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here's an easy one for you guys what are the two hardest rooms in the house to renovate it would have to be bathroom and kitchen hands down got it in one well homeowners here rowena and brock they've got the double whammy yeah they've done a great job on the gardens and the interiors but the two big ticket items have definitely left them stumped it can be overwhelming but you don't have to replace everything with some clever cosmetic fixes and by working with what you've got you can save money and really end up with a great result hello hi hello hello guys great house thank you thank you how long have you been here been coming bit over six years now i think so slowly working our way through everything why is the kitchen and bathroom being relegated to the bottom of the lid the kitchen works i mean layout functionalize it's fine it's just uh very orange it is very orangey i almost put my sunglasses on and let's face it the bathrooms seem better days as well it's going to need a lot of get there eventually it's just almost in the too hard basket yeah it's expensive and you've got to make all of those difficult design decisions which vanity which bath all of that it can be hard when you're busy we want to make it modern but not to still got to keep with the style of the house well the good thing about this kitchen but structurally it looks very sound as well it certainly does yeah this thing is you've got the timber doors instead of laminate this is really ripe for a cosmetic makeover so a bit of paint yeah timber door is always good for painting here's where we should save the money and it sounds like the bathroom's a slightly bigger problem yeah yes come on let's go shopping so while brock and i go shopping well the bathroom's adam's problem the kids hate using it it's really ugly and brown okay well let's get into it if you start clearing all the shelves i'll take these doors off and we'll let the fun begin [Music] apart from the color of the tiles what else did you hate about this bathroom oh the taps the taps are really old and the kids really struggled to turn them off rowena's after mixer taps and it's for the kids and stuff so grubby hands and i've always liked black to be honest this might set the whole tone for the bathroom risky yeah risky just try not to dig into the plaster so if you just hold it flat how you've got in instead like just don't go in like that yep you should be right see you guys but if you did want to go something more out there oh what about that one black round bit different it's cute huh i like that one something like that and then maybe we could combine some timber so like a plane of timber sounds great yeah are you enjoying it it's great fun fantastic happy to see the brown tiles go definitely so we need a modern kitchen tap how does it look like this looks very low not something i'd love that perfect all right here we go does the job he does the job [Music] so we're on the hunt for a good stove cooked up black what do you know because i'm a gentleman i'll go backwards thank you jump in tara found the bar passes the test i fit so i like this one that was easy yeah i think because you had so much fun doing the walls you need to have a go out doing the floors and basically it's the same idea don't dig into the floor you just want to get underneath keep it flat and just jack hammer it up okay [Music] for the bathroom safe to say black and white so maybe white tile on the walls simple exactly i do think though we can push the boat out here we can go for something just a little bit different on the floor what about something like this that's nice yeah it's good isn't it because you've got a bit of white a little bit of a marble veining through there you do have lots of grout lines which some people would say is more cleaning but for kids in the bathroom it also gives more grip so that means less likely to slip over nice and safe this will be amazing trust me it's gonna look stunning sounds good you can rip out a bathroom this size in about half a day [Music] good work thank you we're done we'll clean this up and that is demo complete fantastic stuff today i would really like to add some pendant lighting to your kitchen just over the island kind of bedrock a little bit like jewellery in the kitchen i like the squares yeah so it's a little bit more contemporary exactly [Music] showers yeah i like those ones of course shower on a rail very practical great with kids with the design decisions made we can put the plan into action starting with the new tiles well it's all coming together and looking so fabulous but you know what i'm really thrilled about are these hex floor tiles they're the look that everyone is going for these days such a style statement and they really do set off this entire room well the bathroom's taking shape so let's get started on the kitchen do you know what's so great about this ad since we don't have that much work to do look at these they're so solid they are they're good timber doors and it's right they it makes the job so much easier is there anything broken in here no there's one wobbly hinge i think on the pantry that's about it but no it's fantastic it really is and it is just literally a sand and you can paint it in whatever color and it's not just the cabinets that can be painted you can paint the tiles they'd be so good if they were just given a coat of white all over don't you there's not a single chip on them so they're in really good condition amazing and they're a good shape they're like a little mini subway tiles the only thing i would say is make sure you clean them thoroughly if you're removing your kitchen cupboard doors to paint them just make sure you grab some masking tape and a pen just identify which door goes where in the kitchen that way when they go back on you'll remember which door goes where and you won't get them mixed up good work here for you ads tara i can't believe you wrote me into doing this it's easier than replacing the entire kitchen wouldn't you agree it is and the good thing is these doors are in fantastic condition for the age they're solid look solid timber if you've got a timber kitchen lucky you all they'll need is a good sand and then don't forget to wash any greasy grime off before you're painting [Music] it's really important don't skip the prep [Music] top coat colors this is tea house for the lower tranquil retreat for up top up the top that's it meanwhile rowena and brock are scrubbing up the old tiles then priming them they need a light sand after this and then a couple of coats of specialized tile paint which will give it a hard-wearing gloss finish so often the case in these old kitchens is the bench top that lets the whole space down so the temptation to rip it out and start again is very high yeah but in this case we're working with an old kitchen and back in the day they used to nail everything together not screw it so you go trying to rip this off and you're probably going to damage all the carcasses and also the bottom row of tiles on the splashback are going to pop off so my solution here is to top the whole lot with timber and it sounds like timber's the winner and i've got a bit of work to do yep get cracking for under 600 i'm putting on solid timber hardwood tops now this is victorian as you might know it as tasmanian oat they're the same timber you can pick these up from the hardware store they come in lengths of 2.1 which means you just need to cut it to whatever length you need the good news is they come in set widths of 600 mil which is your standard kitchen benchtop now because the kitchen has a breakfast bar that means the bench top is wider in that area i've just cut another bit of bench top to the width that i need and the good news is to join it up is very simple i've got some bench top joiners i just space them out evenly then using a template made out of an off cut of plywood round out your holes glue the two pieces together add your bolts and tighten them up it's as simple as that [Music] okay happy oh yeah say goodbye to that orange absolutely clever cover-up do you know what makes this kitchen look so much more expensive already don't you think yeah it's absolutely beautiful i'm loving it it's such a clever way to make that a wider bench top you don't even see the seams because it's all laminated yeah you know if you join it on it's just it looks like it's all part of it well the bench tops themselves look fabulous but it does still leave us with this orange strip along the front that i need to take care of so what we've done is cut down some tazzio just made it to the thickness of the original benchtop and i've just colored it black two coats and i think what that will do is just frame this timber nicely it'll pick up the kickboard and complement the teahouse color on the cabinet doors beautifully so look at that another clever disguise all it needs is just to be stuck along and just clamped in place while it dries what orange bench top you would never know it's there i just love it you happy very happy so not orange this is the stuff that you'd use on your chopping boards so it's a food grade oil just going to keep your benches just looking stunning so what we do here is put a generous coat on and it soaks down into the grain and then after about an hour we just come back and mop off the excess so it's just going to keep the natural character of the timber so it brings up all of the grain look at that it's gorgeous i would have asked you and brock to do this but he somehow seems to have disappeared that's right look he's set to go away for a couple of days for work oh we'll let him do that yeah for the bathroom i'm making a custom built vanity to fit the space i'm using the same timber as i did on the kitchen benches basically it's a simple box [Music] it's going to have a top two sides and a bottom with a backing piece that way we can fit it to the wall i've just used a fixing gun to hold the box together while i work on it but it's not going to be strong enough to keep it together in the long term so i've just pre-drilled some holes and i'm using 65 mil bullet head nails now you might go well why are you using nails over screws the nail head is smaller than the screw head so once i've put it in and filled the holes up it won't stand out as much and to finish the vanity off i'm just going over it with a clear oil-based polyurethane but because it's going in a bathroom we need it to be durable so i've just added a hardener but what you need to remember when you do this it gives it a working life of around two hours which means you only want to mix up what you need [Music] it's a good looking bathroom it's gorgeous surely it's not just gonna be for the kids no brock loves it the most actually yeah what about you no not so much i'm really hurry to do other things it's just a quick shower well brock will definitely love it good source it's going to be beautiful oh let's go to the toilet chase when you love it if it's that easy to hook up the toilet you've seen us drill tiles over the years before we often use masking tape to stop the drill bit from sliding around well if you use the right drill bit you don't have to use the tape now these are ceramic tiles and i've got a glass and tile drill bit especially designed for the job we are through okay towel rail on so all you have to do now is use a little allen key just tighten up the grab screw there we go pretty easy job one tower owl we'll see how it lines up yeah this is good and i like that it's floating rowing because that's going to keep the open look in the bathroom it's easy to clean under that's what i was thinking it makes it feel more spacious as well and you know instead of having that they're cluttering the wall what about that yeah that's gonna work out perfectly from the door you know what they can't miss it yeah it's great should we link to it absolutely i think cup of tea is in order sadly rowena were replacing your wall lover i'm so disappointed sure you would be what we've had to do though is because that obviously would be a different size adam's made a new face plate so that the new oven will sit snugly in there so we've just painted that to coordinate with the cupboards so it's just mdf just cut it out it's very simple so what this will mean is that your brand new oven will sit seamlessly into your new little kitchen so we'll just screw this in place should we get these doors on yep let's give it a crack i know you're eager to hide all of the clutter in the cupboard so let's get them on you excited about your new kitchen i've never been more excited to cook dinner is that right yep been barbecuing a lot i like that i'm loving this color combo very sophisticated yes better than the orange oh definitely remember the orange only in photos that's the way it should stay what i'm loving most about this kitchen update funnily enough the knobs oh it's all coming together what do you think i love it this color in particular i wouldn't have picked it but it's just lovely i love it you know this is the thing that everyone's doing now they're doing two-tone kitchens so having the dark at the base it really anchors the space and just having this light color just makes it not feel so closed in and it's very stylish speaking of stylish how about some new appliances yes please [Music] oh look at this rowena clean new oven oh it's gorgeous i can't wait new ranges beautiful with a light new induction gorgeous beautiful kitchen sink too i know and all these features but i don't want the kids to know it comes out water fights in the kitchen do you think so they might see this you'll notice that the walnut vanity doesn't have much storage in it but we're lucky that this bathroom is a decent size so we've just picked up these pre-made cabinets from money and i'm just recessing them into the [Music] wall special [Music] all right it's time for the shower screen and the only one that's going to work in this tight opening is a pivot door you can pick these up from the hardware store in a diy range and the best part about it is you can get them to suit most openings to finish it off i'm just going around the inside edge of the frame with some mold resistant silicon to seal it all in with some clever cover-ups we really have been able to kind of disguise the age of this old kitchen but one thing that did let it down was the old window so what we've done is installed one of these it's an elegance block out roller blind they come off the shelf in standard sizes and three popular dulux colors this one being tranquil retreat which just so happens to match my top cabinets perfectly for a seamless wrap around look it's us the kitchen's looking great with the doors on does doesn't it so much better very cool and i've made some good use out of a leftover timber from the back what do we got here that's a cheese board unreal this one's a chopping ball you're a star so no waste let's see for sure that is so good because you know what this space is always wasted in the kitchen so now we can put a little picture there well back in the day it was where the home phone used to go yeah not so anything i don't exist anymore i'm thinking like a nice plant maybe a bit of art something like that but that's nice too because it brings the timber up here yeah it carries the look through practical and pretty that's you practical and brilliant [Laughter] [Music] absolutely fantastic now there is a few things that you need to remember when you're putting up a mirror because you do only get one shot at it and you'll see here that i've just put up some masking tape that's our plumb line and our level line and then on the mirror itself i've got some double-sided tape and that's going to hold it in place until our silicon dries and you just want to make sure with the silicon that you're putting it on the mirror and not on the sticker if it breaks i'm running when you're nervous things go wrong is that right i know that's good that's held now i can feel that can i let go yeah you'll let go and then you can uh get some window cleaner you've got this mirror cleaner with this kitchen makeover we didn't have the luxury of ripping it out and starting again this really was just a matter of making the most of what we already had the amazing thing about this is just about everything we've done here you can buy off the shelf at bunnings we've painted the cabinet doors just added some new knobs topped the benches and just added a couple of new bits like appliances and a new kitchen sink and tap now as far as colors go i've just gone for a very neutral color scheme keeping it fresh and contemporary hello hi guys i really love it did mommy do a great job she really did what do you think about the space entirely love it it's just it's really peaceful i really just can't wait to get in here and just enjoy it do you think daddy's gonna love his new kitchen yeah yeah okay well we need to go and have a look at your new bathroom that's exciting come and have a look everyone oh my goodness oh wow what a change what a change great it's amazing it's just fantastic really fantastic that's the thing with the obviously not having to redo the whole kitchen you've saved a lot of money there which means you can put it into the new brand new bathroom so everybody happy
Channel: Great Home Ideas
Views: 76,427
Rating: 4.9628482 out of 5
Keywords: Great Home Ideas, DIY, Food, Cooking, How To, Lifestyle, Lifestyle Design, Gardening, DIY Hacks, DIY Tips, Furniture Hacks, Pet Care, Better Homes & Gardens, BHAG, Tara Dennis, How To DIY, How 2, painted tiles, painted cabinets, Adam Dovile, kitchen makeover, bathroom makeover, budget makeover
Id: Yqw7b1sKYn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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