#1 Rainbow Warriors Vs Harvard

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[Music] it's game on presented by spectrum sports the unbeaten in number one ranked Rainbow Warriors soon of Papa and this is game on presented by spectrum sports for Rainbow Warrior volleyball we for sure have a lot of talent on the team so and it was also good to see a lot of guests in playing time and doing pretty good and I think we still have a lot of levels that we can increase found in silico var game the overall we're still a work in progress you know offensively there's just a lot of and the trouble is getting so many new guys is that you know you're the main guys aren't getting as much reps and timing so you know that that will come with time and we're gonna continue to get you know they let the depth kind of see where it really is definitively so continue to get guys into the game but there's a question that we've got a lot of work to do the thoughts from the guys on the early beginnings of this twenty twenty season boy off to a three and OH start hi everybody Scott Rob's Lisa's grandma and Ryan clay suji and this week the first tournament for the rainbow lawyers are raising cane's Invitational how I got things started last night and so did Harvard Harvard with a straight set victory over Grand Canyon for Grand Canyon and Harvard those were their first matches of the season Hawaii easily took care of a manual on earlier today this Grand Canyon impressively over emmanuel and strange says we went back to last night as you would expect domination by Hawaii 20 of the 21 players on the roster played well definitely dominating 87 minutes is what it took for Hawaii to come out and dominate look at that hitting percentage and the other thing that that really stands out to me are zero blocks from Manuel last night so Hawaii very efficient offensively I think what's important to note is he saw those scores and the fact that Hawaii did not drop off despite putting in practically their entire bench as we mentioned earlier twenty players participated in last night's matches and to be able to maintain the level of consistency and maintain those scores throughout the match regardless of its your starting lineup or your bench says a lot about the depth of this team in Hawaii's first three matches of air last week against Charleston last night against Emmanuel let's be honest probably the B side would give the a side more trouble than those three but your thoughts here in the early going on what you see from this team well I think number one the team was plagued a little bit with like the flu this week and it just gave the opportunity for many more players to play but what Charlie Wade has been working on with his staff is efficiency he wants to get players time and he wants to get them confident working with one another whether it's the a or the B team or any one of the three setters that is currently on the roster and you have to think long term as well not only for the overall success of this team but also the culture it's very difficult in the team sport obviously when not all the players get playing time and then you know attitudes thin to come out it's a great weight and a really great start to be able to allow players who work just as hard in the practice gym and are just as much important student-athletes as the starters of the see that opportunity that chance to get significant playing time because as the season progresses Charlie will not have that luxury of putting in 20 players so he's really taking advantage of it right now would you say though the starters are pretty solidified right now I think they are I think we know who those starting lineup said the starting line that has not really changed since the beginning of this season thus far going into game number four of the season and I think we kind of already knew who they were gonna be it's really a matter of who's gonna be the first off the bench and if there's any room for any adjustments in any of those positions has there been any surprises yet I mean kind of hard when you win all three matches fairly easily well I don't know if there's any surprises but I liked last night I came to the match and have the opportunity to watch and there are a couple players that really stood out there's a lot of athletic players and there's 21 of them so I think as the season progresses it's gonna be interesting to see if all these players can continue to suit up or possibly there may be some redshirt freshmen ran the depth of this team it is pretty scary I mean it is I mean we saw Chaz Galloway last week coming off a bunch a player that did not even play last week and wasn't even here in Hawaii was actually back home came back got cleared to play and when and led the team and kills last night a high-flying freshman out of San Diego he's going to probably be the future on that outside so the fact that Hawaii and can be able to play these freshman and see significant playing time and I think we'll expect to see the same tonight this is a lot of other scene a big Galloway's vertical is something like 43 initiatives which is very similar to Chris McLaughlin talking about first how about Kunal Kunal and Chris they'll be calling the action guys that's right the high flyer Chris McLaughlin Kanoa Leahey here at courtside thanks a lot to the corner crew for getting us going Chris obviously last night was incredible it's like one of those all-skate nights we got a volleyball coming into the scene here one of those all skate nights at the rink right it's like one of those all swim moments at the public pool everybody got in and everybody got to have some fun [Music] all right yeah I think we're having a little bit of microphone issues for my partner Chris McLaughlin here and so we're gonna switch headsets here in a moment it's kind of like a pit stop in the Indy 500 we got some of the staff members some of the crew members here helping to get readjusted and so once again I welcome back Chris McLaughlin again last night was such a novelty almost an anomaly in some ways to get that many players in on some action and you know Charlie Wade when asked about red shirting possibilities and those kinds of things he comes off almost as if I don't really want to hear that stuff I'm not looking to redshirt anybody I just want everybody to play if they earn some time or if we have an opportunity to get them in exactly right like Ryan Suzie just said to get to get more than about eight or nine guys into a game normally against tough matches is really hard so to get 20 guys in last night was amazing and it's great for team morale when guys and every guy will you know go to the locker when the match is over and all their shirts are wet they like that that's right and so yes they go up against a manual out of the conference Carolina's last night and they dominate in sweeping fashion they're off to a three you know starts I think a lot of people are looking at this early season schedule and thing and hey look these aren't some of the brand names and men's volleyball you know these aren't the UCLA's and usc's and Stanford's here at the top end of the schedule but Hawaii is about to take the floor against a team that has some high aspirations in fact it was the only a few seasons ago where this Harvard team made it to the NCAA tournament out of the eiv a they are preseason picked fifth in that conference this year but they had started for freshmen throughout last year took some lumps but particularly two of the now sophomores on the outside Campbell Schoenfeld and Eric Lee they are off to a pretty strong start here in 2020 they really are they're high flyers today one of them touches 1110 the other one touches 11 five so they really get up high and hit the ball hard really fun team to watch I was a little bit shocked I just got to give it to that Grant County match last night Frank in heavily-favored they got receiving votes for the top 15 in the country their coach Matt Worley believes like his team can really pull a lot up since sure and here comes Harvard out of nowhere three and out I was I was shocked I really thought I'd go five baby or in ranked our Grand Canyon in three not Harvard so they showed a lot of spunk and and fiery attitude on defense they did a lot of things well I really loved watch them play I think Hawaii's gonna have their hands full a little bit here tonight I think it'll be the toughest match so far this year yeah what kind of man do you anticipate then I mean what do you think we're going to be looking at here what will it come down to well I think it's gonna depend on how Harvard's offense can run I think Hawaii's middles are gonna have to get their track shoes on because Harvard offense is set by Matt sterling Bill's really fast to the outside so the middle is we have to be running out there to try to close that block that's me one of the keys because this offense is really quick and as soon as they start running to the outside guess what they set the Bick the back real quick out of the back row and they're really good at it they got a lot of kills last night against Grand Canyon that were unexpected yeah so a good litmus test I think early stage of the season not just for Hawaii but maybe for the Crimson of Harvard as well all right we'll see you at first serve we'll make sure as headsets working let's send it back over to the corner crew live television you gotta love it thanks guys get the greatest plays hardest hits and scheduling info by following spec sports high on Instagram Facebook and Twitter don't go anywhere welcome back we're in a focus on the center Jakob hello [Music] and welcome back to Stan Sheriff Center coming up in a couple of minutes first-served number one Hawaii taking on the crimson of harbor their CEO capella the sophomore out of Norway and he's kind of been handed the keys here this year you see what he's done so far he started all three matches the numbers not the greatest because he's only played sparingly against the two matches against Charleston in the last night against Manuel but one thing about Jakob is that last year he spent a year as an understudy to Joe early this year it's just time to shine just getting comfortable in my position and just yeah have a good communication with the rest of the guys and that role was really different for me going from a freshman just getting a bit of playing time and now having the role being started we're sharing the reps the setting position here early in this season more so than we've done in the last few years and I think that aloy benefit us as the season goes forward in regard to Jacob specifically you know he's got some big shoes to fill and we're just again continuing to work with him and and want him to be the best version of himself that he can be for this season that would just say just get into my role as good as I can and be the best just going up am i improving my game and just developing as a player and then connecting good with my team brought to you by First Hawaiian a bank and I want your say what to be about jakob teller who's pretty much been handed the keys to this year's team he's the guy that's getting the start I guess the one big difference from he and Joe Worsley is about six inches right I mean he's a much taller center well definitely I mean he's six six he's a lefty he's got international experience and he's young at this position you just heard coach Charlie Wade say this is the first time we've handed over the keys to the our offense this young and it's true he's only a sophomore has not had a lot of experience on the court with these players but he's got to be loving it right now because he's running the he's been given those keys last night he started to include the Bick or the bathro and really getting a much better feel for all of his teammates he seems to be the go-to guy as of right now for this team I think it's gonna be difficult for any sitter coming into this situation having to come after Joe hoarsely and I think it's not fair to compare him to Joe RC and I think you know going around town and talking to people and friends who know volleyball everyone wants to know like how is this Center committed because everyone compares him and I think it is not fair that he should even be in that same conversation he is a different player and I don't think it's fair to be able to try to find ways to compare this young man so I think there's a lot of pressure on him but he's handling it great I think he's coming into his own knowing what role that he has to fill even way that he he's just a different player the contact of the ball in which where he sets a higher release than Joe Joe so it's a whole different game and I think he brings just different dynamics I would like to see him be much more offensive we saw glimpses of that last week where he took the ball on two I like to see him own that and become more offensive and really just that I think the biggest key for him is learning what to do in some of those off plates knowing what the flow of the set allows and what he's capable of doing the guy is surrounded by all Americans I mean he has probably the most loaded team in the country did you hear what Charlie says we want him to be himself really to me what it sounds like reading between the lines just just don't mess up I mean you've got all these weapons just get the ball to the guys and let them do their business well he absolutely knows who his offense is he's got three all Americans out there and four returning starters this guy knows where to put the ball he knows where rato is his bat set is on location he's setting to the pins if you will setting Radha who's a big lefty as well right on point and he's getting the ball out to Fulton cattle on the outside as well the big thing is establishing those those Patrick Gass Minh and boss as well just getting in his system and learning his own office you know a few years well more than a few years cuz I'm older than that but when Charlie and I coach together there was a young player by the name of Cano kominato who is coming in and have to set three all Americans including Kim Willoughby and Lilly komoku and Charlie would always tell Kohn oi just calm down and just set the high ball don't worry about it just put up a hittable ball they'll take care of the rest I think it's the same situation in this place he has a great outside hitters he doesn't have to do anything fancy he has talent on pins just set a hittable ball they'll take care of the rest by the way he has withstood Jake Jacob but really his name is Jakob and that's what he prefers so that is what we will call that young man all right we'll take a break when we come back the match up the Rainbow Warriors and the Crimson from the Stan Sheriff Bennet well there's no rain and no wind inside the Stan Sheriff Center too late we'll be taking on Harvard here in a couple of minutes [Music] let's part of the dashboard brought to you by Bank of Hawaii and into the early portion of 2020 let's take a look at the stat leaders for the University of why those feeding percentages guys are ridiculous well I think you also have to keep in mind these players haven't necessarily played a lot of sets I mean gasping themself it's only played in four sets even though these tim has played through a number of matches because of the facts of the pudding is so many people so I mean based off these numbers the 60 11 80 percentage pretty good you look at coaching colleges was 409 yeah I think you see the majority of the system so for him to have a 419 percentage which the Amata set that he's getting I think bodes well and again quite a part window weevils those numbers continue to climb throughout the season let's take a look at some of the returners from us easy to go for Harvard and Harvard has the two sophomores errantly there you see an outside hitter as well as Campbell don't field further to go go to guys if you go there both as well as Griffin Schmidt but the other player you want to be watching is Forrester berkland air center he's an amazing Center his dad was an all-american gold medalist he's a silent leader but he's definitely a leader and he's a great server as well last night it took Harvard 83 minutes to beat Grand Canyon I think most people thought Grand Canyon was gonna win that match so obviously this will be the first real test I think boys had here in the early goings what can we expect well I think for Harvard they're gonna have to come out and just play strong again this is a team that has nothing to lose and you'll hear say that a lot this season especially as Hawaii continues to be the number one ranked team in the country and that can get kind of scary at times a team that really will just kind of go all up and you got to think they're gonna play smart they're from Harvard it could be using some smart shots here and they are will tell you the grant assistant coach with Harvard actually played here built by I had the opportunity of talking with him before the match and he said we're gonna win we're gonna win at the pins and basically they're gonna try to get Hawaii out of system they're gonna serve tough make Hawaii pass there you see Bill Vilas all-american player here in the 80s back in the day and he's gonna volunteer assistant coach here for Harvard and he said we got a win at the pins our big boys are on the outside and we're gonna set them and just try to slow down rato park you know all right let me ask you guys both this for Hawaii to win tonight they have to do blank well I think they just have to be consistent I think consistent from all areas they don't necessarily have to put that highest gear on and go full throttle I think they just have to be consistent from your service line they have to be consistent offensively and not necessarily make a lot of errors I think if they just play flat uh consistent volleyball throughout they'll come away with the victory and truly back to what Charlie wait continues to say to us every time we talk to him for the past few years they're looking to be efficient and there's they're looking to improve every time out on the court to get better with each point you talked about last night 20 players getting ax and I don't expect to see that many it's one thing about Charlie he's not afraid to use the bench we could see a number of guys tonight as well good way but you will I think you're gonna see a lot depending on if everybody's healthy or not no but a lot of the players last night were not a hundred percent and so I think that led utilizing more and more players as well but give the players time to just rest and become better for tonight yeah and I think a lot of the fans always look forward to seeing and those bench players come in especially the local boys there's a few on this team and the crowd always goes crazy when those boys coming to the game it's Hawaii its Harbor and it's coming up next with the navs without the Hawaii photo eight and the starting lineups aruba's we'll be back between sets two and three and with that we welcome you inside the Stan Sheriff Center Kanoa Leahey next to Chris McLaughlin cement take us through the Kaiser Permanente keys to the match as we start play here in the Stan Sheriff Center we've got neutralizer eraklyon pebble short film will be tasked to do this job at the outside for why they've got a green glossy and read the center the other team can you h's middles get to the outside and close in time so as not to leave holes in the block well the first kill put down by Eric Lee and then he gets a couple of hands on the swing by Rado Potter Poonam but it goes off the block and so a 1-1 start to this match Financial FC starting lineups will scroll at the bottom of your screen Hawaii played 20 of 21 players on the roster last night in a sweet victory over Immanuel Harvard on the other side they pulled off the sweet as well of the feeding Grand Canyon and what a lot of people thought was a bit of an upset on night one of the Raising Cane's Rainbow Warrior classic three blockers up for Hawaii but it goes off the block and into the pin and so that is a point for the Crimson [Music] Harvard coming off of a year where they went six and sixteen overall five to nine in the eiv a but remember only a couple of years removed from their first ever eiv a title and NCAA Tournament appearance and off to a pretty good start here thanks to the ACE by Eric Lee last year they took their lumps started four freshmen that played significantly throughout the year one of them now a sophomore is Eric Lee he at 11 kills last night he is really good on the outside and this is one of the rotations where they think they can score may have been an out ball played there by Colton Cowell Papa poonam gets a swing from a back row and the block is up Harvard able to put up the wall that was Campbell Sean felt another one of those sophomores who played significant time last year he got the gist of that block in all I IV a honorable mention as a true freshman a year ago so for serving one just like that in favor of Harvard Lee this time serves an end to the twine and it is a point for the Warriors [Music] this batch ghost lankan aw why is so deep they can go to their bench and and really rest people if they have to Harvard does not have that luxury yeah very faint t see Brian bays in his season as the head coach for Harvard and could serve there by Phillip whom Blair gets the overpass Hawaii on the attack its Pat Gassman swiped at it so Harvard able to play it back Lee will to hand it over free chance here for the Warriors hideaway it goes to cow [Applause] [Music] I made that play Patrick Gass we're going card in the middle of the middle blocker leaving a hole on the outside gasps but had a one-on-one on the outside there you go go block late getting out there gasps but I think her toe might have gone over that block OTT time yeah just exploding on that set call the team best three point four three kills per set so far hitting 409 this young season and Pat Gasman getting his hands all over that middle attack right side the set goes to Griffin Schmidt rattled around Hawaii now plays it a bump set by Gasman call from off the net just sends it over Harvard playing it in transition it's Schoenfeld off the blocking out Campbell Schoenfeld 6:8 sophomore from North Tonawanda New York had 14 kills on 28 attempts last night against Grand Canyon touches 1110 we're starting to hear more and more measurements like that for this about every team exactly there's at least one on each team like that there's cow [Music] Oh [Music] brings his old trampoline to the game that's right he's got trampolines it is shoes as you see that attacked right there against three blockers it didn't matter and it's for surfing five here early on all smiles for the King Kekaulike high school alumni swing by Shawn felt good up there by pata Pune he'll get the set from whom layer and those fingertips on the Block in they set the back row my fella power hitter right where Rado likes it so a good burst here by the Warriors after going down 4-1 we are tied at 5 and Pat Gasman 610 fifth year senior getting ready to bring it across like many of the starters last night only played one set against the Lions of Immanuel good jump serve their right side set goes to Schmidt off the block back up over the net by goon layer high ball back set goes to shine fouled and it took a little something off and he was able to just guide it through and that gives Harvard the point the transition game blocks look about even both teams really solid at the net in each team obviously with heavy artillery on the outside the Shawn felt so far for Harvard and Cowell for Hawaii Harvard came in with a cool confidence and we saw it certainly embodied in that sweep over GCU Ryan Bay's liked the growth that he saw from the underclassmen a year ago you always have to have as one of your key pieces a veteran setter that always tends to help and they got one one of the better centers in the country in fact in Metz the vertical Sun up an Olympian bobster Berlin so he's it's in his DNA to play this game well here's the Hawaii setter an underclassmen jakob teller with the serb Schoenfeld his block back scramble maneuver taste our table to layout to keep it alive free opportunity here for the Warriors backside righto with the huge swing but he sends it wide and that is a point to Harvard [Applause] Walker late getting out there right I just bit off more than he could chew great save by the Libero chase Howard one of the seniors on the squad to keep that sequence alive and they ultimately get the point here is Schoenfeld now with the jump serve just tickles the tape good up there by lair righto against the double block two-hand save Howard Harvard on the attack Schoenfeld from the back row and he is able to find that line for another Crimson point in there up a deuce here eight serving six in the first officials here this evening Ernie hole atop the ladder wanly down on the floor Ryan Scudder and Kevin Shawn the two line judges tell us jump set goes to cow on the outside tell a able to cover it up off the block here's pata poon all off the set from games ones that nectar great sent by Gage and Ronald that time even when Brock was well formed four hands across and penetrating over the net didn't matter colleges went inside and down three kills already for Otto hitting 167 the jump served by Colin a good pass there by Howard and no blockers up on the slide - Ethan Reaper Airy but he wasn't able to take advantage caught it bat sends it long a six nine freshman from Mission Viejo California coaching staff loves this guy and certainly the promise in his future actually right they told me that he has got one big upside potential unable to cash in there though eight serving eight high ball outside set goes to leave three blockers waiting for him and he's able to get it through again down up against that in line some palms pointed upward on the whole east side of the net they thought that may had gone wrong and so Charlie Wade is going to challenge that in alcohol it appears with your favorite paddle the ping-pong tonight that's right they have brought it back here in 2020 so a bit of a different rule here this year in the review system whereas in the past three reviews each side of course you get an extra one in the fifth that stays the same but unlike previous years if you win your challenge you get to keep that challenge ooh that looks like it was out but a jiff Tameka Nam Kham call this one out reversal I think Carly Charlie's going to keep his first challenge of the year all right Hwang Lee taking a look at this the question always is is there enough there to overturn the call that is the standard of proof well it's really close it might have caught a little bit of white are you already starting to I think it could be in or out I see what you're saying there yeah narrowing it down see Meg that's just standing on that fence my man I try to get should be a reversal I think we'll call it out okay all right Wayne Lee it's like he's getting ready to take the headset off and he is going to the multiple so sorry CMAC it must be just enough ball to catch that white line in the middle of that review I was partially right don't you think I said it could be in or out you're right yes so you're claiming that we should give you credit there a point for your officiating on that review is the serve goes into the den the crowd will claim that that's athletic justice either way we're tied at 9 apiece [Music] already tied for the fifth time and this opening frame the wedding coming in three you know on the year ranked number one in the country riding a home match win streak of 20 dating back to 2018 good play by Guillermo Voss off debt ricochet but a point off couldn't put it down outside it's Lee with the big lined up and he uncorks one two hot to handle for even Colton column hit 417 this bombing from the outside picking up right where he left off last night passed her by home layer one of the better serve receivers for Hawaii [Music] launches it down comes up with the biggest swings she's got the kinesiotape working on his shoulder you just gotta hope that he does have a lingering children during the last all season world three put downs for Colton on five swings no errors the jump served by Potter Poonam rattled around and then Sean fell gets a swing out of it from the back row good dig there by Colton here is Powell from the back row good layout say it to the neck into the cable reach over too soon before the ball breaks the plane makes them good self-discipline there put it down gas for the two kills a sec show me some experience there was a time perhaps earlier in his career where Gasman went notoriously come into the net on those kinds of plays his part of Pune will try to go wrist but he sliced it a little too thin it goes wide and another point for Harvard so we are tied at 11 what do you think about this opening frame here so far seven ties we've already seen like I've seen the Warriors get being challenged and this is a good Harvard team to collect you said four freshmen played lot last year that win last night give tons for their confidence is Brent Kane lasers in mind the area that was to be emphasized here in this match according to the Harvard coaching staff they want their servers to look towards those lines from the service line and deep work deep and wide if they hold you that strategy I think they could give the bolts fits those who have to serve many balls out with a high percentage here's whom there tickles the tapley with a good-ass outside it goes to Sean and he's able to blow it by telling engage Worsley unconscious here so far more kills and three kills respectively press for those two outsides for Harvard after both big bangers thickly furs and though just sophomores [Music] so gassmann to the mention in to serve these J's Anastasi Alice but what he up on Anastasio does describe the way it is maybe being the best player in this see enemy certainly has put up some strong numbers here a team leading nine sets through the first three matches the only player to play seven Doug block he'll get the hype boom there it up there by still over the show-off short bail-jumping packing center in the front row big difference blood forces yoke the weight wants you to a joust at the net [Applause] [Music] the back series record is sponsored by taco Aston hospitality only one time have these two teams met and that was back in 2016 way of a sweep around the same time of year four years ago well the Warriors first a 15 prompting the media timeout but you look at the statistics in Harvard out hitting Hawaii in terms of percentage out blocking Hawaii they're tied in digs but what you're just finding a way to edge them by to here took this point but a competitive opening frame for sure here's tella with the jumpsuit passed by Sean felt tight to the net and it'll be played across opportunity knockin for Hawaii middle set to Voss couldn't put it down Lee on one knee with the dig from the back row it's Schmidt off the block saved out of the official area by Cowell pot upon off gets a swing sweat that by Howard to keep it alive here's Sean Phil took something off Cowell there to cover tella jump set backside [Music] sequence there how about the finish with runner ripping into the line he's gonna cross : Oh teeth shot by Cowell there to keep the ball alive and then rano showing that he's not just a cross-court hitter he can bring it heat down the line as well so 16 is serving 13 good hustle action there on the Hawaii side of the net tell us that wicked serve [Applause] last night total that's why he was number one civic specialist last year was oh stop be faced by teller welcome back is a pretty crazy Jack factor right here overall team effort last night in Hawaii's three-set win over a manual 20 Rainbow Warriors saw time Hawaii starting seven though hit 700 had three aces and two blocks and only played in the first set I mean even the third team hit over 400 which was something that blew Charlie Wade money and so I say you're they really do have yep righto well he's got that's for sure just blows it through that block and Hawaii up the handful thanks to a 500 run [Music] leading the way for all three winners Harvard wanted to key on him and you can do that it doesn't necessarily stop him maybe you can slow him down he is only hitting 167 which by his standard is certainly a little bit below his average that's why how does that key to the game neutralize Rada because you can't stop runner who's just so good tell her it serve again gets Harvard out a system high ball set goes to Schoenfeld and shoves the door this is something rockets were really hard on the last two summers getting up and become an effective blocker turn that block into the court was second on the team in total blocks last year it is now 19 serving 13 Hawaii creating some separation they have ripped off six straight tella took a little something off there the pass by Lee again gets Harvard a bit not a system Schmidt that was a laser being off the palm and Griffin Schmidt gets his second kill to finally end that Hawaii run good swing by Schmidt entice a bit of an undersized opposite at 6'5 the leg grottoes 69 like a left-handed six Niner if you had your choice here's vas [Applause] it started with a strong sir perception by Philip over there exactly that something Phil pull a home that really brings to the table that's time really struggled with Steinbeck Tilburg the first team all-american he got better barrier but I'll tell you Philip has really worked hard over the summer we have a much better cause it seems of the twine you saw boss put that ball away to and he said he's going to come back for the raid on this year people are gonna go wow he's really good international experience loves the game loves being in Hawaii he's a long way from home by the way another good pass by whom layer it scowl from the back row and he crushes it [Music] yeah getting back to you every boss remember not a lot of Big West teams were in action a week ago but he was still impressive certainly in his Hawaii debut the freshman from Rio de Janeiro and he was named the Big West Conference freshman of the week at 500 in those two wins against Charleston people thought oh how you gonna replace that insulted well I think that Voss is a capable substitute jackson-vanik written serves it into the neck backup center from Naperville Illinois onto the floor and give way to gauge Hawaii actually has some options in fact in the middle and there are some youngsters who even in their reserved time through the first three matches they made quite a statement I think in quite a case for getting some serious playing time to start to get more competitive as you see whom their tool the block and Hawaii of 22 serving 16 what Kotlik strategy is serving Mugler down the line and deep we had to recover and he'd be recovered nicely to get back up there you have to kill but no smart move by Harvard to surf at left side hitter deep on the line see what whom there is done 700 hitting percentage so far this season again the starters getting some very strong resting times last night as they bowed out after the first set but still Philippine Blair who has perhaps the unenviable task of trying to replace one of the greats that ever wore the uniforms time Vaughn Tilburg he has done so pretty adequately thus far the dig there by gage Worsley bump set by Telus sets off Powell from the back road by the sophomore eons of telev beauty - there's two things of beauty Jakub Tellez bumps em right there holy cows married shot right there light play some volleyball Colonel Colton cow six kills on ten swings he has yet to commit it ever so he's hitting 600 and that was a pretty special set of circumstances last night for Colton a King Kekaulike alum and they went up against emmanuel from Georgia last night out of the conference Carolinas and across the net was a former teammate at King Kekaulike John Thompson who has actually said that had it not been for Colton column he may not have gotten into playing organized volleyball and there he was he led a manual with nine kills and also had a team-high 24 attempts Colton Cowell had six kills to tie for the lead for Hawaii so those two former teammates going back and forth across the net that was pretty cool all right let's check in with Brian Kelly soo-ji [Music] the coaching staff Britney talking to their team about their head positioning over the they're trying to find ways to slow down Hawaii's pin hitters including coats and colwiz saying that Colton's using them going through them they've got to be stronger at the net on the Hawaii sideline there's obviously an absence of one of the key players or extra cking members of the coaching staff who loves arkovich not on the sidelines here this evening he was one of the players one of the individuals on the team that has come down with the flu so he is not here on the sidelines coaching for Hawaii tonight over to you guys thanks a lot Ryan visit the new spectrum store at Pearl Highland Center above Sam's Club learn about spectrum mobile and get the best devices latest technology and coolest accessories the store is open Monday through Saturday 9:00 to 8:00 and Sundays 10:00 to 6:00 and ya know Milan's arkovich on the bench for Hawaii for the second straight night this is a team that was stricken with the flu throughout the week and yet several players who were somewhat questionable coming in they have been able to sort of immerse themselves back to help gauge words they was actually one of those guys who was perhaps a little bit more up in the air than some other members of the team when it came to his availability but they're fighting through it the hey look they have a long road trip they're gonna be going to the middle portion of the country on an eight day road trip they leave on day and so for a guy like muons arkovich that get healthy because you don't want to be jumping on a plane good night at least close to a hundred percent and buried into the twine by ethan smith for Hawaii it is a Louisville here on set number one is really sort of assertive themselves behind the server-side this is the one thing that Bernays was worried about was wise strength power and speed from behind the service line the city she's also heard because they tend to keep the boat in a lot where is the server by whom they're serving for set one diving past leave bump set tight to the net put down by gassman and tella and that's how the opening frame comes to a close it was making it for a time number one team in the country lays down its authority 25:17 Hawaii takes set number one they'll swap ends second Frank coming up [Music] Rainbow Warrior volleyball on spectrum sports is sponsored by Bank of Hawaii and Hawaii Honda dealers Oh Hawaii took the opening frame 25:17 in Colton Cowell once again a light side six kills and no errors hitting 600 other folks in volleyball the percentage is a little bit like a percentage 600 [Applause] yeah well that's coming off of a match last night where he was six kills on seven attempts no errors at 8:57 so it's becoming more than norm here at least so far in this Raising Cane's Rainbow Warrior classic take your internet with you spectrum internet customers get free unlimited access to over 4000 Wi-Fi hotspots across the islands and of course one of those hotspots right here the Stan Sheriff Center check out the Harvard girls they're cheering their boys on a bunch of them out here off the girls volleyball team sure the boys are there oh there's one I'm right there that's actually I think like I actually know her all right that's Jamie Rahn and her friend Sandra and they both play on the way she's an opposite and Sandra I think is a libero and they've got all their Harvard Princeton Hawaii out here cheering on crimson people go the game with them but they so this has got a little time right because the the Harvard semester they don't go back to school for another week as opposed to the Hawaii student athletes they get started here on Monday don't they yeah exactly they're trying to save electricity right so set to underway and the set goes to Schoenfeld and boss able to kick it to keep it alive and then to hands it over we play along middle set swiped at and ripped by McCreary and Gilley every boss from Rio de Janeiro pulling out all the stops listen every Brazilian child come up with flip plays like that naturally off the net not believable well you either play one of two sports initially right at least the expectation is when you grow up in Rio de Janeiro it's either soccer as we know it or volleyball and this a little bit of both right there from balls my guess is that boss has played some soccer he was younger [Applause] Smit six five junior from Clarence Center New York we're tied at one it was a competitive opening frame CMAC until about that midsection and then Hawaii asserted itself what did we see from the Warriors in set number one organized I think the serving has been the thing that made a difference their memory teller went on that route and run it gave them separation Hawaii's got two left handed servers that keeps gives other teams problems righto speaking of left-handers his forceful off the block and down yeah it was tied at 13 of peace in that first set hole he went on to win 25 17 Nutella and Rado both left-handed the ball comes spinning in a different direction and most team to not have left-handers that serve like that so I really think those two made a difference there at the end of the first set yeah hard to simulate that in any kind of practice setting in anticipation of taking on Hawaii joust at the net and boom there wins it caused by the great surf I tell which forced the near overpass looking there six seven sophomore from Czech Republic played in eight matches last year by a member of the Czech Republic national teams good international experience as Schmidt it's an intimate wine we're seeing Harvard perhaps tested a little bit in terms of its results second match of the season for them face for the first time some significant adversity dropping a set for the first time obviously in that opening frame against Hawaii and so now the coaching staff waiting to see how they respond the diving past by Sean fell to the net though and rod okada-kun all wins this is Jeff City going on right now what's happen is Harvard is having trouble keeping the ball off the net why sirs I guess are so difficult but they're passed the ball to tighten the net move that's how you get those jealous up there divert like unfortunate for Harvard not winning many of those gels and another mix up there on the second touch so free chance for Hawaii tell the jump setback you can't see anymore it disappears there's a swing in the head great back real quick when all the sudden you can't see him anymore he's a little sky out there with the biggest hit and he's a guy who really benefited as he tried to take something off and serves it into the twine he really benefited from his opportunity to play internationally during the summer and a pair of Pan Am Games tournaments and he says that the confidence that he gained out of that playing with and against some of the best in the world in his worked wonders and you see it made a big big difference plus you know he's a it really works hard room on the beach worked hard there for that same and it results in a home layer foot down so yeah right on showing some of that versatility and yeah just his disposition just the way he seems to be carrying himself here at the early stage of this 2020 season you can tell this is a confident young man right now if you know some four years ago what's good good luck to be a Rainbow Warrior you say no just happy to be here be a libero for serving specialists played some back bro now he's still a me good packer go figure regions come in here for the Crimson they go decent to Schmidt he's able to put it down that's a diving attempt a three serving seven here in set number two which makes what occurred last night going back to Don Thompson the leading hitter for more remarkable and here's Colton Cowell from King Kekaulike on the island of Maui in this small island chain on one side for the number one ranked team in the country as home there and then you have Tom Thompson his former high school teammate on the other side these two players playing at the top level in men's collegiate volleyball same high school on the island of Maui it's really tremendous yeah it really is that says a lot for Hawaiian volleyball the trix's of wah-wah ball and we've have programs that the Hawaii's built on the men's and gets it down for Harvard for serving eight here in set number two Harvard preseason picked to finish fifth in the eiv a the defending champ Princeton is the faith brother stays healthy I'm gonna predict we're gonna finish higher than Phil when I saw last night against Canada's very impressive it was an impressive dig by Howard lead those smothered by the Hawaii block back stepping stool vert Lake able to go back row the Schoenfeld and he finds the floor so some nifty defense in transition there on the Harvard side we play some good basic wraparound back there they get a lot of touches on the block we're not an undersized team at all didn't hang with pretty much any team in the country size wise this little hybrid jumper there by sterling three blockers up but Carlton is still able to make it work nowadays with them [Music] you have to make it Eric oh he didn't leave 6:15 dropping from his 847 number last night right that's right in a slump here on night two of the tournament also his five digs to his stat line nine serving five here set number two back row that Schoenfeld slowed down by the top of the tape but it eventually does find the floor someone fell putting in work only one Aires it 467 some nice numbers like Colton column at a career-high 18 kills at 333 in a match against Penn State last March eyeballs echoes to Cowell and he elevator [Applause] wolves [Music] [Applause] [Music] might be worth the price of admission just to come down and watch him play how high he jumps how hard he hits the ball the poor chap a she plays with I mean maybe just to watch him in warmups yeah let alone the match itself the swing by Schmidt roll shot right there is Potter Poonam tella has to push whom they're out of the way to set off Cowell and a good dig in the back row by Eric Lee here Sean fell over the shoulder swaying into the net and with a little bit of breathing room here up a handful 11 serving six so some of that youth for Harvard exposed a little bit in this second Center I would agree you know that last year that they had four freshmen that played a lot and they look good last night but sooner inexperience is starting to show a little more maturity serve there by Gasman Lee chases down the second touch sent over by Steve Urkel a free chance for the Warriors they go middle it's loss high hands kept alive by lead the Burt lifts sets up Schmidt it was pretty crowded in that area a lot of traffic but Schmid still able to go off the block is a good one Ali IV a first-team selection last year his 753 total assists a year ago good enough for ninth most in program history four-year starter telleth jump set middle to boss and he could oh so gently place it down to the tariff law is interesting about that play looks like Charlie waiters to start pretty soon slide maneuvers him for four so Burt last year what's interesting is that that time the boss the set wasn't just right and so rather than hit hard and him to that or out he kept the ball in play it still gotta kill Ryan Hong number three is in his a pool hall alumna making his return home as Shawn Cole against the point for Harbour 6 to sophomores in 22 matches as a freshman last year 3 year letterwinner at Punahou which means he want three state titles because over the last seven or eight years it's just been all Punahou every time described as energetic dynamic righto was drifting away a little bit great up there by me the swing by Schoenfeld three blockers for Hawaii up it's played back over tell us jump set [Applause] [Applause] block and just puppet his fists was celebrating big block yeah no your eyes aren't lying to you he is a six to middle slash outside hitter and he had the middle position there on that block and the serve that just missed that sideline in fact the line judge was a little uncertain as to exactly what call to make ultimately was an out serve so 13 serving nine here is Cowell yes by Lee on the money middle said they don't think get set so why not set him and it comes through luxury starting all the time now this year they recruit a little bit larger though we have played in every match last year you saw his numbers hit 304 on the season Ethan Smith at six seven kilos taken his place but coach games aren't afraid put right back in there mr. Berkley outside it goes to lead Hawaii and providing a spark for the Crimson and here they are back within to a 5-2 run being exhibited by Harvey fortresses of Phi TT they give up the Nick you work hard for every point well coached 11 serving 13 shown filled with the sir [Applause] executing the strategy from the service line as you said sir bit deep serve it to the edges that time Fulton Cowell able to handle it exactly speaking of coaching in Harvard how about Bill via who plays 86 grad from universe of Hawaii he told me before the game that he played in the first men's TV game way back in ancient violet ladies three and you were on the call for that right I believe so yeah I'm he had to be [Applause] [Music] it is a point for Hawaii and they are first to 15 [Music] warriors up : consent to welcome back let's check out the first wine bank top three this is 2019 NCAA team blocks Hawaii two point six as a team to lead everybody couple of programs that maybe you wouldn't have guessed King and Lincoln Memorial [Applause] you think turning on the rails quarter the dragon in fact the Railsplitters will be hosting Hawaii on January 20th as the Warriors set out on an eight day road trip they will play at Lewis at Loyola at Lincoln Memorial and also so they will play a couple of those aforementioned squads out ball by Lee his first error of the night incorrect the boss with the serve slaps it across here's Lee again big wind-up and did that hit the pin yes it did so another point for Hawaii and we're seeing the Warriors able to create separation and about the same portion of the set as we saw them kick it into gear and set one [Applause] from the air me boss would deserve that when just brushed up against the net middle said Hong drop back bump set from Howard and it's dinked over by stabber flick bodies hitting the floor on the whole East Side but they're able to afford to return stuffer flick the two-hand dunk [Music] and that gets Harvard the point hey Finch the birds got major game he's got all the shots but if a bump set Manila rally that was phenomenal had the right spin on everything here's where he's gonna do a little two-handed dunk shot it goes down touches all Hawaii diggers off guard all hit the serve two-hand pass by Herriman said is that the ball was passed off the net normal time to go to your mill usually at that time about ship meet the nine-foot line just like joueurs there used to be a team serving 12 pata Poonam a little bit of fire behind the head middle set goes to Smitty's blocked back so Howard sets up Schmidt through the block and down he had all kinds of warriors across the net waitin for me but he was able to still find the Teraflex block six hands negotiate he did the serve now by stubbornly and that gets away yatta system about a Pune will get a thing out of it though but he hits it into the net that was a pretty strong effort there by whom there to go cross court on the bump set righto actually had a decent chance at getting good wood on it he did I'm surprised that he tried to get it down the line get it well we shot there's just a couple high off the hands here he is from behind the line now with 8 kills [Music] he's hitting 357 this young season here and this match he is now at 211 remember this is a guy who hit 420 a year ago in the year when Hawaii broke the team small percentage record we all explore nearby a lot by like 50 points for some here middle said Gassman all over that Smith swing from the back row at Schoenfeld blockers up again for Hawaii they're outside this time it's Schmidt dug up by Patil who knows but into the seats so Harvard continuing to apply the pressure on that last sequence they trail by four looks more like 6-4 6-3 but he gets up pretty good too got a good arm swing [Applause] loves plan that right side had seven kills and the sweet win over GCU last night and how about that served by Eric Lee just rolled it off the edge of the table six six off meal from Edison New Jersey is this the same rotation we scored a bunch in the first set rotation too and now we will have a substitution on the Hawaii side as the name troy 5/7 freshman out of Farrington high school the younger brother of Rainbow Wahine senior center Bailey Choi taking the floor and watch them serve Him that's my guess [Applause] instead they go to Worsley he's able to pop it up high ball set goes to Cowell off the block Gasman tried to catch him napping nothing doing but because it was tougher clique that had the first touch Howard tried to go back set pull it all whatever you have it halfway watch through the players to always try to get that that tastes like soft attack or chip shot to the center so they can't set that second balls you just said here is aa Nastase itis [Applause] the past there by Howard's middle said though Miss time and Hawaii gets the point we've seen that now a couple of times in this set on the Harvard side and I like that set phones it was a little bit risky back and it connected it would have gone down for sure [Applause] - Stassi honest taking his time here now brings it across and it's a good one forces the overpass tella unable to put it down pinballed around and return tell a first touch so joy making like his sift the set tirado Dan out [Applause] [Music] Detroit we've said that a few times here in this athletic year we have and she's laughing somewhere the psoas is Pat Barney for younger bro a little away by six [Music] welcome back catch the greatest plays biggest blocks and schedule info by following specs for its high on Instagram Facebook and Twitter I'm assuming that's exactly what yep the woman is checking out as well as this fella wearing a San Francisco 49ers jacket that's our that's our guy that's our stage manager James Colonna never song where the 49ers jacket ever before this year and all of a sudden they're good and here he is now donning all of the gear the swing by Schmidt [Applause] Colten Cal continuing to fill up the statute this is dump I tell event time caller time finishing the play he's kind of get it done everywhere digging blocking you name it honest Asiata good little service run here middle sent that Smith couldn't put it down what I saved there by Troy with the first touch on the cover up the ladder off the high hands played by Howard Harvard coming back with it Sean fell off the fingertips of the block good effort by honest Asiata scholar those cross towards hirato and he sends it long about the activity by number five on the other side very nice if my stomach there almost gets the ball down join right there to pop it up well he's having some fun up over young freshmen and he played goalkeeper for the Farrington soccer team I guess it sounded similar type of approach right here just trying to prevent it from getting by you in essence exactly please Jason Shane 5-11 sophomore from Patino California that gives hawaii aloha ball here in set number two [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jakob Telus serving for the second set [Applause] first touch there my lead Schmidt by the double block diving saved there tell a--here's righto and he sends it long was there a touch no it's not Jeff front and so Harvard set point a little longer cello terrific dig off that Schmidt hit she met it really got a hold I want Ella popped it up tip the dolly alive then they could serve punch me could pass my Troy & Voss brings the Thunder so a couple of freshmen [Applause] Troy and Gilly every boss and holy takes set to 2518 and the number one team in the country here on night 2 of the raising cane classic will have an opportunity to crack open the hood pssc [Applause] let's take a look at the McDonald's match statistics of Yee up 200 and the statistics bear it out see Mac what jumps out right away is the kill percentage why hitting 350 Harvard 132 Hawaii Harvard making twice as many hitting errors and Hawaii was doubling up blocks as well you see these there's about even so set three about to get underway and Hawaii deciding not to go to the reserves here to start this third set Colton Kabul continues where he left off he now is into double figures he is the first to ten kills he is still error-free mind you and just seems to be grooving on all cylinders [Music] [Applause] yeah fan favorite for sure exactly kupono phase to pick up all those guys it gave before homes and should have played with Capone Ave during the summer one of the USA teams and Lee serves it into the net so Charlie Wade showing a lot of respect here for Harvard right because he is not going to the bench yet he's letting his starters open this third set and you know a lot of people will look at this early season schedule and they'll think hey look they're not going up against exactly the murderers row of college volleyball opponents but I think part of that is what he's making it look a lot easier than it should and this is a pretty solid Harvard team that has high expectations in the eiv a and Hawaii wins the first two sets 25 17 and 18 and piltan Paulo gets killed in row [Music] didn't maybe two or three subscript makes things up a little bit but he's showing a lot of respect us harbor team he watched them play actually he was impressed with how good they were he does not want to get up to zero and then all of a sudden let things slip away [Applause] boom there now to serve three serving one right through the failures of nets divert like you are not going to see that too frequently the country first team all-american you see that happen maybe once every blue moon it's soaking rubbed away each one's dad Bob played at Pepperdine is a three-time Olympian a mr. Burt look he was highly hiked was a feature on the cover of the June 2016 issue of volleyball magazine attended Corona del Mar high school their respected program there's Powell had to go left the added the set a little too far outside the pin and because of it Colton Powell commits his first hitting error of the evening Calvin would get a hitting here but you know what tella had a chance to change the stat block spots and say no put that down is a setting here in the Chico that sir is a serving error that goes into the net I think one of the things look like could you wore this set and set the middle so I agree with Lionel the second we've only got 20 percent of the set so far that's really what we got six kills gasping emboss outside Schoenfeld blocked back but it goes out but you were on it see Mac after initially calling it a hitting error they ended up it is a setting error that has given to Jakob tella and so Colton Cowell still with a clean sheet so to speak 11 kills and error-free are they piped into our line here's tella me boss and he delivers boss now with 14 a little mini step up with a recall for back quick that's when it's audible eyes usually this is this is pretty cool because Harvard has no idea that that set is trouble no blockers up these offenders Tello with that tailing jump sir middle set and Ryan Palmer able to for a moment before putting it down and Harvard within two palm and six two in the middle in the land of giants but he hangs in there played middle Hall last year and very versatile course will play in that position brings a lot of energy to the floor nice pass by home Larry and Joss [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well UHF Linux reaches out to you online each week with updates and promotions through its H mail e-newsletter to register visit Hawaii athletics calm and click on the H mail button it's simple and it's free behind the surface time [Applause] [Music] and that's a nice draw some boos and ahhs from the crowd and Colton Cole done a little bit of everything here this evening now delivers his first ace of the match and his third of the season [Applause] it now becomes a question of what print this guy did [Applause] into the toilet goes cape came off the trapeze yes human [Applause] Hawaii high school product of the serve pata Poonam and skips off the net and you know I was checking one of the timeouts watching : calendar the timeouts he was getting water for the other players not just him [Music] [Applause] I believe it is that kind of got a good leader as Lulu hits it fat and a little sloppiness on the east side of the net for the first time in some time and Harvard within one [Applause] and they get to stop I'll tell you something Charlie laid unafraid to go to his bench tella Beck will set call up the ladder and down the chute blasty blast there he has 12 kills this was mashed gets two blockers up but there's a hole then the block number one number two the block was coming down as he was attacking out of the background so not an effective block a swing by Schmidt and he's able to find the floor so teams trading blows here in set number three [Music] PIPP does a nice job that right side he loves ago live he's also gonna race cross-court shot as well nice range he's a beautiful bat set from telephone and Rado who was hitting below a hundred prior to that swing he gets his tenth kill [Music] on his 24th attack he does have seven hitting errors in this match he's hitting about 25 he also seven digs by the way to lead Hawaii zone fell from the back row there's another dig by Radha but over the net and easy pickins there for Griffin Schmitz the one thing of concern Charlie's got to look at is it boy had seven hitting errors from the first two sets rado had six of them it's got to be some conservative because people are gonna be loading up and riders are all year long he's got to learn to really keep more of those balls in not be a liability well to lockers up there he just the high hand and out so what can he do with other teams and imposing blocks that will be keying on him all season long what are some of the different approaches that he can take hits in 3/4 shots rather this hitting hundred percent all the time I thought I'd mix up the kind of shots he takes in this speed at which he hits them so he can keep the ball in play and let the block get some points but the defense get some points by digging digs winds up a Hawaii point went off of the setter and over as a backward player and so that forces Brian Bay's to readjust himself in the chair not feeling too comfortable after certainly a sloppy sequence we've seen a little bit of that from both sides here in this third set there's whom they're passed there by chase Howard outside Schoenfeld against a solo blocker saving a rattle it's rotella and down a lot has been made about this Hawaii offense and what it will look like even here in this season with the graduation of Joe Worsley and with jakob tella taking over and suddenly the expectation was you're not going to replace a veteran setter like Worsley with an underclassmen like tell and have it operate as smoothly or as quickly but what do you make of the way it's been Ron Estella turns on to again great dig by Lee and then Schoenfeld is blocked but it's hit across the net now Gassman off the hands good layout save there by Smith right side denied guess we're next to cow [Applause] pretty good sequence there for the Warriors [Music] it's sent to the outside of the pan of gas when hustling to the outside to close that block and get most of the credit for that yep a chance your question about the offense and I really like it and we felt the respect to Joe here on the best offense in the country set them to like a record breaking standard [Music] [Applause] an amazing offense is hard to compare the two centers the two offenses it's just a different offense and right now I think that the true chill truth will be told until we get round to watching think there is a lot of development to be experienced for both these teams that we're seeing on the floor certainly this evening certainly [Music] this is a new wrinkle here this year with that jump serve and Hawaii gets the 15 first well Hawaii able to put up the block had some few times here throughout this match they have five total team blocks on their side [Applause] that have certainly helped to spark them and that activity helping to change the complexion of this match at various times throughout and so the Akamai roofing report updating their team blocks for the season twenty nine and a half on the year as gassmann serves it into the net out of the timeout but what you taking set one twenty five seventeen set to 25 eighteen during that last timeout trainer Renee she Gomorrah was stretching out the leg of kolten kala look like maybe he was fighting a bit of a cramp here he is now on the jump and he gets blocked and a wound so that will be the first hitting ever didn't quite get the same level of explosion set not quite on the mark even [Applause] but never good to see cold Michal we'll get in treatment of that variety during the timeout here he is a steady approach to that time dug up by Howard from the back row Schmitt able to touch it across so Gabe's worldly takes on the setting responsibilities and it's righto finding that deep corner that I think should be Ranas go-to shot in a big corner area one that's okay if he's easier to get the ball in and so they go down or is it get some high hands but he definitely will not be hitting into the block or do anything silly like hitting even into the net that was a classic I think go-to shot for our yeah that's a good point there aren't gonna be too many blocks they get in the way of that shot outside Schoenfeld dug up by Kahlo Worsley sets up Colton and then he hits it back [Music] so a couple of hitting errors for Colton coward and charlie is gonna signal the timeout and yes Bolton Cowell is going to come out of the match and he is walking gingerly and so a little bit of concern there at the time out the official substitution being made to bring colton called out of the match take a look this was a few sequences ago the Gasman serve forces the overpass Cowell clobbers it and then as he landed not sure exactly where it happened but it wasn't long after that sequence where he started to walk a little Julie on his it didn't seem as though there was an instance on the landing maybe it was somewhere in that even celebration or mosh pit afterwards I'm not sure but it was after that play that it appeared as though he was starting to favor what might be a knee or a hamstring if you see how Atlanta I think he landed the hyper-extended his knee on the landing there [Applause] drinks served there by James remember he's got a long ways to go when he comes down was right there's a lot of pressure his joints ankles and beads timeout taken by Harvard the lucky leading by five and so in what is otherwise just another efficient day at the office for this warrior squad some concern here for Colton Cowell their top hitter well I shouldn't come down his left side landing right there and I really already think you could have hyper-extended his knee right there somehow for the mosh but you think it might be the Bosh misses he didn't seem to react in any kind of overt way over the landing so not sure if it occurred after that or maybe just the adrenaline it didn't kick in immediately is accumulation of stuff oh my a lot of Riley just they're just funny snapped where's the ice on the back of the D right there yeah so again perhaps hamstring me some sort he is still smiling at times that's good but something to monitor for sure Hawaii one more match in this tournament tomorrow against Grand Canyon and then they hit the road on Tuesday get in the game with on-demand highlights of University of Hawaii sporting events spectrum subscribers have exclusive access the spectrum sports enhanced channels 13 and 1013 but we talked about the homecoming for Ryan home who saw some action on the Harvard side that a homecoming of sorts as well for Harvard's volunteer coach bill via a former University of Hawaii volleyball player guy who found himself sort of didn't that vicinity living with his Aaron and family and and all of a sudden you know that the hankering to be around the game you started visiting some of the Harvard workouts got in with Brian Bayes and next thing you know here he is making the trip out to Hawaii has a volunteer coach he does not travel on every road trip but he made sure that he was able to make this one happen coming back to him what he loves every day with another high connections buddy Scott is also on his team son of Jim and Murray that's right Jim Scott president of school and we're gonna have a whistle we're gonna have a backbone attacker fall against Harvard's at the point to Hawaii yeah but he's got a backup cetera for the Crimson you have to play here in this match there he is six six sophomore and he's been playing behind the all Americans to partic basically doing is apprenticeship you might say yeah instantly if sort of the graduate somebody will be obviously battling for the job next year it's serve again by anastasi Attis Schmidt dug up by Worsley so tella under it highball set goes to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that powerful swing on the left side but I'll tell you what I'm most impressed with with hula is his defense he's been playing some great defense in practice I watched him the BT he's very intense in the back row just takes a lot of pride and dignity digging the ball he spends extra time also on his server ception he's gotten really good at bad he people to be able to pick on Phillip this year as far as sure because he's a good one some moments being taken to let some perspiration off of the Teraflex well James on the Stasi Otis just put together some strong serving runs he was a primary serving specialist last year played a little opposite his way up here in 30 matches though he is a mainstay from that service line the pass there by Howard back row set net Schoenfeld that was impressive you know this harbor team was able to do that a lot against Grand Canyon they tended to pass the ball over them to establish the good enough to run that back real quick tonight hasn't been the case 13 kills now for Schoenfeld and he's hidden above 300 [Music] [Applause] Challenge I think is it was the pickle ISM Schoenfeld on the 3-meter line when he attacked back illegal back row attacking [Music] who you might be we're just left foot there well there it is right on the line so it was on the floor called a back roll attacker violation and so Hawaii actually gun at that point even though it originally was signal 2.4 Harvard and then it was challenged by Brian Bayes but the call stands so make it a five-o run here for Hawaii and they're doing it with of course James Anasazi otters behind the service line praying for cold hell attention disjointness potent call leaving the match here in the third set what appeared to be a leg injury of some sort he is sitting on the bench icing the back of his left me as lead rises high great dig by Anastasio to school to the net middle said that's Hall off the block and out is able to go off boss and who there and so another kill for home he's putting in some pretty good work here he's got three kids he's got a pair of blocks to get something we deposit here comes another Hawaii park buddy Scott that's right buddy Scott played three years of pinhole one year at st. Francis in California Seth goes to one layer down the line dug up over the net by Schmidt tella under it goes back side righto off the fingertips it's dug up by Schoenfeld Schmidt again from the back world good up there by Worsley boom layer sends it wide [Music] talk to buddy Scott the other day in fact as what he said so what's it like being back home he says I've been coming to the University of Hawaii gates since I was seven years old this is a dream come true going to the Stan Sheriff Center how happy is he right now I get to serve you Stan Sheriff Center the lefty serve tella eyeball cross-court to him Larry let's dig there by Lee little battle above the tape Lee you'll get a full swing out of it dug up by Worsley trying to do with the post [Music] three Oh run here for Harvard but about a Poonam's doing will dance with the padding there [Applause] sixteen serving 21 whom they are to hand pass jump set to Voss pinballed around it will be returned free chance here for the Warriors high ball outside whom they're off the fingertips in out and that gets it right back [Music] twenty-two serving 16 they are now hitting 313 for the match 217 here in this third set on the other side Harvard hitting 135 for the match and Gilliam a Voss the open can serve 69 and 610 kidding me this is a cute she makes it easy to play back for defense we got those two guys are a lot of that noodle set that's Smith good chase down here by boss can they get it over well not for a lack of effort by Anastasio des I mean that tells you a little something right Hawaii have two sets to none they're up by a decent amount here in this third set and bodies are still hitting the floor exactly yeah you gotta love the hustle [Applause] pass by Anastasi artists middle set Gasman pure and they now rise you were the Stan Sheriff Center [Music] so what he looks to extend its home win streak to 21 [Applause] [Music] it'll be righto doing the honors asked by Li tight to the net one handset goes to Schmidt and he's blocked all most nonchalant style by Jakob teller that's how this one comes to an end all he wins it because Allah the final numbers 25 17 18 and 17 Holton celebration which is good to see but he does have iced down and taped up and so that will be something to think about here is Hawaii prepares for the final night of the Raising Cane's Rainbow Warrior classic against Grand Canyon got a four and OH start to this 2020 campaign they have yet to drop a set [Music] [Applause] a sweet victory against what I think Harvard team I think we're all in agreement would be a prison squad that's gonna win a lot of matches this year and I think they're to get better and better as a year goes on vana significant victory over Grand Canyon and so I think they're gonna have a very very successful season [Music] back east exam let's see if they also know that Philby of abundant come back out here to Hawaii get invited back out here at this time the area Bank of Hawaii presents the players of the match let's take a look for the crimson Campbell Schoenfeld 11 kills hit 233 two blocks and a dig and Colton Hall did leaves of the match but before that he did a lot of damage 13 kills at 4:23 two blocks six digs and a service ace he continues his tear here to start this 2020 season but again we'll see what transpires with regard to whatever that was that he kind of tweaked behind his left knee but for now a four no start for these warrior squad seem impressed so far but you know what Hawaii fans can expect I think another good match tomorrow night Grand Canyon did not play that well Yost Harvard and my suspicion is that they will have ramped up their there their game by tomorrow night to give Hawaii like a good game and I think that you know Matt Worley's a really good coach they got some really good pieces to their team that he didn't quite get off to a good start against Harvard Harvey came in all fired up and upset them but I think Gregg Kenny will return to them you know their normal form and be it'll give Hawaii all they can handle on Saturday night it should be a good one well since the start of the 2017 season Hawaii now fifty and four in this building Scott Rob's is with Charlie Wade hey coach congratulations good win tonight over a very good team yeah really happy with performance from the service line tonight you know I think we're you know prove that you can be aggressive and still be efficient you know again we're when we serve in bounds at 90 percent as a team we win 100% of the time and some really good performances guys come back I think I didn't see the final number but a number of guys in the starting lineup that were perfect from the service line tonight it's really good whoo and kala was outstanding but we saw him have to leave late and set number three what's his status yeah we'll find out here hoping it's just a cramp you know it's more like work pain than injury pain but it kind of tightened up on him and so we just got him out and you know gave Jimmy a chance to bring it home for us play three matches in three nights so I know you don't look too far ahead but looking you tell us about Grand Canyon well they got some arms you know no question and there they've really done a nice job with the program you know Matt's a good coach and they've really built that thing up they had some nice wins last year and I'm sure they're disappointed with how they played last night and expected really competitive match tomorrow congratulations thank you appreciate a little guys back over to you all right thanks a lot Scott once again the final arithmetic 25 17 18 and 17 don't forget about the post match show corner crew we'll break it down as Hawaii still having that drop a set through four matches improves to four know with the culmination of the Raising Cane's Rainbow Warrior classic from the tomorrow against Grand Canyon for now we bid you adieu for cement I'm Kanoa Leahey til next time Aloha from the Stan Sheriff Center [Music] highlights away in Harvard we start off with the blocking of the University of Y the Rainbow Warrior with seven total team blocks in the tree sent victory led by a rival para una who had three is to see Patrick gassmann celebrating and there you see Jakob Dylan with one of his block song by Jakob the starting center for the University of Hawaii behind the service line cranking up that is how about offensively the Norwegian puts down the kill he also had a twenty assistant on the night gets Lin there on the backside the back row attack by Hawaii another quick set in the middle to boss and fellow was all over the place so is this guy could call the senior out of the island of Maui led the way for the Rainbows with 13 kills on the evening hit a robust 4:23 anyone behind the back roll I'm the outside it didn't matter as cold call was nearly perfect so were the Rainbow Warriors and to pick up win number four on the year in straight sets over the crimson [Music] this is the post game show on spectrum sports hi everybody thanks for sticking around in his postgame show Scott Lisa Ryan Hawaii goes to foreign Ilan the year after a three-set win over the crimson of Harvard we talked about the fact that this would be a step up in competition for Hawaii after the first three matches which it was and we saw Hawaii step up their game as well well they definitely stepped it up tonight they were all out they went all out they had an excellent performance they stayed with the same lineup if you will a couple of substitutions there but really impressive was this this was another sweep and yet they held their opponent to under 20 they have not had one opponent score more than 20 points so far this season yeah you know at the beginning of the match we talked about what would we want to see Hawaii do and you know I said just be efficient and I think that's exactly what they were a very low error team Bolero performance guys I should say by the team tonight and you know some of the errors sort of came in the end of that third set we saw rot apart prune off struggle at times trying to do a little bit too much and Colton Cowell you know who finished the night hitting 423 he actually had two of his errors when he was sort of injured and I imagine like if he hadn't we got taken out he probably would have hit 700 so we'll be talking to him coming up in just a little bit but great to see in all-around performance and a solid performance by the Warriors tonight all right talk about efficient let's take a look at the numbers brought to you by levity Imani and solar and I'd say Hawaii was pretty efficient well again and I mean you look at the kill percentage at 3:29 that's pretty sweet and I like that they upped their blocks at the end the blocking really did change the momentum it took a little bit of the wind out of the sails of Harvard team if you will they were critical good times where it actually created separation you know one of the things that Hawaii did so well I sure was that hitting percentage you see Hawaii's take a percentage at 3:29 that is a very good hitting percentage for a cumulative team so Hawaii continuing to prove their efficiency and heating for those high numbers that they were known for last season really continuing off into this season as well boy with 30 digs that believe it or not the leader digs for Hawaii tonight Ronald harpooned off you also led the team in blocks with three he didn't have a great offensive night though he came away with a dozen kills but he made up for it in other ways well sometimes you know that sixth rotation player we have seen him most be most offensive all along but he struggled a little offensively tonight but he picked up for it in many other areas he is not a primary passer but he's a huge blocker and his defense he played some great defense tonight with 9 digs and that's one of the areas that you know he consciously wanted to bet do better at was the blocking as well as just his overall defense and the right back positioning is an area that often gets funneled a lot of the balls and yell out attacks especially from the opposite and especially down the line it's the right back gets hit a lot so great to see him really holding his own back there all right we're gonna take a break but when we come back doing this in the corner it is Michael Walzer [Music] welcome back to the post game show on spectrum sports everyone back inside the Stan Sheriff Center Hawaii with another three set victory tonight over the crimson of Harvard 17 18 17 those scores and the leader for the university of voice tonight the senior out of Michael Wong cold call with 13 kills it before we talk about your foot performance and everything people I'm sure wondering all first off how are you feeling I mean I feel great we had a we had a great team win tonight against a really good Harvard team which is always nice we're looking forward to tomorrow's match against GCU and personally just got a little something going on but we have a great we have a great training staff with Rene che guevara and I'm sure that we'll be able to to patch me up and get me out there tomorrow to go it's not only your your leg that's wrapped up but you have that kinesiology tape on your shoulder are you having issues there or what's the bomb you know just when you're gonna enter the season sometimes you're gonna have a couple bumps and bruises but that's part of being an athlete is learning to tough it out and being smart and recovering well we worked really hard in this offseason and a lot of guys are kind of banged up because we just put that much effort and energy into getting better well it looks like you have put in the work because thank you tonight I thought was one of the better nights I've seen early on this season you were almost unstoppable what were you seeing out there and talk about your connection with tella um Jacob and I worked a lot this week on just that big connection which we were really trying to establish just our offense through the middle of the court so that it takes a little bit more pressure off of our wing attackers and just you know just finding that rhythm right we haven't we haven't necessarily played that much since he's been at the University and myself included and just finding that connection he's really talented so I'm happy without tonight went five years into the program and now you are a senior obviously but the biggest one of the biggest things not only improvement by you personally on the team but you're having to be a leader talk a little bit and share with us about your leadership role this year on the team being a being a fifth year senior this year has been a really special experience for me I mean obviously graduating the classes before me has has taught me a lot I've been been able to experience a lot of really talented leaders through this program and it's helped shape me because I can you know sort of analyze what people are doing to be successful take little bits and pieces of of their character their work ethic and try to apply it to my own style of leadership you know one of the things that we're seeing in this evolution and this year's team is just some different wrinkles and one of the things that I noticed in rotation one is you're actually not in the right front passing and for those of you watching at home we're gonna actually put on the screen right now you're actually in middle back more like and actually swinging either hitting a two or four what was sort of the idea behind moving you more into the middle in that rotation one um really me into the middle on that kind of just a way to study out sort of the passing formation give the other two something different to look at in terms of my ability to be quick with my feet running either that inside or outside ball and then obviously we have the best opposite in the country so we want rata attacking in that area area on the right side any chance we get so it just makes sense I mean you're just essentially moving so a little bit more over to the right not having the hit and right front of that one rotation you talked about being here for five years and really you worked hard you work from the bottom up he had a real break out season last year and then you got a chance this summer to play some high-level volley bumps talk about your experiences this summer who you played with where he went well I mean this song was great I got to have you know Milan Djokovic is my head coach yeah that pan-american group and it was really fun having someone that familiar to me in the gym with that much passion I think you've got a lot of different elements to that team specifically and the guys were so great and it was really there was a really awesome experience getting to see that many guys with the same mindset of being being the best bettering themselves acting as professionals doing whatever it takes to find success throughout their day and so in learning to incorporate those habits was really special so would you say that you're looking forward to potentially playing professionally I would love to say that yes I mean with that experience I'm sure it opened your eyes to a completely different level of volleyball yes the international style of plays is different it's you know it's it's a little more a little more ball control especially with the different ball that they use it moves a lot differently and you have to be really technical really patient and just seeing how fast some of those international teams plays it's tough to defend so it's uh it was really eye-opening for me yes you know when you look back at your career here now being a senior and least was talking a little bit about that earlier how has life changed for you I mean you think back three years ago you weren't playing that much how to break out season last season this season kind of the face of the program now how has things sort of transformed for you just outside in public people recognizing you more I mean what what what is that like now for you what is life not life now like for you well I mean we have the most incredible support group obviously I've been definitely quoted multiple times saying that the fans are the backbone of this program and I think you know being recognized in public as always is always special you know all my auntie's and uncles out there at food land and stuff the guys that you know give me a Pokeball sometimes in the afternoons in between classes right but just for me I mean yes my role has transformed with this team but my work ethic has not all right don't forget after your professional volleyball career we're gonna work on that modeling career right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so two nights down one more to go here in the Raising Cane's tournament classic invitational tomorrow night its grand canyon will be on there 6:30 with the game on then why it takes an interesting trek to the midwest or the plate matches at luis Loyola Chicago and Lincoln Memorial and that that's gonna be a tough road trip considering going all the way to the Midwest and two of the three teams are gonna face or nationally ranked yeah and right off the top you know for Hawaii on that first road trip there's no really easing on in there they have to find a way to go out there and be tested right away and we saw Hawaii be successful on the road last season in a similar trip but it was against teams that maybe weren't as tough so really Hawaii getting acclimated to this environment and this team and then having to go on the road and and be tested I think for the first time I do know Louis the other night beat UC Irvine and I think last night UC San Diego actually knocked off Loyola Chicago so it's early in the season right but the competition is gonna get tougher for sure well it's gonna continue to get tougher as the season progresses we all know that the preseason is exactly just that getting lineups together and some little upsets speaking about that Grand Canyon you know they were upset by Harvard they were heavily favored to win that and they went three straight and lost to Harvard two nights ago and that's the opponent for Hawaii tomorrow night all right guys last thoughts on tonight's match I think overall it was a good test for Hawaii of being pushed in certain areas and in especially in that first set we saw things going back and forth Hawaii was actually down at times by a few points and they were able to show that resiliency and able to kind of study out the ship there wasn't really a lot of panic either on the Hawaii sidelines I think they recognized the value of this team again tomorrow I think they have to be able to respect the opponent yes Grand Canyon has lost to Harvard but again this is a tee Grand Canyon team that has in the past pulled off some major upsets especially last season they have a local boy on their team in Adrian Enriquez we've been seeing Enriquez the last name for years now this is kind of the last stretch though for them but local boys like playing at home and we saw a get I've attic as well tonight so we'll see how Hawaii comes out and if they're ready to go is there not a team in the country that doesn't have a kid from Hawaii [Music] connection no matter what and tomorrow Lisa will be filling in for Chris so you'll be helping on the corner and you'll be over next to Cano should be fun it'll be really fun working double time there thanks guys was fun and Thank You Hawaii wins in three over Harbor we also want to thank our outstanding spectrum sports crew absolutely the best in the business for Ryan from Lisa I'm Scott until next time we bid you all over and good evening from the Stan Sheriff Center mundo [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 44,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: University of Hawaii Men's Volleyball, Rainbow Warrior Volleyball, Rainbow Warriors, Rainbow Warrior Men's Volleyball, Warrior Volleyball
Id: 3DlXYilgNAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 55sec (6535 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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