03 Cutting, Boning, and Preparing a Chicken for Galantine

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[Music] and now the boning out of the Galentine Galentine or barrel team guarantee nice if itself cold balloting if itself hot we have to remove the wishbone here cut one side on the other side yet to to have that big triangle here is it the wishbone I'm gonna cut the skin of the back now because I want to open this chicken completely now that she cannot an articulation here and there here and there that the only place where I did a knife the rest I'm going to pull so first let move that up a little bit so I can show you the articulation if I can feel it oh my knife here we got it I get into the articulation they turn it do the same thing on the other side articulation here now I've cut on both side so I can grab it here I put my fingers through it to hold it and I pull out actually I'm not really pulling out I'm turning I think this until I see the little oyster here charge Han something on on the other side I pull until I see the oyster now here at the front of the chicken the to fear they are still there put my two finger on the on the sternum here and I go down until the end on the side now now that the second articulation which is the oyster here again bring back the leg to crack it open you can hear it crack cut through the rocks he knew and pull out something on the other side I will cut the oyster cut through the Sonia and pull it out that really should not take me much more than like a minute or so to bone out the chicken to that extent there is the to fillet again left here usually just run with your finger around the bone here to be able to remove that last fillet the other one and where I cut what that joint and that joint that joint and that joint that said considered that she can hear the end of the sterner be the cartilage she can is like three months old this is born it's a black bone and two months later is going to be black up to here up to here up to here and eventually you have a hand and the bone is very hard at the end something when you go hunting you get the sternum of the animal to know the age okay now I want to go out the leg all I do I cut all around so that I'm able to hold it and I start scraping I scrape this of course is the disciple who have tried disciple I could cut it at the junction but if accurate at the junction have nothing to hold it to what I have to do here is ready to cut all around until I have passed the articulation then I can stop scraping it on the bone and now that's it I have the whole leg bone out I'm here I don't really want to cut the bone here because the Trent in the burning process so I break the bone with the back of the knife and remove it after it's cooked we train this same thing on the other side cut around to be able to hold this is all borne out the only two pistol bone are here I can leave the ring if I want to remove I hold the bone from London this I have to cut all around the articulation that's word and then push down we went here I can see there is seen you still around seen you still around and I push down and remove the bone of the wing put out now this is totally bone out I have those two fillet and you can see those two fill along seen you inside if you want to remove those sinew which is really we do you have to bring them to the side of the board and hold them with a towel the way they slide keep your knife flat on top of it and I scrape it out you see and the whole scene you stay there I will bring that back and put it where there is no meat around here put a bit less meat here so I cut a little bit of that meat here and there and now it's about the same amount over what do I do on top of its old pepper and as stuffing I have all kind of different stuffing in that cave here I have spinach spinach a saute with a bit of garlic you can you can stuff it with meat with rise with the only difference the only thing that you have to realize is that when you use a cooked a cook stuffing inside you don't have to worry too much about the internal temperature as not sure if you put like ground pork meat you put ground pork meat you have to be sure that it goes to about 160 degree or more internal temperature in that case here I'm gonna put some cheese and some bread you can a very roomy home type of stuffing that should be plenty here no cheese maybe on top and that's it we're ready to cook it so what you want to do is to bring back the side in the center here nicely bring this one back again so we join gently grab it turn it over you want to be sure that that skin goes underneath here this is reconstitute figure the piece of skin which is cut you and there is nothing you can do about it if you do a guarantee like that when you go buy your chicken make sure that you check out a chicken where the skin is not already torn and now we attach it what you want to do is to make it very taut to the table to slide underneath etosha at the iron the two leg and now you use that little loop we could have half each here just like this and you do that loop you let that good you grab it here again and slice it nice to the table done is it in top to make it get rough tight of this again you have that loop that I bring underneath and continue turning here here and that's about enough to hold a good cut the string gently I'll flip it over try to bring the skin here if you have a dressing which runs you may put a little piece of aluminum foil now I bring the string around so that it looked up and burr on the time again I bring it back to where we started and we attach it right there and we are now the put it on sauces you know the success chicken that you cow roast in the oven you roll them around you bring them and there is my yellow clean now cook for a little while as you can see you're even now you would want to remove the string only now and also cut those two leg and I told you not to cut to start with I have a lot of good natural juice here the leg and that said my chicken what is ready to go take a clean knife here couple of the chicken inside the wait looks if I use a natural so just go on top of it like this you
Channel: Chef 8lack8eard
Views: 14,683
Rating: 4.9288888 out of 5
Id: RbIjyqfOoH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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