1. KIT OPS 2 Video Manual: Installing KIT OPS 2 and KPACKS

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hey what's up everyone chip here so let's talk about how we want to install the new kid outs 2. first let's talk about if you already have kit apps installed then go to your preferences find it and remove it and this is real important because if you don't remove it then you're going to have a conflict so make sure you remove it then you want to close blender and now as you can see here's the new version that i have got installed on my desktop your numbering might be different but this says 2.83 which is the version of blender that it runs with and then 2.17.7 is the version of kidops and this is the pro version because it doesn't say free at the end let's go back into blender and we'll go back into our preferences and into add-ons and we'll hit the install button i'll go to my desktop and here it is this is a zip file and when you download it it downloads as a zip file so you can store this anywhere you want to but when you install the add-on it's going to uncompress the zip file and put it in your add-ons folder so this is kind of an archive file you don't need to keep this around you can even delete it if you want to very different from k packs where you're going to want to store those in a specific place so let's go ahead and install the add-on and now you can see that over here when we turn it on i'm going to save my preferences i'll go over to kit ops and the pro version the very first thing you're going to see is this install k packs this is a link to actually this video that we're looking at right now so just so you know and you're going to also get a bunch of different inserts that come with the pro version then you're going to want to install your own capex so let's get on to that next so when we click on this little button right here it's going to show us that we have one kpac installed it's called mailbox so what we want to do is we're going to want to install more so i'm gonna go into preferences and i'm gonna go to kit ops before we install k packs let's take a look at these preferences for just a second this is an interesting one at the bottom sort modifiers so if you turn that on i like to keep it so that this one right here sort weighted normal is turned on so if you always have a weighted normal over here at the bottom of your modified list and you add an insert it'll always push this way to normal all the way to the bottom which is what you want you want that to do all the cleanup for your mesh normals and now we'll go to file pass and file pass is where we're going to actually load in our k packs so before we load in our k packs let's talk a little bit about where you want to store your capex so in my case i've got this kidops all master folders and it's in my dropbox account and i keep all of my capex here and when you purchase a k pack or download a kpac it will be delivered as a zip file and what you're going to want to do is expand it after it's expanded like for instance let's take a look at master mega 300 tech v2 that comes with kit ops pro so we'll take a look at that one once we've expanded that we have it here and inside it we have a bunch of what we call kpac folders so the key thing to remember is that you probably want to store this even though kid ops won't use the zip file directly it's only going to use these files so these need to be somewhere where you're always going to find them in the same place every time you go looking for them so i store them in dropbox you can store them on your desktop storm and somewhere where you have both read and write permissions like your documents folder would work so now that said let's go ahead and install them and so what i'll do is i'll hit a plus button here which will give me a choose path then i'll go in here and i am going to go to kit ops all master folders and let's just go down to the one that comes with kit ops pro which is this master megatech 300. so you click in here and my advice is to just keep clicking until you see a whole bunch of ping and blend files and now you know you're inside a single k pack and so you want to go up one so now we have this is a list of all the cape packs and this is really where you want to accept it so think about it drill down all the way to get a list of a bunch of blends and ping files go up one and then accept it and now with that done you can add another one so i'm going to go in here i'm going to add eevee materials same thing this has got a blank blend in here which i put in in case you want to add your own materials but basically if you double click you'll see that there's a whole folder here of blend and pings i'll go up one and accept it and then when you're done save preferences and close and you can come over here now and you're going to see you've got a whole list of k packs and each one of these k packs has a list of inserts so you can choose whatever you want and you'll get a list of inserts for each one of the k packs so if you want to for instance add a material we can go in here and say plastic medium add material and now we have that as plastic medium go and say cutters medium grab this cutter add an insert and we'll cut right here on it and that's it that's all there is to it so hopefully this helps you understand how to install both kid ops 2 and kpacks thanks for watching see you in the next video
Channel: chippwalters
Views: 59,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #b3d, Blender, kitbashing, kit ops, kitops
Id: vj0A2zeMN7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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