1 David Hume's Representational Theory of Knowledge
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Philosophy Overdose
Views: 30,372
Rating: 4.9373603 out of 5
Keywords: Philosophy, David Hume, Thomas Reid, Epistemology, John Locke, Empiricism, History of Philosophy, Realism, Skepticism, Theory of Perception, Philosophy of Perception, Indirect Realism, Humean, Theory of Knowledge, Representationalism, Dualism, Ontology, Metaphysics, 18th Century Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, Descartes, Perception, Philosophy of Mind, Phenomenalism, Idealism, Subject-Object, Representative Realism, Naive Realism, Cartesian, Newton, Reductionism, External World, Associationism
Id: A4xXeM9LSX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 20sec (3620 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 06 2014
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