001: Our first pod! Halloween traditions and Steven has a mustache now!

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[Music] welcome to the first ever edition of pod Watcher the official podcast of Watcher entertainment I'm Ryan bargara I'm shin and I'm Steven Lim and uh this is a podcast where we chat about whatever's on our minds every week this week we dive into Halloween juice and facial hair and whatever comes up this is good I well this is a cozy set for uh for all you listeners out there who aren't watching the video version of this there's a lovely little W logo above Shane's head I'm just painting a picture for you if you're watching this video you're like why are you telling me what I'm seeing uh but you know some people may be listening to this on the way home from work or something like that you know that's the whole point of podcast really I know I CE him up why' you make a little police siren you when you guys listen to podcasts I listen to them when I'm on the way to work we're calling this pod Watcher pod watcher well that's nice CU you can do it it doesn't matter it's a podcast so what's this going to be boys every week we're going to talk about topics I mean we're gonna that's that's what a podcast is generally it's this this podcast really is a place for us just just to uh hang out truly hang out I know we kind of do that over on Watcher weekly if you're a patron and you're listening to this but this is even more kind of just a unplugged I I'm really looking forward to that though because I feel like over the past four years we don't get to talk we don't and I feel like I just I just talk about business with you guys that's true look I don't want to talk about business on this show at all no never well maybe once in a blone none no yeah I I I think I was talking to Ryan about this but before Watcher we used to hang out a lot actually yeah and not talk about work at all and then it flipped overnight um and I just I want to get back to a place where just chatting we're just chilling now yeah it's nice it's nice I love pod Watcher and I love what it's become yeah it is a place for us just to kind of talk about anything that's not work for the most part just whatever is on our mind like step can I share a story about that actually yes please well maybe it might be too early for getting deep here but uh I think it was like Ryan's wedding yeah and he was like really stressed out about work I mean that was a very stressful time also yeah he told me in with tears in his eyes that should I say I share it you could share this you could share this story you know what I'm saying I know exactly what you're talking about he was just like lamenting the fact that we had kind of lost our friendship over the years because we had just become business partners and not friends yes and that that conversation really stuck with me and I yeah I I mean honestly though like that conversation was about every time we saw each other it was like about work and panic and keeping the business afloat also I don't know if you said this specifically but my read on it was that when you looked at me in the face you saw Watcher and all the stress of company that is true you are the CEO of this company so when I looked at you I was like well it's time it's time to work it's time to stress yeah and I apologize I mean I don't have I don't think you need to apologize for that it's been it was a tough road but uh no I think we're in a great place now we don't even talk about business here we're not here to talk about business yeah I'm I'm happy to get back into just chatting about nothing no it's going to be great that's the last you'll hear of it the last you hear of business I think was not as much business that's that was a pretty personal story right there about business well about how business had G exactly the issue well that's about how like I'm going to tell a personal story about our friendship so Ryan gets stressed out about the company what's happening it's about how business gets in the way of a friendship though because we started this company because we were friends heavy emphasis on were well Shane I almost think we should list the topics at the end of the show just to see like what we land on cuz I listed my my top I have a short list I said juice are you suggesting we do the intro look at my topics what else is he got oh this is a good teas We've Got Juice weather also I like that the list weather I like the header of this list it just says topics juice weather video game just one just singular video game fornite and pumpkins Starfield maybe we'll talk about tickling this episode I'm not ticklish so I'm very ticklish where all over really I mean you can't tell somebody that you're ticklish without it kind of being wow are you going to coochie coochie C me is that what you're saying no I'm not going to coochie cooch that actually made me not want to tickle you how when do you think the last time someone actually tickled someone and said coochie coochie how about this all of us go home to our wives tonight and coochie coochie C them and and I'll report back on the next pod about how that went and I predict Mari will be mortified cuz Mari much like the head of development hero Watcher Katy LeBlanc hates and I mean hates baby talk like any kind of like I got a wiow Swatch that that will make her crawl out of her skin faster than anything gives her the ick as they say I I love it I think it's very funny I think it's hilarious actually you know now that I think of it I've heard Ryan do a funny baby voice a lot I've never heard Steph do one yeah I I do it sometimes I like to uh annoy Katie as well I think it's funny that the first time we'll see Steven limb do a baby voice on camera it's when he has a mustache yeah oh okay what do you want me to say um I got a real red bike for Christmas could no no say what's what's wrong Katie oh yeah oh this is for you Katie what um what's wrong Katie did I did I do a boo boo this is a good podcast strategy right to appeal to one listener that's within our own company who has the power to cancel uh Katie what want did I do a little boo boo oh my God he's going to murder me we got to send that CLI her on slack yeah oh boy does that AC feel good on my thighs and it's silence holy [ __ ] listener it feels so [ __ ] good I didn't I I never wear shorts to work I don't maybe you should start you didn't really wear shorts in general until I think maybe last no no I'm a shorts man I just I never wear them to work yeah why is that you need your your calves covered to make maintain your professional there's something we I just don't like to wear I feel very comfortable in like jeans juice though we're starting with juice I want to start with juice start with juice I didn't really think this one through great uh I'm drinking juice right now green juice you guys like this is why maybe we should pivot you know we could talk about the weather how about that yeah let's go with the weather I'm actually going to Lake havu this weekend just to lay on a lake and soak in one last bit of Summer what's havu like it's trashy okay but um I will say that it accomplishes what I wanted to which is like we'll go out on a boat and just kind of Lounge read a book do some tubing some wakeboarding I love wakeboarding where is it it's uh Arizona it's like right on the border of Arizona right near needles actually so it's about a 5 hour drive from La I'm actually going tonight uh I'm going to eat at cover's and the much and look we'll see if it still sucks balls you that's a bad opinion C is you know it's pretty good it is one thing that frustrates the hell out of me is how Ryan has an opinion on something and we just I'm sorry I have opinions used to say the exact same thing about Shake Shack and then earlier this week like CL let this I will say and then he took a bite of one he was like that's not true that is not true what I will say is that I got caught up in the In-N-Out versus Shake Shack debate in the past in the past you're caught up on so many of these de I have recently said Shake Shack is actually quite good I still put it at number two but I still think it's a very good burger this is why I I have such I take issue when on on on top five Beatdown one of the award-winning shows on Watcher entertainment yeah definitely don't check the stats on don't look up the awards it's awardwinning there's a lot of them there's too many to for even you to look up no but the um I take such isue I don't like ranking things I love ranking things I think it's very funny it gets the point you know that's why I like when that show is more asinine in its in its topics I think if I had to rank this opinion that you have right now it be bottom you're obsessed with bottom Barrel like to talk about things on their own merits you know you don't always have to compare them to but I will say this in terms of cul I not caught up in ranking it against anything I just think it's a bad Burger it's a good burger I think it tastes like [ __ ] it tastes like [ __ ] it tastes like a burger it was really it was dry maybe I had a bad batch I've only had it once and and I'm going to try it again I don't know tonight actually tonight I'm having Culver so I will I'll report back on the next pod if Culver was was bad tell us that it actually tastes like [ __ ] if it tastes like [ __ ] I want you to walk up to the person at the counter and say hey just tried your burger it tastes like [ __ ] well nobody actually me it tastes like no no if it tastes like [ __ ] I want you to go to the counter and tell them you want your money back because it tastes like [ __ ] I could tell them it's very bad but then it's going to be like get your money back they're not the people that are responsible for cover's tastes like [ __ ] cover is you ask for your money back after one bite well we usually take it back to whatever place we're staying at and then we eat it there that's how I did it last time and I will say that I do have a history of trying bad batches of things and I could tell you that for a fact I had W burger for the first time in Austin Texas about a year and a half ago and we all were like this is pretty bad right I don't know why people lose their mind over this and we were like that's strange cuz people swear it's as good as an In-N-Out burger and I thought maybe we're just doing that thing where we're comparing this unfairly to In-N-Out the next morning I went on a walk through the neighborhood and I passed you just think about it no no I thought you were like I was thinking about steing about it no I just went walk had to take uh I was walking and we walked by the waterburger and they were taking down the sign from Waterberg they were it was closed they were closing it for good and I confirmed Burgers because it was a bad restaurant like version of that your influence and so no no no I just think I literally think we got because we ordered this at uh I want to say 3:00 in the morning MH or it was very late whenever I don't know when they closed whatever it was we got there just before they closed we paid there last night it was there last night there was a guy in a pickup truck we paid him $5 to let us sit in the bed of his pickup truck so he well this you got to lead with that well so that we could drive through the drive-thru cuz you know they won't serve you unless you're in a car yeah and so we're like hey can we just send your pickup truck and he was like yeah buddy wow you asked a stranger to sit in their car to order drivethru there six of us sound like something you would do in the 70s before get we did do it one of my friends fell asleep in the truck did you remember to wake him up or we did Gone the conditions of you trying this burger are already getting worse and worse so it was Jesus Christ when you going to hugi this is juice I did at the beginning of the show The Juice I'm drinking you sounded like Ace Ventura I know that's why I leaned back for I had a cold last week and I've just been flemy ever since then real quick by the way on the waterburger thing yes the water B I will give In-N-Out credit because no matter what In-N-Out you go to in the country exactly right exactly be amazing and I say the same about Shake Shack Shake Shack quality across they're pretty consistent quality across theard but there are I've had it's not like In-N-Out quality is like pristine across the board that's true sh Shack is maybe one tier below that you know sometimes you get what you get wait so I just want to get this straight so what a burger you went there at 3:00 a.m. the night before they shut it down and the next morning they were taking it apart so it wasn't even necessarily that they were shutting it down because it was bad but also that combined with you were there on the night where nobody gave a [ __ ] is that the sort of takeway or it was actually bad and that's why they closed it there's got to be a reason why they closed it because recently we went to Austin for the ghost files tour which by the way you could buy tickets for if you still haven't that's right uh I don't know if that's no no yeah by the time this podcast comes out still be some there still there'll still be some tickets left hopefully um hopefully hopefully not well hopefully not you're right well there will well hopefully for them though because then they could be like I'll go buy them right now but if there's no tickets left fly to Las Vegas actually that's filling up slowly that one actually getting close we're playing the Luxor yeah we're playing we had to fight the Blue Man Group hand toand combat Style just so we could get the stage time um but I will say that I went to Austin recently for the ghost files tour and I purposely had my buddy who picked us up from uh the hotel drive past that water burger and it wasn't there so I confirmed it is no longer there it's it was a bad batch the whole point of me telling that story is it's possible that I had a bad Culver's batch so I I'm excited to try Culver's tonight I am going to go in with an open mind and maybe I'll try high as hell beforehand well that's a given okay I mean what do you what do you think we're doing here we're in havu you're in havu brother oh maybe that's what we should do on this pod what I get hired for the second time with you guys here oh my God the second time dude please yeah wait what was the first time exactly exactly well I'll maybe I'll share that story the first time so you didn't before we get high on this podcast Steen got high and I oh I think I told you getting emotional thinking about it I was I thought we were friends I was Furious I told Stephen the time you get high I want to be there and I was not there like like and that's why we started this podcast in the way that a parent wants to be there for your high school no I wanted to be there to laugh and have fun course yes but proud too I had I also had the the first time I got high I was like I think 22 or 23 and most of my friends and people around me in college were like you know they were they were toking it bro and I was not into it and they always said the first time you get High I better be there then and so the first night I did get high I kept my part of the bargain and everyone who told me that okay they were there we all sitting in a circle in a garage like we were in group therapy and they watched me smoke and not get high that sounds horrible though yeah I mean I felt bad I felt like I [ __ ] up like I had like performance anxiety or something but the second time I got high I was my guard was down and I didn't think I was going to get high just like the first time and I I I got so high that I begged my girlfriend at the time to watch me as I slept because I thought I was going to die in my sleep I begged her with te do I told her like every now and then just check my PO and I'm freaking out it was a gravity bong oh I've never done one of those I have not since because I've been scarred from the experience that sound like a good time so oh okay so I've only done it once before and yeah I'll share that story later and I'm sorry that you wer I'll apologize publicly here I'm sorry you weren't there apology accepted I did it because wanted the safe space to do it Ryan's not safe in terms of you needed a practice round yeah I need I actually accept that I I but I have a question about can we talk about this I feel like I was too stressed for to like have a good effect on like is there like a window like if you're above that stress level is actually bad I agree I think there but is is that because I think I think when I do it next I want to make sure I'm actually a little less heightened in my stress I personally do not smoke any weed or really drink at all when I'm particularly in a anxious or stressed out sad state of mind because for me both of those just enhance that makes it worse right yeah it's me particularly weed I'm I'm glad to hear that because yeah but if you're like in a giggly mood like we are right now oh my God weed is so amazing it's so funny it's a funny thing to do and also if you don't do it that's fine too yeah that's fine I remember the uh I I it's fun because I can go back and know the exact day that I first tried uh weed because it was the third season premiere of lost yeah you told me this story you have the exact date in the calend I think it was season three maybe it was season two I do love how this is morphed into the first time we got high like which is always a great fun story I actually think my favorite brand of this story is the first time I got too high those are always so funny after the effect uh but never funny in the moment and we'll got you there Steve mine were one in the same though what happened what if you're comfortable saying what happened oh no I am comfortable I I want to I want people to listen to this podcast you know no I want to hear the story no no no for I want to share it uh before we uh hit up the the the stuff later in in a future episode hit up the stuff someone's been teaching them before we honk that sweet Bobo really I've never uh done this before um well that's enough about weather uh you want to talk about Halloween when does Halloween officially start for you for me September 1st yeah September 1st I put out my Halloween decorations September 6th because I was late this year now this is funny because this is kind of me in a nutshell a while ago maybe like two weeks ago three weeks ago maybe Mario's like you know would be a good idea if we made our Halloween decorations Nightmare Before Christmas that way we could lead them up through Christmas and I no no no last week was like driving and I saw that big Jack Skellington animatronic that they have at Home Depot and I was like you know would be a good idea if we made uh Nightmare Before Christmas our decorations cuz then it could go through Christmas and she was like I said that two weeks ago and you said it was stupid I I can't uh get down with that I know and I think it would be tacky um mainly just because we would it would be only one film I also I only like to watch that movie on the cusp right around Hallen maybe even like midnight on end of Halloween because it feels like it feels like closing it's like the last bit of spookiness I want yeah and it's also just enough Christmas but I don't want that spookiness infringing upon my my jolly time and that's a shame and that's weird because anybody who watch well anybody who watched food files would know that Thanksgiving is actually your favorite holiday no no no and uh and that's solely because of the food understand it's not my favorite holiday said I like Thanksgiving food Ryan just keeps trying to cancel my ass it's a good strategy right get get your co-hosted friend canell um uh I actually was going to ask you because it feels like there are two types of people there are people who watch Nightmare Before Christmas during Halloween season and there are people who watch it during Christmas season and I feel that it is much more a Christmas film in my op no it's to me it's a that's the thing I'm like right dead center I don't want it too close to Christmas and I don't I could I could dig I don't want it like before Halloween I usually watch it like the night of Halloween when I'm like all right Halloween is basically over but you do then agree by that metric that it's closer to Halloween than it is to Christmas in terms of like what it's selling no but you watch it on Halloween just because I don't want it too close to Christmas but I also don't want it to I don't want to think about Christmas during Halloween but then you see what I'm saying right I've never seen the film so I can't in here uh well I'm this is also the same reason why I don't like that they put it up for Halloween at Disneyland Haunted Mansion CU I like I want spooky haunted mansion on Halloween season I don't want Nightmare Before Christmas I get why they do it because they sentiment well because then they could have it run from September all the way to December and they don't have to like close the attraction down I'll tell you what I'm primed this year for the holidays I think maybe it was just because I was so focused on our wedding for a long time oh yeah uh which turned out great we had a wonderful time and then as soon as it was over Sarah and I good it's time a great wedding for pumpkins it's fun it's I I love Halloween it's my favorite holiday I think it's one of the few the only one that could compete with it in my mind is Christmas in terms of the bang it delivers to you as a child and an adult well it sounds like you had some pretty weird Christmases very good very are you proud of yourself you happy uh yeah no Christmas kicks ass well because Christmas you get presents and it's amazing as a kid and you're like wow this is great and then as an adult you get to like decorate there's like a cheery mood and then you get to give presents so there's like a a fun to that where at Halloween you have trick-or-treating which [ __ ] rules yeah and then as an adult you have Halloween parties you have Halloween events like not scary farm or Halloween Horror Nights and you get scary movies around the clock I think because of that reason I have I have a little higher than Christmas just because the bang it delivers as an adult is better if not comparable to the trick-or-treating CRA Halloween is I think so yeah I think I'd put it's more it's longer there's more to do through the Halloween season than there well but also Southern California Christmas I could see that it's it's it's a little lacking it's fun for me because I go home to Illinois and I see all my f my Illinois Pals you know yeah and I think that's also maybe plays into it cuz like the Christmas season feels more everpresent throughout the month of December probably in a place that gets snow oh for sure whereas like in SoCal that's not there but in SoCal we go hard on Halloween like oh for sure like we go hard all month there's events Shane and I are going to watch a movie in a cemetery it's going to be [ __ ] fantastic yeah that'll be good our favorite movie Halloween yeah which is a great one to watch around Halloween it's uh it's the best it's still number one for me Sarah and I were in South Pasadena uh John Carpenter's Halloween bu the way not not not Rob Rob Zombies if you needed clarification no disrespect satday I uh around Fourth of July we didn't have any plans so we just a lot of our friends were out of town and we just we didn't like plan a lot of trips this year because of the wedding uh and we were we were like well we don't have any Fourth of July plans let's just go to South Pasadena and see some fireworks there because they had them at like a high school uh and we were just walking around I was like oh wait a minute the Michael Myer the Myers house is right around the corner I've never I've never been Mari are going to go this season oh nice you cuz the Myers house is out there and then the Strode house is also somewhat close I think the Myers house did you go in the museum no oh right next to it yeah no I didn't what do they have in there I don't know I didn't re I don't know if it's a if it's a specifically Halloween Museum it just seemed like it was like oh a museum of spooky Antiquities it was like a little shed oh man do you know what that would make an amazing episode of it we Wonder World do you guys have any Halloween Traditions that you do every here cuz I have a bunch I um I watch scary movies and um in particular or just scary movies uh there's some go-tos like some Staples I usually watch Halloween every year obviously me too uh and I sometime the past few years I've tried to like uh hit a new uh franchise yeah you've done this really fun thing where he marathons franchises yeah like you did what FR you did all the Friday the 13th year watch all the Fridays uh a a couple years ago and then Halloween before that I think I did do all the Halloweens because there were a lot of there were like two or three of the middle Halloween some blind spots yeah but they're all so fun uh and then I did the nightmares because I also hadn't seen all those what do you do for Halloween do you dress up your dogs I mean can I speak for the people who don't really care for Halloween here that's fair I I which I feel bad cuz I wor for Watcher you know uh too scared dude well I just don't really get off on get I could I could word that better but I'm not get off on like scares like I just guy's the [ __ ] zodiac I don't like it I don't getting scared that's fair and then uh I'm I'm a pretty horrible person though cuz I the fu I didn't even give out candy last Halloween oh my God you're like the eaner Scrooge of Halloween I really am and it's not well it's not that I like dislike it it's just that I don't care you're going to get egg you're going to get egg but this year I we are going to be doing Halloween candy full bars no direct no decorations what you're telling me then is not only did you grow a mustache but your heart also grew over the past year I think so well over the past few years I don't know I'm so practical of a person that like scares don't make sense to me Halloween in itself it's like I think Halloween's a good time for people to give into one of the most natural human instincts which is to be afraid you know I just realize what bro the reason why I don't care for Halloween is because I wasn't allowed to trick-or-treat as a kid I think that might be it that's probably why I didn't I don't get the joy of it well when we were trick-or-treating our neighborhood also liked Halloween I when I was in high school would build mazes in our front yard out of PVC pipes and curtain and every year it got bigger and bigger and the last year before I went to college it was so big that the line outside of the maze to get into the maze was so long that the police came to put up barricades so that they could control the crowd and I was like this is amazing amazing and I was a a slider you know what that is Stephen slider you have a knee pads on your knees and uh metal on your hand so that you could slide on the ground and shoot Sparks out and scare people oh my gosh not even for like business reasons but it sounds like you guys just need to create your own home haunt or create our own maze create your own maze like create your own like it's in you you want to do it you want to please the files are in the computer um I uh other traditions we have we always watch Bravo's 100 scariest movie moments it's a it's a program on YouTube it's a program that you could find on YouTube the full three and a half hour special without commercials and it's basically Bravo does these weird things every now and then while they'll be like these are the top 10 moments in pop music in the 2000s they do those kind of things they did a version of that for Halloween and it just bangs harder than it has any right to they they have Talking Heads where of all the greatest Minds in horror I mean we're talking George Romero Stephen King John Carpenter Wes Craven uh Tom savini like all these like big shots in horror Cinema and they basically just have them talk about the scariest movie moment in every scary movie of all time and they count down from 100 all the way to one it's incredibly well done and it is all my friends now watch it every year and some of them it's all on YouTube all on YouTube and we'll we'll we'll come and we'll have a watch party and we'll make popcorn and we'll watch it down in installments so that's something we'll do we'll decorate the house we'll go to a pumpkin patch yeah I think we've exhausted oh dude we'll go to Halloween Horror Nights just you're losing your mind over and we'll go so we'll do that we do watch scary movies and then we're go to go to Pumpkin Patch I'm living I was like we've been talking about Halloween for a long oh dude don't get me started on it that's and we're not even we're not even there yet people need Halloween yes get in get ready everybody we hope you're in the Halloween spirit it's going to be great but we have to talk about Steph's facial hair that's true move on if we have to move on from Halloween we will facial hair can we have a like a big chime that plays before we announce every topic yeah uh oh that'd be kind of fun yeah like uh like uh moveing moving on yeah what if we had like a little witch cackle no please no this is not scar what about this so Stephen that's Ryan's laugh that makes me laugh every sing you know who hates that Mari Mari sometimes we'll start like we'll start a a take for a show and Ryan will just do the softest possible version of that I only do that because it make it makes him like so much and it really upsets everyone El okay stepen you're you're trying some new stuff you have hair on your face well so when Ryan asked me what I want to talk about on this podcast I I said suits and the show suit the show Suits but then neither of them have watched it I'm in the middle of binging it for the second time in my life you're in a I I watched suits when I like when it came out and I I watched it like religiously you're a suit head listeners you don't understand this but Stephen is in a new era in many ways when I first met Stephen he was not a TV or movie guy I've always been kind of a TV guy not as much as I am now but not a binge guy like you've been on a binge hair I remember last year you binged all of the all of the Marvel films you did all Marvel then you did all well that was because my friend became a Marvel head so I I had to by Marvel head you mean in the film as the super Marvel yeah superhero yeah he's really into Marvel lately oh really does he like the films he's shanqi oh that's a little different I feel like you me up for failure here actually it's really funny when he told me he got the role for Shang chi I was like cool man sweet hope that works out for you I was like and then later on people were like no he's like the lead I was like what does that mean last thing I say about suits the thing that they nail is the chemistry between all the different characters I thought you were going to say the suits would you say it's a perfectly tailored show but but the oh but the the dialogue and the writing isn't that great and the suit the like the the you know na the chemistry the writing is terrible and the really good I mean Megan marle do they have good chemistry on River day I'm sure they do they have a bolian Seasons they're all very hot I know that it's over now that's people say that's what people say about ghost files the writing's bad but the chemistry is amazing and they're very hot did you hear about the twist in the finale no I don't know how it River I don't know what the relationships are on that show but oh yeah there's like a thruple situation no it's not a thle I think it's a quad quad it's a quad it's a quad all four of them are in a relationship they probably just read Tumblr and saw like everyone wants to see all these characters bang each other bang that that's what Riverdale did best was just like let them bang like well just feeding into like fan desires that's fair but I I can't speak to that because I haven't I remember when it first came out I was like I want to watch this this sounds cool like Riverdale via sort of a lynchian spooky and then I watched like two episodes I was like I can't deal with this what just fingering your jacket hole you have a jacket hole R it hard put it back wet but anyway we're here to talk about uh facial hair we all have facial hair horse terminology oh thank God it's the sweat about your facial hair what yeah horse is sweat dude I've never seen a horse sweat how do you know that because of the expression ride it hard and put it back wet that's referring to horse sweat this is like your other expression that you said where it was met by a bunch of vacant stairs when you're like God willing in the creek don't yeah that's another thing that you book of old timey sayings no yeah it's called My Brain nice um so back to facial hair yeah so what happened is what happened cuz I've never grown this out in my life yeah you started this with like the the the tenor of like a YouTube apology video so what happened let's talk about it yeah let's talk about it my uh I got sick for a week and I just was so sick I couldn't shave and whatever I was like ah you know and then I got better and it started to grow out I was like oh shoot it's like really long I I got to shave it did you catch yourself and then you're like hello and then I looked at it I was like okay definitely got to get rid of this but then Tammy was like stop stop stop stop don't shave it let's just see what happens like oh Tammy I didn't realize you were into that and so I I've been growing it out I've been growing it out and uh oh Tammy it was motivated by were into that and then I think she's now lessoned to it has this girl longer yeah and I've become more into it you know it's kind of Doc Holiday like I actually looked it up look look here's doc holidays well here's the thing guys like it a lot more than except he doesn't have the he doesn't have the chin but like the mustache itself kind of do maybe I'll maybe I'll do that because I you know I got to I want to shape it I don't here's the here's the other problem like this is all the hair I have well listener also for the listeners we have to we have to describe what it looks like because it's a mustache there is what I believe it's called a soul p under his bottom lip and then there is the is that a chin strap is that what you a chin strap chin strap goes all the way around I it's just the hair on the chin it's kind of like the goatee missing the without the without the the side connectors whatever you call I don't even have like side connectors I think you yeah you do I'm see I'm see I have them too I mean I guess it could I don't have a mustache goes like all the way down though you know you know what's the best thing about having facial hair is what when you have like the full like face thing is you could when if you decide to shave you could start shaving off portions of it to make your you do funny you could make yourself look like Tony Stark you could do a goatee you could have sideburns for a little bit I haven't done that yet that sounds fun it's fun but here's the thing is once I shave it off it's going to take like two months to grow back again so I just I can't do it I think the hair does a good job of shaping your face though it Mario once told me that facial hair for men is basically makeup and I've never been able to unhear it but it is because it actually makes like if you keep it like a it shapes your face in a way that's more defined contouring it's contouring it's a good thing you're doing here Sten I enjoy it right now I'm growing out uh my facial hair so I could bring my mustache back because I miss it I I got rid of it for the wedding yeah I love I love having a mustache I really do that's interesting does Sarah love that you she likes my mustache yeah she like she likes the look of a mustache do you care if I will say this if Mari does not like something that I'm doing with my fashion sense or my facial hair it does influence my opinion 100% I because they're the one who has she's the one who has to look at me exactly I don't care as much well and that's why I look like before we recorded this podcast this morning I woke Tammy up I was like Hey I'm going go record this thing you were on the couch and I and I I put her on the spot I was like be completely honest with me what do you think I'm just laughing at the fact of you shaking your wife up from asleep going what do you think about my mustache what do you think about it that was exactly it and uh she told me the PC answer which was that you know she could go either way but I forced it out of her I was like okay if you could have one or the other no mustache or mustach for the rest of your life which one would it be that's intense and she said she leaned slightly toward having facial hair because it's a bit edgier and she's into the edgier has she started to complain about you know she was into I did not know I didn't know know you into that uh did she start to complain about the the prickliness you she told me recently actually she had the hots for Edward Scissor Hands wait what wait what did she I I missed that what did what did she say I need to make sure I get this correct but she if it's not correct we'll cut it out she say she had the hots for I was like oh had the hot for Edward scissor any characters that you she's like yeah you know the edgy ones like Edward at it have you seen did you see signs of that before she said that did she like last week go Hey Stephen you do me a favor could you hold these scissors but she likes like the darker like hold a scissor on the other hand too I would love it if slowly over the next few months Steven's look just slowly transforms into Edward sciss he just starts to get very pale long black wavy hair a lot of really tight leather yeah tamy says this looked good on me yeah he's never seen Edward Scissor Hands so he doesn't know that it's happening has she wait did you not know what he looked like I haven't seen look like a scarecrow kind no I think and then I think when she Googled it she was like wait maybe not this far but um you know who she was probably thinking of Donnie Darko no people confuse those all the time who they similar Vibe he's just a boy but he's dark but but you know the like there's like dark Vibe this is a this is a reference to K-pop I don't know if you guys are into K-pop at all but there's my brother is there's like the darker you know edgier people and there's like the boyish ones and she's into like the darker K-pop figures the ones that are like more makeup and and edgier I don't know so like you and your K-pop video yeah have you ever shown her that no no I was more Cain cut in that one just but you had the dark you had ey Shadow you had a dark Vibe I think so you had an edge to yeah maybe like that then I remember I think I was on a trip at some point when that happened and someone sent they were like look at Stephen's new look and I was like holy cow and honestly that was a Nexus point in your life was I think your your fashion sense and everything improved you gain so much confidence in that moment it's a good video If you haven't watched it I recommend watching that video it's a good video has has Tammy complained about your facial hair poking her face she doesn't care about that what she cares about is like even though she likes facial hair she wants it to get fixed like something's wrong with this she's like I don't know what you should do but it's like but you must do something something has to folks something must be done well this has been yeah we're we're we're we're burning the midnight oil here on this on this on this podcast but I think we're off to on pod Watcher this is what it's all about great start it was too much fun we needed to we needed to stop ourselves right like from not from not from recording further but for this particular episode absolutely we need to stop recording uh is there any any last bits of business that we need to no business no you're right no business any announcements though oh any announcements uh ghost files live is still going at the time of this recording I believe there are tickets for the second Los Angeles show and I think there is also some in Vegas yeah there should be we're excited to hit that second leg of the tour it's going to be great we're out there right now if you're hearing this we are out there in America yeah go check it out if you haven't it's a fun time I'll be at a few of them yeah right it's going to be great a few are you going to do a few I want to go to the Vegas one oh dude hell yeah I mean come on be so much the Vegas one is going to be a blowout man I can't wait it's G it's the last show of the tour too so we're going to go nuts I've got so many people coming to Vegas just for fun Meo me too um and then other than that you know keep watching Ghost files or ghost files debrief coming out on Fridays and also last thing here we have another podcast at this company called for your amusement it's a theme park podcast hosted by myself and my buddy Byron where we exhaustively go through our favorite Theme Park attractions and rank uh and uh run them through a rubric to determine if they're world class it's a very fun show that's actually coming out tomorrow the first episode of that is coming out tomorrow it has a lovely set as well so please go watch that on the YouTube channel if you're on YouTube and you know subscribe to it if you're listening and uh it helps out tremendously for that episode what what ride are you covering the first episode we are covering Mickey and Minnie's runaway Railway at Disneyland and Disney World do you talk about the little bird oh we talk about chuie chuie chuie our favorite little guy Chie we got a bunch of fun guests on that show too do you do any bits other Chie no we didn't though oh man Shan one episode and then we have a bunch of other fun guests coming on that that you might recognize if you're into theme parks on YouTube if you're AO if you're a sicko like me if you thought me talking about Halloween was a lot just wait till you hear me talk about theme parks and that should do it for us thank you guys for uh listening or watching this first episode of pod Watcher and make sure you subscribe to the channel on YouTube if you're watching this on YouTube please subscribe to our YouTube uh podcast Channel put this on the podcast exting those you know Apple Spotify when you subscribe to those it really does help us it helps us keep making this pod so if you enjoyed this please do so subscribe wherever you're watching or listening all right we'll come up with a better sign off for the next few episodes I don't know but I don't think we need to okay never mind [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Watcher Podcasts
Views: 181,405
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Id: Jh26Yaw8rsQ
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Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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