1 Hour Per Week SEO Plan

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I'm going to show you how to do local SEO with only 1 hour per week and to achieve this goal you're going to have to be very strategic with your time and that means you'll need to invest in software and people to create leverage so with that said you'll be able to execute what I'm about to show you in about 20 weeks as long as you commit to 1 hour per week so please like this video to show me you're excited and let's get right into it so week number one will have the most tasks by volume but it won't take more than 60 Minutes the first step is to schedule a weekly SEO meeting and this is critical for accountability and remaining agile during your SEO campaign so just pick a day and create a recurring event every single week next install Google analytics 4 and Google search console which shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes and these two platforms will allow you to track organic search performance next create a Google folder and an SEO dashboard for managing your campaign and now it's time to export your existing keywords so open up semrush enter your domain and go to organic research click on positions and Export now add these keywords to your SEO dashboard and add another column and label it as opportunity then right click on the first cell and create a drop- down in the drop down add the following loow hanging fruits existing clustering opportunities and untapped then drag the cell down for your entire keyword set and now it's time to categorize your keyword any keywords ranking from positions 2 to number 15 are what I call low hanging fruits number 16 to 50 are existing keywords and 51 through 100 are what I call clustering opportunities it should look like this after you're done and the next step in week number one is to extract new keywords from your competitors so go back to semrush and go to the keyword Gap tool enter two or three primary competitors and if you're not sure semrush will suggest domains that have similar keywords however I recommend going to the keyword overview tool and doing additional research if you aren't sure and once your competitors are in place start the keyword Gap analysis then go down and click on the untapped tab which are keywords that your competitors are ranking for but your domain is not then I recommend playing with the filters to narrow the list for example go to position competitors and click on top 10 then change the search volume to a minimum of 100 then change the KD to a maximum of 49 and finally filter by intent to only show informational commercial and transactional keywords now export these keywords and add them to your keyword database and label them as untap and the final task for week number one is to identify your top 100 keywords so let me start by saying I use eight different data points to prioritize keywords within my keyword research process that I teach within gacho Academy because this is the most important step of the process do it wrong and you'll waste time and money trying to rank for the wrong keywords and if you're interested in my complete keyword research system then apply for got SEO Academy but let me show you a simplified version that'll still help you make better keyword selection decisions first always begin with relevance ask yourself on a scale of 1 to five how relevant is this keyword to my core offer for example SEO training Denver would score a five out of five for my business because we sell SEO training but a key like paper form would score a two out of five because it wouldn't drive highly relevant traffic that has a high probability of converting so just by using this criteria alone you'll be able to filter through many of your keywords however I also recommend only looking at low competition opportunities first typically with a KD less than 30 now lastly you should prioritize keywords with commercial or transactional intent informational keywords have their place but they shouldn't be your priority in fact informational keywords should be viewed as a means for building topic Authority driving brand awareness and for supporting your bottom of the funnel keywords don't get seduced by search volume prioritize keywords that are high value for your business meaning they're highly relevant to your products and services and have clear commercial intent and now it's time for week number two and you should also continue to invest at least 10 minutes into identifying your top 100 key words if you didn't finish last week but once that's done it's time to start the SEO content creation process you're going to generate 30 total content Optimizer reports with rankability and for the first 15 you'll create reports for existing keywords open the rankability content Optimizer click on multiple then paste a keyword and the URL to make sure they're in the same row once you've added 15 start the optimizer now refresh the page and click multiple again except this time only add keywords that are untapped meaning you don't have a dedicated page that targets the keyword phrase just paste the keywords and run the optimizer we'll be revisiting these reports soon but that's it for week number two now for week number three you'll optimize your Google business profile here's how Okay so there are only really a few big ranking factors in the local pack number one is your actual physical location so if you're trying to rank in St Louis you should have an address in St Louis okay it's as simple as that and if you don't get that right nothing else is really going to matter because at the end of the day Google is really really good at showing these hyperfocus years old so if I had an address in Chesterfield the likelihood that I could rank in St Louis is basically 0% okay so you got to have an address there and if you don't then you got to figure out a way to get an address in whatever City you're trying to rank in okay that really matters a lot number two is reviews okay you need to really try to generate as many reviews as a top competitor so this is a very competitive keyw but when you look at this you want to basically get a median review count of the top three so looking at this you know you're going to be anywhere between you know 400 to 500 reviews and honestly if you really wanted to rank you'd have to probably exceed the quantity of reviews that these competitors have okay so if you were just starting out this would be a a big mountain to climb and you might be better off trying some other methods in the meantime while you build up your review count uh because you're just not going to be able to beat these these uh competitors here at at this level with only a few reviews okay so if you get the location right you get the reviews right that's probably about 50% of the work and then after that everything else that I've showed you in this video as far as the other ranking factors uh for traditional SEO will be applicable here as well okay you need to build site Authority you need to build topic Authority through content uh and building that localized topic Authority uh and then of course there's some other little tactics we can use to improve performance as you can tell looking at these top three results they're very optimized okay we you know they're putting personal injury lawyers this one's you know got personaly lawyers St Louis in the actual title of the business which is very risky that could definitely get you penalized uh and so this is a dangerous game to play but it clearly works uh and then obviously personal injury lawyers here again and then personal injury lawyers St Louis so uh you know people are playing a pretty aggressive game here and uh but you know this this is kind of you got to you got to measure the the risk verse reward ratio and in this case they seem to believe that the the risk is worth the reward okay and so it's working and so you you got to kind of try to figure that out and figure out what your risk tolerance is but aside from that there really isn't a whole lot of other things that are going to move the needle of course making sure your citations are consistent that's all good stuff but it's really really micro what matters a lot is just your location your reviews traditional rank factors uh just for traditional SEO and then you know of course you could test various tactics as far as actually you being a little more aggressive with the keyword injection and now it's time to create a review generation strategy so go back to your Google business profile click on the ask for reviews option copy the link and search free QR code generator on Google Now create a QR code for your Google business profile review link you can then add this QR code anywhere to start asking for more reviews it's critical that you create a Cadence and culture for review generation don't just rely on passive review generation start asking after every job or help your client build an effective review generation process it's critical for local pack rankings in Google Now for week number four you'll continue to formulate your review generation strategy and put that into motion then you'll need to clean up your local citations and build new citations and you have many options here but I recommend starting with the $7 citation audit from lenex then from there you can either have lenex clean up the citations manually which I personally recommend or you can use a tool like bright local or Whit spark so in week number five and six you'll create SEO content briefs and create a canb band board for managing production let's start with SEO content briefs so open up a keyword in rankability click on brief and you can either create it manually or click the AI brief button to fill the fields automatically then switch over to the content outline section and then you can use AI to generate the outline however you can also just look at the top competitors and pick and choose headlines for the outline then once it's done you can copy the share link and give it to a writer they'll have all the details they need to produce a solid asset and be able to write with NLP in mind inside the content Optimizer then just repeat this content brief generation process for every keyw then just go into your favorite project management tool that has a can band board functionality in this example I'll use a sa okay so here's just a real quick example that you can use a kind of template using the can band board method so what you'll do is you go ahead and just put a little project in here for each keyword or a task and so let's just say this is you know blue shoes okay and it's not a signed so you'd want to do is to be able to operate this kind of like a production line you want to put this over here and then you would assign this to the person that's going to need to create the content brief then they know once they've finished the brief then it needs to be moved to the next section which is creating the outline and you just progressively go through each stage of this process all the way until you get to the published stage and this is why it's really important that you create a standard operating procedure or sop to explain how to not just do the work but also how to manage the work you need you need Sops for both otherwise you won't be able to do this in a efficient and scalable way so this has really been the best way that I've seen to be able to manage this and obviously as as the the volume of work grows you may need to modify this but for the most part just keeping it simple and using this board methodology you're going to be able to just kind of see the visually how these projects are progressing uh over time now week number seven you'll create an SEO content budget and start looking for a VA to create a budget you'll need the estimated word count targets for each of your 100 keywords I recommend pasting your 100 keywords into a Google sheet and then adding the minimum word count based on what rankability told you keep in mind that word account is not a direct ranking Factor but it's critical for estimating budget so here are some ballpark estimates for Content investment so if you're using riters it'll range from 11 cents to 23 cents per word and if you use a hybrid of AI content and a human editor it can get as low as 4 cents per word but your decision to use human or AI content is 100% based on your risk tolerance but we studied 487 Google search results and found that 83% of the top ranking result results are using original content that is written by humans so the Final Act of week number seven is to start looking for a VA I recommend using upwork because they'll only get paid when work is completed here's a sample job proposal template you can use and VA can do almost all the heavy lifting of data entry and management for your SEO campaign and once you've trained them up they can do 80% of the hard SEO work and just as a side note you get three accounts as a member of got SEO Academy which means your VA can get certified in our proven SEO processes which will substantially decrease your workload and allow you to focus on higher impact activities so in week eight you should have a VA and now it's time to start conducting a weekly SEO meeting as I mentioned before pick a day of the week and create a recurring event in your calendar this meeting is critical for measuring campaign success and holding your SEO team accountable and once your meeting Cadence is set up you'll spend weeks 8 and nine building your SEO roster I recommend finding an agency or a roster of Specialists who can fulfill the following roles SEO content writing design technical SEO page speed optimization and conversion rate optimization you don't need all of these right away but the most important one is to build a team of SEO content writers now agencies like lenic are a good option because they're extremely reliable however if you're looking for tier one level writing then you'll need to find some individual writers I recommend studying the top blogs in your target industry in finding who's writing the content for example I found this writer by digging into articles on the New York Times come to find out she also writes for the Washington Post National Geographic and Good Housekeeping these types of writers are premium because they're the best of the best and in week 10 you'll begin assigning projects to content writers and creating anop for managing the SEO content process now the good news is that you already had the foundation set for this with your SEO content briefs and the can band board created now just assign the writing projects based on your allocated monthly budget now what I recommend doing is creating a simple video sop that explains how to manage the SEO content production process this is training material for your virtual assistant and then in week 11 continue what you did in the previous week but now you'll train your VA to manage the SEO content production process just be patient and give your VA the freedom to make mistakes now in week number 12 you're going to start by ordering a cro audit or conversion rate optimization audit here's one on Fiverr that'll be sufficient but there are many others you can test and now it's time to start a screaming frog crawl okay so it's open up screaming frog and then what you're going to do is you're going to go ahead and connect all of the apis and for this example you want to connect the Google analytics for API Google search console page speed insights and one of the link analysis tools so in this case I'll be using hrfs and you can just go up to configuration and then go to the API section you can connect all these and then once they're connected all you have to do is actually just go ahead and start the crawl now in weeks 13 and 14 you'll Focus your efforts on technical SEO okay so what I did is I went ahead and exported the results from screaming frog and put it into the sheet and then I just froze the top row and then we're also going to add a filter up here and that way we can filter through all of these pages and various data points now we there's so much we can do when it comes to a crawl uh and that's why I have a dedicated section in got Academy just for technical SEO but for now I want to show you just a few things that are really high impact that you can really take advantage of right away so the number one thing you should look for is to look at the the broad overview of performance on all of your URLs and this is really really easy if we go ahead and just filter out we'll take out non- indexable we'll just look at indexable content and then we'll of course make sure we're only looking at 200 status codes and then make sure we're only looking at HTML uh that we're not you know looking at other types of assets so we're basically just looking at pure pages on your website all right now what you want to do is I'm actually going to collapse all of these columns and really all I want to see is a few kind of data points here so I'm going to hide that I want to keep word count intact uh I want to keep craw depth I want to keep that in there I want to keep uh I also want to keep unique in links in here so actually get rid of these as well and I'm not deleting these columns by the way I'm just hiding them so we can kind of focus in on some of this data okay now we're going to hide all this and I just want to be able to see pure data like pure kpis for these pages okay and then you're going to get a ton of data from Google page speed insights honestly most of this you're it's not really actionable uh really the only column you need is this one okay this is really the only column that that matters a ton so you can actually go ahead and just hide all of this so go ahead and hide it because it really gives you a ton of stuff so okay let's go ahead and hide this we've got the data from Google analytics okay so this is all Google analytics data and I'll just highlight it so you can see the difference Google analytics data this is Google search console data so we'll go ahead and just put this in Orange and then this is hr's data all right so we've got all these different data points and this will allow us to make some really kind of educated decisions about these URLs all right now let's kind of walk through a few these so what I like to do is first thing let's just see uh do we have pages that have really really low word counts let's just begin there okay so we'll start with A to Z and just look like do we have pages that are really thin now in some situations a thin page is not always bad right like for example we've got some author Pages we've got some dedicated Pages for uh gacha Academy alumni so you know these types of pages to me are not bad right they're they're inherently going to be a little thin uh in nature and that's okay okay because they're not the we're not trying to rank these Pages these pages are more for content marketing purposes they're more for uh business objectives so they have utility they just don't have SEO utility and that's a really important Point like people think that every single page on their site should Target a keyword which actually is not true at all right you need to make sure that you know you're you're building your site based on what's best for your ideal client your ideal user like don't just build your site purely for Google that doesn't make a lot of sense okay so but it's a good place to start with these word counts because occasionally you may find some some weaknesses next we're going to look at crawl depth so go to Z to A any page that's more than three clicks deep is something we want to investigate okay and so I have quite a bit that are more than three clicks deep okay so when we look at this you know not so good right we've got a lot of pages that need to be uh need to be pushed further up into the site architecture okay and this is 137 pages that need to be pushed up more into the site architecture so just by fixing this alone this can actually improve performance on all of these pages that are buried inside the site right this is really important now one other going back to word count just because I noticed it there is a situation where sometimes the opposite with word count is something you want to investigate too so in this case you know I've got this this this URL here that has over 10,000 words okay and if we look at this URL we have to see how it's performing and if it's not performing uh super well then that's an indication that we probably need to break it up right and when we look at the data here you know it's got 13 13 visitors uh you know it's 20 views and we look at the Impressions it's got about a thousand Impressions nine clicks so you know it's not it's not doing really that well and it's old too so this is probably a situation where I would I would examine this asset and start to think about is there a way that we can break this asset up into smaller assets uh and and just try to see if we can extract more traffic out of this by just kind of getting more narrow uh with some of this stuff on here because I think you know this page honestly is really really old and back in 2015 is you used to be able to create really massive assets like this and that would work like you would create the huge asset around a keyword and you would just rank for everything those days are long gone okay so just don't even do that like it's much better just to build one dedicated asset around a very granular keyword uh for example like this one you know SEO for dentists okay very very specific asset for a very specific Market um and you'll see like this is purely for dentists like it's not for anything else it's purely for dentists uh I don't go super deep in every single part but I go deep enough to fulfill the intent of this keyword okay that's what we're doing we don't want to go overboard right this is I would say 10,000 words is overboard you that's three four times more than most of my other assets so this is a situation where I would probably highlight this whole row because I know it's something that needs to be broken up so that's one thing now next thing is looking at unique in links all right want to start a to z and these are all pages these are how many internal links are going to these pages okay so for me anything less than five to me is a situation where I want to start to improve internal link coverage all right now this is also an indication of of a couple other things first number one you know you can go and just look for opportunities to add internal links on other pages okay that's one thing you can do but it's also sometimes an indication that we just don't have a lot of topic support meaning we don't have a lot of other pages that are built to support this these assets uh as far as relevance okay so like HVAC marketing um we probably don't have a whole lot of you know HVAC based pages on our site so you can actually go and just do a quick Google search and you just put your do a site call and search for whatever website you're working on and then just put in like what the broad topic is okay and more often than not you'll see that there's probably not a whole lot of a whole lot of coverage on this topic now in this case there is only one asset on our site that targets HVAC literally just one okay so let's say I wanted to improve the performance of this hbac marketing page well then what I would do is I would start to build out some supporting assets around this main asset right so we might talk about you know Facebook ads for HVAC companies or SEO for HVAC like we can start to build out these dedicated assets uh and then we internally link back to this main asset and as a result you start to build more topic Authority right that's the key you want to build more topic Authority in these little small Pockets because that's where you know the maximum amount of performance will will occur now on the opposite side of the spectrum you think about SEO like if we do what I'm actually a let's call you know so-called topic Authority on this you'll see like look at how many assets I have that specifically talk about this broad topic of SEO right they're all different intents they're all different ideas but I talk about SEO a lot okay like it's almost every page is about SEO on my site okay so that is true topic Authority but if we did something like you know I don't know blue shoes we're not going to find a whole lot okay that's just because I'm not a topic Authority on that you can put any other keyword in there but for SEO that is one thing where I have built topic Authority at least within a certain extent that because I've created so much content on it right that's that's one of the elements of building authority the other element of course is is backlink Authority and now in week 15 and 16 it's time to create localized link Bas there are multiple goals of creating this type of content first they're assets that people are likely to link to and and second they'll create proper localized relevance now the key to executing this content well is number one create many assets the more bait you create the more backlinks you'll likely get number two make sure it's topically relevant and location relevant for example don't create an asset like what is personal injury while this is relevant on the topic level it doesn't have localized relevance and it has National intent instead you want to create assets like slip and fall accident stats in Chesterfield Missouri this creates proper relevance and acts as a linkable asset so in weeks 17 through 20 you'll Focus 100% on backlink acquisition for a local campaign it's best to focus on localized opportunities before moving to National start by looking for local donation opportunities but use the following criteria number one do they link out if no ignore it number two if they link out is it followed number three how much will it cost to land a link number four is the page indexed in Google number five has this donation been approved by the client and now it's time to actually find some opportunities so I recommend using these search strings to find donation opportunities next make sure you're signed up for the local Chamber of Commerce you can score an Easy Link doing this and it doesn't matter if it's no follow lastly look for Niche associations to join by using these search strings so those are three easy ways to get localized backlinks but you also want to mix in some really powerful trusted backlinks from highly trusted entities and that's when search intelligence comes into play they use a unique strategy that doesn't require creating assets instead you contribute expert insights for other websites and they pitch a huge list of journalists and you score powerful backlinks to your homepage so I'll have a link below this video where you can learn more about search intelligence so that's how you can do SEO if you only have one hour per week thank you so much for watching and please subscribe for more
Channel: Nathan Gotch
Views: 8,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: local seo, search engine optimization, seo
Id: hJbvKtchH4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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