1. A Tour of Messiah's House Part 1 - Pastor Stephen Bohr - Hebrew Religious Calendar - Anchor 2017

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well good morning everyone it's good to see you all you've traveled from all across the United States we're glad you're here for our anchor School of Theology as you know we are going to study together during the next week the meaning of the Hebrew feasts and it's going to be an exciting experience we're going to follow Jesus in his ministry from beginning to end and see how each step in his ministry has particular significance to our own spiritual walk with the Lord before we actually get into the material I would like to make some introductory statements but even before that I believe that we need to ask for the Lord's presence and so I invite you to bow with me as we ask for the Lord to be with us Father in Heaven we come before you this morning with open hearts we want to hear your voice speaking to us through the Ministry of the Holy Spirit we ask Lord that you will bless not only this session but that you will bless every session during the course of this week we ask that you will give us understanding and even more than understanding we ask that you will give us open hearts to receive the message that you have for us and then not only to receive it but to proclaim it far and wide we thank you Lord for the promise of your presence and we claim that promise in the precious name of Jesus amen the first thing I would like to say is that this week we received a call from someone who was somewhat the distressed this person said I noticed that you're going to have a series on the Hebrew feasts he said now when are you going to study the Christian feasts well the fact is that the reason why this series is called the Hebrew feasts is because God gave the Hebrew feasts to Israel God gave the calendar to Israel in the Old Testament it's kind of like the Apostle Paul he said salvation is of the Jews well we know that the Jews don't save us it simply means that God gave all of the illustrations of the steps of Jesus in salvation to the Jews through the writings of the Old Testament and so this could also be called the Messiah's calendar of events I would also like to mention that several years ago I did a series of 12 presentations that are available on CD from secret's unsealed and the Hebrew feasts since that time I've done a lot of study on this particular subject and we've also received many many calls from people asking us to do a series on DVD so basically what I did was I took what I studied in the first series plus everything that I've studied since then that was probably about 15 years ago and prepared this particular series because we've had many many requests from people to do a series on the Hebrew feasts I would like to mention that there will be some duplication of material some of you know that I did a series on the Hebrew sanctuary a 32 part series this series will have some of the material from the sanctuary series it's impossible to study the feasts without connecting the feast with the sanctuary because they are sayings for feasts and so there will be some duplication of material but most of the material that we will study will be new material now some people might say well you know we've studied the feasts we know all about the Passover and unleavened bread and first fruits and Pentecost you know we've heard all about that but you know there's always new things to discover from things that we've studied before and not only that it's always good to review because through review things become settled in our minds now I want to mention the reading materials you received in the mail certain reading materials there's one per day material that is very important that you read in the course of this week you'll notice that we're ending in the afternoon quite early we have no evening session the purpose is not so that we go to sleep the purpose is that we have time to do research and read go through the syllabus check out the verses that I mentioned in the classes so that you know you can amplify the material that we give in class but there's one particular a book that was sent to you ahead of time and which is available from secret's unsealed for those who are watching the live streaming which is very important that if you have not read it that you should read it during the course of this week because in our last session together on Sabbath afternoon I am going to be dealing with what is called the loonie solar Sabbath it's a growing problem in the Adventist Church the idea that we need to keep the weekly Sabbath on the basis not only of the Sun but on the basis of the Moon the movements of the moon and so this book which is by the way the only book that I know of that addresses the issue contrary to the idea that you need to celebrate the lunisolar Sabbath it's very important that you read it it's called the lunar Sabbath conspiracy it has much valuable material in it I will be using some of the material that is in this book in that particular presentation this book was written by a layperson but it's very well researched and very very well written so I would encourage you to take time to read this book in the course of this week that will help us in our last session together to go a little bit quicker now I want to invite you to go with me in your syllabus to the table of contents let's go to the table of contents that would be page 1 in your syllabus and I want to review precisely what we are going to be looking at in the course of this week you'll notice in the table of contents but there are certain items that are in bold those items that are in bold are the feasts and under each one of those sections of course our materials and comments on the feasts and so you'll notice for example number five is the Passover the announcement of the Passover and then whatever comes under that deals directly with the Passover then you have the feast of unleavened bread and there's one document under that that we're going to take a look at then you have the feast of firstfruits and we'll be dealing with the issue of the three days and three nights there's some very interesting material there that has not really been looked at by Adventist so you know we usually people usually say well it has to be 72 hours or some people say well you know it's inclusive reckoning but very seldom do people look at Jonah chapter 2 because you have to look at Jonah chapter 2 because Jesus said as Jesus was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights so the Son of Man must be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights and so Jonah chapter two has the experience of Jonah in the belly of the fish that chapter has the key to understanding for three days and the three nights and so we're going to include that with the study of the firstfruits and then of course you'll notice number 13 the Feast of Pentecost we could have said a lot more about that you did receive an extra syllabus and the secrets of Pentecost I hope that you studied that we'll be taking a look at some of the material in that particular syllabus then number 19 the Feast of Trumpets these are fall feasts now and you notice that I make reference there to another syllabus that you received this morning which is your Redemption draweth 9 this is a syllabus that we used at our last summit last October it's a detailed study of Revelation chapter 10 which is the best description I have found of the Feast of Trumpets in all of the Bible and so we're going to take a look at that material then Isaiah 58 is a tremendous description of the Feast of Trumpets believe it or not it speaks about blowing the trumpet it speaks about a fast it speaks about afflicting the soul very clearly the sabbath is related also with the Feast of Trumpets because the Sabbath is mentioned in the context of Isaiah 58 then you'll notice under 21 the Day of Atonement and there are several documents that we're going to take a look at under the day of atonement then finally we will be dealing with the Feast of Tabernacles these are the feasts that were given to Moses however we are also going to take a look at the feast of dedication you might be saying feast of dedication what's that the feast of dedication is a feast a post biblical feast that was established to commemorate the rededication of the Jewish temple in the times of the Maccabees in the times of Antiochus Epiphanes and you say well why would you deal with that particular feast because the Bible tells us that Jesus went to Jerusalem at the feast of dedication so even though it is post-biblical in the sense that it was established after the Canon of the Bible was established or the Old Testament Canon was established Jesus observed this feast and so we're going to notice that this feast has a very close relationship with the season when Jesus was conceived and we're going to I'm going to show you from a chronology in the Gospel of Luke that Jesus most likely was conceived during the feast of dedication and he was actually born during the Feast of Tabernacles and we're going to study this chronologically and you have that material in your syllabus and then finally we'll deal with the question that everybody is concerned about must we keep the feasts and you know people some people say yes some people say no and some people make it a matter of salvation they say if you don't keep the feasts you're going to be lost they say it's a it's important to keep the Feast as it is to observe the seventh-day Sabbath and so we are going to take a look at several issues and you'll notice there's a long list of arguments that are used in favour of observing the feasts and we are going to take a look at all of those particular arguments as we go along in our study there's also some material that I'm going to share with you that it's not in the syllabus several years ago I developed this special PowerPoint presentation I have it on this chart right here this is my PowerPoint this chart shows the Exodus pattern in the Bible we can't understand the feasts without understanding the Exodus pattern in the Bible and basically it goes through several aspects where the Exodus pattern is followed first of all the sequence of the sanctuary secondly the agricultural year of the Jews you can understand the feasts without understanding their agricultural year the festivals of the Jewish year and then you have the exodus of Christ you have the exodus of Israel from Egypt you have the exodus of the Christian Church you have our personal Exodus and then you have the marriage theme and the kingship theme in Israel all of these actually follow a parallel track when we deal with the issue of the Hebrew feasts I'm trying to figure out a way in which I can put this on one sheet for you and that's going to be very difficult but I will work on it that's to hopefully give you a copy of it would you like to have a copy of it before we bring this class to an end so now we've done our introductory matters so I invite you to go with me to page three in your syllabus what we want to do in our classes today is first of all to take a tour of the Messiah's house what is the Messiah's house sanctuary is this house right so we're gonna follow Jesus step-by-step through his house he's gonna give us the guided tour if you please and then secondly after that we are going to take a look at the sanctuary sequence in the book of Revelation the book of Revelation follows the exact sequence of the sanctuary from apartment to apartment from piece of furniture to piece of furniture and then in our third study together we're gonna take a synthetic look at Messiah's calendar the calendar of the feast we're gonna look at at the specific dates for each of the events that Jesus performs in the sanctuary and then hopefully we'll have enough time today but if we don't we'll pick up on it tomorrow we are going to discuss the Jewish agricultural year you see the feasts are coded to the agricultural year particular three harvests the one is the barley harvest at the Passover season the second is the wheat harvest at Pentecost and the final harvest is the fruit harvest at the end of the religious year unless we understand the Jewish year of Agriculture we will never be able to understand the sanctuary or the feasts and I must say something that here in France know those who live in Fresno have a great advantage over people who live in other places because Fresno is practically in the same climate zone as Israel and the same agricultural products does the Bible mention grapes yes does it mention pomegranates yes does it mention almonds does it mention FIGS it most certainly does where are those things produced except for the figs maybe they're produced where in Fresno you see Fresno is in the subtropical zone it has a Mediterranean weather pattern and so those of us who are here you know a wet season towards the end of the year real dry in the summer you know that's the same type of weather pattern that you have in the Middle East so let's go then to page three and take a tour of the Messiah's house and we're going to follow our material very closely as you know the seventh day evidence world view is unique we believe that there is a cosmic problem the problem of sin is not only in this world it is a universal problem because sin originated in heaven so the solution to the problem has to be a cosmic solution to a cosmic problem and so Jesus takes step by step a journey in solving this cosmic sin problem most Christians these days Center on the cross if you ask Christians what the most important aspect of the Ministry of Christ is they would immediately say it's the cross but we're going to see that every step of Jesus in his ministry is just as important as every other step now let's take a look at the different apartments or the different steps that Jesus takes through his house let's take a tour of his house this is on page 3 under the title tour of messiahs house first of all and by the way we're going to unpack each of these in a few more I just want you to get the global picture now first of all we have the work of Jesus in the camp that's where the sinners live that is the place where Jesus wove a perfect robe of righteousness for his people he lived a perfect life and wove a robe of righteousness and then we have the altar of sacrifice we're moving from the camp towards the sanctuary now we have the altar of sacrifice the altar of sacrifice represents the death of Christ where Jesus bore the penalty for all the sins that have been committed are being committed and will be committed in the future then the next place in the sanctuary in Messiah's house is the Laver and we're going to find that the Laver represents the resurrection of Christ to fulfill the next next part of his mission of solving the sin problem then after the Laver you have the holy place and in the holy place Jesus intercedes for individuals and he applies the benefits of his earthly work to individuals who claim them in other words people who claim his perfect life and his death now Jesus intercedes for them and takes his life in his death and credits these to their personal account so Jesus in the Holy Place performs a work of intercession and of course when he intercedes he introduces the the sins into where into the sanctuary yes they're covered with his blood they're forgiven through his blood but nevertheless they enter the sanctuary and they defile the sanctuary in other words the sinner is forgiven the sinner is cleansed but the sanctuary is defiled then Jesus moves into the most holy place of the sanctuary and in the most holy place the purpose is to examine the sincerity of repentance maybe you haven't heard that that way of expressing it before but the purpose of the most holy place ministry of the investigative judgment is to ascertain the sincerity of a person's repentance and what is it that shows if a person is is if a person is truly repentant or not their works don't works show whether we are truly repentant or not we are saved by grace through faith but faith is shown by works and if you don't have works it shows that your faith was a sham and so in the most holy place Jesus examines the sincerity of repentance the genuineness of repentance and he examines the works to see if repentance was genuine or not and then based on the decision the individuals name is retained in the book of life or is deleted from the book of life and then after all of the cases of God's people have been examined then Jesus moves from the most holy place of a sanctuary back to the entrance of a sanctuary back to the court and who's waiting at the door of a sanctuary a he-goat that we call Azazel the scapegoat by the way you're aware that the court is the earth right there's no court in the heavenly sanctuary because the work of the court was performed by Jesus on earth he lived in the camp he died at the altar he resurrected at the Laver so to speak and then he goes into the most holy place it's interesting that the scapegoat is at the entrance of the sanctuary he's in the court where is Satan when the millennium is about to begin he's on earth and a mighty angel comes down and changed him and places the sins that have been cleansed from the upon the scapegoat and then after that comes the most beautiful part once again Jesus returns to the camp where God's people live and he will live with them forever and ever the tabernacle of God will be with men and so you've gone full circle from the camp back to the camp and so that is a brief overview of the tour through the house of the Messiah but now we need to unpack each of these particular steps so we go to the section that is titled camp sometimes Christians emphasize the death of Christ so much that they forget a very important detail and that is that if Jesus had not lived a perfect life his death would not have been accepted so if I were to ask you what is more important the perfect life of Christ or his death for sin what would your answer be yes the answer would be yes right both and because in order for the sacrifice to be accepted the victim had to be without blemish and that represents the perfect life of Christ so we shouldn't begin studying the sanctuary in the court we have to begin studying the sanctuary where in the camp where sinners live Jesus had to come and live in our midst notice John chapter 1 and verse 14 and I put all these verses in the syllabus so we don't have to take time to look them up it says there in John 1:4 verse 14 and the word became flesh and what's the next word and what dwelt that's the same word that is translated in the New Testament Tabernacle so let me invent an English word the Word was made flesh and tabernacled among it could be translated he pitched his tent with us notice he pitched his tent where our tents are pitched and then it says and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth let me ask you what was the first result of sin in the book of Genesis man found himself what naked what does sin do sin makes us naked so what does God have to do to restore us he has to find a way to cover our nakedness do we have any way of covering our nakedness no so a robe has to be weaved in order to cover the shame of our nakedness but we can't weave that robe because we are all sinners and come short of the glory of God so what is the first thing that Jesus came to do he came to live in our midst to weave a perfect robe of righteousness that could cover our nakedness notice Leviticus chapter 22 and verses 20 to 22 Leviticus 22 22 22 you know some people denigrate the Old Testament they say oh the Old Testament that was Jewish you know we're New Testament Christians listen there's no way you can understand the New Testament that the old you know it's like it's like the Old Testament is the foundational Testament builds upon the Old Testament yes what happens with a building that has no foundation it comes tumbling down so don't don't diminish the Old Testament it's a very very important series of books and here we have an illustration these verses tell us that the victim had to be without defect when it was offered it says there Leviticus 22 verse 20 whatever has a defect you shall not offer for it shall not be acceptable on your behalf and whoever offers a sacrifice of a peace offering to the Lord to fulfill his vow or a free will offering from the cattle or the sheep it must be what Wow it must be perfect to be what accepted don't forget that it must be perfect to be accepted accepted by whom by the father that's right there shall be no defect in it those that are blind or broken or maimed or have an ulcer or eczema or scabs you shall not offer to the Lord nor make an offering by fire of them on the altar to the Lord that's the reason that Passover no bones of the lamb were to be broken because the lamb had to be without defect but not only did the lamb have to be without defect the priest had to be without defect oh of course we're speaking physically but physically represents morally in the case of Jesus notice Leviticus 21 verses 17 to 21 Leviticus 21 17 to 21 the priest also had to be without blemish it says there speak to Aaron saying no man of your descendants in succeeding generations who has any defect may approach to offer the bread of his God for any man who has a defect shall not approach a bla a man blind or lame who has a marred face or any limb too long a man who has a broken foot or broken hand or is a hunchback or a dwarf or a man who has a defect in his eye or eczema or scab or is a eunuch wow that would be called discrimination these days verse 21 no man of the descendants of Aaron the priest who has a defect shall come near to offer the offerings made by fire to the Lord he has a defect he shall not come near to offer the bread of his God so the priest had to be without defect and the victim had to also be without defect the offeror and the offering had to be without defect and of course the question is why because Jesus is the priest there you officiates his own sacrifice as victim he is the priest and he is the victim notice Exodus chapter 12 and verse 5 once again the idea that the Passover lamb had to be without blemish it says there your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year you may take it from the Sheep or from the goats now let's notice the fulfillment of this of the idea that the victim had to be without blemish and the priest had to be without blemish first Peter chapter 1 18 through 20 has the fulfillment in Jesus as the victim it says there in first Peter 1:18 through 20 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things like silver or gold from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your father's but you were redeemed with what with the precious blood of Christ as of a what as of a lamb without blemish and without spot he indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you so what is the significance of the victim being without blemish or spot Jesus had to be without blemish and without spot but Jesus also is spoken of as the blameless priest notice what we find in Hebrews 4 and verse 15 Hebrews 4 and verse 15 seen then that we have a great high priest is verse 14 and verse 15 saying then that we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our confession for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but was what in all points tempted as we are yet without sin so what does the blamelessness of the high priest represent it represents that Jesus our high priest had no sin he was tempted in all things and had no sin was it necessary for Jesus to be tempted before he died on the cross was it necessary for him to be tempted in all things such as we are how could he we've a perfect robe of righteousness for us unless he walked in our steps are you following me or not so it says in verse 15 let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need we can come to the throne of grace because he was tempted in all things and he never sinned and he stands in our place Hebrews 7:25 also emphasizes that Jesus is the high priest without blemish it says there for such a high priest was fitting for us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and has become higher than the heavens and of course Pilate himself a pagan Roman ruler when Jesus came out at least four times said before the multitude I find know what I find no fault in him so when Jesus said on the cross it is finished had Jesus weaved a perfect robe of righteousness and obedience to the law of God was that an important function of his ministry was that as important as his death of course it was you see Christians are all they're stuck there stuck there at the cross they don't realize yes the cross is central to everything but all of the steps that come before and the steps that come after are just as important salvation is a process of steps that Jesus takes it is not only one step it's not only his death but human beings had a second problem you see waving a perfect robe of righteousness in our place was a wonderful thing but someone also had to take care of our other little problem see if we not only were naked we also were sinners and sin deserves death and so somebody had to come and take our guilt and suffer our death death not only we have a robe of purpose righteousness to give us but also to pay the penalty for all of our sins and of course that person was Jesus and then Gethsemane and on the cross Jesus bore on himself all of the sins of the whole world every sin that has been committed every sin that is being committed and every sin that will be committed Jesus took the guilt upon himself and suffered death for every single one of those sins let's notice what the Bible has to say about this the most famous verse in the Bible is John 3 verse 16 hands down you even find it between the goal posts at football games that's a real witness isn't it when people are just you know watching people beat each other up you know John 3:16 for God so loved the world let's read the first half of the verse for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for whom was Jesus given for the whole world he wasn't only given for those were going to be saved he was given for the whole world for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son his death was a death for the sins of the whole world we're going to notice that in other tanks not a second Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21 this is one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible second Corinthians five verse 21 for he that is God the father made him that is Jesus who know no sin to be what to be sin for us are you understanding what that verse is saying it's saying that Jesus never knew what Jesus never knew sin but the father what did the father do he made him sin what does that mean it means that he took all of our sins and laid them where and laid them on him so he who knew no sin the father laid on him all of our sins for a specific purpose notice that we might become the righteousness of God in him what a magnificent verse Galatians 3:13 once again speaks about Jesus bearing the penalty for sin not only weaving a perfect robe of righteousness by his acts of obedience but also bearing the guilt that we should bear Galatians 3 verse 13 says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law why does the law curse us so it's a lot to blame no the law curses us because we're sinners so it doesn't help to take away the law you've got to resolve the problem of sin not the law the law can make just demands if you come to a stoplight and you fail to stop and the policeman stops you you can't say get rid of a look get it rid of that law oh the problem is a person who transgressed the stoplight that's the port of the problem needs to be solved and so it says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law and how did he do that having become a curse for us he took our curse he took our guilt for it is written cursed is everyone who what who hangs on a tree how much guilt did Jesus take only of those who are going to be saved or did Jesus take the guilt of every sin that has ever been committed notice Hebrews chapter two and verse nine Hebrews 2 verse 9 but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God might taste death for Fresno for Fresno - that he might taste death for ever what does everyone mean exactly that everyone so Jesus tasted death for every person who has ever lived notice first John chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 once again Jesus died he paid the penalty for everyone since it says there in 1st John 2:1 and to my little children these things are right to you so that you may not sin and if anyone sins we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous and he himself is the propitiation for our sins he's speaking to believers here but then he also says and not for ours only but for what but also for the whole world Jesus suffered the guilt of how many the whole work his death was for the whole world and his life was for the whole world this is what we might call the objective benefits of his work they were done for everyone he wove the robe for everyone and he bore the guilt of everyone notice Isaiah 53 verses 5 and 6 but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and now notice and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of some of us now the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us oh so I know what some people are thinking they're saying ok if Jesus wolves the robe of righteousness for every when he died for everyone everybody's going to be saved that's where the seventh-day Adventist view of the work of Christ kicks in you see we also have to claim what Jesus did he gained the benefits we have to claim the benefits and if not we're still in our sins we'll come to that a little bit later notice what Ellen White wrote in selected messages volume 1 page 321 the guilt of every sin how many sins of every sin pressed its weight upon the divine soul of the world's Redeemer the evil thoughts the evil words the evil deeds no listen carefully of every son and daughter of Adam called for retribution upon himself for he had become man's substitute though the guilt of sin was not his his spirit was torn and bruised by the transgressions of men and he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him so his life in the camp and his death in the court are what I call the objective benefits of his atonement objective means outside of ourselves outside of us claiming them he bought them for everyone now let's go to the next section this is on page 6 of your syllabus the court the Laver it's the next piece of furniture after the altar of sacrifice and before you go into the holy place Titus 3 verses 4 and five has the key verse but before we read that verse let me ask what is the meaning of the word regeneration what is the meaning of the word regeneration it means to give life again to regenerate right to generate means to give life to regenerate means to what to give life again so what would the laborer represent the water represents the holy spirit power of the Spirit notice Titus 3 verses 4 & 5 but when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness which we had done but according to His mercy he saved us through the what there's the key word washing what did what do you wash with water yes through the washing of regeneration and what renewing of the Holy Spirit so the water represents the washing and the renewing you can't renew something that has not been nude before if you please now what does this mean it simply means that before the priest would go into the holy place to minister he had to cleanse himself from every vestige of death you see when he offered the sacrifice he was stained all over his body with the blood of the sacrifice now he had to wash himself of death before he entered the next stage of his administration when is it that Jesus washed himself from every vestige of death to enter upon his next phase of ministry Romans 6 verses 9 and 10 knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead what dies no more death no longer has dominion over him for the death that he died he died to sin once for all but the life that he lives he lives to God at the Laver Jesus washed himself of every vestige of death he resurrected from the dead to die no more now I'd like to ask the question what is more important the perfect life of Jesus the death of Jesus on the cross or the resurrection of Jesus most Christians would say the cross I'm going to get ahead of myself a little bit here you know there's this concept among Christians that Jesus forgave everybody sins at the cross that's not biblical theology Jesus did not forgive everyone's sins at the cross he made provision for the forgiveness of everyone's sins at the cross he made perfect and complete provision for the forgiveness of sins at the cross but he did not forgive sins at the cross because we're going to see that sin forgiveness of sin is an individual claiming of his benefits we'll come to that when we deal with the work in the Holy Place now in that light let's read Romans 4:25 this text you know when did Jesus justify sinners did Jesus justify sinners when he died or when he when Jesus resurrected did he make it possible for people to be justified justified means forgiven by the way Ellen White says forgiveness and justification is the same thing except justification is the theological term notice Romans 4:25 very key verse it says there 24 and 25 now it that is the story of Abraham's justification when he believed God he's using the case case of Abraham now it was not written for his sake alone that it's for Abraham's sake alone that it was imputed to him but also for us so in other words the experience of the imputation of justification to Abraham wasn't written only for him it was written for us first 24 it shall be imputed to us that means forgiven is their condition it shall be imputed to us who believed in him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead who has delivered us because of our offenses and was raised don't miss this point was raised for our justification why was Jesus raised so that he could justify us so we were just were we justified at the cross no he was raised so that he could justify us he was raised for our justification now let me offer you proof of this 1st Corinthians 15 verses 3 to 7 and then verses 17 through 19 here Paul states for I delivered to you first of all that's which I also received that Christ died for our sins you notice I have there in in brackets Passover according to the scriptures that he was buried that's unleavened bread the things in brackets are my own comments by the way and that he rose again that would be the feast of firstfruits the third day according to the scriptures and that he was seen by cephus then by the twelve after that he was seen by over 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remain to the present but some have fallen asleep and after that he was seen by James then by all of the apostles then last of all he was seen by me also of course on the road to Damascus as by one born out of due time we're there plenty of redness says that Jesus resurrected did the scriptures say he was gonna resurrect he says he resurrected according to scripture so we had the benefit of scripture says and bunches of witnesses now why would Paul make it a point to emphasize you know we have witnesses and the scriptures say that it was going to resurrect notice verses 17 through 19 through 19 and if Christ is not risen your faith is futile what's more important is his death or his resurrection hmm if Christ has not risen your faith is you'll you are still in your sins did he forgive the sins at the cross can't to resurrect to forgive sins he was raised for our justification are you following me or not continue sing and if Christ is not risen your faith is futile you are still in your sins then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished Wow is the resurrection as important as his this is his life as important as his death is his intercession is it as important as his resurrection his death in his life don't get caught up in this little scenario it's Yuni focus salvation requires several steps on the part of Jesus and then verse 19 if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men the most pitiable and so you have these steps of Jesus through the sanctuary first three steps number one it's perfect life number two his death for sin number three his resurrection why did he resurrect you ask a Christian today what is Jesus been doing for the last two thousand years you know something will someone say he's I guess he's been there just interceding well why would it be interceding if everything was taken care of at the cross it gets nebulous after you know when Jesus a sense that it gets nebulous what he's been doing for the last couple of thousand years but of course Jesus resurrected so that he could go / fulfill the next function in his house he couldn't fulfill the next function if he was dead hello so I had to resurrect to be able to enter the next function in his ministry let's notice at the bottom of page six what his next function is John 3:16 we ran a few moments ago we read the first half of the verse that's the part of verse that lots of people focus on for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son uh he did it for the whole world but the second half of the verse shows us that not everybody's going to be saved because Jesus was given for the whole world the second half of the verse says that whosoever believes in him the word believes means have faith whoever trusts in him you know believe it's become it's like the word love you know it's it's a word that it has become meaningless because believe is something that's done in the head but in the Bible believe the word believe is the same word faith peace peace peace cure so it really means whoever has faith in Him whoever trusts in him should not perish but have everlasting life now let me give you an illustration before we take our first question and answer session of the relationship between the objective benefits of Christ's work and the subjective application of those benefits after he ascends to heaven I want to use the illustration of a bank I want you to imagine an owner of a bank he's a multi quadrillion heir he has enough resources to pay every person's debt on planet earth that has ever lived is living or will live every single debt will there be mortgage credit cards department store bills educational bills auto loans you name it there's enough capital that this individual has to pay every single persons debts that has ever lived upon planet Earth so he looks upon human beings and he says oh these people are so depressed they're you know they're in debt they can't even sleep because they don't know how they're gonna pay for these bills they're afraid you know the house is gonna be foreclosed and I just feel so sorry for them I'm gonna set up a special fund out of all the resources I have I'm gonna deposit enough money in a bank for every person to have all of their debts cancelled of course if he's going to do this it would help for people to know and so he takes advantage of all kinds of media you know through radio newspaper television Gmail Twitter Facebook word-of-mouth Skype FaceTime what's up you name it he says I'm gonna use every means possible to let everybody know that this multi-trillion Eric what trillionaire has made a deposit in a bank that will pay for every single person's dance all of their debts how long do you think the line would be you see there's a catch the resources are there in the bank but the catch is that if the individual wants their debts cancelled they have to come and claim personally and individually the capital let me ask you this what would happen if an individual failed to come to the bank to claim the capital would they still be in debt they would still be in debt you see when Jesus lived his life and died his death and resurrected Jesus provided the capital to pay for every single person's debt that has ever lived in the history of planet Earth but there's a catch we have to come individually and we have to claim it by faith in Jesus and this is where the next phase of the Ministry of Jesus comes in Jesus went to heaven as an advocate we're going to see this in our next session he went there as an intercessor for those who come to him claiming the benefits of his objective work claiming the robe of his righteousness claiming his payment for sin claiming him as the intercessor because he's resurrected he can now intercede are you with me let me give you another way of looking at it how much did the last gift you received cost you does it get does a gift cost of course it costs I know a Mother's Day I give my wife a gift it costs suppose I spent $100 on the gift that cost me 100 bucks I do it gladly by the way how much did it cost her so I imagine you know I come to my wife and I say oh I bought you this beautiful gift she opens it pay me it's not a gift right so let me ask you who bought the gift of salvation who paid for it Jesus paid for it how much does it cost us it doesn't cost us anything but there's a catch does a person have the right to accept or reject a gift that's where the individual comes in that's where the person comes in Jesus want the gift it's free he paid for it so we don't have to pay for it he lived the perfect life he died the death that we should die it's available he's there in the heavenly sanctuary ready to present our case before the Father when we come to him trusting in him he's willing to take his life in his death and place them to our account and God looks upon us as if we had never sinned what good news that is and yes most people will choose [Music] you
Channel: secretsunsealed
Views: 9,309
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: Stephen Bohr, Pastor Bohr, Secrets Unsealed, Anchor, Theology, Prophecy, Hebrew, Religious, SUMTV, Feast, Hebrew feasts
Id: XqxMLXIiepw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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