1 DAY with PUIMEKSTER | หนึ่งวันของชีวิตนศพ.ปุยเมฆ ทำอะไรบ้าง มาดูกัน

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Good Morning! Today, I will be taking you along with me for a whole day, to see what I'm gonna be doing. Right now, I'm on my way to the hospital for a ward round (doctors' visit to admitted patients). This morning, I've heated up a sandwich for breakfast. Let's go to the hospital! It's about 6.45 at the moment. I'm taking all of you to the ward round, but I won't be taking you inside the ward itself because no photo or video is allowed in there. I will be telling to you about it after it's finished. I have to hurry up and get there now, because I'm about to be late. Yay, the ward round is done for today! I've finished the morning ward round. The juniors in high school wanted to know if studying in medical school is tough. Let's ask a fifth-year student. Is it tough? It is quite tough. Really? Yeah. Would you recommend anyone to apply to medical school? Yeah. It's actually pretty good. I'm free this morning, because I was actually supposed to attend a class. I have a class in the afternoon, but this morning, I'm going to practice suturing (stitching up a wound), since I have a test on it tomorrow. Let's go! How's the MED (internal medicine) ward? It's pretty difficult. How's the med. ward? I'm sooo exhausted. This is the state everyone is in right now. People in the MED ward usually don't end up in a very good shape. Those in the surgical ward, like me, have it a little bit easier. The staff in charge of the surgical ward start the round later in the morning than the one in the MED ward. What time did you go on the round today? 7 am. That's so late! Anyway, the surgical ward starts later in the morning. This is Pinky! Right now, I'm at the surgical ward. PUIMEK: And Pinky, which ward do you work at right now? PINKY: The MED ward. The MED ward is the internal medicine ward. We don't usually see each other, so we only do when there's no class and we're back at the faculty. Fourth-year students take turn attending the rounds in 4 wards: gynae, surgical, medicine, and pediatric. Gynae department is basically about gynaecology, or women's health, their reproductive system, like the uterus, or pregnancy and child birth. Internal medicine is mostly about the diseases in the elderly that do not involve surgery. Surgery department is about all the diseases that deal with surgery, including at the heart, the abdomen, the colons, or the liver. What else? Pediatrics takes care of the diseases in children and infants. Everything that's about children. For this area, we have to go to the children's hospital to learn about it, which is next to the Rajavithi Hospital. In the fourth year, we attend one ward after another. Let's ask Pinky: which one do you think is the most difficult? The internal medicine. PUIMEK: Right? PINKY: It's the most comprehensive. I think so, too, because it covers all the diseases. It's EVERY disease in the world that we have to study about. Basically, every disease that does not require surgery, which is a lot. Right now, we're in front of the room where we borrow the equipment for the wound suturing. We have a test on it...tomorrow, so we're going to borrow the tools for stitching up wounds. And Pinky's helping me with it because she's already been with the surgical ward before. Yay! I've gotten the tools here with me. The tool set for suturing. I think I'm going to... take it home. The next thing I'm gonna do today is studying. (It's 9.30 am) While everyone is laser-focused on studying... (This friend has drifted off to sleep...) It's finally noon~ Let's go to lunch. But there's still someone fast asleep. We're getting our lunch today at the hospital's market. PUIMEK: Let's see what our options are. PINKY: Our usual place. I'm soooo hungry. And then, at 1pm, we each have to go to our own classes. Right? I also have a "bedside" learning session today. What is bedside learning, Pinky? It's when you learn at the bedside of the patients. LOL Right...That's right. The literal meaning of it is a lesson that we learn directly from the patients. The tasks of medical students are interviewing the patients and do a physical examination to see what kind of diseases or illnesses they have or might have. Then, the professors will come in to examine the diagnosis or evaluation that we did. It's the type of lessons where we get to observe and analyze patients the most. Ok, let's go to the market. We got our lunch~ Deep fried Chinese crab cake and orange juice. Let's go and check if Pang is awake. Finally... Pang is still not awake. Guys, she has gone to a better place. (jokingly) 12.30 pm. Yayyy, a souvenir from P'Tung! (*In Thai, "Pee" addresses an older person.) Where did you travel to? I went to Switzerland. P'Tung is our extern. An extern is a medical student in year 6. It's super awesome that you brought back souvenirs for us juniors. It's 1 pm. Let's go to the lecture! Right now, I'm done with the class. Let's go on a ward round~ It's an evening round. x2 The round is over! But now, I have to rush to my condo to get changed and head to the Grammy building next. I have another mission to complete, so I have to hurry now, otherwise I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna change my clothes in a flash and then GO! ~ i'M LatE ~ (sing) Hold on a minute. I'm done. Let's go! I'm late! x2 I'm leaving for the Grammy building, but I'm running short on time, so I might have to turn to... the motorcycle taxi. I was scheduled to come in at 6.30 pm, right now, it's 6.31 pm. So I think I managed the time pretty well. I have to go to work now. Bye ~ At the moment, we're preparing for a shoot. Let's wait and see what it's going to be, when it comes out. Yaaayyy! I'm finished with the work. It's done! Let's head home! Guys! I was SO embarrassed earlier! While I was on set, I had diarrhea! Because of the diarrhea, my stomach hurt really bad. It hurt like...my intestine was twisted over and over. I also felt dizzy, and my hands were all numb. Yeah. So I had to ask for a bathroom break in the middle of the shoot. It was really embarrassing. But everything was great in the end. So I want everyone to keep an eye out for it. It was a special project. Let's wait and see what it is. Right now, I have to be on my way home, most of the building is closed. LOL See you again once I'm home! Wow...yay! Finally, I'm home after a very long day. But it's not over that easily because I still have to study. For those of you who were wondering, "How do you go to medical school and work at the same time?", or "How do you manage your time?" The answer is: like this. I spend the time after I finished work to study, and I might get to go to bed a little later than my friends. Because it's already 11.17 pm and I still haven't begun studying. Tomorrow, I also have to wake up early for a ward round, around 5.30 am. (sigh) I'm tired only thinking about it. I don't know what time I will get to go to bed tonight. As all of you who have been with me since early morning can see, today's been a very long day. I'm glad that you guys stick around and watch for this long, this late into the night. It's coming towards the end of our 'one day with me' vlog. I hope that everyone enjoys this vlog I might have not had a lot of things to talk to you about because I didn't know what to say. If anyone's interested in studying at medical school, you can take this vlog as a guide of what you have to do in a day as a medical student. But today is not one of the days I'm on call. If I'm on call, I leave the hospital even later than today. Being on call is when you're in the ward, and stand by for patients whose conditions worsen, whose hearts stop, or something else. You have to be close by in order to help the other older doctors, who we call 'residents'. Residents are physicians who have a medical degree and are pursuing a specialized training. If I've got a chance, I will vlog a day when I'm on call for everyone. Even during holidays or on the weekends, I still have to attend a ward round in the morning, REALLY early in the morning like I did today. The morning round is done everyday, including on the official holidays. So if anyone plans on attending medical school, please prepare yourself because from Year 4-6, you will barely have any day off. Except for during the school breaks, which last only about a week or two. So for anyone who wants to go to medical school, try to imagine how you would handle if you rarely have days off, and make a decision with that in mind. I'm just telling you my experience so that you have get the picture. If I have time in the future, I will tell you more about medical school. As for right now, I have to be excused for a shower because it's time. It's already 11.30 pm. But! I can't do an outro just yet because I still have to study! The day is still not over for me! Urghhh. I just wanna go to bed ~ Look at the bed... The very tempting bed... I should hurry and take a shower now, so then I can get on with studying.
Views: 1,443,100
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Keywords: #Puimek, #puimekster, ปุยเมฆ, ปุยเมฆสะเต้อ, ปุยเมฆ นภสร, gmmtv, puimekster, puimek
Id: _9eT0coXgZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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