01 Liferay 7.3 setup

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hello all and welcome to my channel i freely visited today we are going to look into uh a series of uh videos related to library seven um it's gonna cover a lot of things uh which is going to be from uh administrator part of life ray plus uh development part of a library and it is going to be an end-to-end solution which you can look into if you want to learn library from scratch um those who already knows uh life tray has already released a new thing which is known as life for 7.3 previously they had released 7.2 7.0 and they had released a massive upgrade from 6.2 to 7.0 i hope you have already upgraded your versions from 6.2 to 7.0 and if you have already upgraded then then it's really easy to upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1 7.2 and 7.3 in this uh section of the series we are going to start looking into liferay 7.3 uh development and uh to get us started with uh i have opened up the compatibility metrics of uh library 7.3 uh if you see like these are the type of servers supported by library so it can be jpos it can be tomcat it can be websphere wi-fi and then in terms of database you can look into amazon aurora db2 mariadb mysql multiple versions and then oracle then sql server if we talk about the operating system there is a huge list of operating system that you can look into and choose depending upon your uh your compatibility uh the next one is desktop browsers uh these are the following browsers that are supported by liferay and in terms of mobile browser it's supposed to uh chrome and safari uh in terms of jdk we at least need uh oracle jdk8 if you want you can go ahead and look into like 11. then uh if we look into the cloud services uh it allows you to uh connect with amazon plastic computing cloud then we have amazon s3 for our document and media then we have azure file same goes with that you can connect to sql databases virtual machines cloud compute cloud sql and then there is a search engine which is already embedded into library 7.3 which is elasticsearch 7.9 or 7.x uh library by default ships with a search engine known as elasticsearch and the version is 7.x you can connect to a local one or if you want to install your elastic search into another machine or another environment you can do so and provide the connection to life 7.3 so to start with the uh developer setup uh what we need to do is uh we need to go to life race download center and we will have to download a couple of things so i'll just do like this 7.3 download so we are going to download two things from over here uh one is going to be this tomcat ga6 which has been released on october 13th uh bundled with tomcat so we are going to use uh live 7.3 with tomcat uh you can download this along with not that to do the development uh you need other files which are uh which are like live from ide so that you can do the development so i'll just go ahead and click on live free id and from over here you can uh download it so that it's uh it's gonna be shipped with workspace and all those kind of things uh which you can utilize too due to the development now i have already downloaded a couple of things uh if you see over here i'm having a live free workspace with david studio community edition already is downloaded plus i have live racy portal tomcat gs6 uh which i have already downloaded apart from that i have uh already uh downloaded couple of things which is like oracle jdk and mysql 7 5.7 i have already installed those and in order to look into my database i have uh downloaded one more software which is known as hedysequal so i'll just go ahead and open that up so these are pretty much uh basic thing uh that you need to download first uh your java should be installed second your mysql should be installed third uh you should have a live free community workspace then uh you should have a live free portal top kit which you can download from uh library website so now to get us started with the installation of live frame what we will do is first we will open up this file uh and look into the content of this file and then i will create a folder somewhere in my machine in order to go and look into this stuff so i have i'll create one folder in my d drive which is known as something like dev and in dev i'll extract extract the content of this file so i'll just drag and drop over here and it is going to give me the whole installation of library um you need not to have anything uh specific if you want to uh like uh install library you just need to extract the file from uh from what you have got from liferay and uh that's it meanwhile this uh gets updated uh and extracted uh let's do in parallel one more thing which is like let's start with the installation of this uh workspace so i'll just go ahead and double click this exe file that i have downloaded from liferay say yes so it's gonna take uh the java that i have already installed so if you see like i have installed jdk 1.8.0 and i'll just click ok and next and uh i would need to give the installation directory uh just to keep everything in symmetry what i'll do i'll give this uh dev folder over here and let's see it should be an empty folder so what we'll do we'll go back in depth and create one new folder over here dab studio and now since we have the folder over here let's go back into our installation and give it the path of david studio and next yes we need to install the command line tools next uh we don't need the skip proxies if you need uh you can set up those proxies if you are working on your corporate environment next and uh let it get installed meanwhile if i look into my extracted files it's still going on so let's just wait since it gets extracted so if you see uh i have got a message completing the live free uh workspace with david studio and it has finished it up i'll just click on finish and let's go back into our dev and we'll see that uh there are two folders which has been already created by liferay uh one is going to be developer studio uh which is gonna give me uh like nice installation of live uh eclipse and then uh there would be another folder which is going to be known as live free workspace uh this is the workspace uh where we are going to actually do our development this is kind of like a live phrase sdk that you need to use using you need to use while you are doing your development so if you see the architecture of this one you have a couple of folders over here you have war folder so if you are having any legacy plugin that you want to build as a part of as a war file you can do so then you have folder known as modules that's where your osgi compliant modules need to go then there is themes folder if you want to create any theme related to different you can go ahead and create a theme in this folder so all of this project is a gradle based development if you see like we have a gradle settings file we have gradle executable file then we have build.cradle then uh gradle.properties file all of these files are existing over there uh in order to help us to the development meanwhile let's see the status of extraction so it has been 94 percent complete uh let's wait for it to become so our extraction is completed now if we look into the content of this uh folder uh we'll see like we have a plain tomcat installation in this one we have a folder known as osgi uh osgi is the uh is the folder where we are going to place all of our modules which has been created apart from that uh live phrase all of the by default modules out of the box module that library provides are also set it up over here if you see in the core uh these are the java related to life record and if you see the marketplace over here you will see a lot of out of the box bootleg that liferay provides to you along with that this is the place where we need to do uh the deployment of our custom modules if we want to then uh same goes with four files whatever the fire files has been deployed in our in our workspace uh we can put them over here so let's get started and fire up our uh developer studio and see how that behaves so i'll just go ahead and double click on this one so now it's asking for uh eclipse workspace so what we'll do is we'll just go ahead in our tab folder and we will create a new folder um eclipse and then we'll give this as a workspace and we'll set this as the default and click on launch so now our developer studio has been open if you see like uh there are a couple of things that has came up uh or we if you want to set up a new library workspace or if you want to import a workspace or these are a couple of tutorials samples what's new everything is there on the page so i'll just disable this one and click on close so the first thing that we need to do is uh we need to set up our library so to start with i'll just click over here and i'll search for library and library seven and next uh in this one i'll give it up a gdk rather than a gre i'll just go over here and go into dev sorry over here and i'm just gonna select this one so it's gonna complain about it i'll just add a new gre so i'll just go over here and my c drive program files java and over here i'll just select this one and there you go i have a full cherry key so i'll just choose this one apply and close so now i can select jdk and click on next and finish so what it is going to do is it's gonna allow me to manage my tomcat from over here uh just for the sake of the starting of the library what we'll do is we'll just go ahead and click start initially and then let's look at the console so we can see that it has started to bring up tomcat server and if we see the location over here the location is t drive dev and it is picking up the correct tomcat that we have set up along with that it's gonna uh provide us like jvm arguments uh what has been set up by default uh while it is going to bring up uh life rate so these are really helpful while you are doing your development and you have set up something in your jvm arguments and you want to see whether uh those jvm arguments are being adhered to or not uh you can directly look into the to the logs over here now what library does is if you haven't given any database to it uh it's gonna use a pre-configured hypersonic database which is a file system database and it's not recommended to use it in in production and i won't suggest to do it in uh even in dev environment because it's really hard to look into your database and and try to look into the data if you want to so it's going to start up initial bundle let's wait uh since it get completes so now you see my server is up and running and let's go through have a look a little bit on the logs so if you see like uh there is something which is known as sidecar manager so what library does is it automatically starts a child process of elasticsearch named sidecar for convenient development and demonstration purposes and if we look at this like it has started at this particular ip and uh this port so if i open this up and look into the browser uh you will see that elasticsearch is returning me adjacent uh which shows me like there is a elastic search cluster then these are the versions uh whatever are there for example like lucian version is 8.6.0 then the version number of elasticsearch is 7.9 which is by default and weighted with live frame so now further if we look at like what liferay has done it has deployed a classic theme it has deployed uh admin theme then there are a couple of more things like if we look uh it has deployed something known as minimum theme then it has deployed some things speedwell theme.org all right so now what we'll do is we'll just go ahead and go to our localhost 8080 and let's see what brings it up so if you see like uh this is the page uh which is a basic configuration page and we can do a couple of setups over here uh we can create a small user for us so that uh we'll just name it as desk.liferate.com and uh since it is using alof database which is hypersonic we will change it to use mysql and connect it to our database so if you see over here it is trying to point to l portal database and since that portal uh since that database does not exist over there i will just go ahead and create one so i will just uh copy this from over here and paste it make sure that uh you have selected udf 8 underscore ben that's what library supports if you are going to use anything else it's not going to hold up so if you see character encoding is your dvdf8 now i'll just go ahead and create one l porter and i'll go back over here and click on uh enter my username and password and i'll get say to it that you need to add the simple data so what is going to happen is uh if this is checked it will automatically add sample data to new database on a startup and it is gonna change effect once we have restarted our server so i'll just go ahead and click on finish configuration and uh you will see that it has given me that there has been a file that has been uh created over here so i'll just go ahead and look into the stuff of this file meanwhile it's saying that changes will take effect once the portal is started so we'll just go ahead and restart our portal so i'll just shut it down from over here meanwhile before we do that uh we are going to up the memory a little bit since it is by default using 2gb uh it needs much more than that so i'll just bump it up and give it three something so it has been saved uh now i'll just go ahead and start my topket okay meanwhile it gets started let's look into the content of that file so i'll just go over here and all right okay so we are over here and there has been a new file which has been added by a library and we edit it and we will have a look so if you see like uh there has been uh the entries whatever we have made has been saved over here library.com is our web id default email uh address is our test and then if we look uh it has kind of um done all of this uh setup over here then uh it has set up the live free home uh which is live live relocation then it is saying that sample data should be on so just for the sake of uh next uh restart of our live frame we will just disable this one all right so let's close this down apart from this there has been a new file added by library which is a portal hyphen ext dot properties so uh what happens is there are a lot of configuration that you can do in library which are being governed by this portal hyphen ext dot properties we will look into it uh once we um are going to look into further development of library so meanwhile let's have a look uh it's gonna start our bundle uh let's wait while it does that uh it's gonna take uh for the first time when you are starting your tomcat it's gonna take close to uh 10 minutes or so post that it's uh it's gonna get decreased since uh the first time it makes some sort of configurations over there on the on the system now let's wait uh since it gets uh started up it's gonna take to a three minute max all right so if you see like uh my server is up and running now and um before we go into uh let's have a look at our l portal so if i'll just refresh if you see the size of this uh database has increased to 9.3 and there has been a bunch of uh tables that has been added by live free so uh since we now know that we have our tables and data in those let's go back and look into our server so i'll just go ahead and look at it localhost 8080 and we'll see that a nice page of liferays coming up and we can do sign in so uh since we have earlier given this test at the readerflyfree.com let's give it a password and try to login with test and do a sign in so my sign in is completed i agree and i will just set up something over here and you see like a life phrase up and running we as an administrator can look into the control panel uh we can look into the menu we can configure this page we can edit the sections we can simulate this and we can look into the profile there is a whole bunch of thing that we can do so in the next video what we are going to look into is like how do we set up our uh developer environment in terms of like importing our workspace and uh doing stuff related to that meanwhile uh like you can go ahead and play around a little bit in this uh control panel and those kind of settings and uh let's see how it goes thanks a lot for tuning in uh bye
Channel: LiferayRevisited
Views: 1,546
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Liferay, Dxp, Liferay dxp, Liferay 7.3, Dxp 7.3, Liferay setup
Id: Z881RNmvKGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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