" DON'T PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME "- BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE - First Amendment Audit - Amagansett Press

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"Aurora PD shows up."

Should have asked him if he was the cop recently found passed out drunk in his patrol car, or if he was on the scene and part of the cover up.

Finally. it appears that those "For Rent" signs are inside their claimed demarcation line. That's a good indication that they are lying about the line. I served in the Navy for 20 years and I know that no base would ever allow such signs on their property.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/outoftowner2 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I really like the way this guy conducts himself. Pretty articulate and is quick to point out ridiculous things that people he is in contact with say. As a side-note, does anyone know if publicly available maps include demarcation lines? A public easement map of the spot they were in definitely shows a property line extending off the road and up that entrance point, but it is difficult to get the scale of the distance.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/HurricaneSandyHook 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

at 17:50 when the auditor is arguing that whether the pole is the demarcation point is just "subjective opinion" we have gotten to the point of absurdity here.

The Air Force official has indicated where he believes the demarcation line lies. If he is correct or not correct is not a matter of "subjective opinion". He is either right or wrong. If he is right, and the auditor crosses that line and is subsequently arrested for trespass (or some felony unauthorized entry into a military installation), I would think he is hosed.

He has actual notice from the Air Force as to where the line is. He can choose to believe it or not believe it, that is up to him. But at that point, once he is provided actual notice of the boundary, any due process claims he may have are lost. At least I think so, unless there are specific statues that cover this situation (which I doubt, but I concede I don't actually know off hand).

Also, do the Colorado trespass statutes even apply on a Military base? Do they even have to issue you a trespass warning or can you just flat out be arrested?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/not-personal 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
we're twenty feet away from that sign I just want to go read that sign and all the sudden you're putting your hand out trying to physically stop me from walking that I would I would take it to the science you could read it but I don't need to be capable right here by yourself be sure come on the installation how am I gonna beat this out I'm walking up to this sign right here you're on you're trespassing on the military installation not trespass your your Sarge you just admitted to me that there's no demarcation lines the demarcation line is better there you are so look what it says your sub it is unlawful to enter this area without permission enter this area going forward from the Sun yes I'm gonna challenge on that [Music] how's it going guys I'm against a press coming to you today from the United States Air Force Base in Aurora Colorado it's the Buckley Air Force Base and I am out with watching The Watchmen today and we're gonna take a look around we're here at one of the entry gates and we're gonna stick around here on public property out on the sidewalk and see if these folks at the Air Force Base honor and respect our right to take photos and video in public and from publicly accessible areas of public property beautiful day out today time a temperature check today is Wednesday December 18th at 11:46 a.m. mountain time and it is 52 degrees beautiful day I'm not sure where their demarcation line is so we'd have to try to figure that out but so far I haven't seen anything that says any restricted area signs no trespassing no public access so I believe we should be able to go up to this black chain-link fence that says gate closed on it yeah so I it appears to me like we're allowed to go up to this gate okay so let's see it is unlawful to enter this area without permission of the installation commander while on this installation all personnel and the property under their control are subject to search this area is patrolled by military working dog teams so outside of this gate we're fine so we're just going to hang out here for a few minutes and see how it goes let's see welcome to Buckley Air Force Base Mississippi Avenue gate is open 24/7 365 good hang on don't well yeah it's nice out today I'm Errol Morris with the four C's I'm sorry to Washington every Morrison for 6sq airman Morrison yes sir tip up edge number serial number imagine ever knows so what are you here for can I just get your name and badge number one bra no same bra no you have a badge number negative serial number ID number you don't have any idea yeah well when you have an ID number come back and talk to me because I need to identify who I'm speaking with anybody can buy those uniforms anywhere you know yeah hurry oh good can I get your name and badge number you can't do that all right well then you guys have a good day I can't speak you doesn't want to identify for some reason so these guys don't want to identify themselves for whatever reason I mean we got a name a tattoo out of three are you guys familiar with your policy on identifying yourselves how you guys doing I'm sorry I'm in the middle of a conversation with how are you guys doing all right what's your name a I'm sorry sergeant Gustafson java-based off 746 nine so how do you have a badge number no these other guys do everybody does okay so I need to get a name badge numbers like I said I need name a badge numbers who I'm speaking to otherwise the conversations over I'm happy to speak to you guys but you need to identify yourselves properly the way you're supposed to correct me I've got there by identifying yourself would be a start and then and then I would be happy to speak to you the only D's have them to aggravate you so no I'm I seem aggravated yeah okay so you're officer Palma yes sir and what is your serial number ID number five on one five okay and now do you want to tell me what yours is because your sergeant told me that everybody's got one after you told me you didn't have an ID number you're approaching somebody in your official capacity as a law enforcement officer and I'm just asking you to identify yourself have you happy was that so difficult thank you very much okay so now how can I help you gentlemen out Ari acidy I'm asking you how a generation that federal restricted access is after this gate you're in the inbound lane on a fairway no I'm actually in the median I don't need any help I'm doing good need to need to just be able to carry on with what I was doing unimpeded would be it would be a start just recording anything I could say what's that the conversation yeah no and I told you once you identify yourself I'd be happy to speak to you I seem like I'm offended about something I'm offended about the fact that you guys came out here this officer lied to me and told me he didn't have an ID number and you guys were professional I don't think not identifying yourself as professional and also I'd have to disagree with you now we've gotten to a point where you have identified yourself after being almost forced to so ya know what so we're we're beyond while your sergeant came out and told me that everybody's got an ID number so anyway well I don't want to argue semantics with you I'm not looking to give you a hard time how can I help you how can we help you out I already answered your question I don't need any help so I'm asking you you guys need any help anything you need for me you're officer Johnson Tech sergeant Johnson I apologize that you earned your stripes and you deserve to be called what your tech sergeant Johnson Jevon ID number all the other officers gave me their ID numbers okay so that that prohibits us from having a friendly conversation that what's the issue with identifying yourself there's there's the necessary issue does your policy require you to identify yourself especially when you're acting in your official capacity as a law enforcement officer yes through certain extent yes okay so do you want to do that we've already done that you've identified yourselves officer Johnson I'm sorry tech sergeant Johnson that's good there could be 15 tech sergeant Johnson Johnson's very common last name so your ID number is you have an ID number so that you can identify yourself to the public all right well then that's where the conversation you know you guys gotta realize you come out and kind of shift what's going on here to make it feel like I'm giving you a hard time I think you gave me a hard time so all you gotta do is come out and identify yourself would you call the sheriff's you got them on the way they'll tell you the dirt well you when they get here you'll see that they're gonna identify themselves without hesitation it's a simple thing are we violating any of your rules right now don't wanna answer it where's the sergeant where was your sergeant my sons is right there there you go so are we breaking any of your rules or policies right now so you're currently on federal installation what's your name I didn't give it okay I gave you mine I thought that was right don't you mind you know no yeah I said I'd have a conversation with you I said I'd identify myself alone all right so I'll just go back to doing what I was doing I'm sorry I just couldn't hear the beginning of the conversation hi I'm investigator Santiago but the airport state investigator said you know do you have a ID number or serial number so my ID number is actually Sierra 8:05 - thank you very much I appreciate those two Gators here at buck the Air Force Base okay just coming out here to let you guys know that it is your personal right so go ahead and film but has to be on public property over there at the edge so you wanna walk with me I'll take you over there well my understanding is is that and just to have a friendly conversation with you that you were willing to identify yourself I appreciate that up until this gate where all of your rules are posted saying anybody going past this gate is subject to being searched possessions research it's right there in the fence so on this side of the fence that doesn't apply this is public access so actually there's a pillar and I know sometimes it can be kind of difficult to see but there's a pole that's in the grass there okay the orange orange dot there okay okay have to actually be on the other side of that a pole with an orange I'll take you over there it's go take a look at it where's your demarcation line so that is actually the demarcation line for for the installation here okay so like I said you guys are free to film but we just ask that you do it on that other side now are you and should you work for the same department as these guys do yes sir okay so one of the investigators for the show are you're one of the higher-ups so I would say I'm one so essentially with the way the military has it is we have an investigation section okay which is essentially the equivalent of a detective detective branch okay installation well the reason I ask is because a couple of these guys not the sergeant here but a couple these guys refuse to identify themselves and they came out and we're talking to me okay that's a scary thing right you know I believe it's probably in your policy where they have to identify themselves you're probably required to give name and serial number ID number yeah go ahead and I can address that I wish I once once we'd get you to a safe place where you can go ahead and record and on the and let me just let me just point out to you real quick you guys might be wondering see a lot of times you think to yourselves that we're here to agitate or cause some sort of a problem okay but what we just did was uncover a weakness in your security because you have security officers who are not identifying themselves to the public okay so that's the reason we're here okay so so we're here for a productive purpose we're not here for any nefarious activities earning today yeah myself included I just turned 50 yesterday I'm doing educational every day thanks for the happy birthday I have a feeling you're a lot younger than I am no no well since you said that what 40 I'm 29 Missy I would have said 20 something ten is that out on us I appreciate you fooled me see now this is it you guys are smiling your shoulders went down we relaxed that's where it's supposed to be man I mean you know you guys came out of there you got it with me you guys came out of the gate like we were looking shady and I'm wearing a bright red vest so you guys could see me I'm not trying to secret myself we're not hiding this is my son and we're all taking some video on publicly accessible property that's all we're doing there's no reason for everybody to get nervous initially you know we don't know what your intentions are right well who you are right so we come out we'll talk to you I see you're not a threat right we just want to make sure that you are aware of where you can and where you can't record and I want to make sure that we're not violating your rights and allow you to record I get that but but but some rapport with the general public could be a very good DX collation technique and them coming out of the gate the way they did could escalate things to a place that it doesn't need to be and once things start going up it's hard to get them to start coming back down so that's the reason when that starts like that that's the reason I get standoffish and I'm not willing to have a conversation because I don't want to be accused of instigating anything agitating anything because that's where these conversations usually wind up going and then the police get here and then you guys in a corner somewhere without the benefit of me hearing tell them things I didn't even do or that I seemed like I was being aggressive and then a couple of the guys even said to me why are you getting upset I wasn't getting upset I was talking just like I'm talking to you now so as you know demeanor and decorum is very important and it'll avoid a lot of problems I smile again know that you were freed officials you want to show me this red dot it's this line right here I know it can be kind of convoluted so you're saying you're saying this is your demarcation line right this is our demarcation line right here so if you look directly across there's also another hole just like this wouldn't you normally have a line on the so not every installation has has that I know some do but not every every installation see another part of what we do is and again not to give you heart you've been very professional you've been very cordial and I know and I appreciate you as much as or more than you appreciate what we're doing but part of what we're doing here is because see there's a lot of things where a lot of times and I get it for you guys in order for you to avoid situations like this Supreme Court ruled that police officers are allowed to lodge or any investigation so you're allowed to say things and as things to do things that aren't necessarily accurate to try to further your investigation and get to where you're going right so anybody could come out here and tell me that this pole is a demarcation line another day I could come back and somebody could tell me the curb is the demarcation right right all I can go by what I'm seeing is that you're the signage signage saying that from this point going forward you're subject to search right that's your demarcation line this is public access right yeah totally I totally understand that I understand your viewpoint and that's why we're all being educated here today right and I'll let you guys know this point is is where you don't want to pass beyond okay because that's where you can now be well but as well I don't know about that I don't know about that are you sure about that yes you're positive yes so why wouldn't they have signs here say you normally you in this situation you would have signs out you have a post here you're stood up a sign here saying from this point on you are subject to search whether that sign is on that black chain-link fence right so that is that is an issue that has been brought up and that's some that is in the works but surely you know that this is the demarcation line well you are free to film on this side with all due respect though like III get that's what you're telling me is there but that's just what you're telling me what the fact is this is that that's a subjective opinion because this is just a post all right you could say it's the tree you could say it's the speed limit signs actually a red line well should that be on your entry side alright so I walk down here with your edge just go look at the signs real quick so you could come with me we'll go together and that's an issue that we can route up and we can bring that up to the appropriate channels okay so that way you know well sure if you do want to come out here and exercise your rights it is something that well let me tell you something and it's even beyond me or anybody else exercising their rights the reason that I think it's very important for you to have a very clear boundaries right how do you enforce a boundary if you don't know where it is right and and and different investigators and different sergeants and different commanders and different people in that authority position could have different opinions of where that line is yeah and that could create some serious problem and liability you know so what is it that you necessarily wanted are you talking about the warning sign know the signs out the gate out there okay even you're welcome sorry they're familiar okay absolutely yeah if you don't mind hanging out here yanno cup to the gate right here I'll stay on the outside and that way you when you're done with him we can just look at the signs just hang out here because remember at the end of the day right now the property line is back there well that's what you're telling me I want to clear I want to establish that with you and if that's where it is that's where it is I want to look at this honest with you so and we will do that if you don't mind just hanging out right here I'll be back moments what are you afraid I'm gonna do if I just walk up to that time it's just a matter of the fact that now you're on the military installation and I essentially like right now I'm escorting you right I'm with you okay so why don't we just finish what we're doing real quick I'll get out of your hair and then you can carry on with this larger we absolutely well maybe just give me one moment it shouldn't take too long my problem is is I'm not convinced you giving me a lawful directive okay and I obey all lawful directives okay so if we can go look at that song and clarify then we can take it from there so then I will give you a lawful director to stay stay here right and I will be back momentarily and we can continue our discussion and we can go look at the sign there's also sign right here as well okay you know what I'm gonna go look at that I didn't I didn't look at that time so I'm gonna look at that okay do you want to if you if you don't mind staying right here I'm just gonna go look at that so here like I said right now you you were being cool up until now I don't know why your switch I'm just gonna go right over here oh look at that Sun whatever you got to do you got I want you to get the impression that I'm not be cool if I don't I need you to stay over on the sidewalks there okay is it can we [Music] okay um I'm gonna walk right over that time if you don't mind just hang out here and no I do mind you know like I told you I just turned 50 yesterday and I got a hard time with being told to sit okay I just need you to don't put your hands I'm not trying to put your hands on me so we got it directed from the commander um just going to read your song and I just talk to you really quick right here me and you good I gave you my information earlier right okay so the information we just got from our leadership it's what I'm trying to address to you our commander says if you guys cross that demarcation line the investigator Santiago pointed out to you earlier there is no demarcation on there sure is no there's not so that's public record you guys can look it up just because he happened or demarcated listen though it's the military so there's rules and regulations on what a demarcation line is supposed to be and you know what that is correct you don't have a demarcation line okay so possible but no absolute let's let's be let's be honest with each other let's be truthful that's fair there is no demarcation line and you know that because you guys are trying to create one impromptu and I get what you're doing but there is no demarcation line your demarcation line is that black chain-link fence now sir that's not it is it is and I don't think your commander want you to violate my rights I'm walking on publicly accessible property right here listen anybody that pulls in off of that Street can pull into here and pull up to your gate and if they're turned around they're turned around but nobody's out here turning them around at any demarcation of course it's correct and you guys have no idea what my knowledge is is how far this goes is what I know and what I don't know so tell me the truth be straight with me be honest with me we're 20 feet away from that sign I just want to go read that sign and all the sudden you're putting your hand out trying to physically stop me from walking that I would I would take it to the science you could read it but I don't need to be taking it right here by yourself - sure come on installation Oh am I gonna beat the top I'm walking up to this sign right here you're on property you are trespassing on the military installation I trust as your your sergeant just admitted to me that there's no demarcation lines in the demarcation line is back there you are so look what it says your sub it is unlawful to enter this area without permission enter this area going forward from the Sun yes I'm gonna challenge on that okay and I'm gonna stay here all right sir so are you gonna refuse to head back to the line sir I want some of the establishes for me where that boundary is and I have a census and it's clearly marked no when it's clearly marked and visible then I will be happy to stay on that side of it right now what's clearly marked invisible is this son yes sir if you don't proceed back to that line you can be detained for trespassing sir no I can't yes sir even if I was trespassing what you would have to do is give me a trespass warning and then if I refuse to leave then you could detain me sir so you haven't given me a trespass warning right sir so if you need to trespass me than trespass if you want to trespass me from right here that's your option you can certainly do that do it the proper way and I will under duress leave okay okay and then you're gonna get and then I'm gonna contact my attorney and you're gonna have a lawsuit on your hands and notify your commander that idea if you violate my rights I'm going to sue you and that's not what I'm here for okay okay so this is a very clear sign [Music] you guys really need to put that line out there visible and then and then I would honor what you're telling me so that's something we can absolutely right off and you've already admitted to me on film that it's not properly marked so you better be all I want to say to you guys is enlisted listen to listen to the age of the wisdom of age here be very careful about how you proceed okay because you're walking a village very delicate ground okay and I don't want you to go there I'm trying to avoid that but let's even give up the signs that are on your gate there I'll even take it a step back further because here's a sign that's even closer to the road I'll go by this sign but this is the first sign indicating anything going on beyond a point there is nothing back this way anybody off of that road is free to turn onto the street okay but I'm just telling you if you trespass me off this property you've already given me all the evidence I need to prove that there is no demarcation line okay okay and if you violate but just just know that if you violate my rights you're gonna lose your qualified immunity okay and I'm gonna go after you personally okay because you're the one making these decisions and I don't want to do that so think about what you're doing talk to your commander get it straight make sure you dot your i's and cross your T's and do everything properly because I have and I don't want to go there with you I'd rather you just say you know what as of right now today the demarcation line is here because that's what's visibly marked no there is no other morning is what I showed you back you didn't show me anything you showed me a green pole with a white reflector on it in the middle of the grass field you could inform me that any thought that brick is the demarcation line what I did not I informed you that that it was actually the line of demarcation well that is that that D more if that is your line of demarcation as you're claiming it is it doesn't meet the state military standard of what a demarcation line is yes can you agree with that that I'm saying is that can absolutely be routed higher to have that have that adjust well I think it's important that you fix it and I even went out of my way to explain to you we're here to find the good end the bed yes sir okay so I I thank you very much for your cordial demeanor your professionalism okay but I'm also here to point out what's not correct right you are trying to enforce a boundary that's invisible that doesn't exist that gives the general public no indication of where it is you have to understand that okay and that is not going to float this is signed says if you go past this sign you will be subject to search you'll be subject to what I so this is a line that's not on understand your concerns from earlier about how it's not marked you're correct and investigator Santiago explained to you that that's something we definitely can work on and we will write but we're gonna bring you a map for today to show you that way it's something you have our guys are working on that right now to print it out and router that's right so you told me before and I appreciate that you told me before that this is a known issue yes how long has it been a known issue you don't want him to answer well let's be honest with each other and if we're not gonna be honest you say listen I can't be straight with you because my job prevents me from doing that is it more than a month more than six weeks if I was a betting man I would say yes okay so I don't know okay so odds are from the best of your recollection there has been an improperly displayed demarcation line in front of this gate for at least a month why isn't anybody fixing that we don't have that answered because they had that have been fixed we wouldn't be standing here having this conversation I'd be on the other side of your demarcation line and you would have probably never even come out because I would have voluntarily stayed on that side like how you gonna address it today so am I gonna stay in here watch you put in it somebody gonna spray-paint it on the street okay we could do that that'd be great I don't know the details of what that's not gonna and you know what I could just tell by the way you're talking you're a very sensible individual and you're very professional okay and you're very I have an undertone of trying to de-escalate trying to be fair and reasonable and I appreciate that because that's all anybody wants to be you know that's that's the way it should be and I don't think I've treated you guys with any disrespect or I've been inappropriate with you an answer absolutely and you want to make sure things are getting done properly especially what I'm being threatened with trespass or possibly violating some sort of criminal code at this point I'm just trying to show you guys that's that's the route taken I think that's a better route than threatening me with trespass you've already established that you've already even verbalized that you've established that I'm not a threat right absolutely you're your threat training is astronomical so you could smell a threat from around the corner I'm sure and you know that I'm not a threat thank you right and you guys seem very professional you seem like you know we're doing so basically I'm here to help you right because let's get this thing marked out let's get this figured out and then you won't have this conversation with anybody again it would do you good right but you're shooing me off and trying to intimidate me and make me go away this is gonna happen again so right so maybe I would love to continue the conversation there because like I said we're not here to violate rights we can continue a conference you go you know I have three armed men standing here in front of me I'm not armed I don't you know no threat to you whatsoever so there's I'm not presenting a threat I'm even on this side you're on that side blocking your your line because it's fun you have your opinion where this demarcation line is you might even have something to back that up in your mind that you've seen on a map okay before I'm standing in the real world based on fact this is my demarcation line I don't there is nothing else I don't know what an orange how is anybody supposed to know that's not in the military what an orange dot on the ground is that could be a surveyor right that could be the water company was out here and they gonna put a new line and maybe there's an electric transformer box going in I don't know what that is and we're not disagreeing with you and you have to admit that you could tell me anything is that line and in the hopes that I'll just buy it and go away and that's the easiest you know it's like electricity just take the path of least resistance and try to get over like someone could stay here and lie to you but I'm not in the business of lying I know we don't know which I mean yeah we don't know each other and I don't believe you are the business line I don't think you would have achieved your position being a completely dishonest person but by nature of your position you are authorized to be dishonest when needed brain right so it's not that you have to understand I don't have any issues with law enforcement that we don't have a problem law enforcement I don't get that but we just can't trust you right a hundred percent I think you understand that you know the general public really if somebody just walks wrong with blind faith and law enforcement and just has a hundred percent confidence at law enforcement always telling them the truth after the Supreme Court ruled that they can lie to you that would be a foolish endeavor for me and I've you know I've been around the block one too many times I'll stay right here yeah I have no intention to go because this is a demarcation line to me I appreciate so I'll stay right here you got it and once again they leave Johnson holding the bag and you really should not to get an observers tech sergeant Johnson not to give you a hard time at all but you really should identify yourself properly I'm not saying right now you've already told me that you won't so I give up very easily but you're you're obligated to identify yourself and I think you should I think it's important and I think you should be proud of who you are I think you should be proud of the stripe churned and you should be proud that you have a US military serial number and that's what you do for a living there's nothing to be ashamed of and I think you also exercise a lot more of authority by properly identifying yourself you know kind of a half oh yeah it's a tech sergeant Johnson uh you know when a police officer approaches me and I ask them to identify themselves I say officer Smith badge twos 26 that's your policy and that's what you're supposed to do and I know for a fact that that's your policy as well when you're acting in your capacity as a guard here on the security here on the base right so don't worry about your privacy so much it's easy to find out I could find out how much you're making here I could find out a lot of information about you and I'm not really even interested in any of it and I'm not saying I'm going to I can find out your serial number I could find out everything about you I can find out your whole history with the military so not giving your ID number it just kind of makes you look silly to be honest with you so just a little feedback for me you can take it for what it's worth and you still have an opportunity to do that if you decide you want to I don't hold a grudge it's just professional and you seem like a professional guy so why ruin it with something silly like that you know if I was asking you your home address or what your kids names were you could tell me to go kick rocks and I would understand that 100% but when I asked you your name and serial number name and identification number that's your you're obligated to give that and your emotions shouldn't come into play and distract you from what your duties are you know that's part of the reason we're here okay but you know and that's all well and good but where do we get that mark so the public can see it right the next step that'll be the next step once we get it you brought up something that should be addressed I'll do my best on my end to try and address it okay I don't know who's gonna listen to me I will do my best okay to route it but that's not going to be security forces per se and another entity that'll take care of that no and I appreciate that and you're being like I said I get a very good sense out of you when I get a very you're an honest guy and you seem like you come across a pole any wool over anybody's eyes but what I want you to realize is if you guys had taken the step of actually trespassing me from where I'm standing right now you would open yourself up to a huge civil liability that's not that wasn't well I was told I was gonna be trespassed right so and I understand that's an intimidation technique no no that's why I didn't leave that was I good that that wasn't no no not you the inspector that was so the reason so those are our demarcation lines right so guys what we're taught okay from a public eye you brought up a good point we know that they're there does everybody else know probably not so at that point you don't know that you're trespassing right so my job right now I'm gonna come bring out this proof to show you that you're trespassing I'm gonna give you the demarcation line with the base boundary okay that way you see exactly the perimeter mark Asian line they keep referring to you okay because there's no sense in me charging you with trespassing it doesn't make sense when you won't be able to prove it if you don't know that your trespass right there's no so that's that's our job that's well that's right that's very reasonable of you yeah yeah yeah good we think and Watchmen no real where do you think the you think this is the lineup here by the sign you believe what they're telling us about it being back there by the road well first he said it was an orange dot on the ground and then he said it was a pole with a white reflector yeah and and those two things were in two different places as well so I think he's even confused about where it is all right cool so Scott direction from our commander okay demarcation lines that's about over there as law enforcement official we respect your rights however we're giving you a direct order to step back off federal I thought I was gonna be shown to Matt they can't bring one out they can't from one out for whatever reason so what I need you to do if you can step back there I will bring one out to you I would that will be my goal today I will print one out for you but I need you to step back there or you will be detained right now for trespassing okay well you can't detain me for trespass that's not the way that works but what I'll do is I will walk out with you okay right now that's okay with you okay you show me where you believe this demarcation line is okay and then you promise me that you're gonna bring a map out there we'll verify that that's where it is and I'll get out of your hair let's do it all right let's do it you got it say we're all about we don't want to escalate things we just want to thank you okay but now if it's and if it's not where it is I don't wind up being back here that we're gonna come back okay will adhere to your demarcation line for now but then what I'm gonna do is also and probably I know the military takes forever to get anything done I implore you to put in a request I'm not gonna put in a request I'm gonna you guys in who you guys have already told me you would do that oh absolutely and and you know how to do that more efficiently than I do but what I am gonna do is I'm gonna quest is better than one request is what I'll say okay well then maybe I will if you want me to I mean absolutely but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come back in about a month or so and see if this demarcation line is here and if not we're gonna want to feeling this whole thing all over again here and I'm gonna try and bring this map out to you at a minimum that's my goal today okay this is the mark Asian line you see this is the public sidewalk now where's the orange dot right here on the sidewalk right over here where is it all right so sergeant Gustafson that's me a sergeant Gustafson you're telling me that this orange dot is the demarcation rank all the way across okay inspector an investigator Santiago investigator Santiago is telling me that it is that green post with the white reflector on that's my job today I'm gonna go get you some clarification so you see where the confusion is I'm gonna come back out too so now so now in order to not trespass me entertain me which line are you going by commander said this line he said the dots right here this is the line he wants you guys behind so does that mean that you're incorrect if the commander's saying it's this point correct absolutely okay so the fact that you're incorrect about where it is means that the commander might be incorrect about where it is and means that I might have just been trespassed for obviously note for no reason so we need to get this map played immediately if you could stand by right here how long you think that'll take you I'm gonna do my best they said they know where it's at I just got to tweak it a little bit and bring it back out I'm not gonna change any lines what have to do redact a few oh I gotta take building numbers officers like that okay I gotta delete some buildings but you'll see thank you for that okay make sense oh we're doing good yes yes sir to get that back I'll come back up whatever you gotta do alright guys so we have Aurora police department you showed up and it's vehicle number nine two two one eight no reason to flee nice police officers took a long time to get here so we are gonna route up over to the proper proper authorities and proper channels okay to make it something more distinctive there or whatever whatever guidance or regulation there is like I set up I'm I don't know what the specific regulation is and the sense of what demarcation excuse me what do you our case in light has to be blood and if it's something that we're all gonna be educated on we're all gonna be educated on okay good and like I said you know we just want to follow the rules so if that's if your demarcation line is this orange not you'll never see me on that side of it again if it's not and we're testing I'm going to wherever it said it was exactly right and that's all and that's fine that's all right because I mean you know in order in order to like I said in order to enforce a bad jury we need to know where it is right that's what's as simple as that because on a different day a different person could say it's in a different place and then that becomes very subjective and that creates liability for everybody what are you guys what are we trying to accomplish taking some video can I get your name and badge number please [Music] kudos on your knives at you'll see now you spoke to me now I need your name and badge number as well no and we're not trying to cause any problems we're what we're trying to do is take video and photographs from publicly accessible areas that's it like I said it's longest as long as you're not searching traffic come in the form that we have no problem exactly right [Applause] have a good day gentlemen and the second or or police vehicle that pulled up is 9 1 2 1 1 the two officers we just spoke to officer Graham Z GRA MSE and officer Rivas are IVAs of the Aurora Police Department this is one of the officers that was just here BSG 0 1 1 Colorado ok yes we're trying to see what we can about the map ok but the best way to get a map probably the quickest to go through public affairs they're putting out requests through public affairs and if that's not quick enough put in a Freedom of Information Act request for that map to get the best accurate map there okay I hear that but I already know where it is I've already done my homework you guys so I basically what's going on here you guys need to figure out where it is because your sergeant okay and again I'm not trying to give you a hard time but I just want to get to the bottom of something ok so your sergeant indicated that we're looking at this orange dot okay earlier you indicated that it's that green fence post with the white reflector on it that's probably about 40 to 50 feet difference so between the two of you you're confused to where it is so how do I figure that out and then you telling me where it is is one of you you can't both be right it can't both be at this orange dot and over at that green post right so one of you is wrong so who do I listen to so this this red or orange whatever color it is that's going to directly across the road that's what that's that's the demarcation line well that's what you're telling me right but sergeant this is what sergeant Gustafson said right so then why did you tell me it was the other line before see we just so we just chit in a half an hour we just moved the demarcation line right I was mistaken I miss all right this is so this is the problem this is the problem right and there's this preconceived notion that anybody outdoing First Amendment audits and I'm not saying you're wrong or I'm not saying you're right but there's a preconceived notion that everybody outdoing First Amendment orders are just a bunch of Yahoo's trying to kick up dirt in people's faces and create problems agrees so I don't think you got that set that feeling for me today and that's not what we're all doing some of us are actually out here looking to affect change okay and the most effective and I would tell you you are absolutely gonna affect change well the most the most effective way to affect change historically is through civil obedience disobedience the best man is the contact under the beard public affairs and public affairs not quick enough than a freedom of information how do I do all that before I get trespassed how does that resolve my situation today I'm not sure how it would resolve your situation but that's honestly the best course of action is to go through PA and Freedom of Information Act if we're unable to to get you that map well you're already telling me you're not right I didn't say we're nice that we're working but it's not guaranteed that oh so there is a chance they might still be bringing it out quite possibly doesn't sound like it but okay all right so what is your commanders name that's giving you this information because I'm gonna need to contact his office as well okay it'll be major fare - major fare - how do you spell it I I know you have a note book going I can write it down sure absolutely anyone just put it on one of the back of the officers card here that they put it right on the front okay need a pen yeah we got to get you prepared nice pad yeah one of the bullet spaceman writes upside-down on the order and it fits in my wallet yeah but so what's gonna happen now is cuz I get the sense that the Maps not coming out and that's fine so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take off and I'm gonna as long as you can promise me that with all due diligence you're gonna work on this situation and get it corrected because it's been this way for over a month absolutely and over a month to me means it's always been this way because there was never a deal on mark' ssin line here so this is a permanent situation that's been like this for a very long time right Amber Alert injured police officer yeah but yes oh no if you what I'll do is I'm gonna I want to meet you in the middle like I've been doing the whole time if you can look me in the eye and assure me that you are going to use all due diligence and get this figured out to the best of your abilities okay and and I mean that because I know you can't just come out here and do it yourself or at least get some plan of action in place or even if they just come out here and put one signpost with a small sign that says demarcation line okay yeah anything I see something I can tell you that the minute I I depart here we we we depart I'm gonna go ahead and begin to work that issue okay do you have a business card very insurance so if you want to wait out here I can head back to my office get it business card or you can just just give me your name and it's gonna be investigator angel Santiago my ideas Ciara ain't sore okay zero eight five to justify I have that I can actually write it down for you that's fine it's on the okay it's on the video so what I'm gonna do is is I'm going to leave for now based on the fact that you and I had a gentlemanly conversation and you're assuring me you're gonna look into this okay so today is because this is how I do things today is the 18th of December okay I'm gonna come back on the 18th of January okay and we're gonna do this all over again and if I come out here and there's a demarcation line here or anything indicating me to me that this is the demarcation line that's an official sign or indicator I'll respect that and I'll stay on this side of it if there's nothing here we're gonna go through this whole shindig all over again and at that point I will be willing to be trespassed arrested whatever you wanted to okay and I appreciate your being upfront honest okay and I'm like I said I'm gonna go ahead and work that issue okay all right would you be willing to shake my hand absolutely I'd love to if we know each other better I'll give you a hug I'm gonna work that issue okay and the last thing I want you to promise me is which has nothing to do with all conversations we just say they need to identify themselves properly I've already got that in my mind so go ahead go ahead back because that's a huge that's a big liability for you right it also it's an easy step to take but you've been a true gentleman I thank you for thank you very much all righty you gentlemen have been very compliant thank you very much willing to work with us all righty well we might not be that way next time so let's get it right thank you very much you have a good day same to you well alright guys that was our experience here at book the Air Force Base Aurora Colorado we'll see how it all works out in a month hopefully you guys I'm sure you all will but I invite everyone to chime in and give us your opinions give us your thoughts and questions your ideas anything you want to share with us and we'd be happy to hear what you have to say we look forward to it so I guess that's going to be it for today guys we'll be back we'll be in communication with our new friends here and we'll take it from there so coming to you from the war Apollo but the air force base watching The Watchmen Amagansett press will catch on the next move all out
Channel: Amagansett Press
Views: 1,053,745
Rating: 4.3867383 out of 5
Keywords: first amendment audit, 1st amendment audit, amagansett press, high desert community watch, news now houston, news now california, auditing america, anselmo morales, sgv news first, san joaquin valley transparency, news now patrick, james freeman, johnny 5-0, cop watch, furry potato, kern county transparency, rights crispy, tulare county cop watch, the battousai, news now dallas, honor your oath, sgv news, rogue nation, public photography
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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