1 kg Käse aus 2 Liter Milch! Kein Essig oder Zitronensäure

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2 liters of milk. I use store bought milk. 1 tbsp salt. Friends, welcome to my channel🥰! Thank you to each of you who watches my videos and leaves comments🙏. Prepare a large casserole. Place the can of milk in the pan. Fill the pan with water. Turn on the gas. 4 eggs. 200 grams of yogurt. Mix well. Write in the comments which country you are watching me from😍. It is very important for me🙏. When the milk is well heated, add the egg mixture. Mix well. Let cook for 15 minutes. The milk has curdled. Share in the comments which recipe you have already prepared based on my videos😋🙏. Prepare a sieve. Transfer the cheese mixture. Leave it overnight. 1 pepper. Your favorite bread. Any greens, I have lettuce. Time is up and our cheese is ready. Look how beautiful he has become. An excellent and healthy snack. Thank you for your time and watching my video🙏. Bon appetit ❤️. Peace and goodness to your home💖!
Channel: Einfaches Rezept
Views: 4,125,732
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Keywords: Einfaches Rezept, Rezept, Rezepte, einfaches und schnelles Rezept, Rezepte schnell und einfach, yt:cc=on, wie man kocht, Käse, Käserezept, 3-Zutaten-Käse, hausgemachter Käse, wie man Käse macht, schnelles Käserezept, Ein Ei in kochende Milch gießen, Gießen Sie das Ei in die kochende Milch, Ich kaufe nicht mehr im Laden, Nur 3 Zutaten, Das wissen nur wenige, rezept, rezepte, schnelles rezept, 1 kg Käse aus 2 Liter Milch, Kein Essig oder Zitronensäure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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