1 PROBLEM with every fighting game subgenre

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fighting games are arguably the most difficult genre of games to play sometimes looking at a combo menu feels like you're reading a completely different language add that with the fact that some combos have to be frame perfect to execute you also have to defend against those combos it's easy to see why there's such a high learning curve take street fighter 4 for example street fighter 4 is notoriously known for its difficult combos this is because of how small of a window for air you have in executing them street fighter 4 had what is known as a one frame link in almost all fighting games the fps is capped to 60 frames because it is tied to the character's animations so if frames were uncapped the game would either be inconsistently too fast or too slow depending on your computer hardware so if one second is 60 frames then a one frame length is 1 60 of a second so you have 1 60th of a second to link your next input or else you'll drop the combo to put that in bra holo terms that's like doing grounded delight reverse nair but you still have to input more moves after that because the combo is longer now not all fighting games are that ridiculously hard but the consensus is that they are on average harder than most games but within the genre there are sub genres some of the sub genres are more accommodating to casual players than others some maybe don't even have a casual side of their community today i'm going to go through the main fighting game sub-genres and explain what i think is their biggest flaw now when i say traditional that can kind of be subjective my definition of a traditional fighting game can actually be shown using one of the most simple fighting games ever made footsies a 1v1 between you and your opponent each opponent has one health bar there's two to three rounds both characters can go up down left to right there are very few combos you can do and it's very simple that's what makes it so hard obviously fighting games like street fighter and mortal kombat have more features like special moves and stuff like that but the core concept is still the same however the issue with these types of fighting games is how hard it is to appeal to casual players there is very little room for error in terms of combos and the boundaries are very strict so you have limited movement and are forced to be relatively close to your opponent there isn't any rng involved either it can sometimes make the game more stressful than fun so although it's great for the competitive side the casual side suffers as a consequence 3d fighters are exactly what you think they are they are literally three dimensional but don't get it confused with games that are two and a half d or 2.5 d for short 2.5 d fighting games have 3d character models but the camera is still viewed in a side scrolling 2d format and the characters can only move on the x and y axis with the exceptions being something like a command throw or a critical arm move that's kind of like a animation cutscene in a way so you can't really move during those scenes but 3d fighters can move on all axes not just the x and y this is usually performed by sidestepping sidestepping allows for another option of defense to bait or dodge an attack so now not only do you have to predict if your opponent will dash back forward attack or block you now have to worry about them dodging to the side this adds another level of difficulty for new players thus making the learning curve even higher than it already was but it is more realistic in a way since in real life you're not really forced to move in one direction and it also looks cool but it is difficult to perform for new players platform fighters are fought on stages that are platforms i know the goal is to knock your opponent off stage any way you can whether you do that by damaging them to the point where they fly off into the blast zone or you [ __ ] them [Music] instead of having three rounds to decide a winner each character has a certain amount of stocks and whoever loses their stocks first loses unlike other fighting game sub genres platform fighters can be very casual friendly referral is a very common casual fighting game mode amongst platform fighters it provides a more laid experience compared to fighting one-on-one which is still an option and you can also fight 2v2 which we haven't really seen with like more traditional fighting games and you can also enable gadgets or items which add rng to the game making it more gimmicky if you like that the biggest problem platform fighters suffer from is passiveness since you have so much mobility on stage and you aren't really confined to like a small boundary you can run away from your opponent as long as you want this leads to very frustrating gameplay especially in ranked and esports that's nasty an experience over here just thinking what do i do he's trying to break the neutral the weapon throws right back over the left side of the stage still has complete control he's bringing it back from owen too he's on the way look at this look at this you know you're gonna come in tactically technically if you're into fighting games and you like anime well boy do i have the perfect sub genre for you in anime fight scenes are always intense fast-paced and sometimes dramatic now to be honest i know very little about anime fighters let alone the anime itself but from what i've seen when you get hit by a combo you might as well get up at stretch go make something to eat take your dog out for a walk finish your college degree because that combo feels like it lasts forever imagine sitting there and watching your character get beat up and you can't do anything about it because the entire combo is true i'm sorry that would that would just frustrate me [Music] assist fighters work exactly like strikeout in brawlhalla you pick a roster of characters and when one gets knocked out the next character comes in however unlike in strikeout you can choose which character to swap and when some assist fighters also allow for really long combos by switching character spin combo we've seen this in marvel vs capcom and also dragon ball z it also adds another layer of difficulty because when you swap characters mid combo the inputs change because you're using a different character now i know i said anime fighters have long combos but this clip from marvel vs capcom 3 is truly ridiculous 12 seconds later [Music] five minutes later [Music] you get the idea i mean the poor guy died like 300 hits ago was that really necessary i think if someone ever did that to me in like tournament i would just i would literally walk off the stage so there you have it one problem with every fighting game sub genre i don't expect everyone to agree with what i said but also tell me in the comments what you think and also let me know what your favorite fighting game subgenre is as always make sure to join the discord if you want to hang out with cool people also make sure to follow the twitch and if you want to become a member you can get access to cool emotes and badges and depending on what tier you get you can get early access to videos like this now i usually don't make videos that aren't solely focused on brawlhalla so please let me know if you guys enjoyed this if you want me to make more videos that maybe aren't just brawlhalla depending on the feedback i get from this video i could start branching out into other like maybe fighting games or just video games or i could just stick to brawlhalla so we'll see what happens anyways that's it for me i hope you guys have a good day peace [Music] you
Channel: Typhoon
Views: 80,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla (video game), eggsoup, typhoon, typhoon brawlhalla, brawlhalla new, fighting game subgenre, street fighter 6, sfv, street fighter, dbfz, fgc, types of fighting styles, types of fighting game characters, types of fighting game players, types of fighting games, street fighter 6 trailer, street fighter 5, dragon ball fighterz, mvc3, marvel vs capcom, super smash bros, fighting games, platform fighters, platform fighting games, brawlhalla gi joe, brawlhalla new crossover, go
Id: 5bybOFM_tcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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