1 Hour of Hive Bedwars

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all right everyone welcome to 1 hour of high bedwars we're doing this a little bit differently than I normally do cuz we're starting the video in this Sten area Hub and that's because I wanted to show off the cool new back bling aren't these Wings absolutely sick the dark angel wings they also come in like uh I know white for sure I think pink I don't quite remember all the colors they come in but yeah that's pretty epic also I'm going to try and go for minimal Cuts this video so sorry if I have like long pauses of Silence while like I don't know rest my job or something you know but yeah welcome welcome everyone leave a like And subscribe by the way cuz I know I'm going to forget to say this like at a better time like in the middle of the video so I'm saying it now also the the middle of the video is going to be literally 30 minutes from now so who's even going to be watching by then all right like come on but for real everyone who does watch till the end you guys are the goats all right like this is this is an insane video to watch all the way until the end again uh but yeah this concept's really going to test my abilities to Yap oh my God this guy's crazy he actually did it out of here out of here I didn't think he would go for that jump and you know make it as well that is that is crazy let's go in for his bed now though Boop ah there's no way I block him in here rip come on and awesome we we get the d uh it would be a real shame if we lost a whole bunch of these games I'm going to try my absolute best to win them all I want to win I win them all Hunger Games you know the song Oh I accidentally hit my snacks I I have some crackers right there and yeah I accidentally punched them I love I love crackers cheese flavored one specifically richz cheese crackers are my favorite a lot of my American friends have no idea what rich is is that a thing in America the richz crackers I'm very curious cuz like literally none of them know what I'm talking about ever when I bring it up oh yeah I forgot this is what this pack looked like I didn't bother like trying to change it or anything I just didn't think of it so you know there might be there might be some textures that are pretty ugly I didn't put too much research in this I'm going to move my mic sorry if that's a little loud I I still don't understand where an optimal place to put my mic would be there we go we have absolute gear now we're so stacked we're ready to Take On The World win video games get every final kill see I've been really like there's been no reason for me to play bedwar recently I'm literally max level and I've been burned out from how much I've been playing it so be very Rusty I literally do not touch this game anymore it's so sad it's just I I need more levels or something I need something to work towards man I need Prestige five oh God accidentally dropped my sword I am Simply Built different all right no one can drop their sword quite like I can there's already only one guy left come on man I need to stall this game out so that way I can like get more content and make it into an hour that iy was also taking a very suspicious amount of knockback you know suspiciously low amount of KB coming from that guy there let's go in for him hopefully we don't get absolutely obliterated here just first round we lose to someone who's who's a little maybe it's just lagging though you know could be pingi let's Bank all of this put all of that right there there we go absolutely stacked looking is he going to go mid that would be the smart thing to do think I'm just going to break his bedro and void and we go B and here we go right to be my KD but we'll be able to defend the bed this way also we'll be able to get a bow which is pretty hype right here I honestly don't even care if he gets the bed like that's not even where my priorities lie I just want to be here no what do you mean that Miss Fireballs have no like Splash damage somehow it's ridiculous like aren they supposed to now he walked off on his own he we're simply better we're the goats okay all right here we are in round to playing tree stop which is pretty epic also I I forgot to mention I will be editing this I'm just going for minimal Cuts it's just I think the video would for one stick out in a way that way because a lot of the YouTubers who do the one hour bedwars they don't cut any of the boring Parts out so I I want to make this a little more enjoyable I'm going to put in the extra effort I'm simply just built differently that way all right this isn't an extra evident 1 hour bedwar video all right cuz I actually enjoy the game I'm going to I'm going to play it all I want also sick icy bridge I know you don't you don't need to tell me in the comments I see all of you typing like well Avery that's such a cool icy bridge I know I know you you don't need to let me know all right now let's go in for this kid just icy bridge to him maybe he'll be so intimidated that he just leaves oh come on come on and then we're good we win video games chat oh we have no way back over that's okay we can take the Iron Man my KD has been destroyed from doing videos like this because it's like I I don't like that you that the generator should stop how am I meant to get back to the base it's so dumb now we get our four extra iron and we have to go over here for our pickaxe anyway so it's not even that big of a deal we're still generating things we're nowhere near iron armor we might as well just like get a pickaxe and go mid you know get some emeralds and then we'll go in for rushes that cuz that Rush took no time at all like we're we're going be waiting a while to get anything from there let me grab all the emeralds real quick and we'll call it a day but yeah how's everyone's day been going I asked this every video not a single person ever answers guys listen you right there you watching my the video tell me how's your day going I want to know man none of you ever answer me like come on it's not that difficult to just go yeah Avery right is youing awesome more Avery I hate my day my day sucks mean to me like it's not that difficult man all right just let it all out air it out my friend it's okay no maybe not to me though that would be a little weird air it out to like a therapist or a parent what do I even want to do why did I buy this SW could have gotten a better one I'm going to get a better one anyways let's just let's just get regen and then Bank the rest I think like I it doesn't even matter I'm not used to playing this game anymore I forgot like what I even do in this situation when I have so much stuff uh should we just yeah let's run through mid rushing for mid's always like what you want to do if you want guaranteed wins I don't do it too often cuz I'm stupid but yeah guaranteed wins is achieved by rushing through the middle of the map cuz you get to pick up emeralds as you go through so no one else has emeralds only you do like look at that now we have an extra Pearl if we really want probably should have bought pearls like I like I said I'm not like trying super hard and putting all of my resources into this I'm so Rusty anyways I'm probably going to lose a lot of the fights I go in for maybe not against cash here I'm sorry man you you tried your best I'm sure in a different timeline you are a formidable foe but in this one you are yeah you're just not but you tried your best though and that's what matters all right giving it you're all even in the face of adversity my my biggest pet peeve is people who non-stop complain and it don't do anything to get better oh man come on there we go B awesome perfectly played excellent Maneuvers Avery you absolutely destroyed them let's go in for stuff now you know as one does let's get a bow couple arrows um by a couple arrows I mean literally just one set of arrow that is ridiculously bad find more blocks just in case we can put that there probably Bank the rest we also just have so much garbage in here they're keeping that we're not banking that why would I ever bank that all right now let's go in for whoever's over here oh we should have rushed through mid I'm I'm ignoring my own advice on how to win more this is ridiculous why would I do that it really is a good way to win more though this just crusty me this guy just casually is the orange wool they've not they oh yeah they are all right they are awesome God I love the cross Steamers in bed Wars uh do they even have like good stuff no they don't okay you doing man hey man all right all right he's not going to bridge fight me that probably would have been the smartest thing for you to do uh they have m's I need you gone that sword's a little strong they going to chase I just want to whittle him down honestly I'm out of arrows I got one shot off though and they're separated now so I can kill this guy he's not the final the other guy is but we can get the bad now which is hype that's what you love to see did the other guy even go oh he's back here this guy is a final so we can go for him get him out permanently which is huge he also just hiding I understand again he was a final wow they so much stuff let's get this dude is so much stuff is just what happens when you're like not playing the game and trying to like build rebuild civilization on your own or something all right that's pretty hype let's a bank all of this and then go in for the last guy I want to keep that why do I keep accidentally banking that all right where are they where this orange kid go orang as they say in Spanish I know that's not Spanish I need to farm the comments all right where is he where'd he go wait wait no that's the guy who's dead that's the guy who's not dead well he went somewhere I have no idea where I wasn't paying attention oh is that him no that's gray I need to get gray bed hey gray how do you do you have m's which I do not like you having I'm the only one allowed to have M so if you could just just like not do that where's your basee is it straight across this way it is oh and we have a pickaxe already kind of fire kind of fire just like our Fireballs chat we have a fireball isn't that [Music] crazy come on One V One One V one and big W's that's what you love to see chat subscribe for that epic insane play Let's uh get a Tracker some pearls we can get there faster realistically we can just buy as many pearls we want I don't think the rest of this game is going to be a challenge to be honest based off of what we have seen in the past let's just go in quickly and we have to regen upgrade so we get all of our health back from pearlin instantly which is why it's such a busted upgrade like literally you have un unlimited Traverse traversal of pearls and um to a lesser extent Fireballs because like you just you get all your health back instantly what are you doing man what are you doing you're not you're not going to cross team on me and then take the coward's way out that way and nah boom really that did nothing come on there we go easy dubs not even close me friend all right this is game three now guys absolutely insane let's play some bedw Wars today on the map Oceanic which is it looks really weird why why does it look like the what is the sky that this pack is it's such a terrible Sky I really got to get a new pack at some point this is just awful maybe Sundown 16x would be um the optimal move get it in the description below it's a uh pretty epic pack give me this B one one cool thing about this map is you can just speed Bridge like that the diamond gen and still make it back relatively easily which like most bedwar Maps you can't do that on whoa this guy who had a the jump Bridge o unique make it a triple Neo so we has no chance at making it out and we just punch him off and then break the bed as he's falling Bo easy dubs not even close um you tried your best and that's what matters at the end of the day it does suck that he's going to get the diamonds so we're going to have less on our side like we could have had the pig by now which we would have absolutely used as a weapon to go mid to collect emeralds but you know it's whatever it's whatever awesome I'm sorry if I'm playing these games like really slowly and not going for optimal rushes one I don't really need the play F like I'm not trying to grind XP or anything I'm literally max level and um two I just want to win man it's like I'm playing it super safe why did I buy a sword whatever whatever we will just get a pickax anyways sword is it's whatever our Rush is just a little slower than would have been again it doesn't really matter also this video is like kind of meant to be long it's an hour of bedw Wars so it's like it's I think it's okay if I play these games a little slower not going for the fastest possible rushes for maximum XP or anything because again don't need XP and this is a long video that's the point is going to be long and let's go back in to our base all of these emeralds yum yummy in my tummy we can get a diamond sword there's the chest right there awesome collect all of this armor sword lot of blocks there we go we're short a few blocks because of blah blah blah like this and then we're going to have one extra after repurchase our regen and again regen is really good cuz you can literally just pearl without consequence please land yeah oh I had no doubts in my mind that would land that this there's literally zero reason to RIS that hey bud what what are you doing over what was your plan here man I don't I don't it for whoever's over here next it should be yellow right yeah there he is hello buddy how do you do just my B going I go up so I don't get hit off and hey none of that oh he just stopped a bit Bridge Okay that was a choice you made there uh interesting I don't know what your plan was really but I respect it Mark let's just go in for the corner rushes now why not we want to obliterate everyone in this game we have no reason to go up there that's just wasting time we're just going to go around the pillar so many people Bridge up including me cuz I just don't think very hard about what I'm doing I'm a little stupid a lot of the time hey man oh oh oh my man is going to get this side if be awesome if I had shears just to make breaking BS a little easier you know because in in Squad modes if you're playing this as solo it can be pretty difficult especially if you're not a way above average player like me who can block in and all that stuff so you know it it would just be nice for most people I'm sure oh let's put that there and then use these ah got to love that they had dir I'm very good at this game as you can tell God I'm so Rusty I have no idea how to play this anymore I've been doing a lot of job laa stuff you know just in my first time just for fun you know these these and why not a pearl Fireball lot of blocks bow pickax lot of arrows there we go and let's organize the inventory there we go D this why we Bank things I'm so Rusty I need to do this but you know this isn't actually all that bad because now that just means we get to play this game for longer I looked back at my OBS I was panicked cuz it's like did I even remember the unpause by recording I've been pausing between rounds just to make editing a little easier and to know when I've actually been playing for an hour oh he just got the the bed man so upset in should have been paying more attention and then orange I can't really blame you for losing your bed here like you you were you were actually playing the game unlik Aqua was just add his Bas all right can we snipe these come on PO poop oh he got he locked off on his own very Happ wait did we not get the kill that's so annoying whatever all right guys here we are I'm pausing recording game four of the 1 hour of bedw Wars challenge who's over there I don't know why I said challenge this is just the average sweats experience like an hour an hour is nothing compared to like what what all the high school dropouts who live in their mom's basement the grind bedw Wars play all right like you know not naming any names but for those you know it's probably pretty obvious who I'm talking about like that bro you just wasted your life away please get off of bedw wars and finish high school man like just like I oh my God it's so like I could never imagine doing it could never imagine like you're not even doing YouTube you have no source of income this way man like what's your what's your plans here just ride the bedwar hype train and then hope uh hey bud but bup bup BP incredible you did such a good they left they left you're that salty that you just left not going to let me get the bed or anything really okay bud okay I see how it is you know maybe if you just got good at the game you wouldn't have to rage quit all right yeah it's it's just typical bedw War Shenanigans it seems just destroying absolutely everyone in the game people walking off our and the points people rage quitting because they're terrible don't me just love high bedwars it's it's an AB class all right don't buy a sword Avery don't buy a sword all right we successfully did not buy a sword that's what we love to see now let's go in the mid get our M's uh mushrooms actually kind of a bad map for this ah sorry um because like the the mid is so big all the emerald jets are so far apart it's hard to get all of them there we go uh please don't rush me yellow like my my defense is so open here because of how long it takes to go around the entirety of mid here that's why I always like grab two gens and say that's enough usually but I've been a little extra risky today yeah did yellow go back to their no they're going for mine oh they're not I could just kill them here B oh they do more damage they have a sword but I'm better I'm so much better holy SMY Man actually get good at the game genuinely don't know what to tell you other than that go back in for our base would beart I'm so lucky that guy decided to turn around and not just go for a base or something got to love the bad bedw Wars players like the playing like that is actually more risky than it seems even if it does statistically get me the most wins because it's like if someone goes for my bed they get all my gold and I'm just screwed I have nothing I'm like abandoned in the middle of nowhere like a Lost Child uh I even want to get again my mind is blank in here on what to do yeah that's fine I'm sure rid of all of these this this this B and one two three and at least we have two extras we can buy a pearl and we want the team regen there we go I'm get back in the groove of things again I kind of forgot how to play the game but I'm reteaching myself just checking the thing all right this way going for yellow we can Pearl literally without consequence here so we're going to up at Island way faster than they would think get this oh they're just running there is oh they walked off awesome it's so annoying I they just walk off like then you don't get the final or anything I think Hive needs to bring back the thing where someone leaves the game or they don't spawn in they keep the bed cuz I don't think it's very fair you just don't get the bed just because they leave like you know let's keep that mechanic in Hive uh going to rush this way a he realized bro why did that take so long to break I feel like that took way longer than usual there we go a he went this way whatever it's not even that big of a deal come here man come here and easy dub but you love to see we have so many resources holy smly how much did this guy have he he's been grinding he knows how to play bedw uh at least kind of a bunch of blocks here we go there we go chat and there we have it once again winning [Music] High bedw Wars all right go in oh I forgot to bank the diamonds whatever it does not matter realistically speaking like do we win do we lose these I don't think we do back up so we can't use our Bridge flat bridg in not not the best idea all the time he annoying defense we're just going to break it that way and then we can just mine this defense uh this defense is significantly easier to mine I want to get the final though so come here no runny no runny all right was more runny than my eggs none of that man come here buddy my fried eggs sunny side up some would say right can I oh I don't have a pearl oh yeah cuz I just pearled in all right well I can't then I can Corner rush though look at this come here Buddy Buddy Buddy oh no going this way for some reason is not the direction you should be going man you going to cross the bridge no he's not perfect opportunity to catch up just by having better movement going to cross that bridge Le not come on no that was nowhere close what I'm I'm so terrible another win oh boy hit the gritty I don't have gritty equipped all right we're on Sandstorm been a while since I played this map I've been avoiding this map while grinding because it's listen it's a good map I love it but it's not that good for grinding I've come to realize like you're better off just queuing like you know whatever it's called Library over and over again um mushrooms also decent but you have to avoid mushroom mid if you want to do mushroom rushes which makes it you know a little riskier if you're grinding but you know still a good fast map with the side rushes uh where are the other tree stumps another really good one I think tree stump's just annoying the playoff play on I I don't like the corner Rush on on tree stump it's it's just not fun oh I want Sprout but that has the similar problem the tree stop I just don't I forgot how to play this game I'm really talented at everything I do get a sword well make all this I did not put you in there I banked you well get some extra blocks incredible I know we're going to be playing so smart here we're going to five extra blocks to rush to his base with going to makeing that defense and then we just kill them you tried your best man I I respect it giving it you're all as you should you know you know what I always say at least you tried because at the end of the day that really is just what matters you know I know I say in like a toxic way for Content but it's like genuinely as long as you try something new and really push your limits you're already doing more than what 99% of the population does you know like like you know people who are willing to go outside they're com oh that guys already going mid people are willing to go outside their comfort zone I have a lot of respect for them you know those are the ones we're going to push Humanity all right not all right maybe not Humanity but just make it far in general you know live a good life they're not sitting around and waiting for something good to happen they're taking initiative and doing it themselves all right let's just go in this way he's very far away from it oh no that's gray all right well we are not closer to it than him then that's a shame we might be able to kill him here for the M though no we're not going to cut him off on time would have been nice but that's just that's just not doable going to get the come on you can get this though B dude what why didn't you spend anything what dude you could have easily have bought something with that time but all right I guess not I'm not complaining I'll take it it just wow you could have done something of value there and get rid of all of the oh wait I don't have the regen cuz I never went mid that's whatever on can I there we go that's what you love to see look at that we're stacked let's go in for the other guys we have three pearls no regen though so we have to be a little smarter about it than usual I want to get in Faster don't mind me oh that's so much gold give me arrows [Music] Galore hey [Music] bud man I keep expecting him to move but he thought and then he did there don't get my kill no I final all right make this tall so we get just jump over oh again it just walks off on his own why do you do that man all right um yeah i' I'm I'm so rusted like I'm not even hidden Arrow shots or anything that's how Rusty I've gotten if I PE in here I'm going to be down Health at the same time does that really matter let's just laying on the bed the fence he never noticed let's go we're better hey bud and we beat this guy back to his own base we break the bed and then we bow them off for the final and uh close fight GG that's a pretty fast round awesome there we are game whatever I for I I've lost count I don't remember we're back on Library I think this is four if I'm not mistaken we play Library Sandstorm ocean no this game five Oceanic and mushroom or is the six I don't know I've lost count three stop wait is this game six already oh my God man all right well let's just go in I'm pretty sure evidence went out of bedw wars only had like three rounds in it I was that guy so bad at bedwars to be he also said you can't Fireball jump in bedw Wars so you know he's clearly not the best at the game and I I'm still an evident peace stand all right well buy these CU you know my value in people is not determined by how good they are at the game also evident is better than me at Minecraft he's just less knowledgeable at The Hive because he he he does things other than Hive it turns out even if he does a way more SkyWars games played to me actually I'm pretty sure Evan has way more games on the highve Play than me what am I saying all right whatever come on on Main Spot like that guy is so much more time the fact I'm not even counting cs's which which I've know he's done more cs's and like private practice and games and stuff than me like that guy that guy's played so much Hive like what am I even saying I'm just more knowledgeable cuz I'm smarter I guess he he is more skill I'm just smarter there we go we figured it out we've solved the evident confrontal yeah I'm I'm not smart when it comes to words didn't I have three of these oh it's over there whatever let's go off this way hey we can get a pck right away I that first Rush one of those rushes I just love is absolutely murdered the kid all right uh don't think we're going to go mid this round cuz I'm feeling lazy we're going to be taking a bit more of a risk here wait not going from M we're going to let other people get them this round who knows maybe I'll be challenged maybe I'll lose a game for once something that just never happens you know um I could also just quickly rush through mid and then get diamond stuff after first R you maybe I'll do that I just rush through mid I think that's just we our idea we at least have a better chance of winning that way again if you want like guaranteed wins always rush for mid pick up the M's and then go for someone every single time after you take out a rush maybe go for their neighbor if they're still alive but then after that go back through mid pick up all the m so other people can't you can always leave a few behind it's not that big of a deal like I'm going to leave all those behind cuz I really don't I don't need them that badly you know besides this guys already go in the mid so I he briding like that you not why dude just pick a direction and stick to it oh my God there we go you know my parents would always get mad at me if I kept changing my mind on where I want to go you know what direction or where I want to be all right hope this guy is's in a parkour God and knows how to Triple Neo he doesn't know the setup and wow difficult fight yeah almost at me all right let's buy a diamond sword normally I'd go for pearls here but again I'm playing a little more safe pearls are like they're a pretty risky item very good definitely still top tier ITA but they are risky because they do a lot of damage to you you can always like miss your Pearl diamond sword just shreds through people and is much safer option come on stay on the platform Avery there we go we're better there we go locked him in so a clean clean wool placement there there we go wow how did we win that I'm surprised that iy didn't Rage Quit immediately after I destroyed him I would be so embarrassed if that were me all right all right there we go empty your inventory now let's go in for our next victim over here uh yep other people have gone for the midm which is you know like I said would happen but you know again I don't really care we're going to go for Mid real quick quick here yeah I really should have gone through mid though with the last Rush this it's just inherently going to put me behind in Herms of gear I don't care though I don't care I don't need a gear Advantage also are like blue and orange TR teaming they've done nothing to each other this guy has like the same gear as me not ideal all right we can go above him bro's making it too easy and there we go where were you hdden man that was nowhere near me oh my God what happened to the last whatever whatever we win and that's what matters I'll take it let's pause the recording and move on and here we have it Castle this is probably the best Rush map other than Library this was the other one I played over and over again I just kind of forgot about its existence earlier it was not appearing in the um the the menu at all for voting on maps um but but yeah we only have 30 minutes of footage I I don't know how I feel like I've been playing way longer but I I guess not this is just What's happen also we're a little slow with the rush this guy's immediately rushing I feel like bedwar players are getting better they're also doing the rushes in the jump Bridges you know obviously they're still pretty terrible but like they're getting better that's the point none of that none of that none of that none of none of that grab a block so we can make it back to his thing and be able to get a sword here and but I's run over to his base see that's a a real B oh my God he also bridged low for us which means we didn't even need the extra block all right come on come on oh my God I was close need that we're so low we really don't want to fight anything come on go into the shop on oh we're better we're simply better we're the goats of video games oh me God I can't believe we actually won that we have no help oh like iy wasn't terrible though you know uh nowhere near good as a player but he wasn't terrible and that's pretty epic you know I don't usually have rushes where like I almost die like it's I was literally one sword hit away I was I couldn't get a combo or anything on him until I did I I did eventually get a combo on him but that's besides the point it was a very short Lim combo that guy's teleporting everywhere dude e on an ALT what's going on here is crazy Wi-Fi that's wow like I loves the TV around I want to try out a new thumbnail style using a weird gradient Sky thing I'm going for I just want my thumbnails to ooze a little more style you know when it wanted to set set it apart from everything else we'll see how it goes let me know what you think if you looked at the thumbnail give me these I don't think a lot of people really pay attention to what the funnels actually look like they actually bright thumnail and they click you know uh sword Pearl Pearl a lot of blocks and then we want the region there we go well rid of all of this we just want some banking to happen all right cool now we can go in for rushes I think I want to Pearl literally immediately onto this guy I don't like him oh also makes things just a little bit faster literally right there die Boop awesome man I feel bad he just got obliterated no chance what soever this guy's already gone pretty epic that's what you love to see uh blocks awesome let's go in now we Pearl on this guy as well I think I want to save this Pearl this will be my gist in Cas in case Pearl hey bud he also is like nothing so we have no need to really play Super aggro on him you not well awesome oh I feel bad these guys just want to play Bed Wars you know how many of these people are like parents getting off of work or something and and they just want to play some bedwar man you know this is a very parental heavy game you know I could never imagine playing this as a parent like it's oh my god oh man I'm glad I'll never be a parent all right where where I want to well I guy in the other corner I just what did people get rid wait no the last guy is yellow I'm magenta I thought the last team was magenta and magenta's in that corner so I was like did I somehow miss something what's going on anyways we're going to Pearl uh past him so we don't have to deal with him let's just get his defense here hey man how you doing way over there don't mind me just break in your bed defense oh this the super laggy guy did I Fireball jump onto him wellow the thing evidence said was imposs and we're going to get a bunch of our health back where'd he go he crouched here somewhere oh he's up there I thought he was going to do the Juke out thing see this is so annoying I hope people in to spam blocks here oh this is so annoy Hive please get rid of this I SAR to God if this guy runs the entire time I'm reporting him for prolonging this is ridiculous he's also lagging so we just going to be annoying to hit in general like see what I mean there we go we got him anyways we're simply better get destroyed stupid idiot kid all right we're now on turist and we are running out of good maps to play we might have to start repeating something like look at me wrong I think every bedw war map like visually looks good not all of them are good to play though not all of them are fun some of the maps are just annoying with the rushes and stuff like the distances and blah like Lighthouse cool map I like the layout but the first Rush jump is just too far and that's like I I just don't want to do that that's not something I want to do like I just I I would rather just play a different map that a closer first Rush jump so it's more consistent less scary less stressful so you know it's one of those things like yeah it looks good and I would love to play it more just that first Jump's brutal and I don't want to deal with that first Rush jump and like compared to this KB hello we go we got him out going have to buy blocks we want to make a bank without dying so sad we're going be so far behind on resources after purchasing that whatever though I'm okay with that can we get a pickax Prett the play we can already Rush M pretty much T is such a good map um I I have a new fat appreciation for it after bed it used with treasure War it used to be bad because the first Rush was kind of difficult to get to when it was Treasure Wars but as bedw Wars it's a lot easier and I like that I like that a lot thank you hi for making this map good I know you guys changed literally nothing it's just the simple game CH play change of making it so you only get 16 blocks makes this map good and that's pretty epic up we go see we can always get that uh gen last so we save a little bit of time just immediately skipping it and not waiting for DM because we're going to get it on the way back anyways like it's it's fine we can just skip over it and we'll get the final one here boom Another tip for the day awesome my jaw's starting to get tired from all this commentating dude I can't wait to have dinner tonight roasted veggies baked potato and steak yum this pop my parents are kind of the ghosts guys never feel ashamed to be living with your parents all right I I did buy regen all right was going to say that I missclick I wasn't paying enough attention we did not though we are good oh I was going to say we do not have blocks what happened but it's I accidentally put my iron away give me this all right well let's go in for these idiots now oh we go right left their base Su to be you man but BP BP there we go ah thank you for the easy Rush making Russian easy great team where'd he go oh he's right there I'm just I'm just blind oh that is a very delayed KB system you have go in there bud B and Big D recently I saw Wally bear make a video on hive bedw warss and he said it was originally called egg Wars or Wally bear no it was not well where did you get this misinformation from you need to get better at doing your job man all right who who are you paying to do your research the the anti- resarch party of America because that was not research man all right all right in we go man I I need to start getting like overly political on this channel that'd be so funny it's so funny like guys vote Kanye West today all right it would be funny God it it's crazy how people were saying like girl Kanye cancelled by the woke M but it's like his career is absolutely unfaced man I don't know what you are on about how are we not being am I just been accidentally skipping all the diamond like how do I run past this I'm just trying to be too officient with my movement I guess also losing the bed little upset in but not that upset in give me these that just means we get to play games give me these uh yeah I never really pay attention to my bed anyways like it's I I don't know I prefer to play the game as if I don't have a bed it's just it's it's better that way I get like I I don't know it's obviously more difficult when you lose your bed because like you can't play as risky but at the same time it's like I don't it's too much work to put in all that effort to make a good base and especially if you're playing solos like how am I going to simultaneously defend and rush you you just can't come on out of here man and boom awesome you you tried I love to see it but yeah I I want to know your guys's thoughts on bedwars content by the way guys want to see more of this you have been going down on it but I've also not been posting a lot of I've been like switching between things that's just what I do and I think the second people see me post something that's not bedwars like go girl even quit bedw Wars how dare she and it's like no I quick guys I'm right here I to something else I hit him with the corner rush if I even land that it's hard on this map I'm just going to well wait he doesn't have a bed why would I do that that's so Overkill well ah oh oh he has a Dory you didn't get the us though oh my God my Nick was sad pie no he was sad pie wait yeah no my Nick was sad pie wow that's hilarious all right we still have so long until we reach an hour of game time that's so annoying also the nighttime Ms are so bad I wish Hive would just make them all daytime daytime is so much more visually appealing for lit in literally every situation ever for like videos and stuff like come on come on maybe not for the players but for the content daytime Ms are better and that's why I I miss HX for that feature specifically where I made it constantly daytime all right it it was just so good good it made everything more visually appealing for the video but now Onyx just refuses to work for me like every time I open up the modules panel it just crashes I don't know what's going on and I will never be getting it fixed let's go in for a first they tried to rush but it seems they failed I don't know what's going on there bud but it does make my life a little easier cuz now I don't have to bridge as far I get to keep an extra block plus I get to break your blocks for more block oh he got a sword come on he's so laggy dude I would have why why I hate how the I hate how the other people get punished if the other players bad WiFi like I shouldn't be punished because this guy can't get an internet connection like I would have absolutely just comboed him off the map there if he just had WiFi but no okay but now I don't get the final at all this game sucks what a terrible game Hive make your better make it so I'm not the one who's punished because other people don't have Wi-Fi SM my head all right this we're going to want to go to Mid uh Way's a pretty good map though I'm a bit of a sway enjoyer myself you know let's see do we hit the icy or am I terrible do we hit the I'm so Rusty what is wrong with me CH I don't know what's going on with me I'm I'm just so bad at the game suddenly I well how do you guys have never seen a bigger fall from Gray someone else went mid so I want to go for them I'd rather them not have gear oh we're going to have no blocks now oh that's annoying okay okay let's see what what what do we want to do here we're going to have a snack of blocks to work with we're going to buy wood here here we go that's what you'll love to see love to see love to see it chat but B all right this time we hit the IC there we go I need this I need to grind this yet like I feel I take the smallest break from bedwar just so I don't burn myself out and then I'm just terrible I'm the worst play remain also everyone's laggy which I hate why are players so laggy in here like guys everyone wants to be defected so badly like guys you don't need his Wi-Fi to copy him all right like it doesn't need to you guys are going to server gameing LS to copy him like guys stop it stop what are you doing all right let's get rid of all this let's buy this we're uh yeah we don't really have much huh okay let's go in for the neighbor over we probably should just be going through mid just because of our lack of stuff but whatever whatever that is a big defense be a shame if I just broke it from behind you never even knew H feels bad man feels bad maybe next time there we go now we have so much stuff oh we're kind of stacked still low on blocks though we're never going to recover from void in fully but not that big of a deal let's just go in for this ID over here oh my God there's someone mowing their lawn outside my home and it scared me it's like what is that noise wait also Obby really man dude none of that you know what year it is we're in the year of 2024 and people are still getting Obby also how do I miss that how am I so all right the fireball worked that was intentional I didn't want to hit him dead on I swear High Fireballs are so inconsistent and bad I I don't like them hi needs to rework them to make them better is kind of ridiculous sometimes all right anyway let's go in for this kid this kid is kind of inconsistent and dumb and stupid I'm sorry for calling you these things man CH have you watched who who's made it this far comment down below cardboard if you if you made it this far I I want to see if there's any cardboard enjoyers hey man I was giving you time to like buy armor or something and you messed up big time I I Frosty too op let's move on all right here we are more warped another pretty good map it's a nighttime one though so I don't like it very much you guys are going to see that a lot with me where it's like I like the map but it's it's just it's night time and I don't like that um also I don't like this gen here you can't jump up from here because they changed how gens work which is kind of unfortunate that ruined my muscle memory for a bit because I used to just go straight up right there and I had to go around it's I don't know I don't like the new gens that's my hot take I don't like the big bulky gens that just don't fit in with the maps at all especially the old ones some of the new maps they work they you know they're not the ugliest thing in the world but like with with the old ones it's obvious they were not meant to be there and it it's I think the gens in general need to complete rework no one knows how to upgrade them which I think's a problem like I don't understand why hi hasn't changed that specifically yet you know being able to change the how you upgrade them right I'm going to grab one more block just in case but and come on I don't like you I don't bro stop hitting me from those angles do I break it bro we break it there we go I feel like that took way longer than it should have I don't know why breaking that bed took so long but we got it anyways and that's what matters oh that's a far jump all right let's see can we we we can make this with four for for sure there we go I know how to play video games I know how jumping in Minecraft Works don't speak to me like that you don't you can't make me you can't gu let me the thinking I'm stupid I know how this game works all right um pickax sword blocks we're going to rush through M but we're not going to immediately come back for Emerald stuff we're just going to yeah we're just going to go for a different base and we're going to play it safe just so we going to win we're going to have 100% win this video be crazy if I just Chang this until like bedw Wars until I lose and it's like a 2our video see the thing is I've done cuts at this point so no one would believe me and be like girl you're you obviously cut the video here all right we can tell because if you look closely you're missing exactly 0.1% of a frame when you go between games therefore there's a cut it's like bro right over there that doesn't even make sense cuz yeah cuz I have been cutting it that that doesn't make sense that doesn't make what am I saying people would be calling it fake a dude think I'm just like cutting out the games where I lose uh this way oh see I can provide all the evidence in the world that I did something completely legitimate and people still call me a cheater so I don't think it matters too much but yeah there we go absolutely destroyed so many emeralds that I am risking by going in like this I don't know what this guy's plan is why are you way up there man are you good uh thank you livid carp for uh coming out today I am a big fan of your work personally I've watched a lot of it um our bed's destroyed that's not good we should probably buy a diamond sword and some of this uh maybe should have got an anemo all right let's get a bow we can't use it yet but you know why not like that um all right I think that's good we rush for we should rush for Mid we don't have a bed let's just go through mid it doesn't hurt us our bridge is literally right here so Bo we're going to have to also Bridge safely no no risking the icy this time around oh my this is the guy that went for me stupid idiot I want to go in for my own base so I can get the gold for arrows oh Big L man Big L yeah I see was their first Rush wait H I got almost no M from doing that though at least be in my regen though so I can you know do that should I get a Nori let's get a Dory I don't ever use Dory I don't think it's even that good of an item I think pearls will always be better his Pros will save you if someone else has a Dory um but yeah we we'll get it anyways even if I do think uh yeah Bros are top tier if this guy's bad hello friend how do you do don't go that way you just stay right here on this base oh yeah he doesn't spawn in there so we can't even block it off uh he's not oh there we go we're better that's what you get for going for my bed man I would have had no reason to go for well I would have had to go for you eventually if you didn't go for my bed but like still I wouldn't have a reason to side rush you immediately I probably would have went for this guy first just because of how the gens lay out I would have looped around and ended at that that came over here but nope you just you just like you you you increased the inevitable you didn't delay it you made it happen faster well you moved it ahead you know oh yeah they don't spawn in there I feel like they change it so they spawn in there you know you can block it off and they can't run away hey there we go another way it's been 54 minutes and we still have to cut out a bit of that disappointing all right here we are next round luckily I'm not going to have to do too much cutting with this but yeah watching watching the whole hour is going to be a little painful H know anyone over there I know you're over there I just can't see you you're just too far but I will see you when I rush you and kill you alsoo back at Castle oh my God a good man like daytime I think it looks fine with this pack the night time sky is just so bad also the laay rush again because I bought the round thing and then I ran into a pool simply incredible all right give me this oh my God this reminds me I saw a video of like someone who's like training to be very good at falling over and one of them was like running into a sign and doing like a flip and it's like man that's so cool like that did you like it looks like he actually just banged his head like it had the bang noise and everything with that edited or did he actually like bang his head just for the commitment come on oh you jumped why would you jump there stop spamming blocks you don't want to do that all right we can break his thing now there we go he has a very clear path back over to our thing let's buy a sword but oh my God I'm mad I'm mad I'm mad why would he even hit me there you no reason to whatever we'll just buy our own sword here he luckily doesn't even have that many things there so he's also going to be a little delayed with rushing us there we go let's go in oh look at this idiot look at him go trying to Absolute hardest and and just like that you tried your best man you gave it your all and that's what matters nothing else at all all right let's go in I'm slowly losing my mind I I need to build up my bedw War stamina again like I I I can't play for this long anymore without just like losing my mind I I how did I go from grinding 20 hours a day to this it's oh man I miss be top 10 leaderboards I should I should do that one I'm not I'm not going to live if I try and do that actually I need to stop that uh I feel like my yapping has been progressively getting better I can't wait to lose all of this Yap ability once I have to take a break because my jaw just gets too tired I have that problem a lot I talked about this in a different video but the thing that usually stops my content grinds is my job because it gets once I get into like content creation cuz I love content creation I do a lot of it all right if I didn't like it I wouldn't be doing it this much but it's like know once I really get into the content creation it's like I'm just constantly yapping I'm streaming a lot I'm recording a lot and I JW get so so tired it's so painful oh there we go buy some arrows and it's like yeah that's usually what's like the thing to stopping like when I was at my Peak averaging 200 viewers streaming like 5 hours a day in the thousands of subscribers the thing that stopped me was my jaw it hurt so badly every single day it's just it gets too tired from all my Yap and it sucks I need to find ways around that so I can Yap for long hours at a time sadly I don't think I'll ever physically be capable of the the Yap sessions you know guess I completed a challenge uh kind of useless for me as someone who is Max Level to do challenges so uh accidental challenge is kind of funny let's go in this way we can Rush In let's kill this guy so I'm the only one with M's come here man what what are you doing here man don't do that none of that you didn't even like go for M was he just trying to prolong game let's go for him I don't want him to prolong the game I want him dead I want him out of here come here you know who I am I am a do I miss that want these I don't want to miss these all right let's go up on B and there we go incredible simply amazing um all right there we go some of that let's get more blocks because why not more let's Bank all this we have so many diamonds we might even get diamond armor I almost never get diamond armor cuz it's just so expensive and I never play games long enough to do that also that guy is going for Mid oh never mind I he he was going for it but he didn't quite make it you know he he tried his best though we're going to get to his base before he can even buy anything and hold on how long been 59 minutes of recording I still have to cut out a bit of that though so awesome W Victory let's get to the next game and win and here we are how poetic and then on the map we started with Library this is probably probably the last game uh I won't know until I'm done editing if I I don't I don't see how I could possibly cut out enough footage cuz I've been posing my footage for between games so like there's no way I cut out multiple minutes worth of footage here to make it go under an hour but yeah guys I hope you've enjoyed the little journey here I know I I sure have I'm a big bedwar enjoyer I love this game like genuinely maybe not enough to play it this much like again I'm just like I'm experiencing the burnout this guy has been going for me all right I guess not he's just immediately going for the Gen upgrade as well big respect that's like the correct thing to do here but it seems you're not good enough for that boom awesome we have one video games chat isn't that crazy how that works yeah that guy had like objectively good place there as wow now I don't even have the diamonds awesome I'm just going to have to like go here find a most don't side rush me man I will cry that would put me in a terrible position it's it be crazy if the final game was like a super long 10-minute game even though we were only 1 minute off of the 1 hour mark and I have to like try and clutch up big time I don't think that'll be the case though I think we have a Cas though that kind of ss like Caso but yeah I think we'll have a pretty easy win here still like it's when is bedw Wars ever hard be real with me they like the easiest game on all of Hive it's like it's yeah and I want to do a series where I carry YouTubers in bedwars just be nice show Commentary series I'm I'm scared to hit people up for collabs so I'm a very antisocial person I don't like bugging people I just automatically assume every person on the planet hates me not a healthy mindset to have but you know it's what I do have and you know what I'm going to work with it uh but yeah it's something I want to do at some point so if you're a content creator comment down below if you would want to play bedw war with ample ay get some wins going you know with the real Avery doors foro please I I don't want to reach out I can't listen the social anxiety every time I try come on here we go hello Greninja I have Greninja added on Discord like like the guy with the actual Gran ninja Minecraft account name on Minecraft like that Greninja I played in his SG event we spoken a couple of times I know I just follow that for some reason I'm not like good friends with him or anything I want to make that clear I know a lot of people be like yeah I have the added we're practically friends that's not the case here it's just you know it's what's came to my mind that's what I talked about I don't want to like be a parasocial loser and be like yeah crinja and I good pals we talk every day like that's not no no but I don't like par social relationships at all I've always I cuz I've known I know there's a lot of people in my comment section who's always viewed me as Sur I've always had to let them down nicely like hey I have no idea who you are man stop saying these things come on like I know none of none of my viewers I don't want these par social relationships forming even if it is like financially financially viable because oh my God like the people who form those those parasocial relationships get so many donations like MJ U will always be the big example of that where someone who like made those parasocial relationships cuz he knew it would make him money and it worked so well it worked just so well and people still miss MJ to this day it's like man why can't I be as greedy as that guy all right that's a little mean I don't think m is greed greedy I don't even know if he did it maliciously or not it's just something he did do you know um anyways that's that's probably been an hour if not I'll edit an extra game thanks for watching guys like And subscribe we've lost zero games that's kind of crazy an hour straight of winning uh yeah all goodbye
Channel: Avery
Views: 2,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hive, hive bedwars, bedwars, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, hive minecraft, treasure wars
Id: iEMsybg4D5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 28sec (3748 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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