1. How To Clone A Github Repository

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hello so this is the first video of the build one project that we are working on i am on a mac system so i'm going to show you how to clone a repository the first thing you are going to do is visit the address you want to visit so here this is the organization build one project and we have several projects inside it i'm going to use services as e-services as an example so i'm going to open e-services and there are some instructions here these installation instructions so first thing is you are going to go into your folder where you want to clone this project so go there so in my own system you will see my folders my folders have this structure so this is the e-services folder you can create your own folder so you can see we can come here and then do new folder and then put a new folder so i'll just call it ppp for now so i'll have this empty folder here so next thing i will do is i will go back to the website so on the website i would copy that command that says git clone https something so i'll go there i will copy this command like this did clone https so after copying it i will go back to my folder then i will open my terminal into this folder so now my terminal is at the bottom and the folder is at the top then what i will do is i will drag you can do it anyhow you want to do it in your own system the essential thing is open the folder in the terminal so i will drag the folder into the terminal and then i will cd into it so if you check now pwg it will say that i am inside document ppp which is the current folder i have so i will do ctrl v which is to paste the command i copy from that website when i paste it and i press enter it is going to clone so as you can see now it does e-services it is going to clone all those commands inside here so what am i going to do i will list the command i will say ls so when i say ls i will list the command it should now show me that now the folder i just downloaded is now in services so i will enter into that folder i'll say cd e services i will enter it so i'm entering services now that i'm into these services what is the next thing that i have asked you to so the next thing is that i should do mpm in install so i will come back here inside my terminal and say npm install so this will install all the packages that i need for that project to work so once i install npm can you see it's installing all the packages that i need so you need to be patient here because it may take a moment for you to finish once it finishes the next step is for us to do what is for us to run npm start so once this once this finished running i would type apm start then my project will run while i'm waiting for my project to run so it has finished running while i'm waiting for that for my um npm start to finish you can go to your to your sub uh what is it called to your vs code to see your project here can you see this is the project in my vs code now so you can open the project in your vs code immediately now let's go back to our terminal so in our terminal what do we want to do they say we should do npm start so i am going to do npm start i will say npm start this will start the project so as you can see here it says node bin uh what's of course class www so once it's doing like that and it's not trying any error go to the website the website says once you see like that go to copy this thing one two seven point zero point zero point two one that is your localhost so open a new um terminal and then press it like that when you press it like that you see this e-services which you say welcome to your services this means that the project is working correctly in your system if you want to know so congratulations once you get to e-services your project is running the first thing you can now do is as you can see here if you look at the terminal can you see the terminal is get giving you response that your project is running correctly you can make a change but don't make a change just get it running first
Channel: Xutini
Views: 1,129
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: github, code, software, open source, vscode, git, learn, oss
Id: X7KDWr2kr6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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