1 hour VIDEO: Divine Liturgy Explained
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Channel: Rev. Dr. Peter Spiro
Views: 51,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teaching Liturgy Divine Liturg, Liturgy, Divine, Orthodox, service, catechism, Sunday School, Explanation, Eucharist, Communion, Body and Blood, Christ, Christian, Jesus, God, Doxa, Doxalogical, Doxology, Prayers, Mass, Hymnal, Holiness, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Trinity, Ecumenical, Faith, Orthodoxy, Byzantium, Byzantine, Roman, Empire, Church, Vespers, Matins, Orthros, Paraklesis, Vigil
Id: 7JKmXrQO9Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 57sec (4437 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 12 2015
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