01 Genus and Species

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just like the other class a lot of review from last week hopefully you have your books out why don't you turn to page where's the lesson exercises page 13 page 13 just on this sometimes these are pay careful attention to this sometimes these are both sides of the page so don't miss questions but in this case it's not good news you didn't miss anything it's just these six questions so what do we do last week we looked at definitions terms and definitions think of this like building blocks a term is the smallest not really letters are letters are the smallest building block to language but here we're talking about logic and so we're gonna we're gonna build things up like this we're gonna start with a term and I'm gonna put it in a block now what is a term who remembers from last week what's the term and let me let me take away something that it's not it's not the same thing as a word not technically and we want to be technical and logic so who remembers what a term is Hannah ish the definition and I say ish because even that's not precise enough because we have to make a distinction between the term and then we're gonna unpack the drawer and that's what a dictionary does for us the definition of a term so a term is really gonna come at you first before the definition now some might be so automatic because you know the word you don't even need the definition you know what it is what does that mean though what's a term if it's not a word and it's not a definition what is it because if I give you a definition am I really giving you the word itself like in English but you know that in french and spanish and german and russian they've got the same move they just use different words big clue so the term is not the word so for example let me give an example why did I go to Jesus I'll come into my mind it's because I'm hungry yes yeah the understanding of the word or what's another way to say that the understanding of or the idea of here's the word that the the textbook uses Kyle do you have it yeah one devi' what what a term is oh you're just okay the big idea of a name okay and here's another synonym for that concept concept get ready get it it's the concept the idea different languages might use different words for the same terms what does that mean different languages are going to use different words different symbols different sounds for the same idea the same concept so when I say give me a definition I really mean something more important than give me what that word means I really mean explain that idea explain that thing I want to get to the real thing not just the symbol of the thing I want to get to the thing itself and so the definition of a term is gonna be defining the idea make sense because if that doesn't make sense you won't get very far in logic because what's gonna happen when you say P implies Q are we talking about penguins or pizza or popcorn or and some and by the way you'll mostly you'll use a letter that the word starts with but do you guys already do it now whatever is anybody up to Alleluia do you do anything in life where where you've seen abbreviations in life you've seen that so that's kind of it's happening what's going on here okay these words are symbolizing ideas okay all right so the first chapter was all about definitions remember there is a problem we use definitions because words are unclear because people are unclear with each other you know so words are used ambiguously and that's probably a big word for you but that just means that one person saying something and remember there's different kinds of definitions and those different kinds of definitions are going to solve our problems so for example if I say this is the example I used last week if I say to my son be home soon cuz we're making dinner or we're expecting company and he says ok and then 10 hours later he comes home and he says yeah be home soon because tonight we have company yeah and if I say bye soon I meant sometime in the next hour what am I doing there well Jimin remember what kind of a definition of the six that was do you remember there were six different kinds of definitions and that's kind of one of our questions and if you don't just open up page it's okay you could cheat a little bit open up the page ten and eleven gives you all six kinds of definitions right there kind of runs off the page it starts on page nine which kind of definition is that yep a precise indefinite does everybody see precisely why that's a precise indefinite what does precise mean if I want you to be more precise what do I have yeah be more specific precise it's a kind of clearness okay so different kinds of definitions we saw a lexical definition we saw they're listing them in different different ways okay they're listing them under the different problems that they saw so there's lexical definitions precise indefinite stipulative definitions theoretical definitions persuasive definitions so here's a way to look at it lexical definitions that's what a dictionary uses precisely definitions that's what we use when we're frustrated with somebody or if we just haven't been as clear stipulative definitions that's what law treaties use we look at that in the biblical class theoretical definitions science textbooks use those others do too but it just gives you the essence of what the thing is and then persuasive definitions political commentators especially use those when they want to shape the debate by saying things in certain ways okay let's go to the exercise exercise 1 on page 13 I'm gonna call on you so if you didn't do it try anyway how's that sound and they're mortified very few people are saying that sounds awesome that's what I wanted to hear today okay good number one right lexical definitions of the words child and adult that show the relationship between them okay or who has passed through childhood or so there's all sorts of ways you could have written it that'll work it shows the relationship between them now later on we're gonna see some stuff like in your definitions you don't want to say not you want to state positively what it is you also don't want to be circular we'll come to that in a future chapter some do's and don'ts for definitions I know you guys are not writing dictionaries I understand that you say why who cares but you are talking to people and when you talk to people have you ever noticed that when somebody starts disagreeing with you you start to realize oh they had no idea what I meant by that word or I use that word in a different way than the way that they're using that word so this is crucially important when we get in disagreements with other people to define our terms and to allow the other person to define their terms here's a little something you won't get in a logic textbook but you will get it when I write books on ethics because I have to write on this but you'll get it this year when we get to the ninth commandment anyway so you won't have to wait too long I believe that when you don't let other people define their terms you're violating the ninth commandment does anybody remember the ninth commandment you shall not bear false witness if you don't let a person define what they mean by what they said you are committing violence against the image of God you are insisting no you will not mean that you will mean what I want you to mean so that I can plunder you and make you look bad in front of other people or belittle you or whatever that's actually hateful Wow not oh bang logical rules is hateful yep yep so pay attention to this this is actually morality you're being taught when you're taught logic number two the word grace is an ambiguous word I think the word ambiguous might be an ambiguous word for a lot of you so don't worry we'll clarify right two lexical definitions for the word grace giving two of its different meanings you understand what's being asked here Lydia right so there's two right there one definition of grace undeserved favor another definition of grace here's out checkbook habit beauty of motion so they meant like when you move gracefully and so on by the way there's others sometimes people say say grace like prayer or grace in the first definition can have a different connotation like when you or I extend grace to others when when we give people grace we it's kind of a species of the grace that God gives us okay right a precise cing definition of the word soon it kind of already gave this away but you can use whatever example you wrote write a precise definition of the word soon to clarify the vagueness in the sentence I will be home soon write a precise indefinite there's not a flow like a dictionary just has to be you talking yep okay so just add add some words by soon I mean one minute yeah so just add that cuz um you're what are you doing you're clarifying do you I know you guys maybe don't use these words all the time but when you hear those words ambiguous and vague what do those words mean vague or ambiguous not clear or not specific boom you can write dictionary opposite of precise that's the dictionary quality definition right there in my opinion even though you said not we'll talk about that but that's that's what it is that's what it is so that's good here's a fun one get ready for fun and I'll take everybody's for this invent a stipulative definition for the word cloth now before you do remember what's stipulate the stipulation does did one of two things you can have a word that does not exist anymore and sorry you can have a word that does not exist and boom you poof you create a word like the book frindle don't read it okay somebody did okay it's too late it's iPhone email there's some words google the verb Google didn't exist but there's words that are used in different ways like trolled troll has existed for a long time but now you notice it has a different meaning for a lot of people so stipulate stipulative definition could do one one of those two things create a word or use a word that already exists differently so who wants to give me their fun example for plot and a definition is good don't use it in a sentence I guess you can but it's it we're after a definition so applause is and Kyle he knows he wants to go for this he's been ploughin away at this for days what is Plouffe mean the corner of a pillow applause is the corner of a pillow mm-hmm I'll take the corner of a pillow for 500 Alex yes okay anybody else anybody else yes a little bit I'll just take up I'll just have applause screaming applause [Laughter] luckily there's a plethora and then this applause come on you know you want to go you know you want to go this one come on claw I need I need not just a Plouffe I need okay Hannah definition not even sentence a brand of socks yeah it's good it's good come on Ally you know you have at least five or six she used here that is full use hers unless it's not good I plot your definition of the word cloth come on time's running out jeopardy music come on Isaiah you got one the name of a cape hopper yeah yes yes that sounds about right good good good anybody else want to offer their cloth yes Lydia a little pile of something so cloths are very closely associated definition to in the dictionary a little bit of something or that very very very closely associated okay oh I see two people who haven't gone yet PLAAF the state of affairs yes a blue cat yes yes no wonder it's not out there alrighty alrighty we're moving on right number five write a persuasive definition of the word television from the point of view of a mother who thinks her children watched too much of it remember what a persuasive definition is doing you're sort of controlling the debate by the way you're using the word it's usually sarcastic usually demeaning to the idea yes an idiot box so it'd be television an idiot box would be the would be the definition yeah yeah so you would say a ruiner of the brain so go watch that ruiner oh yes yes a mindless waste of time yes oh sorry yes an evil glowing box I knew a pastor one time that called it the Babylonian idiot box which is almost the same the boob tube you know stuff like that really close to dope okay okay that's applause applause is a nearly raised hand but so there yeah there's one for ya okay good write a short imaginary dialogue between two people having a verbal dispute about the word believe then introduce a third person who settles the dispute by presenting lexical definitions for the word that eliminate the ambiguity now remember I gave you that qualification last week don't do it like a lot of those students did in the logic class I had where job the third guy was coming in to give the correct dictionary definition actually what he's doing is he's saying to the second person you know Jones I think when Smith used the word believe he meant you see how it works so who wants to give me their dialogue three people one person says blah blah blah little princess the third person says I think that when that guy said believe he meant so one of the things are gonna need to do this is you're gonna know at least two ways that you can use the word believe so let's start with that I believe you know how to do this you got to believe in yourself which will require you to believe the right things about the word believe all right suspense is over I'll give it to you Smith and Jones it's always Smith and Jones because they have the most boring names and nobody could be offended except for all the people whose names are Smith and Jones Smith says Satan certainly believes in God by the way I give you verse 4 that James - I'll come back to it Jones says no if Satan believed in God he would be saved for all who believe are saved Romans 10 so now Johnson steps in and says bye believe I think Smith means takes as real but Jones means puts his trust in by the way what do you do if you're Smith and Jones at this point do you say yeah and then go your way and have your conversation that you want to have with somebody else or do you switch everything to the meaning that the first person gave remember that ninth commandment this will be important for your obedience to God so so what did Johnson do the third guy he said I think Jones I think when Smith said believe he meant takes as real whereas Jones you meant puts his trust in would it be appropriate for Jones to say yeah I meant that so you should mean that to Smith what should they do at this point okay I'll take they should deal with what the first person said first and they can deal with what the second person said and treat those those two distinct separate issues what if they don't what are they doing to each other talking past each other and at a certain extent lying about each other why yeah they're resting their words there they're tearing them out of context because they want to talk about what they want to talk about which is fine in its place but you're drawing that circle around everybody's place okay so that's crucially important all right let's look at this stuff for today lesson two genus and species and this is actually pretty simple they give you a lot of examples of it you see those charts everywhere on page 15 16 and 17 see those little trees and by trees I don't mean a fluffy green thing with the trunk sticking out I mean I mean these things kind of a logic tree now they have straight lines that come down but you can put these sort of branches down like this it doesn't matter as long as you get the idea so here's what I have here on the top I have genus going that way and down here in the bottom I have species going that way now I could have just gave two levels here and put genus up here and species here and that would have been true but one of the things I want you to see is how this can kind of keep going this way and how this can keep going food can be a species of things that keep you alive and another one would be air and your internal organs and gravity right you see what I'm saying down to the food species now food becomes a genus and I could have put several other things besides meat and fruit could have put vegetables could have put grains could have could've put candy the fifth food group sugar according to elf I could have done that and then I branched out further meat chicken and beef now what now meat and fruit our Genesis that's not correct English genera is the plural but now meat is a genus and chicken and beef are its species can chicken have species can chicken be the genus yes lemon chicken barbecue chicken and so on and shrimp if you're Forrest Gump you've got like 50 species for shrimp shrimp gumbo anyway beef can beef become a genus with species so do you guys get the idea of a genus and species are tell me what they are in your own words don't look yes general and specific true about about their direction yeah be more general or be more specific but what are they is nouns yeah I don't say more than that I'll give it away no how about how about a c-word somebody give me a c-word yes oh no sorry not as an example of one but like as far as what as far as what genus and species are what's categories yeah they're categories one's a bigger category one's a smaller category and at first here's how they relate to each other ones the category and ones a member of that category here's another c-word class a category or a class you could use the word group but it's better to use the word category or class and within that category or class you're gonna have members of that category or classes so for example in this class I can think of a genus and species student student is the genus what are the species in this class students in this class is the genus give me some species Kyle okay so you know each other's names good good right the peoples names would be the would be the species okay so you see how this works and a pretty important one is on the next page on page 16 because they break down logic the study of logic by by the way there's another way to break it up where'd it go oh there it is down there in the very bottom of page 16 logic as a science logic as an art that's another way to break it up you really want to get philosophical you could break it down logic and then the species objective logic subjective logic one being God's mind and the rules that conform to it the other being me using logic and hopefully conforming to God's rules okay but this is easier and this is actually important that chart on page 16 logic broken down between informal and formal I'm so not used to using an eraser I barely know what they're for because when I good I know what I'm I'm grabbing for something I'm like what is that thing that is like rectangular I think and because I'm so used to like never having one once we have one okay so here's the one they have here why would this one be important for you to study in this class so here's informal by the way you'll notice there's informal fallacies and formal fallacies if any of you have ever read the book the fallacy detective there's a lot of informal ones like you the people commit all the time in everyday speech in formal and that's usually what formal versus informal means and formal now they're really breaking the rules in formal logic so formal logic and then in formal logic you'll have induction and deduction I think this is really broken down into a later chapter induction and deduction a big chunk of this you won't have to worry about because what we're doing in this class is deductive law in fact in logic to our logic to you'll be doing deductive logic you won't have any inductive logic anytime in the next two years because inductive logic is kind of what they do in certain kinds of mathematics calculus and the use of statistics in when you're doing science or economics or weather patterns or any number of things sociological studies when you study people groups you're using statistics what are statistics in football and baseball and basketball you use statistics what are statistics no no there are kind of it's a part of mathematics it's a part of me huh okay as symbolized by what are those things coming at you numbers yeah so statistics in baseball like your batting average your earned run average you get the idea scientists use statistics all the time that's inductive logic you're looking at instances of a thing anything and you're saying well it looks like it looks like five times out of six this happens therefore what am i doing am i doing logic there it looks like five times out of six this happens and so tomorrow I'm gonna expect this to happen and that's inductive logic I'm using particular instances and I'm drawing a general conclusion you see I go from the specifics to the general conclusion deductive logic is what we're gonna do in the next two years we're not going statistics and numbers and particular things will run into them every once in a while but we're gonna use arguments that go from the top down they start with general truths that we are assuming to be true and then we deduce we infer we draw a conclusion here's an example if a is equal to B let me draw up here and B is equal to C then therefore C first of all does that make sense why does it make sense why does that make so much sense where does only make a little bit of sense you think Hannah should we run a test on this though to see if next time be will not be the same thing as see so you say you say B is just like see what do you mean by that you're right but I agree with you so be encouraged but what do you mean B is the same kind of thing as C give me give me one thing that you mean anything how is be like see how is it equal to C what do you mean by that well both I mean you could say you don't want to pick any of them pick one of the two premises now up here what do you mean a is equal to B what do you mean by that no it's not a is a these be are you talking about don't be afraid they won't bite you they'll just strangle you to death and draw it all the blood come on wakey-wakey it's not hard on some coffee plus some Red Bull hey what's Brock want some redbull poured the coffee come on it a is equal to B what do you mean give me one thing that you might mean Isaiah okay um how about this they're both letters there's one thing they're both letters yep hmm yeah they're both letters yeah yeah so we don't mean the same thing so if I say okay let's do this how much 10 or yeah here's the same kind of things gonna happen but I'm not going to use letters all men are mortal there we go man therefore Socrates is a monkey what okay what do you mean all men are mortal just take that one all men are mortal yes well it was mortal mean now so they are I could have said all I could use that but at Mortal Kyle killable I hey able to be they die morte and Latin died death so that all men die is that true now don't go to the whole the thing that I always bring up what about Jesus what about us after the resurrection we're talking about by nature by nature born in the race of Adam is it true that all men die yeah it's their nature so you're assuming that's true pretty sure Socrates is a man don't worry no tricks up my sleeve or not talking about your cat Socrates we're not talking about we just mean the actual Socrates in ancient Greece so on and so on and so on Socrates a man via so from these two if these two things are true what must this speak why why don't we run some tests here maybe tomorrow he won't be yes it has to be why what do you mean by has to be what do you mean by that because when I was doing inductive logic and I say when I let's see let's say I go to a church this Sunday and I run into a lot of hypocrites and then I go to a totally different church next week and I run into some more hypocrites and then I go to a third Church the next week and I run into a bunch of hypocrites and then I go to a fourth Church the next week and I run into a bunch of hypocrites we can keep doing this I go to a fifth Church the next week and they run into a bunch of hypocrites and then I decide that all churchgoers are hypocrites what did I just do is that deductive logic or inductive logic yes why what am i doing ok so what's wrong with that and when I say Yeah right if I say all ok so I'm doing something different there so should I not do any statistics or science or anything I still should but it's a different kind of reasoning than deductive logic will we're gonna keep doing examples of that as we go on throughout the year don't worry you'll get it and you've had it before yep right so here's one way I could say it finally we're gonna introduce these circles later on but I think so let's say I'm circle everything in that class is in this circle man why am I making mortal a bigger circle because there's other things that are more cats are mortal dogs are mortal horses are mortal if it dies its mortal that's what mortal means so but I don't have my circle of men like this like partially sticking out of mortal you see that all men are mortal so I don't want to put my circle there I like right for my circle all men are mortal ok where should Socrates go on this chart yes because he's a minute so let's put Socrates right there it doesn't matter how big we make the circle he's look he's a particular man so if all men are mortal and if Socrates is a man then Socrates is necessarily mortal he could not be anything other than mortal it is a certain truth that he is mortal if those premises are true so when you're dealing with deductive logic you're dealing with things that must be true does that make sense they must be true they could not not be true when you're dealing with inductive logic you're dealing with things that are probably true there is no way to know for certain whether or not they're true okay so logic just like mathematics deals with certain necessary truths okay tough concept you'll get your minds wrapped around it as the year goes on so for homework look at your exercise carefully so you make sure you get it page 19 look at what we have there we've got a bunch of charts your job is to explain the error for the problem with each genus and species hierarchy shown everybody understand that read your chapter to find out what kind of problems can emerge okay you'll see especially in the bold letters they'll tell you things that you can't do let me just give you one hint don't do this if I say the genus is a hand don't put four species fingers thumb palm why if the species is hand why would you not put fingers sorry if the genus is hand well why would you not put fingers or thumb or palm as a species those are what to a hand a finger is what to a hand yep right yeah you're thinking too much though you're thinking too logical here just more common sense more common sense simpler much simpler what is a finger - a hand it's a part of a hand part is not the same thing as species apples and bananas and oranges are not parts of fruit they're kinds of fruit that make sense don't make that mistake and there's other mistakes you can make please read the chapter that will tell you the kinds of mistakes you can make this exercise wants you to want you to say what mistake did they make pick out the mistake okay and then they give you number seven a chart that you have to draw out with those words they give you words you put them in the right place make sense all right we're good break
Channel: PRC Academy
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Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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