#011: Small Office Network Rebuild

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hello YouTube here we're in a small office this time so the network is strewn out on this copy area where the copy machine and the fax machine is I'll be getting to that in a minute first I'm going to show you the feed from the street for this office it's actually inside this cabinet so this is an old PBX system and it runs through these two guys and this 25-pair cable is the feed from the info and you can see now it's got a whole bunch of just splices here running around to different lines so we're going to remove the PBX system that actually isn't even powered and give them back this cabinet and now I'm going to pull this this feed out of this room or out of this cabinet and over to the network room or network area so let me show you that now so here is currently where those DSL lines and phone lines feed into actual equipment so we've got a modem runs around to a fax machine have UPS storage storage storage server router and two switches and we've got two switches because one is data and one is ple and that's because all their phones are POA based VoIP phones so what we're going to do is relocate all of this to this overhead cabinets so currently this cabinet is not very utilized so we're going to mount the equipment in here we're going to mount the feed from the empo up high at the punch down block there once we relocate it I'm going to put vents or our blowers at the top that will run up to penetrate the Austin sealing and managed to cool this equipment that's in here I'm going to put louvers on the bottom to draw in air so this ought to be a fun one definitely going to give this customer back their countertop space and I will look very nice so wish me luck okay first step in this network upgrade is testing the new equipment so what I've provided here is a ubiquity 24-port pili switch so this is what's going to replace the the two previous switches one POA and one not so this will be controlled with the cloud key from unify and what I first did here is ran a cable to one of their current p OE phones and made sure that they actually still work so this is an important test make sure that the new equipment works with their current equipment so we're on our way okay so here is an interesting spot so I believe this is their feed for their effects line and then this was a patch panel that's got one of their DSL lines and this is the other there it is right there only get the camryn line so this looks to be that same 50 pair cable down here so I've got a little mystery to solve on the this is you know right at the desk level here so I'm going to have to figure out is is one of these ends going all the way to that other cabinet or or is this something different so we're just going to have to figure out what what this does okay our another major discovery tonight in our in our process I learned that this 25 pair cable that I thought was the feed to the empo it was actually a an internal feed and just these two cables are our feeds from the impose so that took a bit of troubleshooting to figure out so just these these guys are what we're going to move over to the other side so here is one of the ways we figured a lot of this out so this was actually found up in the ceiling and these 25 peer guys run basically all over the place so this was probably at a point when there were many more lines in this building or PBX system so all of these lines are dead right now after I tested them and that's what kind of brought me back to the aside to figure out where the actual feeds of the Empire so all this up here is just going to get abandoned okay so one after one evening on the job here is the location that once was the old PBX we pulled the cables out that were the feed from the empo so this is going to be reclaimed space to the customer and over here I've managed to incorporate the new switch into their network and successfully tested that with their phones we've traced out all these suspicious lines and found where they go so what I'm doing at this point is keeping all the the phones on one side and data connections on the other so up here all I've got are these two cables to be a feed from the IMP oh and I'm going to get a nice El label label these guys so I have one fax line this cell white cable and then two DSL lines that are feeding a bonded DSL connection so this is the space that I'm going to be working in and my plan is to cut louvers are cut some screening out of this bottom piece for for kind of a an intake and since I have space on the side here instead of running overhead and you know PVC pipe or something into the into the ceiling there instead I'm just going to cut into this side and just exhaust the air out in that direction and I think that'll still keep it relatively quiet so here is one of the two fans I've got for this job these are really quiet so I'm looking forward to getting these guys in so probably going to mount them over here and do that so I still have yet to figure out how I'm going to configure all this in here I know that I'm going to be running all of these cables here that currently were fed down here I'm going to pull them back through to the ceiling and then back out to this opening I made with the that was done with a - a hole saw in two spots and then a Japanese pole saw to cut between them so from there I'm going to put a patch panel probably right here and I'm thinking of putting the shelf back in one of these one of these guys here only I'm going to put a big hole in it to run the patch cables down to the switch main reason being I'll the switch still needs to be cooled it still needs ventilation so I'll keep the switch down on this lower level but at least this way the customer will get a shelf back that they'll be able to use to store equipment or who knows what and so this one will be wasted space but I'm pretty sure I can fit every bit of this equipment except the UPS which we're going to leave over here in this lower half and so this is all that's going to be the the kind of actively cooled area so not too bad this was a major deal to move the the feed from the impo and a sort all that out so now we have a direct feed from at line and we know where the the feed goes now and there's we've managed to find a big giant conduit right there so if we need to pull a new line that'll be easy to do and we've got a nice opening for that so not too bad for an evenings work I'll do one more here and should get all this equipment off of the table here well this took a lot longer than I expected getting the rack put in and level in both directions and solid and stable and you know super firm took a lot of measuring a lot of trial and error getting this cut wasn't too bad cutting these holes that was fine after I bolted this top surface in that made it very difficult to get my jigsaw around that area so this really cost me a lot of time thought I didn't expect but the big stuffs done so I'm a mounted louvers and now this is where the patch panel is going to go but I going to bount the switch it's a little bit below it once I get a you know bra jumper and see what it looks like I'll know exactly what space did it go in and then I'm going to slowly start yanking up all these cables all these guys they go up to the ceiling and so I'm going to climb up there pull them in and bring them through here now then down through this opening and then into the patch panel and this way they'll get all of this network equipment off the desk alrighty now after a bit of effort I've got all my Ethernet lines that do run through the building run to my nuna location got all this extra cable to work with so I'm probably going to do is pull the patch panel off the rack and probably work on it here on a table and then dress it back I've got a few miscellaneous guys and they actually go around and that way probably should have gone into the ceiling but oh well so that will be something to do in the future to get rid of that mess so got I ran two new lines there's going to be a computer here now and we'll use to have a phone here that we had a line that just ran across so I ran a new line actually here so that's going to be a proper Jack for the phone so we're moving right along so before I terminate the patch panel here I wanted to point out an interesting problem so this is a 24 ports which doubled up so if I use the same length jumper and it will reach from here all the way to you know here but I like to keep them even so I want to start my network drops at port 24 and work my way this way and then I'll do my network feeds and direct connections on this side problem is I've already kind of allocated space on this side for my bundle tool to come in and go the problem is if I start on 24 I'm going to wind up covering up all these are the lines as I go and it's just going to get more and more difficult to terminate ports on this patch panel so I'm going to try to do something a little different this time so instead of running them flat I'm going to run them straight back and see if I can do something pretty with that so will wish me luck so here's what I am doing with this patch panel instead of running these lines on this inside track I'll run them down now first you'll notice I keep them all to one side and spread them out I like doing this at least when I have to work on these I find these easier to to getting access to to tone to troubleshoot whatever so and then I'm doing these in pairs one above each other running running down this gives me a lot of access because I might be the one working on this in the future and I'd like it to be as easily accessible as possible so with this with this extra space below I actually moved my ubiquity switch down one space that I forgot about the the controller card or module also taking up space there so so I moved it down one space anyways uh we're getting there okay and I'm going to call it a day for now got a little bit more work to do so I was running the wires for the patch panel back through here got at least one clamp down so I'm going to kind of run it that way and then run it up and then up and through so I just got one at the beginning in the end right now still have to label those lines I'm going to come up with a solution for this of course this equipments going in here too so we'll see where cabling goes as I'm probably going to mount a power strip against the back wall that sort of stuff and also you'll notice that the patch cables now there's a bunch of them they don't allow the door to close so I'm probably going to put just a little latch here or something to lock the hole the door closed when it when it goes so that's it not too shabby and other overnights installation this was just a bare cabinet when I started okay my last night to do some final cleanup and equipment moves so here's the server first switch and their backup storage and some of the cabling you can see behind there some of it run directly to wall power the rest of it running off of an UPS I successfully counted up on my wall warts and think it's going to fit on my new power strip over there I think I'll be able to fit everything in there so I'm first going to clean up the cabling back here with some proper cable lengths and make out make all that nice and clean and then we're going to move everything up here make sure that it's got adequate cooling in the long run I might wind up adding a second row of fans to pull more air up but we'll see so this is what's going on tonight okay so I've got my last four runs pulled now you might remember our head some pink lines and some other lines running directly in here that ran down and along here and they ran over here over this wall - awesome computers on the other side of this wall along with serving the phone line and network connection for their office printer well what I did instead is there was a 240 outlet here and debt was not being used so I pulled those lines back and see it right there and capped off the power and then re then ran new four new lines through that conduit not an easy job that was a real pain in the neck getting through these bends this thing did not want to cooperate but I eventually got all four lines through so I've got three data and one Potts line is going to be there fax line so I've got these last four to do and I wanted to point out why I leave such a really long service loop at my patch panel and the reason is for instance right now I'm going to be running the you know punching down these last four lines in the patch panel and I don't have access to the back anymore never did really always punch these down out right here on the desk so that's what I'm going to do right now so since I have this extra length I have the length to do it so just remember you might be the one returning to the work you're doing make sure it's it's set up for easy updates okay at long last this project is finished wanted to show the final result to got the equipment mounted and exhaust fan right overhead got all our inside lines punched down and dress back so that goes all the way up notice also got some labels on the D mark connection so the next guy who comes in here will know what what where where to go also got managed to put cover plates and appropriate well Jack's and they've different prices so you'll notice I haven't dressed up these small cables and that's because if a piece of equipment needs to be pulled out of here I want the slack to follow it and so you won't have to do with unraveling or anything like that to to pull a piece of equipment out so that's why it looks like that so overall it's been a very satisfying project and hope you guys like it
Channel: FiberNinja
Views: 218,633
Rating: 4.8559833 out of 5
Keywords: small office, network, rebuild, ubiquiti, cabling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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