$0 to $10,000 in 7 Days with TikTok Shop Affiliate [FULL GUIDE]

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you know what time it is it's time to make some bread cuz we're going to take you from $0 to 10,000 in sales a day with Tik Tok shop affiliate the best part is we're going to do this in less than 7 days I'm going to break it down I'm going to show you how I did this and then how you're going to do it as well Tik Tok shop in a nutshell is essentially selling products for brands on Tik Tok for example this Mii Tumblr every time someone sells this with the Tik Tok shop affiliate program meaning you post a video add the link to this product and you sell one of them you're going to get commission every time you sell a tumbler you get three bucks profit not too bad so this is the dashboard of Tik Tok shop affiliate and we're going to get down to the trends so I first started Tik Tok shop affiliate on November 19th we got Z in sales absolutely nothing it was sad November 20th we got $104 in sales not too bad then the next day November 21st we had like almost 400 bucks not 400 but almost there and then the next day we had a total of 2,000 bucks in sales they 1978 but still that's not too bad that's what like 4 days in so far are they at 2,000 a day 5 days in we were at 8,969 so close to 10K that would have been sick 5 days 10K no but we didn't hit it but the next day we ended up breaking it November 24th I think this was 6 days after we started like $14,000 in sales not too bad at all so if you guys want to dive even deeper into this we have hundreds of people inside of my community it's called Tik Tok Mastery where we essentially break down how to make money with Tik Tok shop another guy that made some crazy money1 ,000 in sales yesterday 33,000 bucks in profit in one day insane if you really want to dive into this Tik Tok Mastery is in the description we're going to go through a bunch of videos but for example this guy right 500,000 views on this one video and all he did was like point to some text on the screen and then the guy just showed off the product and he made thousands of dollars in profit it's it's incredible like and he just keeps doing this it's insane we have Pages like this where they're not even showing their face and they're simply just showing off a product kind of like that and let me find one of his viral videos yeah like this one what is this some Chas or something Chas 82,000 views on this I I bet he made at least a few hundred bucks from this video just showing off his freaking Chas boom he's got some dumplings okay what what is he doing what what is this guy doing he's got dumpling what oh he's showing off like a air purifier with dumplings okay I don't know what the hell he's doing with the dumplings but 145,000 views he probably made at least 1,000 bucks profit on this that's incredible moral of the story Tik Tok shop affiliate You're just showing off product and you make money it's pretty simple personally I think it's the easiest way to make money right now so let's dive into it so before anything you need a Tik Tok shop affiliate account so to do that you can go to your Tik Tok settings click on Tik Tok shop for Creator which you can see right there and then you're going to see you need at least 5,000 followers and be over 18 years old to do this now here's the thing if you don't have 5,000 followers it's okay I'm going to hook you up Fame swap okay A lot of people are asking how do I get an account with 5,000 followers Fame swap you can go here go to Tik Tok that's the setting and then you can kind of sort them by audience so once you on this page you'll see all of these different accounts with over 5,000 followers ranging between 100 up to I don't know like three 400 bucks you can get it for pretty cheap that's the thing here it is escra okay escra is amazing because you don't pay until you can check log into the account and make sure it has Tik Tok shop affiliate if you don't have 5,000 followers there's a method to do this with zero followers right so for example this guy he has 238 followers but he's posting Tik Tok affiliate videos if you want to learn how to do this with less than 5,000 followers and you don't want to buy an account on Fame swap or from your friends or family or whatever go to the description there's a link down there on how to do it okay so that's the boring part right I just want to get that out of the way so once you have one of those it's time to actually make some Shoney why did I why did I say Shoney make some bread right it's time to make some dough so I have the account pulled up here this one did zero to over 14,000 in sales in less than 7even days in four days I posted eight videos total this first one that got 7 million views it it actually didn't take off and I'm going to show you what actually happened It's cool cuz we can actually see the products that helped us get from zero to over 10K a day in sales looking at the products right um this was the retractable car charger which you can see here on the screen this was on the account which got 7 million views but it didn't take off for a couple weeks these 7 million views did not come at the start so this had maybe a couple thousand views at the start none of these were really taken off either the one that really took off was this one and then the one after that right this was a dog grooming kit and if we look on the phone again you can see that I got $26,000 in sales which is insane it on that day that got 14k in sales it did 13,000 of it right it pretty much did everything so this page was being pushed literally by this dog grooming kit now here's where I messed up okay so if we go back right this is on my account you can see the commission estimated commission is only $2,000 right so I end ended up selling in the first what week not even about $30,000 worth of products I only took home 2K that's embarrassing dude like I'm not even that's that's not even a flex like that that's embarrassing that ratio is horrible cuz usually you know if you sold $30,000 in sales you should be taking home like at least 5 to 6K in profit but me I only took home 2K the reason why is because this dog grooming kit that went viral at the start it only had 5% commission it was absolutely booty it was so bad and uh I didn't really realize that when I was first starting when you find products you need to make sure they have a high Commission because if it goes viral and it's a really low commission you're not going to make that much profit it doesn't matter how much sales you get what's important is the actual profit now granted this account ended up you know doing over 500k in sales if you haven't seen that video yet definitely go down to my channel you can see it this we break down this entire account over $500,000 in sales to date coming up on 600k we had a very strong start so I want to show you guys how do you actually find these products cuz that's the first thing you want to do you want to make a list kind of like this right this is in Google Sheets like it took like two seconds to set up the main point is you want to go down and kind of schedule out your videos right so usually I post three to four videos a day and each video is going to be 45 minutes apart so I'd go in here right and I put like 3:45 p.m. then I'd do like uh 4:15 p.m. you can see if I schedule all of them out I know exactly the product exactly the posting time I can put some video notes in there like if an I if I have an idea for a hook blah blah blah we'll get into it more but this is going to come in handy in a second so let's actually do some product research to put some products into this sheet I usually go to cow data this one's fire we talked about it before they just had a really sick update like they got some dope munchie Foods on here I don't even know who's buying brownies on the Tik Tok shop but I guess they have it there but if you go to trending products right you can search a category so personally I usually do the phones in electronics I'm just like a tech nerd I love that as you can see the number one product in last 7 days has sold over $180,000 on Tik Tok that's incredible this is insane um another one is this this is actually one of the first products bro that's seven bucks right now what are you kidding me these are seven bucks right this is incredible all right we're going to break this down in a sec what you're actually looking for are products that solve some type of problem that's the easiest ones to go viral something that when you see you can Envision yourself making a video for example this funny looking thing right you can imagine yourself in your car plugging it in showing how it's used and this was the first video I ever made so I'm going to break this down but essentially once you find a product like this right you would go here type it in in the product sheet so I'll put in uh retractable phone charger something like that so now I can see like okay right at 300 p.m. on this day I'm going to post the Valentine's rose right uh 45 minutes later I'm going to post the retractable phone charger which I found here and you can just keep going down you know keep going down the list schedule it out usually I do a couple days in advance so I'll do like you know the 25th and then I'll do you know the 26th and I'll keep putting it all in that way I know and I'm planned I'm organized I know what the hell I'm doing right that's super important another great example that's going viral is this anchor smart track card right it's kind of like a uh like an air tag you can just slip it in your wallet it's like super thin this one's going viral it solves a problem if you lose your wallet boom you can track it using this thing that's another great example that's kind of how you do product research on cow data just keep going through you know this entire list you can sort it by different categories essentially find products once again that solve a problem and you think are very trendy cool beans hot rice let's actually break this down so once you have your products right let's say you found a couple you threw them into your little list here right maybe you found five 10 of them you scheduled them out for the next 3 days you know exactly what you're posting when you're posting now you're like okay okay so how do I actually start making these videos key thing is you need to choose a style first choose a style so there's a few different styles you can do we're going to use this random dude called save fat stacks as an example it's a funny name so he's been popping off like look at these views 1.3 million 1 million 2.3 he used the uh the zero follower method to do this too he has less than 5K just shows you that it works but uh and once again Link in the description if you guys want to learn more about that but yeah you can see he's just simply in this video talking about like this chair he didn't even have the chair okay so this style would be technically no product no face right that's what I like to call it uh or faceless no product so notice how he's not showing his face and he doesn't even have the product in hand he's just whing his little finger around the screen showing it off on Amazon now a key thing he messed up here do not show the Amazon logo right that's a trademarked logo so please don't do that um you're probably going to get either Shadow band or your Tik tok's going to be taken down never show trademark logos that's a that's a no no you can say the word Amazon though that's fine but anyways as we keep looking through you can see right this is 199 bucks here and then he shows on the Tik Tok shop this little I can't get over this guy's fingo what is he he's got to improve his finger game here what is he doing he a wiggling but 99 to 109 bucks on the Tik Tok shop but he's comparing it to Amazon where on Amazon it's like 200 bucks right you can see that right here 200 bucks so he's simply doing you know no face only a computer this this video is free for him to make he didn't even buy the product in hand he probably made thousands of dollars off this it's got 2.3 million views that's a lot of freaking people man that's like 20 30 40 50 football stadiums filled up to the brim with people just watching this one little Tik Tok of him wiggling his finger it's insane with that being said that is one style you can do another style is where you're actually showing your face this is just um you know with a face I I haven't even made a name for this um with face product reviews I guess we'll call it like that so this guy is interesting cuz he's not afraid to show off his face he's doing comment replies he's showing it just like we you know we went through this video before it's 8 seconds long guys it was an 8sec video of him going like this with text on the screen and then he just shows off the product he actually bought the product in hand which is cool which I'll show you guys how to do that but um yeah he he probably made thousands of bucks off that one video so that's another style that you can do I guess the last style you can really do we'll check check out this guy um is actually having the product in hand this video got 2.3 million or 2.6 million views that's incredible click on it right he has this little dangly cord looking thing and it's so funny without the audio it just looks so stupid but you know what's not stupid is how much money he made he's just showing it off in his car right he's plugging it in he's showing how it's used we'll skip to the end look at that Apple carplay anywhere even if your car doesn't have um carplay you know you can just plug it in and it gives you carplay this solves a problem a lot of cars don't have apple carplay including this guys you just plug it in bada bing bada boom you got carplay so because of that this video went crazy viral this one is a faceless with a product right he didn't show his face but he had the product so that leads us on to the next point where do you actually get these products well let's it down right so this was my page from uh you know we we were showing from 0 to 14K in less than 7 days and the first video I ever posted right I actually showed off a product in this video so you can see this little thing right here I'm about to pick it up this thing this is a retractable car charger look at this or phone charger look at that it's kind of cool so what I did was right I went to Amazon I tra I typed in retractable phone charger and I found it right and you can see I purchased this thing I purchased actually uh purchased it twice yeah I P because the first one I I I don't know where it went I lost it yeah I purchased it it pretty much just shipped into my house overnight with prime shipping because usually Tik Tok shop takes a few days to ship in so I shipped it in I made a video on it on my page and um yeah and that was an example of like actually having it in hand but that's how you guys can do this that's how this guy did it you know when he was posting this video showing off the product at the end most likely this dude just went to Amazon he purchased this product and then he went ahead and made videos with it so you can obviously you know start posting videos without the product but if you do have the product in hand you know it it's going to incentivize people to want to buy because you're actually showing it off you know it's easier for the viewer to actually feel incentivized to purchase because now they're like oh okay so that's what it does it closes your phone and it jges it that's pretty cool you know may maybe I want it now instead of you just pointing at a screen wiggling your finger like that other guy multiple ways to do it guys choose a style once you choose a style that you like that's when you're going to go ahead purchase the products from Amazon or if you don't want to do that you can just find the products on Amazon amazan find the products on Amazon I did it again what the hell find the products on Amazon show it off and pretty much point to the screen talk about the product and then you know do the call to action at the end which we're going to get into all right so let's actually break down how to get from 0 to 10K a day so now you know how to find these products set up the account you know do some research choose the style that you like buy the products from Amazon how do we actually start making some videos well it's all broken up into three different parts those parts are the hook the meat and potatoes and the call to action which we're going to get into so these first eight videos were the ones that got me to over 10K a day within the first week so it was mainly this video right cuz once again this 7 million view video didn't blow up until a few weeks later it was mainly this video right here so this got 878 th000 views pretty insane we're going to actually play this video so you guys can see it hear it and understand what's going on okay so if you're a dog ever I just found an amazing deal so this is the Homa dog grooming kit and it's about $120 on Amazon but on the Tik Tok shop this thing is 30% off with free shipping I've had a husky for about 3 years now so this is amazing especially when it comes to shedding the Black Friday discount is about to end so if you want to check it out before it's too late go to the Tik Tok shop on this video so let's actually break down how you guys should be making these videos to get from 0 to 10K a day in sales it's very simple it's broken up into three parts so at the beginning you have the hook you want to directly call out whatever audience the product is for for example this product is obviously for dog people so I'm going to say if you have a dog okay and that's what I said right here if you have a dog or if you're a dog lover you're going to love this and then once you get them hooked in right this is the part where you want to start talking honestly authentically and genuinely about the product and how you feel about it this is the part where you want to just give your honest opinion about the product be genuine be authentic and and talk about the features of it so for example it's a really cool product that I absolutely love cuz I personally have a Husky and I can use this thing every single day because you know how crazy the shedding is right it's being authentic it's almost telling a story giving a little bit of personal information that isn't too personal but it's making it feel not like a sales video you know it it feels like a organic Tik Tok and you're just talking about a cool product that is the meat and potatoes that's the middle of it talk about the features how cool it is how you feel about it at the end this is the call to action right up until this point you hooked them in you directly called out the people that you want to watch the video then you talked about the product at the end the call to action this is where you're simply telling them it's a really good discount on the Tik Tok shop it's a great deal right now if you want to get it go fast because this deal is about to end you need to evoke some type of scarcity some urgency inside of them most people go to Amazon right they're just going to go to the two-day shipping on Amazon it it's simple to do that if you want want them to buy from your Tik Tok Shop link you need to show them why it's a good deal and show them that hey it's a 100 bucks on Amazon but only 50 on the Tik Tok shop it's a great deal but this deal is about to end any day now so if you want to get it I'd go fast if I were you and it's pretty much telling them like yo you better hurry your ass up and get it because this sale is about to end that urgency that scarcity if you don't do that people will save the video but they won't actually buy the product they just going to save and be like I'll come back you probably do that too we all do it I do it you do it we all do it my mom does it it's like you're scrolling through for a you page you see something cool you save it if you want them to actually buy the product you need to evoke scarcity so they don't just save it but they save it and they buy right there you know that's very very important right when you're first starting out your account what I personally did and what I highly recommend is testing a bit of everything right if you want to show your face cool if not totally fine but what I mean by that is show some videos with the actual product in hand you showing it off on top of that show off the computer screen right talk about the product if you don't want to spend any money just do something like this where you're just showing it off saying hey there's a great deal in the Tik Tok shop 85 bucks on Amazon like you can see right here but it's only 50 on the Tik Tok shop now the last step to all of this guys is repeat three to four times a day sometimes these videos won't go viral for a week two weeks but eventually it'll pick up prioritize the quality of your videos over banging out a bunch of crap it's very important because sometimes the older videos will go viral if a product starts trending for example this video right here right this was about that retractable car charger it didn't go viral for a while because the product wasn't going viral when I posted it but a week two weeks later the products started going viral so my video whoa so my videos started going viral and notice how I just kept doing this every day posting three to four Tik toks every single freaking day and I've been doing it for two almost three months now it's incredible you know it really is fun I highly recommend trying it out at least and the best part is once you get the hang of it with one account you can start doing this with another account and another account and you just simply keep repeating over and over and you can do it with multiple accounts at one time that's my point it's actually kind of cool look at this right so I have a different phone for every account that I have so personally I I'm like a organization freak like I think I have like OCD or something I don't know so I have four phones total right each each of these phones has a different Tik Tok account on them this just I just look like such a schmuck right now but I do that to separate it kind of mentally and also there's been rumors if you have a different account on a different phone that is a less likelihood of getting shadowbanned but once you get good with this you can have multiple phones running Tik Tok pages on each of them making thousands of dollars a day on each phone right so it can pay off the phone in a day so let's say that you've been making some bread right you're bringing in some money you got maybe I don't know $2 $3,000 in profit so far it's going to take about a week to update but after about a week or two go into your Tik Tok shop for Creator go down to earnings and you will see that the withdraw balance will be there you'll see how much money you can withdraw keep in mind once again it takes some time for it to update but once you put in your tax info you can go ahead click on withdraw balance and withdraw it straight to your bank account it's as simple as that it takes two seconds you know what we're actually going to do it live cuz why not let's uh click a withdraw balance you'll see your bank account's going to pop up whatever one that you put in click on withdraw all withdraw now confirm and boom withdraw progress fund should arrive in one to three business days that money is going to be in my bank account in a couple days just rinse and repeat that is essentially how you can get from 0 to 10K a day in sales so if you guys want to dive even deeper into this we have hundreds of people inside of my community it's called Tik Tok Mastery where we essentially break down how to make money with Tik Tok shop inside my community I'm constantly posting new trending products that you guys can try out crazy cool Community everyone's talking in here showing off their results asking questions you guys can talk with me and my team probably the best part is going to this tab where you can see people like oer right that just made his first 300 bucks in commission not too shabby right we scroll up another dude another guy look at all these this is incredible another guy that made some crazy money 14,000 in sales yesterday 3.3 th000 bucks in profit in one day insane if you guys want to join and also get access to the entire course we're talking 8 hours worth of sauce we go through how to make videos with AI right breaking down the psychology million dollar psychology breaking down some of my top performing videos if you really want to dive into this Tik Tok Mastery is in the description keep in mind it's 3 days completely free so you can try it out if you like it stay if not peace out whether you join my community or you do this on your own I wish you luck I really hope you guys have great success with this there's only so many opportunities like this in life so take advantage of it trust me appreciate youall tuning in and I will see you in the next video peace peace y'all the
Channel: Matt Lorion
Views: 46,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok shop, matt lorion, tiktok shop affiliate, how to make money with TikTok shop, affiliate marketing, ecommerce, TikTok affiliate program, tiktok shop affiliate program, tiktok affiliate, tiktok shop make money, everything you need to know about tiktok shop, tiktok affiliate marketing, how to make money on tiktok, how to make money on your phone, tiktok creativity program, tiktok shop creator tutorial, what to sell on tiktok shop, how to find tiktok affiliate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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