1 Hour of the BEST Apex Advice - Noob to Pro

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whether you're brand new a returning player or fairly experienced this video is 1 hour of some of my best Apex content made to help you get better at the game so let's get right into it you want to get more kills and die less in Apex well good because in this video I'm going to break down the eight most common reasons most players die way too much thanks to EA for sponsoring this video number one you're fighting for far too long this is something that everyone has experienced in more than just once I'm sure and I'll be honest certain situations can be extremely tough to just speak up but when you're fighting you're naturally drawing attention bullets explosions abilities all will be ringing out and sometimes from several hundred me away now during all of this time it's fair to assume another team is hearing this interaction and is on their way to try to get involved if you can at least prep with this thought in mind when a fight is becoming prolonged then you're already going to be ahead of a lot of the player base you don't want to just be shooting cuz you can't you want to be shooting with intention whether that's to level up your Evo armor while you hold a solid position or if it's to just get some initial damage so you're able to close the gap to your enemies and fight them up close now everything should be a part of your greater plan and I do believe fights to go on too long because of another reason but I'll get into that in a moment A good rule of thumb you want to live by is this 22nd rule if your fight is going on Beyond 20 seconds it's time to either go into fourth gear and try to wrap the fight up while being mindful of any incoming third parties or you can start to back up and try to find better positioning so that you can pause this fight but from a safe spot and and be mindful of a third party coming in this way you can take a lot of the attention that was on you and shift it onto a new team that may be approaching now this will be especially helpful in the ranked mode where more teams are just generally alive for longer periods of time and a lot more players are hyper aware of a third- party opportunity number two poor positioning now this one will put you in a disadvantaged spot even when you don't mean to at times while we're traversing the map we can all suffer from Bad positioning it's not always going to be your fault but what you want to try to learn from that is that when you're in an area that you're familiar with and you know is not favorable to you or even your teammates especially if your enemy was to attack you then you want to be able to find the quickest spot to reposition yourself so that you're not so vulnerable now common features like High Ground large amount of cover a building with minimal entry and exit points are all generally great areas for good positioning but the best tip I can give you is always try to move in between different pieces of cover even if you aren't actively engaging with an enemy we know this is a game of seconds so in the event you do get ambushed or in the event you're pushing a known enemy but they don't necessarily know where you are pushing from or your whole team is pushing from you always want to be near some form of cover because it's definitely going to help you out in theory you'll be taking less damage and you'll have better positioning over your opponent Now cover isn't a novel idea in any FPS shooter but players don't always tend to gravitate towards it unless they're really experienced in looking for it so although this may seem fairly basic you'd be surprised surprised how many times our minds will just have us drift off because maybe we're not being mindful about our surroundings and we find oursel in a worse spot and our opponents in a better spot and this makes us much more susceptible to dying to them number three you're not Shield swapping or certainly not enough this is one of the fundamental skills in Apex and as you continue to progress through the game it becomes more vital to do but it's also a true skill Gap I'm sure most of you know about this mechanic by now but you're just underutilizing it when it comes down to to it in game whether it's that white armor on the ground that you can quickly swap to In the Heat of a fight or it's remembering that you wiped a squad 10 m from you and there's still a blue armor swap in one of the boxes that you can get to quickly it's all important to remember and execute armor swapping can be practiced in the firing range now whereas before we just had to get better at it in game which is where I recommend you to practice it the most and if you're on M and keyboard make sure you're utilizing moving around jumping Andor crouching while you're in the death box grabbing that swap for all my controller players I recommend getting used to grabbing armor swaps quickly first and then incorporating a jump while you're going into the box so that you're not just a Sitting Duck in the box when you're going for that swap controller players can't really move around in a death box certainly not like most of keyboard players can and yes I do know about a couple little tactics that allow for some slight movement but I found the jump interact into the box is the most consistent way to get the Swap and utilize some form of movement now lastly you must begin to be aware of what boxes your teammates have already swapped as well countless times I'll see players neglect to pay attention to what box their teammate just swap as they're running to that box while cracked only to be shocked that that armor swap is gone that usually results in them dying as well in most cases you'll be able to tell which boxes your teammates already swapped if you just pay attention to their armor levels and what death boxes are wear number four healing now healing is the Cornerstone of thriving in this game if you overheal in certain moments where just team firing that enemy would result in them dying sooner and your teammate Staying Alive then you could be making a grave mistake on the contrary and what is far more common for players is not healing soon enough and in safe spots now I don't care how basic this sounds it's something that I see at all levels in coaching Apex and for you more experienced players I guarantee you it's probably about balancing when to heal when you're in a clutch up moment like trying to complete a 1v3 or a 1 V2 I see good players in these scenarios miscalculate constantly when they should heal or not healing at all but first off you got to make sure you have enough shields in health whenever possible ideal amounts are two to four Shield Batteries More is always better 8 to 12 Shield cells four syringes and two medkits now these are just ideals it's not set in stone but if you can shoot for that you should be chilling remember your backpack size what you can find if you'll be taking more Zone damage are all important variables when calculating what the amount of Shield sheld and health you need to carry is but let's talk in some simple terms if you take more damage then you deal and you have the time and space to heal use it if you downed one player and took 100 damage and your armor is now cracked but you know you're going to have to fight one more player who is presumed to be full health and shields you're going to have little chance in winning that if you aren't able to heal or reset with an armor Swap this is as simple as I can make it guys health and shields is all just a numbers game but it's crucial sure you pay attention to this at every single moment during the game because trust me every good player you watch does this and does it well number five incorrect ability usage or just flat out using the wrong legend for your play style using abilities incorrectly whether that's at the wrong time wrong place or forgetting to use them all together because you've been maning a different Legend and forgot what your current Legend does I mean all of these things can and will affect how your fights play out the longer that Apex has been around the more abilities have continue to play a significant role in fights now once you understand the concepts of what your Legend can do it's going to be time to take in where and how they really Thrive at the end of the day this is probably what draws so many people to keep coming over to Apex and getting into the game another angle to look at this from though that is super important is understanding what your enemy is capable of with their Legends abilities this helps you make Split Second predictions or reads on what you believe their next move will be if you are forgetting to use your abilities it may be time to hone in on one or two legends to focus on I know a lot of you probably have a main Legend but if you're one of the players who doesn't or you feel like your main just isn't cutting it it's best you get to mastering just one or two of the Legends this way you can learn the different ways to outplay and outmaneuver your opponents and constantly switching your Legend could be screwing up your ability to have a deep understanding of what's at play in this game number six and this one is super important overextending and getting focus fired you guys love to talk about this one all the time in my comments section and it's the main thing you're going to want to watch out for if you're going to take anything away from this video Simply put more gunfire on you speeds up how quickly you'll die in this game if you're not mindful of overextending you will be getting clipped up fast I'm sure you've had a lot of sweaty matches this season and died to a very coordinated team this will feel very frustrating cuz it's going to feel like you didn't even have a chance or at least a fair one at that but listen the same thing is true on the flip side team firing with your squadmates is going to make your life easier and help you get more kills but back to overextending one thing that helped me correct this bad habit was being extremely mindful of where my teammates were at at all times especially in accordance to where I believe or know my enemies to be this way I can rarely overextend and be surprised by it now I'll admit if you're solo queuing this isn't always going to be easy predicting what your random may or may not do is a tricky thing to manage however if you're able to apply all of these things that I've gone over into your gameplay and you're being mindful about your positioning while I guarantee you you'll find yourself overextending less and less no one really tries to overe extend for a kill unless they're being extremely greedy and like ego challenging a fight this really starts from just not paying attention a ton or not making the right read on the situation but if you truly practice being mindful of all of these things well the game will be yours for the taking trust me number seven is players giving up a lot of players tend to give up when their teammates go down it's like they almost know their fate is determined already or something and that could look like just running in blindly into a building where you don't really know what's going on and you're trying to be helpful or it could just mean forgetting all of the principles in the game that you've worked hard on like positioning timing of your abilities Inventory management and much more personally for me I think the best feeling in this game is clutching up a fight especially when you have to like 1v3 or something like that and you're not going to experience that or at least often if you tend to give up now I know some situations the fight will just be flat out unwinable and I get that but that's certainly not going to be every time and remember you're playing against other people who want similar things as you do so you can't just rest on your laurels you got to try to take it from them number eight is very similar to number seven but it differs just slightly and I'm calling it herob ball what is this well it's when you're trying to be too good of a teammate but at the expense of truly taking care of the moment as a result you're going to throw your game while this is similar to number seven I swear people always gravitate to this at one time or another at least until they truly learn how to process the different steps in Apex you have to be disciplined and mentally acute when it comes to clutching fights I mean you don't even need the best gun skill or movement you need to outwit your enemy there's several different examples I could list but just imagine both your teammates go down and they're inside a building or something where you can't see all the enemies you are blindly running in there CU you want to be next to your teammates cuz you feel like you kind of missed out on some action and you get clipped by all three players team firing you this is the epitome of playing herob ball you want to be helpful it's not like you're actually giving up it's that you're not actually thinking about the situation at play another example is you could be in the process of trying to clutch a fight and let's say it's down to the last guy and instead of just abusing The High Ground that you have over them you rush off of high ground and you try to speed up the fight and in doing so you kind of give away your leverage in that fight this is another example of playing herob ball what it boils down to is just not thinking enough about the situation you're rushing it because you want the outcome and you want to try to be that good teammate for newer players this could look like going to revive your down teammate even when you know it's a bad time to do so like newer players love to go for a revive when they know they're just like I wasn't at the fight I've got to try to be helpful here and while I'm Reviving I'm getting shot in the back there's so many different examples that could fall under this category but what it all boils down to is just trying to take in the information build up your skills and not throw them all away In the Heat of the Moment because In the Heat of the Moment is where you're going to need to apply all of these skills otherwise the player on the other end of the fight is going to use that against you and take you out in this video I'm going to be talking about Landing looting and inventory management now there are a lot of new players in Apex right now and there are a ton that are also returning and there are just players who've been playing for some some time and still don't really understand how this stuff works so let's get right into it now let's start off with how to land properly now there are really two different examples here that I'm going to cover when you're contested and when you're uncontested but there are going to be some nuances with each one so let's start off with being uncontested let's say you and your squad whether you're playing with friends or you're playing with randoms are being uncontested and you're Landing in a POI the goal here should be so that you guys all split up among your each respective area within the POI now if it's a really large POI like Skyhook or something then you definitely want to use your discretion here to look around to see if a team went countdown or potentially survey camp or any of the nearby pois that might venture into Skyhook especially if the Zone ends up pulling to that area you don't want to be landing too far away from one another but you want to give yourself enough area so that you're not looting on top of one another far too often players will just land in the same exact area and that screws one another up most of you know this because there's only so many loot paths right and if two of you are looting the same path that just means there's less to go around it's a really simple concept however one of the worst Parts about Apex is that people who are the jumpmaster can't force the players to break off from them it works the other way around so if you aren't the jump Master you're able to break off as soon as you want and land in the area that you want to go into what usually screws up players particularly while solo queuing is they'll be the jump Master they'll ping a spot that they want to land to they are uncontested and then one or two of their randoms land right on top of them and it just screws them over and in these situations look there's really nothing you can do except start to run in a different direction and hopefully loot your own respective area if players are paying attention though splitting up helps you because the sooner you guys all get looted up the sooner you can either move on to rotate if you need to or look for a fight if that's what you want to do the point here is that you want to make this as efficient as possible and that starts with looting your respective areas and then meeting up after 60 to 90 seconds or so depending on when you need to leave and what you're planning to do next if it's a smaller poi then this may be a little bit more difficult say it's a POI like geyser well someone should land in the back and then the other two should split the u-shaped buildings now when it comes to being contested I want to preface with well it really depends on where the enemy team is landing and let's just assume for Simplicity sake it's a 50/50 you know your team and the enemy team now with each POI there will be differences here that you want to evaluate and there's not a one- siiz fits-all approach because the enemy team could land in one spot in one match and you could have a good counter to that but then in the next match they land in a totally different way and that screws up how you wanted to land or that you were used to Landing oh and one really important factor that every player on the team must learn to do is free look around while they drw now I've been preaching this for years now but it's something that will give you the information about where you should land and where your enemies are landing as well if you're not Freel looking you're really just putting blinders on and that's just going to negatively affect your gameplay because it's going to affect the lack of information you have about your surroundings you need to learn to free look while still dropping too many players give me the excuse of like well I'm jump master so I can't look around wrong you need to build this skill up you can focus on your drop and focus on free looking at the same time you're going to have to balance it more so than the person who may not be jump Master but it's still a skill you want to develop and enhance especially if you solo queue cuz you can't just count on your randoms to freelook and communicate to you what they're seeing and whatnot so free looking is of the utmost importance now back to the contest now speaking broadly here there are three things that I always look out for when it comes to a contest now first is I always want to see if I can land at some sort of High Ground obviously High Ground will give you a positional advantage in a fight but it also lets you see a lot more regarding your surroundings for example a top of a building will give you a better vantage point to see out regarding your next move second is if I'm landing in an area where I could get pinched could be trapped and when I say trapped I imagine either getting surrounded by multiple enemies or multiple teams or even just trapped from the map now this would be mostly applicable in an edge POI like climatizer dome anything where the map is just going to run out of space if things go bad and you don't have a good area to fall back to that could wind up harming you and third is I always want to land right on something that I can quickly access a chance at a weapon or two I don't want to land then have to run 30 ft to the nearest loot spawn and have my enemy already get shots at me before I've even got to a place where a weapon could spawn now you obviously can't control weapon spawns but you can go to the places where loot does spawn and that will give you the highest chance of success of course we've all landed on a bin and got two sniper stalks and a frag grenade while our enemy opened another bin and got a Mastiff and an r301 but what I'm really talking about is you don't want to land in a spot waste time running to the nearest loot spawn because either you weren't paying attention or yeah really we'll just come down to paying attention because some players who are new aren't going to necessarily know where all the loot spawns are and that will just take time to build up but through experience you will gather that and you will know okay there are pills here okay loot SPS here on the ground things of that nature but assuming you already have that awareness really try to think about these three things now in most situations where you get contested in a certain POI you want to think about what area can you and your teammates occupy and basically you kind of want to be a little greedy here if you got to split this one POI among six players your team versus their team and you don't want to give them more space than your team occupies this isn't always something you can control but it's something you want to look out for if you see a team that is sticking together right up until the landing then that jump Master is going to land those other two players wherever they go and that could be super beneficial to you in your squad if you pick up on it and if you choose to land in your own desired location which is what I'm recommending to do you'll see in this clip here where we land at the wall POI on stormo I told my teammates watch where they go and try to take as much space as you can so basically we got one side of the wall which is is two buildings and two different sections of pills and they got the same thing relatively speaking but they all landed on one building with the pills outside of it so that helped us because they didn't really split up their landing at all and so we knew to move on them rather quickly and roll the dice assuming that not only did we have better loot but we had more space and we had a great idea of where they all were at and where they'd be heading to Next because I would assume one or two players wouldn't find enough loot which would mean they would try to run to that back right building and that got them split up this made it really simple for us to attack them and gave us some extra confidence and this is something that the best players use against their opponents so I'm telling you to use it against yours now when it comes to Landing with more than one other team this could be considered a hot Drop where you land with three or more teams in one POI and there's a couple different ways to play this of course if it's in ranked I'll just straight up say this is rarely a good idea to do as each team is generally going to be thinking yeah let's let the other two teams fight first and then we'll third party this can create a stalemate among all of the teams and where no one ends up really fighting and then no one has a lot of loot or maybe your team just doesn't have a lot of Loot and this will screw you up the rest of your game because you may not find a lot of other opportunities to gather loot except from just fighting now if it's a pub and you just want to get into some action and get your hands dirty but really think about two things can you land on the edge of the POI and work your way in so you're not forced to fight if you don't find good loot this is the more passive approach but it's also more strategic but there is also the approach of Just landing in the middle of that thing and getting right into it and seeing if you can fight your way out this can be fun to pull off with friends but most of the time with randoms it will go poorly at least in my experience sure maybe one out of 10 games you'll frag out and you'll make it out of that POI and you'll carry your randoms through that Hut drop but for the most part you'll be stuck having to try to 1 v9 with just like one weapon and two Shield cells so it can get pretty rough but if you're going to Hut drop really think about where everybody's going and think about how big the POI is in the event that you can't get your weapon where you're Landing where you move to next so on and so forth okay now let's get into Inventory management now Inventory management will scale up as you progress throughout the match because ultimately the longer you stay alive theoretically the more loot you'll find and the more your loot will upgrade now let's say we're starting into a match two Cells Two syringes no weapon no backpack white armor white helmet okay I'm going to start off I find a triple take and then I find an r99 so with the r99 I'll probably find 40 ammo and with a triple take I'll probably find 20 so you can see here I've got 10 slots and basically what I want to think about is what's my primary and what's my secondary so in most examples the triple take will probably be the primary unless a lot of the fights I wind up in are close range but I don't necessarily always get to control that so that's why I'm starting triple take in weapon one now it doesn't really matter where the weapon is whether it's one or two I mean it kind of does but you can always swap it if you want so for a weapon like the triple take an ideal amount because it's a single fire gun I probably want something like 120 that would take up two squares so you can see 60 in each 120 is a good amount especially as I don't have a ton of backpack space but let's say I do grab a white backpack over here and I get two extra slots with that I still will probably continue to carry 120 180 will be the highest I'll go with the triple take because keep in mind it's a single fire gun that's 180 shots that's a ton of shots I don't need that much and I probably will get a kill before I would ever extend even half of that amount of ammo so I could just find more ammo if needed or if everybody I killed and came across didn't have energy ammo I could swap weapons but that's like such a far-fetched thing to run out of this amount now changing guns for a second if I had a nemesis I would burn 120 ammo much faster so my ideal load out would probably be more like 180 at the minimum but 240 is probably something I'd be really comfortable with because very quickly I can extend a whole magazine and burn 20 bullets and that's without a magazine on my gun now going back back to the triple take example and holding 120 ammo I obviously want to look for the necessary attachments that I'm going to come across so something like an optic okay I find a 3X white stock and have yet to find a magazine but for this R9 and the R9 right now is very weak regardless I'm looking for a magazine a stock and laser sight maybe a sight all right I need a lot of light ammo cuz this is going to burn ammo fast so how much should I be looking for 180 240 maybe 240 is a lot for my secondary but this this leaves me with four extra slots now keep in mind with small heels they're all stacked in even numbers so I can hold four and that's the same as holding two same with syringes four now my rough rule of thumb for Shields to health is I want a 2:1 ratio so I want like eight cells or syringes now if I don't have any big heels like Med kits or batteries or I guess even a phoenix kit but I'll get the Phoenix kit in a second here if I don't have any big heels then I want to use the slot in which the big heel would take up or the small heels at least temporarily so for instead of holding eight cells I'll be looking for 12 now if I can get a battery great now medkit great I don't necessarily need to drop these four cells unless I want a grenade or an ultimate accelerant something of that nature something that would take the utility here but I could also because I'm running this R9 and 240 bullets is a lot I could drop the 60 light and carry a grenade this could also take the place of a phoenix kit if you want but if it was up to me I might drop the four cells in exchange for the Phoenix kit this is a variable okay it will alter throughout the game it will change it'll be something that you'll use your discretion but right now this inventory looks pretty good one thing I also want to keep in mind is that as I go throughout the game having only one battery is a vulnerable spot to be in so I want to keep my eyes peeled for another Shield battery as well as a medkit I'm already carrying one I can carry two it takes the same amount of space but for the shield battery it's the same concept it's just that this is really really important to have more than one cuz if you don't have any that time to heal gets extended by a lot and that could take you out the fight that could make you lose the fight so it's something you want to keep your eyes peeled for as soon as I get a squad wipe and I'm in the death box and I only have one battery I'm scouring those boxes for the batteries I want to make sure that I get one for my random teammates gobble them all up now let's say I've got the blue bag now so I've got more space two bats 12 cells I have one grenade so here I can Flex if I want to carry more grenades which I probably will with this load out I'm going to look for at least one more and then on this extra slot I can decide do I want ammo do I find more bats because ideally four bats is a really comfortable spot to be in four is like the amount for me yeah I mean obviously I'd take more if I could but having four is really really comfortable now if I find more bats at this stage this is something I've talked about before and some people have argued with me if I find more bats here then I'm going to drop the cells I don't need as many cells if I've got the shield batteries to make up for it however if I lose those bats this is still a really comfortable position to be in for heals now let's switch guns for a second pretend I'm back on the Nemesis all right now I've got to upgrade the ammo and I'm probably going to drop a little light in exchange cuz the light is a second 120 that's fine I'm looking for 240 on the Nemesis maybe even 300 depending on if it's a ranked game and I may not know the next time I'll be able to get loot if it's getting towards that later stage so the universal Concepts you can apply regardless of your load out is that you really want to strive for four bats two medkits 8 to 12 cells I'll say and four syringes you never need to carry more syringes unless of course you know you've got a long rotation in the zone and you're like damn I really need heal in that case I'd probably drop a nade and I'd stack back up on extra syringes so that when I come out of Zone hopefully I'm still sitting around four and two for the health I'll burn these four extra syringes while I'm in zone now of course if I if I couldn't find any medkits right then I might carry eight syringes maybe depends on the Zone depends on how much Zone damage I think I'll take but chances are if I'm carrying more than four syringes I'm doing something wrong besides that one example I just gave you're never going to need to heal eight syringes without dying first most likely like you're dead before you're going to heal that much remember your Shield gets hit first so that's why you want more Shields than your health but if you are stuck in zone and you're rotating you need to pay attention to health and this is just a metric that you always want to look for it's a baseline thing every time you're looting a death box every time you're looting around you want to make sure that you're sitting around these numbers you don't want to get caught in zone and be like damn I totally forgot and neglected to pick up health and now I'm just going to die you don't want to be one of those players now let's talk about a different load out real quick let's say I'm running Peacekeeper as my secondary so I'm looking for 16 shells 32 would be the absolute maximum for a shotgun I rarely carry 32 though 16 is just fine that's enough for one fight and then some and let's say I am running Havoc probably going 300 on the energy because I've then subtracted some of the inventory space for the secondary weapon like the R9 right cuz the R9 I was carrying anywhere from 120 to 180 which would take up three slots two to three slots now being on the Peacekeeper I don't need to do that so I can make up for it in other areas which I'm going to choose to do that with the energy ammo and I'm going to choose to do that with shields and grenades and maybe an ultimate accelerant if I can find one so now I've got three nades I'm going to go for two more bats and I've still got an extra slot and this is on purple right so this is like the most comfortable you'll be when you have the best backpack obviously gold is a little bit better but it doesn't give you more space it just allows for you to carry more big heels now I've got all of this and this is really really comfortable having decent game sense is vital to improving at Apex but so is understanding all of the different Legend ability usage whether that be the legend your playing the Legends your teammates are using or even what Legends you're going up against so in this video I'll break down several different fights and go in depth on how I was able to outplay my opponents not only using abilities but also my game sense so let's get into it now in this first clip on costic we are pushing storm catcher trying to third party I'm duo queing with my friend speed you'll see I get scann here so I toss my CTIC go it's not the best all but it is good at denying some area once we get The Blood Hound cracked over here speeds is able to take care of it and then there's the Watson once again we team fired both of these players resulting in them dying very quickly now we can see that their third teammates behind the door it's a wraith she's trying to set a portal I go for The Thirst on the Watson so she can't take it and so I can get an armor Swap and then I start getting shot at from the roof this is the other team that we didn't know about so you see how I double backed here going into the portal super risky move because I'd stay in line of sight of the guy on height but also I'd still be in line of sight if I tried to jump off storm catcher so I was faced with two decisions that I felt like were both pretty bad but I elected to go for the portal because my friend had already taken it saying it's clear and also being on costic I feel like I can trap the portal if they want to chase me this is a huge Advantage as costic so I try to utilize it once I take it and go low ground here speeds goes High ground and he runs into this full team he gets knocked I pop this Phoenix kit and I kind of wait to see what are these guys going to do you can see that I put a trap on the portal and this is going to let me know how many enemies take it and when they do you'll see right here I've got two of them I get this Valkyrie pretty low she's slowed she's stunned I'm trying to capitalize off of that while that's going on Newcastle tried to push me I get some good sprays here on him and then there's only one left now at this time our teammate is pushing up he's just arriving to the fight so I'm hoping he can do something you know take some attention here but I can hear that fuse is going for the res so I'm trapped in this mother load I throw a couple traps out so that I can just I don't know create something here if I need to off the scan I see that they res but New Castle elected to run pretty far I catch him and then I'm rolling off momentum here use must have taken damage from either my teammate or his own Al I'm not sure but it results in a nice 1v3 now one thing I want to highlight here is as soon as these players came through the portal I knew two of them did so I never got a tick on the third so I don't know if he took a different route as soon as I downed the valkyrie though I immediately looked to a different area because I know the second player had already taken my gas damage he's not that close I got a faint audio cue that the third player was approaching and that's very common here while all the attentions on me I down one of theirs and here is the Newcastle looking for me luckily I get a huge spray on him and I know I have to push him now this push was pretty risky you know I jump over the car I'd be theoretically in line of sight of the fuse but I feel like it was worth it because I figured I could quickly get back to my cover and at this point it's much easier to deal with this fight if I take out one of the support legends that has a special revive now on this next clip we're moving on to this fight that just finished up on the edge of Zone I've got my costle in hand ready to go with it just in case I see someone I throw it at the Bangalore now look Bangalore goes in here I know that the Zone's cutting off that building so I trap it once I trap it I basically force her to be stuck in there for at least a few extra seconds speeds is One V oneing this player on the roof while I 1 V one the Newcastle now Newcastle kind of jumps me surprised me got the first shot but I'm able to take care of him I throw a trap down I was going to bat but then I just go for the armor Swap and you can see right there briefly Bangalore ran out rushed it and speeds took care of her I feel like this was a good use case of having the ult out denying the area forcing her into a building trapping the door which stalls her and just takes her out of the fight and then using our gun play and our teamwork to just Just One V one each of those players I really looked at the zone and assessed what spots were in and what spots weren't in and I used that really to my advantage here when it came to denying area which costic is excellent at now on this last fight we have a 3v3 but we're getting held out of Zone by this team and they had already shot down our Evac so we have to push forward see the lifeline was up on that rock wall I got a decent spray on her and I cracked her so I used that drop down you see how I cut into the right making this angle that she had not work anymore if she wants to repeat it costic throws his ult at me but he misses and obviously I'm a costic but I see the ballistic ult saw that it was close I back up I preemptively throw the heat shield down because I know that the Zone will overlap us at this point I set off one of the traps ballistic drops all the way down into the Trap into my spray down him I'm pretty healthy I throw another heat shield forward so that I put it on my other teammate speeds I know I have a gold knockdown from the New Castle back there I push up speeds had already down one because of the ring and because of some gunfire and now it's just 1 V one the lifeline's playing over by the downed enemy but she doesn't play it super well I thirst that guy and I crack her then I get speeds behind this piece of cover and I re I tell him just cue at her and I'll push and this way she has no chance and so I slide out and I try to spray and he cues at her and it's just too much for her to handle and we wrap it up so you'll see here that we used a lot of abilities we use some survival items and ultimately our gunfire as well but this team had all of the advantages in the world they had positioning they had space they had timing and they botched it completely you have to know in these moments how much space you need to take and you have to know how to take it as well and I think this was a good example of just hedging our bets by throwing the heat shields down getting some gas traps out activating them forcing the fight a little bit in zone cuz that ends up backfiring for them cuz it Doesn't favor them at all they end up losing that and then by the time Lifeline does get to the circle we are already in pretty good shape and there's not that much more space to cover for us to get into the circle and then we just outnumber her but certainly having the gold knockdown here was very clutch all right now onto a Bangalore clip this was a 50/50 at carrier we landed in the front this team landed in the back I got some faint audio sounds that they were still hanging back here now you'll see this Revenant pushes up I try to remain patient because I could hear these players in the back and I didn't want them to wait for me to push out and I knew I was up ahead of my teammates so once Revenant pushes out I get a good spray but I take no damage you'll see how I smoke this ship and then I move to a different angle I want to create some confusion here and ultimately I know if I smoke here I might screw up the teammates who are hanging in the back but I can catch the Revenant by attacking closer and faster to see I down him then I instantly reposition go back through the doors wait for some of this commotion to unfold and have my teammates come in a little bit immediately pop a cell and then I get a nice beam through this two down I can see that the third player cuz he shot me from the stairs he missed so then I get to the carrier ship and I just start thirsting the Revenant I do this because I know it'll Force this other player out of his positioning and look what we have here boom Loa she's in line of sight of all three of us and it's GG's the smoke here was 100% used so that it would block off the other two teammates hanging in the back and create some confusion around what's happening now I didn't completely smoke them off so that they couldn't see but it was enough to put something between Revenant and them and that's what ended up favoring me here now in this next clip on Bangalore this is a 2v3 I just heard a respawn ship over here my teammate is a little bit behind me and I'm taking that into account as I'm pushing up I thought I only saw one one player dropped from the ship and it looks like this Lifeline she was caught slacking here a bit she's on white armor I push up she elects to rechallenge which was silly I immediately use some cover and start to heal but then I get an audio q that they're pushing up then there's also a conduit ultimate it's a little bit of chaos so I smoke I back up I don't like that conduit Al there's too much to shoot and not enough space for me to deal with it so my teammate ended up pushing up he gets down he Downs the conduit luckily though and then Horizon cues up and I crack her so I destroy this little section of it and then I go for the res she's playing way back and I can hear that she has a 3030 so she's looking for more of a long range engagement and I'm looking for more of a close range I get the res off I'm expecting a horizontal here it comes One Clip it at this time I'm just waiting for my teammate to reset putting some pressure down I smoke her he throws a pad and then this is just an awesome clip here smoke really screws her up as you can imagine why she can't see very well she doesn't understand exactly how many players are coming at her or where they're exactly at and then I just use that to my advantage because I remember exactly where she is at and I get a decent spray in the air at her I think this fight is a great example of the subtleties of dancing in and out of a fight getting some damage backing up adjusting to what's happening to me in lifetime a conduit it all my teammate pushing up luckily he takes one down right but this this team was pushing up pretty aggressively after I down to the lifeline and I didn't really like what was happening so I back out come back in and then we handle business but it really comes down to teamwork ability usage and just understanding when to strike I didn't get antsy and try to push out of my cover while The Horizon's adsing me with a 3030 I played patient used the res which is my leverage here tried to thirst her teammate see if that would make her come off of High Ground she elected to stay so I just smoked it teammate patted and boom GG's all right moving on later in this game there is a team at prominade who was shooting us but quickly they start getting third partied so I Ed my Bangalore ult here because I thought they might push out onto that platform as you can see that revenant is running low ground here my Bangalore all ended up doing nothing here it wasn't the best use of an ability but that's kind of hindsight CU I wasn't sure exactly where everyone was at we try to take the zip and I obviously get fried so I drop down I throw an arc in case they want to chase I pop my bat my teammate's holding for me and I'm going to pop a medkit we're just going to back up we thought about going up around hitting up the other side we can hear the audio above us that sounds like they're just kind of mirroring us they think we're going that way so it's not looking too good at this point you never want to be stuck low ground here as we turn this corner we see two people ratting here in pubs not sure why or what they're thinking but we kill them pretty quickly and now we're ready because the other team is thinking we're fighting so they're going to drop crack the Mirage and then we get shot at from the left so that's where I smoke I get a 64 spray which is pretty good but I knew my teammate was in rough shape so I'm trying to buy some time here my arc bounces off his back there's a bunch of frags coming in from both sides I'm able to One V one the Maggie and then the guy Peaks through the smoke my teammate takes care of that Octane and now it's just last one and we call that out to each other so my teammate medkits and then I don't really Shield here I don't have bats so I'm just kind of being aggressive I know my teammate's right there for backup and I trust him if I was soloing I definitely would have healed because uh yeah you know how randoms can be but when you're playing with teammates you trust you can do things together like this smoking here was clutch you know at the beginning of the fight where we got beamed off the zipline that would create an element of surprise if these players wanted to drop and chase us you know it may cause some confusion as well but then as the fight progresses and we kill that duo and the third party tries to approach smoking off that octane was huge because it allowed for the Maggie to push me while I couldn't get shot by the octane of course I did get some damage off so the octane may have just elected to heal maybe not and then the Mirage was playing a little too far back in order to get involved in this fight he did try throwing some frag grenades But ultimately smoking off that player so they're not able to abuse their off angle and get involved in the fight even when they're not necessarily close is what Bangalore is so freaking good at I mean of course her smokes are very multifaceted they can come in handy in so many different scenarios and that's a huge reason why She's So Meta still these are six bad Apex habits keeping you down let's get into it number one not using your abilities enough look you have to be in touch with what your Legend does and is capable of in all kinds of different situations now this may sound rather straightforward but theory is one thing and putting it into practice is a whole other Beast there's 24 Legends right now all with at least three abilities and that doesn't even include their their Legend upgrades now this can be a lot to manage for players who are not super experienced especially if they don't main one Legend chances are though if you do only play one Legend and you have a lot of time on that one then you're probably pretty good with your ability usage but if that's not you or if you venture off to playing another Legend you got to learn to become more mindful about when and where to use those abilities the longer Apex has been out the more abilities have crept into affecting how fights turn out this is something that will only continue to progress with more Legends being added and more abilities being stronger it's only natural for them to play a significant role in fights the best advice that I can give here that will apply to any Legend you're playing is first focus on the legends class and use that to determine the type of role you're fulfilling for your squad and then be sure to utilize specific strategies for that class to better place you in positions to strike with your abilities if you're playing a support legend for example you're going to need to anchor for your team meaning play behind them and be acutely aware of when they take any damage or go down you're still going to need to focus on playing your life and shooting your gun but you have to balance that with what your role is here if you play a more aggressive Legend like a skirmisher you need to focus on using your Mobility to get entry damage in the fight and then learn to close the gap take a high ground angle or possibly Retreat depending on how the fight is playing out there are so many different kinds of scenarios but one of the most simple things in Apex is just timing your abilities and using them correctly if you screw this up it really becomes harder and harder to win against more experienced players because obviously they are using their abilities better than you are and an underrated aspect to this is it really affects how your whole team plays too one Legend on the team plays a sign significant role in how that fight May turn out depending on what role they're fulfilling so keep in mind certain abilities don't just benefit you they benefit your team too and that's another Factor you want to take into consideration while trying to improve and if you are the type of player that enjoys playing one Legend then really try to focus on everything that Legend is good at and avoid the things that they aren't you really want to learn them inside and out and be really really honed in to what their abilities do for me I have a lot of experience with costic and certain fights I will always avoid are just getting him out in the open in transition that is not something that he's strong at he needs to play in a building or in some closed quarters where he has some cover and some areas that he can control with his gas and his traps other Legends do not want to find themselves in the same scenarios that costic likes to thrive in and that's really what this is all about leaning into what your Legend does well and trying to avoid the scenarios that your Legend is very weak in number two not taking advantage of damage in your team's favor look this is something that players struggle with at all skill levels and the degree in which will vary depending on where you're at and the skill la but most importantly if you just deal more damage than you take then you need to move off of it and I'm speaking broadly here you need to get closer to that enemy and try to capitalize off the edge you have now of course if you're in an endgame scenario and you know one team's going to punish you from High Ground as you push the other team that you just dealt the damage to then you obviously don't want to risk that and you're going to have to use your discretion in certain moments but broadly speaking if you're dealing more damage than you're taking then you need to figure out a way to close the gap because this all boils down to time okay it's going to take the enemy player time to pop a shield battery 5 Seconds to be exact and that's if they get to the spot that they think they can heal in and then they pop to heal if they don't have a battery that time then extends to a much longer duration while they slowly heal up their Shield the point here is that if you can get to them before they start that process and you're taking advantage of the advantage that you have over them now I'm making this sound really simple and basic and it's not always going to be like that because Apex is a three onree game and there's 20 other teams in the lobby so a lot can happen and a lot can go wrong even when you think you have an advantage up front one of the things that a lot of players struggle with particularly as they're climbing the skill ladder is they deal some damage but they don't actually take any aggressive means to get to that enemy that they just did that too so they kind of squander an opportunity and then they may never get an opportunity like that again good players will know if that an enemy player didn't make them pay for whatever Advantage they had over them previously that then gives that enemy player confidence because they know okay that player didn't take care of me when they had me beat now I feel like they're a weak player and then that could just factor into the player being super confident and just wind up beating you when they get a different opportunity every player at one time or another will struggle with this and it's something that's very common but it just boils down to understanding the variables what armor the enemy is on what armor you're on how much time will it take for you to get to that enemy is there another team that can make you pay for pushing or is there another enemy player on that team that has a good angle that will shoot you as you cross to that player that you had low whatever the factors are you need to evaluate them and be aware of them as best as you can but you and your team need to learn to move off of that quickly and efficiently cuz if you don't this is a really bad habit to have an apex in the majority of scenarios Apex has a long time to kill this is not Call of Duty or another first-person shooter that you know you can just one-hot somebody an apex fight can be grueling it can be rather lengthy there are a lot of variables at play that most players just aren't accustomed to unless they've played another FPS with a fairly lengthy time to kill next is number three which is panicking now this is more of a mental thing but it will manifest in many different ways in your games if you end up panicking in a certain moment it's really common and it screws up a lot of players and it just makes them do not the right thing essentially and it's tough to narrow down to one specific thing to look out for but you have to learn to use your experience as an asset and in Apex you have to get accustomed to these high stress scenarios especially if you're trying to grind ranked or if you're just getting into any competitive setting where there's a lot going on in a small amount of space in a short amount of time a simple tip is to just focus on your breathing try to keep your cool remain confident but also cautious and I think if you can do that then you have a pretty good groundwork to beating a lot of players in this game but when players get too cocky they screw up when players get too scared they play on their heels and they also screw up there's going to be a fine line and a fine balance that you're going to want to try to maintain throughout your games and you can't just get experience through osmosis you have to be in those places and in those situations and recognize that our all right even if I lost here I have to turn this into an asset or figure out why you won in a different scenario and you have to take all of that experience with you and realize that every situation that you get into in Apex hopefully you've been in a similar one or in the exact same scenario before so that you feel really confident with your decisions and you know what to do in them now this is going to be true in so many different things in life and it also just applies to Apex and your experience within the game if you fail to take into account the experiences you've had and learning from them then I don't really believe you're setting yourself up for success going through all of this will build a level of resilience in you and I think this is really important to have as you try to get better and better in Apex number four now speaking of panicking one thing that players do whether they Panic whether they just don't think and turn their brain off or they're just not used to these things the next bad habit is swinging wide or ignoring your nearby cover altogether remember cover comes in all different shapes and sizes and depending on what your angle is versus your opponent's angle there may be a lot of different cover to utilize at your dispos it's important to note when to be using cover and when you can sort of move away from it because you have that Advantage obviously if you start behind cover engage with your enemy you have the best chance of success if you're starting out in the open and your enemy is starting behind cover well you really don't have a good chance to win that fight swinging wide out of your cover or just ignoring your cover altogether is something that a lot of players do and when I've coached them and I try to talk to them about hey why are you doing this or did you think about this a lot of the times they're just like oh I wasn't even really considering that or maybe they know the cover was there but in the moment they're just so tunnel visioned on the enemy that they don't end up utilizing it so of course if you have a ton of experience in first-person shooters or Shooters in general then you're probably more apt to lean towards the cover and seek it out and recognize it but still even for a lot of players that do have experience in other games they will tunnel vision and they will swing wide and they won't think about their cover versus the angle that their enemy has and they screw up here this is a terrible habit it's one of the most tangible habits you can try to nip in the Bud early on in your experience and you just have to lean into it more you have to understand that hey if this guy is going to Peak me from this angle I have this pillar this door this High Ground whatever it may be at my disposal I need to utilize it until I get them low enough where cover is really no longer of a factor for me I just need to get to that enemy and finish this fight off but cover is everything you will never see good players not use it and you will often see the best players utilize it really really well and make the most of it and as you progress in a Apex the way you use cover will evolve it may start from just hey let me cover about 40 to 50% of my screen with this box or this door frame but then it also may be hey when I go to weapon swap or go to reload I'm naturally leaning back to the cover that I knew was on my left or my right or wherever it was right you utilize it in that lull of the fight where you have to weapon swap you have to reload you have to pop a shield cell whatever it may be so you have to know that this is something that you can use in and out and throughout your fight and it's not just always about hey I got to use 50% % and cover my screen here and start here and stay right here it's sort of a dance that you want to just be in and around it if you learn to do this you'll have a leg up on a ton of your competition in Apex trust me moving on to number five the next bad habit is not keeping up with the state of the game now this is a little bit different than a tactical approach to the game but knowledge is really power here and you need to be aware of the weapon and Legend meta changes season to season this also could apply to how ranked plays differently in certain Seasons too understanding that ranked meta of like okay this season it's more focused on kill points whereas the last few seasons it was way more focused on just placement understanding how the game changes and evolves season to season is really vital to your improvement and to your success obviously this season with the legend upgrades they added a whole new Dynamic to how Legends feel to how they play and to how fights turn out there's a lot more possibilities with different Legends and it's something that you want to be aware of now at this point a lot of players are probably pretty aware of all the legend upgrades and what do Etc but it's not just for understanding the legend that you're playing it's also understanding the capabilities of the Legends you're going against and one thing I see whether it's from casual players or players who are trying to improve and maybe they had some experience in the latter seasons and they get back into the game they haven't really kept up with what changed in Apex and this can be an overwhelming thing right if you're not accustomed to following the news of the changes and the patch notes Etc well for one I cover them every season I know other creators do too you don't need to spend so much time getting a whole history lesson on the game but you do want to quickly glance and understand okay this Legend got better this season the legend I like to play got worse here's why here's how and then you want to take that with you into your games and adapt your gaml to what has changed this is something that's really important with the weapons as well because certain weapons are notorious for being in the meta for one to two seasons and then they usually get nerfed and another gun takes its slot in that meta Apex loves to do this with the weapon meta and at times it can be a little frustrating because well you know why but it is something that you're going to need to be aware of otherwise bad habits will form from this because you'll get accustomed to using weaker guns weaker Legends and when it comes to just having an edge and trying to beat the better player if they're using the better weapon or the better Legend guess what they're going to have an easier time beating you in most scenarios and this with saying Apex does a pretty good job of keeping everything sort of viable that doesn't mean everything's overpowered that doesn't mean everything's amazing but you know every Legend every weapon is viable to a degree you just have to understand what that degree is and what that situation specifically is where that weapon or Legend can Thrive number six over looting or just focusing too much on looting this is one of the most important things you want to look out for as you're getting better and better at Apex the best players quickly Loot and then they quickly focus on where is the biggest threat or where is the immediate threat newer players focus more on Loot and then they react to something that they didn't even know was there like a nearby team if you get too consumed with your inventory or what weapon you're looking for or whatever you're really missing the forest for the trees you need to focus more on where your enemies are at while trying to balance where you're getting loot from or where you want to move to in order to get more loot players spend way too much time looting in the early game and especially if they're contested they don't really consider where to loot in conjunction to where the enemies are and this is something that hangs a lot of players up if you focus too much on it you're setting yourself up for failure Point Blank get comfortable with less that's the best tip I have for you stop trying to strive for having your most ideal load out with the most amount of Shields and whatever else you have to get comfortable with less because if youve just focused more on that and then you Squad wipe you're going to get a ton of loot from the enemies now there's definitely a balancing act that you're definitely going to want to look to maintain just like with all of these things that I'm talking about but it's one of the most important things that can streamline you to getting better over a quicker period of time when should you push and when should you hold where you're at in this video I'm breaking down several fights and going into the tactics around how to push fights in Apex these days every team you go up against probably feels extremely coordinated that can mold you into thinking of what your enemies are anticipating what you're trying to do to them and vice versa now there's idea and then there's execution it's no different than anything else really if you have the right idea and fail to execute well that's going to suck but on the contrary if you have the wrong idea but still wind up executing well you probably got a little lucky so my goal is to make sure you have the right idea and the right execution let's get into it now this first clip we're talking about how to clutch up with randoms I've soluted a lot in season 18 and it's it's been extremely difficult I'm not going to lie but in this game there was some level of communication going on between me and my teammates and although we hadn't had too many fights things were going fairly smooth we were going up against the last Squad and they were holding us out from some pretty oppressive High Ground we all decided to retreat and get to a better vantage point I quickly see that my teammate octane is getting pushed and I call that out over the mic I see his health bar go down so I queue in and look to provide some presents I take some shots in the back and I got shot by this r here but I anticipate that she's going to push looking for the octane so we down her and then my pathfinder goes down unfortunately this Blood Hound who I knew was the second closest enemy to myself and my other teammate starts to go underneath me and he breaks my line of sight I assumed the third player was going to be further back somewhere North Northwest so I had a decision to make do I drop down and challenge this guy or do I keep my high ground in an ideal situation I would keep my high ground but I saw that my octane teammate just ran down low here and I saw his health bar still low so I figured I have to help him with this guy even though it's going to put me in a vulnerable spot to their third player but if octane loses this 1 V one to The Blood Hound then we're all screwed now as I drop down I miss a shot but I finally connect and he was low now it's a 1 V one me vers their last player I go for the res cuz I can't see the third player I figured I'd at least bait them once I see the Horizon q i damn well know that there's going to be a horizonal so I use my vantage bat which I made sure to recall right around the time I resed octane I got out of her black hole and I get to a spot where I can still get some shots on her and what do you know we clutch up and get the win the keys in this fight were reacting to what my teammates were doing now a lot of the times this will get you killed so it's a constant balance it's an EB and a flow of protecting your life but still being there in those moments where you can Team fire the enemy I'm heavily aware of where my teammates are and if we can just team fire someone even if that means that my teammate's getting shot in the back and I get to shoot the enemy is shooting him it doesn't necessarily have to be us two teammates being coordinated shooting at the same Target but I need to be in a similar area or have a very similar line of sight on the target to play off any present damage or previous damage to make my life and the team's life that much easier now I know some of you guys are thinking well that was a one-time deal where you had some good teammates well in this example I have no teammates these guys landed Estates they died right off rip shocker and I had to retreat to find a weapon because it was super hot and there were no weapons around I returned back to Estates cuz I figured hey what the heck I might as well try to get involved I finally have some weapons and I knew that the team was close to me so I use my ballistic Al find a quick armor Swap and I'm anticipating one player pushing me because they're all probably not going to push at the same exact time from the same spot although that has happened a lot in season 18 so I'm trying to catch a player hopefully walking up the stairs so that they aren't behind any piece of cover and luckily I find the octane I get some good shots with the wingman on him and my first reaction is is to go up the further up I go the more space I've created away from my enemy I start playing the door and start healing remember this process is a mandatory component 1v3 you need to create some space away from the crime scene and you need to start healing as soon as you can however I know that the second guy is going to push and the fact is I could hear him so what I'm looking to do despite me not being fully healed up is catch him in the open up the stairs kind of similar to what I did to the octane and boom I find Revenant in his old takes a lot of shots to kill him because that all is very strong and I go right back to my safe spot and start healing now their third player has a decision to make will they re bait me out of my good positioning or will he panic and come push me and take the last 1 V one now I'm hoping he does that move as opposed to go for the res but I have to wait and see but I'm still making use of my time by healing it's a ballistic I can hear that he's in his all and I can hear that he's approaching the door was already broken so it only takes one kick and my ult wears away right when he shows up he gets so close to me that it makes it kind of awkward to spray him so I hit him once with the wingman and I start spraying with the R9 and somehow he was already kind of low I think he was the guy I shot at the very beginning of the fight and he must have never healed or something regardless that's how you 1v3 create space be a student of the map and really look for those quick opportunities where you can find some little bits of isolation and guys I know it's not possible in every single fight but you won't know if it's possible if you don't put yourself in the best spot in order to see if it is that's the idea and the execution coming together before I move on to the next fight if you guys haven't already please hit the Subscribe button we mean a lot and we're on the way to 150,000 subscribers so thanks for doing so all right now I don't want to show you only fights that we won I want to talk about a frustrating fight that I experienced while solo queuing where things didn't go my way my teammate and I were rotating back from labs to capacitor cuz our Revenant had started running into another team I pull my vantage ult out and I Look to provide some covering fire now I realized where Revenant is and I fought here many times before if Revenant is going to get to us I need to put down as much suppressive fire as I can facing to the west and potentially to the north as well he needs to get into this garage or we need to get a knock and push out of the garage but him being on the outer right side makes it virtually impossible for us to do too much if somebody has already crossed from the West to the North or the East especially if he loses that 1 V one or that engagement so hitting The Wraith for 70 we create some space somebody else starts firing at us and we are waiting away I call an Evac Tower down to I don't know create some sort of bait but it didn't work there was a guy hiding behind one of the AC units so I have to back up further use my one Shield battery I could have slow healed but I decided no I'm not going to do that here I medkit as well and I'm hoping this time where the fight is sort of stalled Revenant tries to get to us he does not until he finally uses his tactical to and now we've kind of reset the fight I've got wraith low on flesh and then I get the knock it's 3v2 and if I pause for just a sec everybody was pretty healthy until Maggie loses a good amount of her shield and HP but we're still up on this fight we just don't have to throw I hit Revenant for 50 and he's cracked so he's got to be somewhat low on health cuz he had blue armor now I see where he is behind it I get on the mic and I say cue this if you have it talking to the Maggie she cues it just a second too late or maybe I say it too late either one Revenant decides to run out on this guy in his ult I lose line of sight for a second by the time I do have line of sight Revenant loses the 1 V one this whole time I knew the third player was to my right outside of this gar so if I swing out too far wide here the guy on the right will shoot me in the back for free I am the healthier one out of Maggie and myself so I can't do anything like that I'm hoping the Revenant Peaks but he doesn't the Pathfinder has caused so much Havoc from his right side angle and he Downs my Maggie so now I'm in a 1v2 scenario and I'm already pretty frustrated that the fight went from us being up in a 3v2 to now being a 1v2 that is not a good situation but it often happens with randoms as I'm sure you know so the Pathfinder does some Slinky move and gets over to the left I bait the res I do not hear him I want you guys to know I didn't hear him and he slide jumps out and I have to take this 1 V one now if some sort of energy gun gets me to 1 HP I know the Revenant is going to turn the corner I probably should have play the knockdown longer but I lose the fight you know what I mean I lose the fight and it's really really frustrating and honestly if I hear the Pathfinder and I'm in a better spot behind some piece of cover I probably don't take so much damage in this 1 V one I could have played the teammate's knockdown a bit better but with randoms I don't trust them a heck of a lot to know to leave the knockdown up all the time well sometimes I don't Bank on just playing it let's rewind for a second where there's one thing I could have done differently but I'll explain to you guys why I didn't when the Revenant was cracked in behind the AC unit I didn't Vantage Q on him and the reason I didn't Vantage Q on him is because I would have pushed with Revenant if I knew he was pushing but I didn't know he was going to push this is the problem with solo queing you can't coordinate a heck of a lot because you can't be a mind reader right so I knew that if I pushed out to the left the guy on the right would shoot me and if the guy on the left shoots me I'm getting team fired and I'm potentially getting focused and all of a sudden the player I have the most control over which is myself I've just taken out of the fight trying to do too much so although I was a bit passive here I was waiting for Maggie to heal and I was hoping that Maggie could have drilled the Revenant and I would have just ads on the AC unit with my sniper made him move away from his cover potentially get a knock or get him even lower then decide to queue on him cuz I know it'd be a quicker kill than whatever would have happened before cuz by the time I would have got to him he would popped a bat let's talk about the last fight so so far we've covered solo win with randoms solo 1 V3 without any teammates and a loss with randoms in a fight we objectively should have won and this one we're going to look at a quick third party once again with randoms while soloing we fly out of bonsai Plaza and into I don't know kind of the middle of Olympus I knew a team was still back in Bonsai but we did have to kind of rotate and I hear the car pull up right next to me so I have some High Ground I start shooting it a little bit but they're all kind of looking at me and I know my teammates were further away from me so I have to keep some High Ground until I screw up and drop because I knew the third player had climbed up in my blind spot and had taken the ground that I was on so if I continued to shoot down I feared I would get shot in the back so I Dro down try to get a knock and then I realized I got a ash portal out of here hopefully my teammates take some attention it was a last ditch effort I start playing this pole as the littlest bit of cover that's possible and they start providing some presents which was perfect cuz I did some good damage and then I keep shooting because I'm psycho and I'm ego challenging it and I noticed that their attention really isn't on me so anyways we get that Squad wipe then they ping some enemies and I'm not really completely sure if they mean what they're pinging but I Bank on it once they do it again and then I get to a safer vantage point however I'm significantly further away from my teammates so now I got to figure out a way to cross in the open without taking a ton of damage as I don't have my ashole once I see wraith's health go way down I'm like I got to get in there quick so I throw a tactical I throw a bad arcar and I start to push up wraith is phasing out octane goes down I catch Revenant luckily down him it was somewhat low which was helpful I see the guy on my left he's low so I crack him and then I can hear the res going off so I try not to swing too wide I reload behind some cover Down The Wraith I know revanant is going to be low cuz he's the one who got resed and then the last guy's challenging me all of that time that went on bought wraith time to heal and come back in now luckily she was was smart and came to provide some presents so she could team fire the last guy with me and this wasn't really anything I did I didn't mean I didn't output like a huge amount of damage but I showed up just at the right time and my teammates did a great job of providing enough damage on them and I realized during this game like yeah you know with the spmm you need some good players on your team or else like you're just going to lose like you might win a fight or two but the competition is so freaking good that if your teammates are not capable and trust me I've had plenty of games this season I mean hundreds of games that's why I only picked like four or five guys right but there's been so many games where randoms just don't do enough but this was a good example of just a good dance of in and out that my teammates and I did two different times with two teams back to back so if you can just be there once again to provide that presence and not squander any opportunity when the time is of the essence when damage has been applied to enemies you can put yourself in the best situations to clean up fights or start off the fight if your teammate's going to do the cleaning up roll preserve your life look for good damage opportunities play cover and show up if you made it to the end thank you so much for watching the YouTube algorithm thinks you'll like this video next peace
Channel: MangosInTrees
Views: 119,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, apex legends guide, apex legends tutorial, apex legends coach, apex legends controller, apex legends tips, 1 hour apex legends tips, apex legends advice to improve, how to get better at apex, apex legends everything to know, how to get better apex legends, apex legends mangosintrees, apex legends mangos, get better at apex, apex tutorial to improve, apex legends noob to pro, apex legends best tips, apex legends guide to improve, apex legends pro, apex
Id: eG8ulWNDPSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 8sec (3848 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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