014 - Replacing a Concrete Sidewalk

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back uh we have another concrete job for you today so we're going to be doing a few feet of sidewalk so relatively smaller than what we're used to but should be a pretty decent job still going to go load up the excavator uh to get it dug out just makes things a lot easier when you can use that keeps from tearing up the yard with a skid steer this will take the trailer we'll go dig out some sidewalks and we should be pouring uh in the next day or two so we'll catch up with you at the job site after we load up and see what we're looking at okay well of course uh just picked up the dump trailer so we can get in and out of this job better access and we still had some Stone left over from one of our last jobs so just gonna go kind of find a good spot here for it since it's a Decorative Stone and hopefully we can still use it for something as as it is a lot more expensive than regular gravel and I hate to uh just dump it for any reason at all so see if we can get it save for something I don't know but uh figure we'll find a use for it eventually no use just using it as fill this corner looks nice and the mud foreign wait hopefully uh my wood will stay in there because I do need the wood but I don't need the stone but I'm doubtful there it goes all right get out of there Stone just dump trailers seen a lot of use and it's paid for itself [Music] and it's paid for itself multiple times over that looks good A little bit in the top there but I think we can manage that just gonna pull up a little bit and let that fall out pick up my wood and then we'll be on our way okay Natasha should be up any minute he's gonna grab the excavator and the dump truck that way we can uh get this sidewalk dug out a lot easier it'd be nice to have a three foot bucket since both sidewalks we do are three feet wide uh but right now we only have the two foot tooth bucket so kind of just making do for now but uh hopefully at the end of the year we can work on getting a three foot bucket three foot smooth bucket for it that would really be convenient all right that's it pick up some wood all right [Music] foreign used to get new wood for every job but after covid and two by four by eights went up to seven and eight dollars of Ward if you could even get them uh we started reusing as much as we could and we tried to take care of it keep it straight because there's nothing harder during setup than using crooked Lumber so that's been working out well I mean probably get maybe two or three jobs out of Lumber like this before it gets in my opinion uh you end up spending more time and effort getting it straight setting up than you would just buying a brand new piece of wood especially now now the prices are coming down so I don't know maybe it's just easier to get new stuff now the prices are getting better but uh still uh still trying to hold on to some wood and use as much as we can get some good use out of it so once it becomes too twisted up sometimes we'll save them for kickers or or other pieces of like reinforcement but uh yeah then you just end up with a bunch of four foot pieces of wood taking up too much space so all right well let's get going we'll get out of the job site we'll meet Ty there and we'll start paying out some lines made it to the job site here just gonna start getting some lines laid out that way once Ty shows up with the excavator we can just get right to digging so basically going to be starting from the driveway here in the asphalt going across and just going straight to the backyard should be pretty straightforward made it to the job here so basically just gonna continue uh these sidewalks gonna get removed replaced with new stuff and she just wanted to do a ramp here where the slope kind of comes up rather than do steps so it's always better to eliminate steps so be a little bit steeper than what a normal sidewalk will be but better than having steps and then basically just follow the landscape around to the back porch here so I'm gonna get some paint get these straight lines laid out that way when Ty gets here with the excavator we should just be able to uh get going on digging out and be a quick dig out and start setting up today can of paint grown 42 inches wide on the new sidewalks 36 is pretty comfortable but 42. always nice gives you plenty of room don't have to worry about walking on the edge of the concrete especially if you're carrying groceries or something up just makes ice in general [Music] 42 and then we'll over dig through well I'm not sure foreign yeah I mean a straight line makes the most sense to me right and then we'll have to bump it over and then we'll just go straight down all the way along this garage yeah and then we're going to meet you [Music] we'll figure it out as you go spoke about 134 again until dark but tomorrow me and my wife have to watch and uh so one's hit and uh thank you [Music] [Applause] put these on the side because there's not as many of them put these big ones on here foreign no not yet all the sidewalks laid out uh this is gonna be 42 inches wide so I just Mark about 46 to 48 inches or something like this that way you have a little bit of room to screw in your Forbes get your pins in and out so we're gonna have a small Landing here steps up onto the porch 42 inches coming around this way a little bit of a curve here and then straight down just keep the sidewalk straight for now but once it gets to the garage I have to bump it out about a foot just to keep it away from that Eve a little bit I think that'll look nice for we'll make that a day smooth transition a little bit in front of the garage door here where we had some little pavers before and then moving on to this side hang sharp left be able to go up to the front porch and then we're going to remove this little two feet of asphalt here and just continue with the concrete all the way up to the asphalt so as soon as Ty gets here with the excavator should be starting to dig it out and we'll get some Stone down and uh try to get some forms in showed up with the excavator so now we can start getting this dug out and we'll try to get the concrete out here too do time lapse and try to make some progress trying to get the ramps down sometimes you just back the truck up but uh not in this case I guess and buying this excavator was such a big game changer for us just having your own machine not having to rent one being able to uh just have it whenever you need it not have to worry about availability or going to pick it up or drop it off just makes everything so much more convenient it's a big investment but uh definitely pays for itself after a little while of a little bit of effort and of course the time Savings of having it yourself all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign okay well that's one trip down so I'm gonna go get this dumped out luckily the uh dump where we go is only about two miles down the road here so it should be a quick turnaround and uh be back grab oh yeah four more loads here of this topsoil in uh Stone and then be good to go thank you foreign [Music] gotta love these tight spots up against the house in the garage and of course we found an old terracotta pipe always gives you a scare whenever you hit some kind of pipe uh old Plumbing like that terracotta because you never know where it goes but luckily this one just ends right at the end of the gold garage there so who knows must have been like an old downspout pipe or something but it's full of mud and it ended anyway so there's a lot of terracotta around this area really old technology before PVC but uh that was the best they had unfortunately it just doesn't hold up very well but as soon as we get out from behind the house in the garage here uh should speed things up a lot I know it's just a tight spot from behind the garage and the house now so should go a lot faster uh Ty's still at it uh did find a two inch line for a sump pump so just gonna make sure we reconnect that all it did was uh wasn't even glue just went from under the house there out towards the garage so two inch line make sure we get that glued back in before we get concrete over top of it um should be a straight shot now I mean uh Ty's beating up the four top trailer but yeah should be a straight shot here now we'll get some gravel in here hopefully tomorrow maybe some forms in today but we'll see it's already [Applause] so uh when you start at four o'clock you know it's it's tough to do this kind of stuff in the evenings I mean me and Ty both work full time and then we come try to do this from like four to eight four to nine o'clock and uh timing makes it tough so all right we're gonna get this uh dug out the rest of the way here and I'm sure the time lapse is still going in the back of the truck and uh probably three more trips or so to the dump uh kind of a shame because this is such nice dirt I mean it's terrible just to kind of get rid of it but uh homeowner didn't have any reason to keep it doesn't have anywhere to put it uh so doesn't make sense to uh keep it around but let me get this dug out and get back to it you never know what you're gonna find people's yards uh you know just take it along two or three inches below grade and I found this weird looking root and it's I don't see any trees around here uh but I don't know I've never seen one like this so maybe you guys can tell me what kind of tree would make a route like this but uh just kidding so we had a power line here you could tell it was cut previously because the ends are so corroded uh and it was such a clean cut so we did find it but uh just talked to the homeowner and uh we're thinking it was the old power wire to the garage before they had an official panel put in so no worries there uh always makes you a little nervous when you see stuff like that when you're digging but luckily this one is uh old and no longer in use so should be all set got most of it dug out now so should be able to uh start forming up at least from those steps down you just need to get a few tools here a couple pins to get us started [Music] foreign [Music] some guys use those wooden Stakes I don't know how they end up doing it make it so much better in my opinion nope [Music] to our line here and now this is our starting point of the scope set our string line here [Music] get our measurement Off the Wall keep it consistent should be able to get a run here let me find the end of this string that's deep enough so now that this one's in it's gonna go parallel off the house here we're at 88 inches [Music] right there is good you're not gonna be able to keep a straight line on this one though you're not going to get 42 inches on the sidewalk here this is gonna have to bump out remember [Music] eight this is our line yep that one's gonna have to bump out and then go down because it's not gonna you're not gonna get 42 inches here you have uh 36 yeah it has to bump out remember the line no it doesn't make a difference did you take my two pounder [Music] [Music] okay is that 42 inches over there yeah okay [Music] kiss the line you're good [Music] hey there's a silver one floating around here somewhere there's a silver one floating around somewhere [Music] they always cite these see they have a curve uh with a belly on the right so it humps like this is the crown going up so they always put that out because you can always take a pin and drive the curve in but it's very hard to get the curve to go out if it's in the forms [Music] foreign yeah might as well keep it consistent foreign [Music] foreign [Music] 43 and a half with the inside inside for you too happy with that just get our string line up you save a pile of this dirt for them yeah you might as well uh I mean just uh leave like two scoops along this side up there I'd say and that's about all you can do off the excavator and then I'm gonna go upstairs oh yeah that'd be cool way all right 42. right it's up tall can you give me a level line real quick can you give me a level line real quick though or at least a little bit of Fall Away we wouldn't come down some right hey Sean now I gotta meet you from here to here oh yeah wow what is that right there I mean this is that's about where I want to be right in here okay that'll work sure I can come down more I got plenty over here to come down yeah come down there some actually I'm gonna come down here more all right go for just a little bit of fall this way level got about an inch or fall half a bubble like that foreign straight 42 but we have that little bow and that's why you always put the bow out because you can use the pins to meet that line perfectly but if the bow was going in it's hard to have the screws pull the board back to make that straight so that's pretty straightforward here so basically just this the whole way down and uh you know more forms same concept so we're gonna just get going on this [Music] foreign so we're pretty much wrapping up here uh we have this bit of sidewalk dug out but we need to put some forms in didn't quite get there uh have a sidewalk dug out here I didn't really want to step if we could help it but with this steep slope here we're gonna end up making a six inch step so just talked to her about that I got our forms in pretty deep here because that side of the grass is so deep it's probably gonna need like eight ten inches of gravel in most spots but we'll get that in you can pack it down put them in front of the door we're heading home foreign [Music] okay well that's a wrap uh 9 30 so this is a late one tonight uh it's probably hard to see but Ty's just getting loaded up with the excavator over here uh about to go help him chain that down I made some good progress so everywhere we got forms in we brought in about four or maybe five tons of gravel so we have all this graveled here and then it was hard to tell but this is pretty much ready to go got about three to and a half to four inches of concrete uh gravel down impacted pretty good and I'm just gonna go chain down the excavator and I'm out of here for the night finish that up tomorrow see you there wow we're back uh second day is set up here just pulling into the yard that's a nice dough hanging out uh just pulling into the yard um need about maybe two or three more tons of gravel uh my dad and Ty are at the job now just setting up so should be a quick easy setup for them since there was only two more uh straight lines and then the curves do so I'm gonna grab a couple scoops of gravel here and uh should be good to go of course this older machine never holds its prime so it's not even worth trying to start without giving the ball a few pumps here do it foreign so get in here grab about three tons or so of that stone it's always nicer to bring back half a ton or a ton rather than having to come back and get another one so get a little bit extra all right that's it we're on our way those machines all right because it looks like they got it all the forms in so we're gonna take some Stone down start unloading [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] right side of the closer side of the garage [Music] [Music] all right I'm not gonna bore you all this we'll come back whenever it's done so that was a fun the gravel's in tonight so we have all of our lumber uh forms set up here uh kind of some weird slopes on some of these spots but to uh to meet the dirt ground level here without having a cliff it's kind of tough to uh to meet every Point since the driveway is so much lower uh we have to meet these higher points up here where the seller steps are but I think it'll look all right once uh concrete's in so we have a lot of false joints that we wet cut into this concrete so we'll just lay them out first with these screws I'll try to shoot for like 50 to 70 inches maybe five feet area any longer uh you know and it kind of starts to look strange any shorter and it looks a little strange and becomes a lot more work to put that many pulse joints in uh so we'll be pouring this uh tomorrow I think as long as the weather's okay and uh should be a good one be a lot of detail on this even though it's only about six yards or so uh if you come around the corner here to the porch again we got all our screws about every five feet for our false joints that way we don't have to think about it at all once we come to the poor day but yeah we'll bring the buggy in here buggy most of this I should be pretty straightforward with that but there will be some hand work between the garage and the house since we can't really get the buggy in there but it should only be about half a yard to uh to rake back so should be a fun one uh it'll be a lot of detail and it'll be fun to see how this one turns out um I think last thing there was uh I just had to fix this pipe for her since she had a sump pump in here and the joints weren't glued together and it was actually separated under the old sidewalk so I'm gonna cut this back throw a couple angles on it and we'll uh we'll run it onto the new sidewalk for us so yeah uh should be a good one and I'll catch up with you guys on poor day okay welcome back so we made it to poor day so we're gonna pour out this roughly 140 feet of sidewalk uh should be a fun one nice warm day should be a lot of detail so I'm gonna head over to the job and start getting this poured out as soon as the concrete truck shows up so I'll see you there we got to the job site truck is here just gonna throw my boots on and we are going to be ready to get rolling concrete's going [Applause] foreign it is what do you want this one John um can we get a little bit or right in your boots fine Good Times what Splash here oh that's plenty that's good never created this because it's like two and a half feet off ready Dave beautiful [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] we are caught up for the most part got all this in with the buggy uh just finishing up working on first pass on the edges here so I got it floated just to kind of keep up with it get all our edges up to the top of the forms here because sometimes they fall down whenever you're screeding so it's nice to have those nice and flat up against the garage door here around pipe in earlier for our sump pump drain and coming around just finishing up so can be much longer now especially the stuff in the sun here is already starting to get a little sticky so probably another 15-20 minutes and we'll be hitting this again with the edgers and then still trowel probably will be ready to broom in about half an hour so catch up with you I have one boy Dave you're an artist that looks nice I didn't get mine nearly as nice as yours all right so pretty much caught up now so got these false joints measured out start to get these in since it doesn't take long to get behind on some stuff whenever the stuff starts to go off just measure both sides that way but that's how he meant it let's get our groove cut in some cream here your cut price went up that's it just run down the line make them look pretty and we're about every five or six feet so you just come down here get right on our line and we've measured these a thousand times making them even but for some reason it never looks right when you actually measure so easier to uh eyeball it this is for all my fans he's done lost I have an audience to uh pertain to now and I'm talking to thousands of people actually that diet is funny it's a weird feeling to get used to talking to yourself that one I laid out straight and then the next one should be normal to the radius and then another straight one that Dave's left and that worked out pretty well here are you leaving that pad long that one's fine I think that one was six receipt or something like that seven feet versus a six foot piece yep you're good all right so we got this hand route out now nice smooth for the broom basically just sitting here waiting for it to uh get broomable so it's still a little wet there get another 15 minutes here in the sun I'd say and we'll be ready to broom basically just use the trowel to take out all the big lines that way it doesn't show up through the brood marks should be good to go foreign yeah that's no problem [Music] thank you [Music] hi guys foreign I think it's close it's pretty darn close there's a pin on the other side I'll do that if you want Tysons I don't have a edger and stuff anyway [Music] it's the loudest motorcycle goes by yep hey you you answered that over there for you yeah we'll edge up you gotta look nice oh wow you did a good job dad complaining [Applause] thank you foreign all right thank you foreign foreign foreign [Music] touches as the perfectionist he is it looks good yeah so we got all the sidewalks in broom finish and of course we we like to wet cut the joints I think it looks a lot nicer than doing saw cuts or uh even uh just brubing over your joints later on makes a big difference to go back over them after the broom so looking good got a nice step here that came out pretty nice and then uh move it along down around go on this side along the garage here all right just doing the last walk through now thank you all right well so that's it uh didn't uh really go too bad I could have been a lot worse uh for labor-wise with all the detail that goes in the sidewalks like this but uh timing went pretty well with this one we had about half in the shade so that helped because we were able to do most of the stuff in the sun first and then come back to the second half in the shade but now we're gonna get cleaned up here and uh come back in the morning and pull forms clean up a little bit and call this one done
Channel: Red Maple Ranch
Views: 1,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete, sidewalk, cement, construction, demo, excavator, equipment, diesel, landscape, patio
Id: 1PrRARc-zbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 9sec (3909 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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