we can take out nightmare catnap oh no this is close no they took out the Titan TV man upgraded look at him as he falls to his knees he wasn't strong enough these guys are too strong it's a good thing we have the $500,000 upgraded Titan Cinema man bring it on catnap and the Gang by the way notice just how quick this guy moves we have upgraded our Mobility 1,000 fold this speed on this alone is incredible now let's bring it on check this out look at that light ability that is insane and now we can just take on kissy Missy ourselves so let's go and bring the punch uhoh oh wow no they still do a lot of damage don't worry I'll hit them with a light ability the power of the light shall command you okay we do so much damage with our light ability with the cinema Titan look at this and we can escape them so we can run back and we can continuously use our light ability oh look at this it's it's constantly glowing that's beautiful hey goodbye nightmares oh dude that's why it's so good this illuminates the nightmares so that it takes them down and it prevents them from ever harming anybody again oh yeah baby that's how we do it dude this guy is so strong let's see how it does against the entire skimy Alliance these guys have come from the Multiverse to take me down but I will be the one that is taking them down Bring It On ski e oh my goodness we already took out the buzz St look at how much is happening here I'm going in close we're going in close to deal major damage look at the damage we're dealing here and that's without our ultimate light ability look at this oh that the skib melts like butter it melts like butter check this out Astro detainer absolutely destroyed and now the UFO hey you can't run forever UFO where'd he go there he is check this out oh I just got to find him in the right spot if I find him in the right spot I can get him I can get rid of him let me just quickly deal a sword deal with the katana ha take this Katana boy yki bro they barely even chipped my armor oh he barely managed to teleport out of there ha oh my goodness guys this guy is good hi oh but not good enough not good enough at all Mr UFO your movements are becoming predictable oh we hit him again that is beautiful okay where is he oh here we go let's see oh bki oh baby that's what I'm talking about the Astro UFO skib toilet has been taken down but oh no I just sensed something coming from a portal somewhere it's Godzilla what I cannot believe this guys it is Godzilla from two the 2014 movie look at this that is terrifying how am I get what's that what's he doing hey wait go oh my goodness he's got his laser beam let's take him down sorry Godzilla it's time for you to go go wow he knocked me back quite far let's jump up there oh my goodness what a smack uhoh he's charging up the laser can we Dodge it we got to dodge oh oh it's actually dealing quite a bit of damage I mean where he's actually damaging us that's unheard of maybe I can hit him with my hit him with the TVs wait what is do these not work on him oh no there we go there we go we hit him back we we just got to keep using that look at that ability oh wa okay I got knocked back again let's keep going keep at it keep attacking oh my goodness he keeps knocking me back so far okay can bring it on Godzilla here's the Titan TV man uh-oh over shot overshot overshot overshot oh the laser oh the energy blast oh that is bad oh my goodness dude how is he doing that can I jump over here and hit him with that let's hit him with our TVs while jumping oh wow dude oh he's always he's running towards me that's terrifying hya take oh ow yaowa oh my goodness dude Godzilla is doing so much damage dude the skiy toilet should not have opened up no no no no okay watch this here comes the biggest Dodge of all time Dodge it no Godzilla just took down the $500,000 upgraded Titan Cinema man I cannot believe that there's only one more Titan TV man we have left and he's also the strongest this is the $1 million Titan TV man also no known as the mythical Titan TV man let's take down Godzilla ourselves here we come oh he hits us with the energy beam but it does barely anything oh we're going in we attacking Godzilla's legs let's see how much damage did that do where is his HP bar how do we even see it what impossible okay there we go let's use our first ability on Godzilla oh my my goodness check out that ability that ability is absolutely incredible it dude this is nothing look at that oh that barely does anything compared to the mythical Titan TV man's TV attack I cannot believe that that is Savage they've even got a king gadora now look at this dude he's gigantic and look at the mythical Titan TV man he's so small but we're going to take him down we need to protect the Multiverse let's do it for the multivers oh we getting knocked back by King gor's lasers but that's okay we don't need to worry about that L we're going to go for his legs sweep him sweep him out from under him H oh wow he's kind of just stuck there yo brain knocks are so far back look at that let's see how much damage we did real quick cuz I can activate the uh there we go there's the health bar okay we did like nothing we did nothing there and kodor is actually starting to damage us so let's use our ability on him let's see how much damage that did I think we got to get up close to activate the health bar here we come it's on King gadora let's BR let's go oh yeah look at this look at that scaba doobie okay let's see how much are how much damage are we looking at right now what he took almost no damage oh my goodness guys this is going to be a battle of the ages can the mythical Titan TV man take down King Gora what the Bro Look at that that is terrifying let me just get him out of this spot here there we go you're welcome pal now what happens if we up the damage we're going to up both sides damage to 6.6 in fact we're just going to up it to 10 times nine times 10 time times damage now let's see what happens when the upgraded mythical Titan TV man it does almost nothing it's a stalemate we need something to change what oh wait he took a bit of damage but so is the wait what the mythical Titan TV man took him out that is the power of the $1 million upgraded mythical Titan TV man and it looks like all of the strongest characters in the m Multiverse have come to stop us but we're not going to let that happen bring it on boys let's see what happens we already take out so many of them we're just standing here hitting with every swing look at that every swing we do major damage look at that damage oh my goodness and that's not even thinking about oh wow they're actually doing some damage to us though but look at that okay I think it's almost time to bring out the ability are you guys ready for it check this out out into the air and kabushi oh my goodness that is so strong we took out the future cameraman Titan and the Titan TV man upgraded in fact I think we just won but we just oh hold on wait that's the future Titan Speakman coming in let's slice him he's the only one remaining oh he deals a lot of damage oh this guy deals a hefty amount of damage look at this dude but so do we and we're going to take down the future Titan speaker man and now we're on half HP but there's still one last threat to the Multiverse and it's all of me how are all of these guys going to do against the power of the I didn't even do anything they just damaged me and my automatic hit hits them like check this out I didn't press anything there just when they do damage it attacks them look at this I'm just going to run away look I I'm not even pressing anything and funnily enough the normal TV man and the large TV man are here they're the only ones that are left dude that is so cute I'm going to keep them as pets jokes SC boo guys the Multiverse is officially safe and this is the $1 million Titan TV man smash like And subscribe for smiley face TV man
Channel: Blocky
Views: 351,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JQ6uWTieRV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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