... And Not A Drop To Drink!

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hahaha [Music] okay some more of my water toys the ones where you just add water or liquid or something in this case well it could be water or wine or more teeth oh what's happening uh what's happening yes what I call a greedy cup pouring out there's a little siphon in the top which you but she didn't notice and now it's going to empty itself until there's nothing left inside it what a joke you would have a very large receptional to stop licking a nest on the table but that's very clever isn't it it has to reach the very top and there's the little hole which goes straight down into the hollow still of the wine glass and it's now exciting out it will continue until it's empty goodness level one the most elegant version of these um greedy cups I call it Green Glass [Applause] there's another of these puzzle things which I like this is actually a lot of fun I've had a lot of fun with this it's liquid it's got a little red ring there with a sort of red ball on the top of it there's a ring and a hook a black hook there and it floats and if you release it that's solved it takes a bit of time to do it but if I tilt it like that and release it it says to the top and somehow you've got to get that thing on again by turning this way this way this way suddenly turn it up and then you missed it and so on it takes a bit of time there's also got a rather nice little bit of green stuff in there I don't think it's the same age but it's just a matter of twisting it and then they need to do the game so a very pleasant thing I cannot suppose get to the base and take it out and clean up the water but I wasn't like that green stuff in it so a tricky little bit dexterity puzzle that needs water to let it work just about as a very curious snow Dome here which I picked up in one of those lovely shops in the middle of Paris snowdones normally have a Christmas scene you've got water with tiny little particles and whites some sort of plastic but this one you shake it and it's got snow storm but what you're going to see is something totally surreal that's a very surreal shop yes I'm afraid it's snow falling over a peeled a half peeled banana how wacky is that very strange as I've ever seen so I had to buy it I never seen one like that before mine it just mean the nonsense they produce here's another of these lovely stamp weather we don't use nowadays because all the stamps you ever get have got I've got gum gummed up but this one here you have to push this and out we'll look at that comes water so here's my stamp it's uh one Grand Illusions my goodness that's available one isn't it and a picture of me of course so what you want to do is just wish it like this put that down straight it down like that to wet it to save your tongue otherwise you get third up when you're done about 50 stamps and a big mailed out send out if you really know all about it and then stamp it and hand it to the policeman to deliver perhaps to you well make a mess in my mind here's another lovely fish tank from another company I thought is at least about the same same sort of design as the other one except I did look at the battery inside the batteries inside and the motor and there's no motor inside it's one of those very clever things with a chip inside it and it's got a big coil there's an oscillating magnetic field you turn it on and the fish weaves and weaves and if you look closely to it you see it's actually got a little bit on the end of that 300 miles which is a little ball there which has got a magnet in it and that's responded as a magnetic field which is hidden away underneath it and inside there there's a magnetic field turning right or turning around and it says look easy actually so it will go for as long as the batteries can give out power which is quite a long time actually one of the best of these spinning tops I've ever come across it's got water in it well some liquid anyway which is blue colors and you can see it sits down there or it sits up there but it definitely wasn't supposed to sit in the middle except when it spins and that's what's going to happen we're going to get that room forming a blue Rim all the way around for a long long time it's astonishing how long it actually spins forward you're gonna one of these little ratchet pools to make it work and then it's very stable I don't just amazed at how well it spins and how cleverly mechanism is so you get it spinning and then you stop it spinning but the inside carries on spinning and when I turn it this way that way there's a blue rim of blue water Hells about much much stronger force and gravity it's being held by a centrifugal force until it slows down enough and when I stir it like this I'll break it you see the water finally so coming to gravity and dropping down into the base like that or into the base like that you do it once more because it's a strategy inside to see it works so well this is one of these ones where I've often thought I love the idea but is it going to work reliably the answer is it does work very loudly it's been for a long time actually that was clean for a long long time if you wanted to just set it going and then if you want to stop it you've got to actually stop both the inside and outside cage otherwise it won't perform but I like actually holding it like that and see it all those angles which the it's almost as if it's a piece of blue plastic like that isn't it but it's actually liquid and when you start to write down then for the first time it shows it's actually a liquid water and it's going to fall into the little Hopper at the bottom down you come in there she goes magic guys better sense of Google Magic water toys love them let's see what else we can find [Music] come on
Channel: Grand Illusions
Views: 29,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iaPQZbLpfuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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