[ REACTION ] Tom MacDonald - If I Was Black

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[Music] that's right come on you know you want to hug it out come on just hug it out hug it out tell me you love me tell me yo what's good TMZ fan miss you boy Elle I'm back with another reaction video man but me was but I got anything on my table maybe I'll be going in on me when I'd be having stuff on my table bad boy pillows not straight incorrectly anyway listen the most anticipated talked about video or a song or a track or whatever you want to call it has finally been released man the most like I've seen so many people form so many different opinions so many different like the conversation has been sparked everybody assumed what it was gonna be about just everybody had their assumptions and I just sat back man I just I just sat back you know what I'm saying I always I'm the type of person that you know what I'm saying I wait I reserve my opinion and until I see the product man you know what I'm saying so shout out to Tom McDonald for even taking this leap to even put something else like this so if you guys don't know what was going on man Tom had his whole backing for if I follow him on Instagram and Twitter so he had this whole back and forth with his distribution company about a song that was supposed to be released today and if I was black by the distribution company didn't really feel like it was going to portray the the message that that they felt was was gonna be conducive and they kinda was hesitant about putting it out so they kind of contacted Tom told me where I'm gonna put it out which anger time because he wanted to get his his artistry out there which is important so here we are finally here he got it straightened out I think he went to another distribution company and we're finally here so let me tell you what I think this is gonna be about before we get into it I have no idea but if you know while back if you follow Tom's music he put out straight white male and I got to thinking last night and I was thinking about this huh site so what could it possibly be about you know what I'm saying what could possibly be his his message if I was black what could it be about I said so then I got to thinking I was like what was the last some of the last stuff he put out besides the Mac Lethal dis and I was like straight white male and he gave you the perspective of a white male in today's society and the things that you know what I'm saying they have to deal with and go through and he gave that perspective from his point of view which is key you heard what I said right there from his point of view I think when a lot of people get mad and they get upset they forget to realize that it's his point of view not yours his it's his point of view you know what I'm saying and I think that's a key thing that's missing when people going to get upset about someone's artistry or someone's opinion they forget that it's his point of view so I was like I got it I think that's what if I was black is gonna be from his perspective of what black people or what he feels as though black people was point of view and perspective of what they deal with so that's what I think this is gonna be about he gave you from a prescriptive perspective of a white male now he's gonna give you a perspective from a black male and I think that's what the video is gonna be pretty much about so I know it's gonna be a lot of people who agree a lot of people that disagree one thing I can say is that I appreciate that it's gonna it's gonna spark conversation we can never get anywhere until we create the dialogue we can you know what I'm saying get to that point of everybody loving and respecting and and appreciating each other because I don't see race you know what I'm saying I don't see race I love all y'all respect to ollie up I respect your opinions you have the right to have a difference of opinion they're not doing I have the right to have a difference of opinion from you I don't mean we can't coexist and get along with each other and I think that's another thing that gets lost in the sauce people right we can have a difference of opinion I encourage that that's what makes we're all different so we all have a difference of opinion you understand what I'm saying but don't cast me out because I have a difference of opinion than you why can't I get rid of me why get upset you know what I'm saying because I guarantee what's gonna happen is tom is gonna put this out a lot of people not gonna like it they're gonna go subscribe wish you have that right to unsubscribe and distance yourself away from that person but my question to you is why because you didn't agree with what he said you ready to throw that person away give up on that person or continue to have the dialogue so you can eventually come to a common ground it's just like a marriage you're gonna throw the marriage away because y'all disagree on something no you're gonna sit down if your wife and you don't have the same ideologies or you don't have the same perspective on two different things you gonna give up on the marriage if that's true then that's might be partly the reason why the divorce rate is high you get what I'm saying no you're gonna you're gonna sit down you gotta have a conversation you're gonna try to come to some common ground or you can agree to disagree but you still love her you still love him why can't that be the same way where people have differences of opinion when it comes to this subject which a subject I tend to stay away from but I couldn't stay away from this one because I reacted to a straight white male you're not I'm saying that would be completely unprofessional with me so we'll be five six minutes in whatever man I know I get it a lot of y'all don't want to hear y'all want me to get straight to the video man but I just wanted to give my opinion in the beginning and then at the end I'm gonna give my piece I'm gonna watch the video try not to stop it as much but I can't I can't say that what may happen all right let's get to it if I was black Hollywood him where anyone was white cuz that slavery will honestly always be on my mind if I was black Hollywood I ever want to drive because if polies pull me over I might go round him down if I was black I won't lie skander walk at night the whole neighborhood is trippin like I'm out committing crimes I'd be pissed hit all these cracker rappers singing about my life stole my music stole my style give it back this mine if I was back just look at the facts we don't stand a chance one in three is locked away over half don't know they dad see white privilege and a money thing but it's white people who are running things y'all benefit from yo color in my pigment produce suffering it's all white you know what this reminds me of the joint of Lucas video except you don't have the two people the the dynamic of the two people sitting in front of each other giving their side and that's basically what he's doing basically what he's doing he's saying okay on this side I'm a white male straight white male is what she called it and this is how I feel now he's saying okay I'm in a black person's shoes this is probably how they feel now I don't know who he's talked to I don't know who he got all his information from like that but he's giving you what he thinks from a black person stand point now where we come in is we get in the middle we say hmm okay I see that that perspective that side hmm I see that perspective I see that side and then we go to having dialogue the dialogue is key don't get upset and just be like oh man oh man no no no no no no no tom you shouldn't did that right which one you did this side but when you did this side I don't write with you or vice versa when you did it this side I don't write which but when you did that side of Robert either way we've got to have dialogue tell some I love y'all not color I love you black white green purple whatever let's have the dialogue Brian white power white lights white houses white guys whitewashing my brothers my sisters my culture while I watch him if I was black I probably hate myself and they say racism may be racist and I am not the one to blame hey yeah I won't say it to my face in the circles do you feel safe y'all been using words they made for us when we were slaves hey hey wait whoa I know that was long ago if I was black I want my reparations Rosalie's if I was black I was told on my teeth so if you big on bro no when I speak if I was back sonnet ji Heon right now see this ain't right or why do they feel like that or it wasn't even like that or that's way over the top they're going too far on instead of getting upset come back with what you did or how you feel or what's your solution or what's your not I'm saying come back with that it's just like in a good negotiation for a contract you take the first thing somebody slide across the table to you or no you take it you review it with your lawyer and your your team and you say okay this deal point doesn't work for me this doesn't work for me this doesn't work for me okay how about this and you slide it back and the other side receives it and they see what they like and they say okay well we don't like that but what's this what's the counter you're not I'm saying but I think what happens is every time we get to a point each side runs away from each other instead of standing in the fire and get into the bottom of it and coming out on the other side with some type of resolve like I want to see the comment section of this because I know it's gonna be people on each side instead of somebody in there saying okay I might not feel that way time I might not agree with you there but why this or why do you feel like that or why do you feel this way no it's just gonna be people spewing hate and that's never gonna get us nowhere Street sister speaking my mind because I had if I was black probably wouldn't ever do my taxes while support of government that persecute my blackness but paid a wage of law enforcement putting nuts and caskets or help to build the prisons that we trapped in if I was black I'd be bad people glorify the trap while we die in everyday fighting for everything we have it ain't time and changing blacks the systemic they put us in apropriate my character we sell it to Caucasians who wish they were from my area if I was black I wouldn't give up come out the greater good my grandma can't afford a regular fight our neighborhood our lives matters so stupid y'all hijack cannot move me black lives matter as we lose it and is it youth the police shootings if I was back to owning role models I'm shown its the rich black rappers pushing guns and drugs and hoes yeah hey yeah I won't say it to my face in the circles do you feel safe we lose it and is a youth the police shootings if I was back to only grow models I'm shown its the rich black rappers pushing guns and drugs and hoes that is true that is true he said if he was black the only role models you were shown was the ones that were pushing drugs and and teaching you the wrong way I'll be the first to tell you I thought when I was a young teenager and and growing up that was the person I wanted to be that was the person now I later realized that that was idiotic and I can sit here and admit that that was the dumbest thought process that I had but where I lived and where I was hanging around and where I was at and where I was living that person was portrayed as the person everybody wanted to be like that person was looked at and reviewed as the person whoo-hoo who's living the good life you weren't looking at the consequences nobody ever spoke about those and that's what pisses me off because nobody tells you about the consequences of those guys you they they they promote and have you to look up to you get what I'm saying like they never promote the consequences so a lot of people end up in jail and thank God I didn't I didn't but it's often you you it's like you you uh what I'm looking for by the time you realize and understand that he's not the person that you should be idolizing it's too late you're in jail or you're dead you're not a man that person I don't know why it's like that but where I came from and I can't speak for anybody else that person was glorified the person that was selling the drugs the person that was doing this the person that was that didn't have a job the person that was out here doing everything operating outside of the law he was the person that was glorified and when you're growing up in that environment you don't know any better you don't know any better so you think that's the way to go he's driving a nice car he has a lot of money he's able to go and do things and live a lifestyle that you want to live so you think that's the way to go you don't realize it until you're in jail that it was wrong but by then it's too late so that was a real line right there bro I can speak today from experience back to only grow bottles I'm song is the rich black rappers was bündchen trojan hoes yeah hey y'all wanna say it to my face in the circles you feel safe y'all been using words they made for us when we were slaves hey hey wait whoa I know that was long ago if I was black I love my reparation money [Music] if I was bag teach so if you think I'm drunk [Music] if I was Sanji about me underneath a niche the free if I was back in the street just for speaking my mind because I had a train if I was laughs you'd attack when I say I'm proud as you mad that you ain't alone if I was like y'all ever tried to take me down one fist in the air I would say my [Music] my teeth so if you think I'm no we're not speak [Music] underneath on Monday national free if I was back in these streets just for speaking my mind because I had it I said exactly what it was gonna be bro I said it that he was gonna give you the perspective from from a black person stance this time I said that bro I said that I knew that's what it was gonna be y'all let me know what y'all think man God let me know what y'all think what I don't want for y'all to do man is to get in the conversation be arguing with each other if you're not here to to have respective dialogue you're not I'm saying because that's the purpose of the song is to create a dialogue he gave me one perspective now he gave you a second perspective now let's have the dialogue what do you think about this video that you didn't like or what do you what about this video how did it make you feel how did it make you feel let's talk about that okay if you felt like it was a little far-fetched if you felt like that or you felt like that state what you feel stay what you feel but don't leave with hate or ain't leave with love man is that too hard to ass because leading with anger where is that gonna get us I don't know man can't wait to see you guys comments I can't wait for the dialogue man shoutouts to Tom McDonald because and the reason why I say sighs - Tom McDonald because imagine all the hate and different comments spewed his way right now he got to be a strong individual to endure to be the he got to be strong to put this out there and imagine the hate he's about to get and receive instead of love or guidance or suggestions or you know I'm saying whatever it is you felt like you wanted to give them but people it's easy to give heat it's easy to give hate what's hard it's for somebody to sit down and have a conversation man and man well people were out to take the easy way out I love you old man and I've started out the video like that and I'm in the video like that now that we said what we had to say let's hug it out I love you I love you give it to me give it to me what we do here just go back back [Music]
Channel: The Matthews Fam
Views: 98,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom macdonald, nolifeshaq reactions, hip hop reactions, music, funny reactions, tom macdonald if i was black, tom macdonald reaction, if i was black reaction, if i was black tom macdonald, tom macdonald music, tom macdonald new song, tom macdonald new music, tom macdonald new album, controversy, sjw, dear rappers, hip hop, lil dicky
Id: KMsJtMNotMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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