- You know, what are some of
the specific skill sets then that a young entrepreneur should have that are most important for them to have to set themselves up for success? - The number one skill in business is the ability to sell. Period!. There's no relationship between
being good at what you do, and getting paid. There's a huge relationship between being good at what you do, being able to sell and getting paid. Some of the highest paid
people in the world, they're not the best at what they do. They're the best at selling what they do. As an entrepreneur, if I have a product I need to sell to the marketplace and why
did you buy my product? If I need a loan to go
to the, I go to the bank, I need to sell the banker why they should loan me the money to expand or to start my business? If I have vendors, I
need to sell my vendors, why don't you give me better terms. If I have employees, I
need to sell my employees why they should perform, why they should follow
me and follow my mission and go with where I see
the vision I wanna go. Your selling every day, period. That's our number one skill that we need. And yet, most entrepreneurs if you ask them so why
should I buy your thing? 'Cause it's good. And then they go on and they
don't know anything about it. Not that it's not their fault. It's just they've never thought on how to not just beginner
entrepreneurs, by the way, because I advise consult
with so many entrepreneurs. I don't care, multimillion dollar 10,
20 million doesn't matter. I say tell me what you got. They can't articulate it. They can't sell it. That's a problem, right? If you can't even sell what
you do, then how do you, how do you get your people
to sell what you do? It's impossible. You should be the number one
salesperson for your company. Steve Jobs is a number
one salesperson for Apple. Period. When he was remember the iPhone back then? It is a product announcement,
yes, revolutionary. It's not a product announcement,
it is a sales presentation. He's selling the iPhone to
the world for the first time. Elon Musk, discipled have you seen
the Cybertruck, yeah. Elon well although, how many
have you seen the accidents? Right? Number one skill. And then afterwards, of
course, financial literacy, being able to refine in
financial statements, leadership, negotiation, marketing,
I could go on and on. But number one skill is sales. Does that make sense? - [Crowd] Yeah. - The problem is, when I say the word
sales what comes to mind? Door to door, what comes to mind? - [Audience] Stymie. - Stymie What else? - [ Audience] Snake oil. - Yes, snake oil used car salesman. So it is a number one skill that we need. And yet the minute we think
about sales, it's like, is there like a such a dirty word. I don't want to be a salesperson. I don't wanna sell anything. Well, sales equals income. When I hear someone, an entrepreneur, a startup entrepreneur, and they say, I don't wanna sell anything, you're broke. Guarantee, I don't wanna
sell it, you're broke, 'cause that means you might as
well say I don't like income. It's no different if they
say I don't like income. Because here's my belief and you don't have to buy my belief. But I believe if you truly
believe in what you do, you're morally obligated to sell it. It is your duty to sell it. If I believe Vince, you should drink eight
glasses of water a day for your well being and I sell water, I need to convince you and sell you why to drink that eight
glasses of water a day. Now, although you might
say I don't have time. I don't I don't drink
it's too inconvenient. I have to go to the
bathroom too many times. I need to overcome those
objections and convince you, you should drink eight
glass of water day and my company provides the best water. The cleanest water and to make that sell. You may not even know you need it yet. But it's my job to educate
you why you need it. There's certainty and then you drink eight glasses of water
a day your health improves. That's the difference so, you can help anybody if you don't sell them. You can help them if you don't sell them. So sales is not a dirty word. It's actually to me one of the most noble professions in the world. That's why I train so many salespeople. It's a beautiful profession. Nothing happens until a sale is made. You're here because
someone sold you a ticket. You could stay home and watch Netflix. But someone saw you, Hey, you should be at the gala. I heard that maybe there's an interesting
person that's coming. I don't know if he's any good, but let's see what happens. I got nothing to do, you
know, Friday night anyway. But someone sold you a ticket,
so that's why you're here It is very simple.