03. SonarQube CLI Scanner Installation And Demo

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hello and welcome to another video about sonar cube in the previous video i have shown you how you can install sonar cube server and of course the database server which is elasticsearch and in this video i'm going to show you how you can install a cli scanner to scan your code just before we begin i would like to tell you that only three percent of you are subscribed to the channel from the people that are watching these videos so if you like to see more videos like this if you like the type of videos that i'm creating please subscribe to the channel and help the channel grow more and enjoy more content like this let's begin with the installation by doing an update of the operating system and then we will install unzip wget and nodejs on it after that we will download the zip files for the solar cube cli scanner so we will gonna go to opt and here we will download the package after that we will unzip it okay and right now we will remove the zip file because we don't need it anymore and rename the unzipped folder or directory the next step is to configure the soner cube scanner to connect to our sonar cube server then we will have to add the sonar cube scanner command to the path variable and for this one we will create a shell script now we will um create a directory where where we will uh gonna store some kind of uh python script just a random python script doesn't matter which one okay so uh we are going um to the sonar cube server web interface here we will add the project uh we were gonna go for the manual one since is the cli scanner here we will have to define a project key then generate a token okay so this token now we will have to save it somewhere if we want if not we can create another one another time then click continue and we will click on other for jsts python php and so on and we have our operating system which is linux copy the command okay in the cli we will copy and paste the command but um this one i did it on purpose and i haven't actually changed to the python directory where we have our python script we just used something else and you're going to see that [Music] this one it will not going to work and what i have done here it was just for your demonstration to see how it looks like actually when you go on the web interface in sonarcube you will see that the python script wasn't actually scanned okay so now we will have to change the directory to python where we have our python script the example that py and here we will run the command again and after the analyzes is done you will see on the web interface that um the example that py was scanned properly so just make sure uh that you are in the correct folder when you're doing the scanning and here you can see the issues that this script is having thanks for watching and talk to you guys in the next one
Channel: Bits Byte Hard
Views: 9,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elasticsearch, kibana, centos, debian, fedora, ubuntu, redhat, suse, ELK, java, monitoring, processing, linux, vmware, virtualbox, VIP, virtual IP, Linux, server, UDP, patterns, active directory, mail, exchange, notification, condition, bash, shell, scripting, monitor, backup, elasticsearch backup, elasticsearch snapshot, elasticsearch restore, security, vulnerabilities, code, code analisys
Id: l6yCbIySW8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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