[ MapleStory M ] How To V-Matrix / Nodestones

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[Music] hey msm fam i hope you and your loved ones are doing well um sorry for the big gaps in creating uh new content i've really just been doing other things and i thought there were enough v matrix videos out there from pcms but having watched a couple maybe they're not exactly the same so just to preface this video i don't get paid for these videos and that also means i'm not under any obligation to create new content content except from when you guys ask really nicely so i really appreciate that because it kind of is cool to know that other people like to play this game and i do as well so um that all being said let's talk about v matrix today um when we hit level 200 we get access to these maps called uh arcane maps so uh arcane maps kind of we won't really talk too much about arcane maps but we will talk about something that they give us so they give pretty decent exp but really the whole purpose of training at um an arcane map is because they drop uh arcanes and node stones so um these arcane maps can be accessed here in the arcane power field they drop these things called node stones and node stones when open will give one of three types of nodes so here are my node stones you can see that i have uh nine slots so these slots that i have are i have three skill nodes the ones where you can see where there's no like uh triangle in them because the skill nodes only have one skill the triangles that you see like the ones i've just highlighted now those are called boost nodes so here are all the nodes that are possible from opening a node stone there are things called skill nodes skill nodes essentially give us a skill so this one is howling gale this is a fifth that's not really a fifth job it's more like just a skill that's given to us from the v matrix i was going to say fifth job because it kind of feels like fifth job but it's really not it's just skills that we get at level 200 from these node stones so howling gale and guided arrow are particular to the archer class holland gale is specific to the wind archer class so these are just new skills that we can have some of them are not exactly skills they are buffs so this one is sharp eyes holy smol advance blessing hyper body so these are all just skills that we can craft to complement our skills it costs 150 shards to craft and skill node so here you can see i have howling gail when that's equipped it gives me a skill called howling gale so some of the giant tornado i really like it it's kind of cool but your class probably also has another really cool skill that's kind of what i really like about level 200 they've given us uh cooler skills for our class so next uh we next kind of like node that can be open from the node stones are boost nodes boost nodes kind of just give us another stone another way to boost our existing uh job one to job four skills so these are the ten skills for a wind archer from um their job one to job four for your class there may be more there may be less generally if there's more it's going to be harder for you to open a perfect trio because known zones are kind of like rng um and that when you open them it gives you one of three and then of that boost nodes can give you boost nodes actually when you either craft them here or you open them they will give you something like this you see how this boost node has three skills in it my primary skill is the one in the very first slot so this one is monsoon this one is song of heaven this one is pinpoint pierce and this one is stormbringer so it's very important that uh well i'll go into that in a little bit here's the third type of uh notestone that you can get from opening uh node stone the third type of node it's called a special node a special node essentially just well it's really a special node but we really um what it does is it gives you these like passives or bonuses like some are like it increases crit rate by 50 this one gives us invincibility for some time after some time so these will be applicable in different types of content you'll just have to go through them and figure out which one works best for your class requires 80 shards to create a craft one and they'll just be applicable in different places so those are the three types of nodes that can be opened from a node stone so now let's take a look at my first slot so here i have my perfect trio a perfect trio just means that all the skills in my boost node comprise of my primary skills a primary skill just means that these are skills for your class that you use all the time so my first one it was trifling wind uh smiling vortex and stormbringer so spiraling vortex for wind archer is basically all we really do we're still kind of like a one button kind of class um the reason why is because storm bringer and trifling win are just procs those happen in a consequence of like some probability so in this slot these are my three main so this is a perfect trio all three skills are part of my primary and they all complement each other here is the same perfect trio but the orientation of the skills was slightly different and that makes a difference because the skill in your primary uh nodes skill so this very first skill is important because you can only equip one of these at one time meaning this trifling win that i have if i open another one with trifling wind and two other of my other primaries i won't be able to equip the same one i can't have two primary trifling wins at the same time so here you can see i have a song of heaven i have an additional note that i'm keeping for later and i have a song of heaven already equipped so if i try to change this and equip the other one msm won't let me do that i can only equip one of the same primary at a time so you can see here i just tried to change and it says i can't even change the primary for the primary i have to actually unequip it and then equip it but there's no reason for me to equip a level one primary because a i don't use it every day and right now i'm more focused on my other primary so i just unequipped it and you can see here this one and it gives me level 19 of uh my my uh spiraling vortex and my trifling wind those are part of my like main skills so here you can see i can actually enhance it um but i won't do that if i enhance it it gives me 50 exp so each boost node will give you 50 exp it will cost anywhere from one to three node stones to level up one rank so here you can actually see the great thing about this is the rank 1 is actually part of my perfect trio end game you can see when i've been leveling up my other one to level 17 if i use the level 17 as fodder as enhancement fodder the level one will go all the way up to level 17. there is zero loss of exp when using uh enhancements to transfer levels the only thing you really lose is the one node that we used as the base but there's a small price to pay to gain more damage as we continue to find and use node stones so what that really means is you can actually start um opening and enhancing your nodes as long as the primary skill is part of your endgame like primary skills so as long as the very first slot is a skill that you will need you can start enhancing it so here you can see i have uh my three primaries maxed trifling winch stormbringer and spiraling vortex these are my other three monsoon pinpoint pierced and solid heaven those are not too important now they're pretty important but not in the current state of the game so i really just focus on these three for now and have i will try to get these up to level 25 and then each slot actually goes up to level 5 as well so a node stone is maxed at level 25 and the slot is max level 5. so a total boost that we can get for a skill is level 60 which means at a minimum because each skill gives 2 percent boost that means between uh that means with two node stones that boost something up to level 60 we get 120 percent more damage for that particular skill so you can see that that's actually a lot of damage so node stones are currently the best bang for the buck so if you are either farming them or using them or whatever you're focused on upgrading at level 200 node stones will give you the most cost cost-effective way of raising your damage so um let's actually see if we can uh let's see how we can actually use node stones and level up some things right like we talked a lot about what the matrix is how to use them etc so let's actually um open some and see what to do so i didn't have any i didn't find any node stones they're super like random drops so i just bought one um here we've opened one and then i usually just go like this i just go through it and see which one can be enhanced so this one can enhance each node stone boost node gives 50 exp so that gave me 50 xp it didn't really do much because i was near the bottom end of the experience so i was 20 out of 135 since it gives 50 each i'm gonna need another one let's let's see like the reason why i'm buying another one is so that we could see if there's like something different so when we open node stones we get a boost node a skill node like here this is a skill node um so skill node actually is different from a boost node because well this skill note is something that we can't use belongs to the erin class extracting a skill note will give us 40 note charts so that's great as you'll see uh here when we actually go and craft you can actually craft your own note chart or node stone from shards so when we go and craft the node stone it costs us 35 shards you can see that we got 40 shards for a skill note so it's actually in our favor to open skill notes we actually gain five shards each time oh nice so you can think of this as since it doesn't even cost mesos to extract which is great that's actually a bonus i don't know why uh nexon actually did that but let's not bring it to their attention anyways so here's us opening another one and we got stormy spiraling let's see if that's actually useful so what i usually do is i just go through and see if the enhancement button ticks up it looks like it did not what that means is the primary of this one pre-zero it's not something that i currently like care about so what i'm probably going to do is i'm just going to extract it because there's nothing i can really do with it i guess i could save it enhance it all the way to level 5 or 16 etc so whenever we in whenever we extract a node stone from the um boost node if it's leveled up there's certain levels that give you more shards out than it costs to put in what it means is that um we basically gain number of shards i think that's level five you gain two extra shards level 16 you gain like 12 or 20 extra but essentially like i i don't really like worry too much about that i kind of just extract if they're not within my primaries it's probably not the most effective way but if you're someone that's whaling on node stones you can actually open a bunch of them and see if you have matching sets then you can like enhance one to level five or level 16 depending on how many you have and you can actually extract more shards out than you put in so that's like next level gaming we won't go too much into that but hopefully this kind of gives you an idea of like the basics of a v matrix you can see here i have nine slots i don't think i covered it but i have nine because i'm level 216 so as you level up you have the opportunity to use mesos to open more slots the more slots you have the more boost nodes you're gonna have the more skill notes you can have the more power you can gain so um yeah i think that was it for my for the uh v matrix how to if there are any questions always as usual either discord me post them in the youtube chat and just let me know what else i can kind of like um talk about so that v matrix shouldn't be like that scary it's kind of like a cool new way to build your um your hero up and that way you can just keep increasing the dps that you put out like nodestones are one of the greatest and easiest ways to do that and eventually everyone will have them because they're drops that drop from arcane maps so i think of all the power ups that maplestory could have given nodestones actually is one of the best because i mean while it's not free it is pretty nice because it's relatively low cost anyone can farm and enhance nodes that they find so that's it for me and i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Jimmy Miracle
Views: 14,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 66491qXtbbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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