# 90daysinglelife #biged #TLC HERE we GO AGAIN. Lies of Big Ed!!!! Ep 1 part 1

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hello folks this is marina with the infj zone everything i'm fj and more and yes i am so sorry about the live stream apparently my channel is not big enough or whatever not so i cannot do a live stream on a mobile device thank you youtube okay so i'm gonna do the same thing as i said i would i'm gonna go and watch the episode of big ad well of 90 days the single life with big ad and wow you guys are in for a treat oh my gosh so let's start out with the very simple fact that um well i had a long day so never mind me i'm having a drink today it's really good oh also i'm not um i'm normally not drinking but hey today i need a day was a very rough day okay very rough long dirty old day anyways [Music] okay so the latest from instagram is currently that he actually has been ordained as a minister that means he can marry people the end of the world is near [Music] it it certainly is yeah i'm sorry i'm lost for word just for this like ad like ed brown the big ad who has shown on 90 day uh before the 90 days how bad he is of a person and in the bare all interview first of all yes i know i'm still owing you that one i haven't forgotten but guys i had to watch 15 episodes of big ad sitting in his kimuno with only underwear on me show on display and so i'm i'm sorry i needed to detox a little bit from that okay so i have to dismantle here sorry so oh yeah and then was the bear all interview oh i you know what all i have to say is like he hasn't changed a little bit the first two episodes of the new show the single life are out now and now he has not changed a bit he will not change a bit about the fact that he is actually now an ordained minister able to marry people and he is riding that horse why why what is wrong with the planet and we have enough to do it but we don't need yeah so that makes me rolling i mean i'm sorry if you guys take marriage serious to a certain degree and have respect for your partner and you love them you don't get married by big ad okay don't absolutely disgusting especially considering that i think that ed kind of is borderline i'm editing the word in here because you too [Music] no no i'm sorry no ah if you get married by by big ad you got problems get some help serious help so that's the latest from instagram not to mention everything else i just i'm sorry i have seen the picture of him like wearing this very cheap costume like pope costume a very cheap costume and i just feel brain dead i certainly do what the heck there's so much in the world going on from superbug and to kindness being actually weaponized in order to blackmail people uh yeah great we don't need him on top now so like i said i'm gonna go um i'm not gonna record like any video but i'm gonna record the full audio of all the big ad segments from episode one and two of 90 day the single life um i hope you can all hear it properly with the audio microphone do you think now i have to put glasses on so i'm gonna go and be even more able to oh well that's nice at least discovery plus is asking me if i'm at least 15 years old well i wish you guys had asked that when we were seeing the 90 day b90 strikes back serious oh ad and the criminal is not [Music] of nice okay so oh gosh i don't like this i i really don't like this already now uh i don't know what it is it's kind of like it's like kind of like a little bit of like a an intro you know it starts out with a picture of adam rose and swipes into a little video segment of ad like walking playboy style around um what i don't like is i don't know what eye color he has but because his eyes are so squinted all together it looks like his eyes are completely black it to me it looks demonic already so not a good start i am big ed and i live in san diego california there it is give me more give me more give me more i'm only five foot tall but i go by big head because it makes me tall okay so he is alluding there with a little bit of self-awareness trust me that is what they do um and and in case you're wondering um why i'm bringing this up because i'm normally talking about narcissists on this channel i just want to point out that big ad he is a narcissist i classify him as a vulnerable narcissist so he has a lot of self-esteem issues going on and he is writing that victim narrative really hard or like that i'm such a big old dummy you know you know what he told his own daughter like i'm just a big funny idiot yeah this sort of kind of like um how should i say what do you d weaponize and mean or the diminishing sort of foolishness and the the fake representation um of being kind of like funny and being just a little bit gullible and naive but he isn't he is not um he's just messed up and i find it very interesting because he kind of like has similarities to my ex narcissist like i said they're not completely the same but they're overlapping and i find those similarities quite shocking um i mean there's a complete profile there this is crazy anyways let's go yeah buddy that's it here we take my picture with my phone real quick i am single and i am currently updating my dating profile here's my yeah so if you haven't seen the teaser trailer already for that he he is like doing the elvis thing but even elvis when he was overweight looked better than him and certainly sounded much better my new approach are you ready i want people to laugh and costumes are a great way to kind of break the ice yes good i need to lose a few pounds i'm not going to argue with anyone there but personality and confidence is what people are attracted to and here we go so he speaks of personality and confidence that's why he's doing all the costumes on his on on his dating websites but you know for for him to say he does this for confidence and then on the other hand he is like acting like he has no confidence whatsoever yeah that's all show i guarantee you that let me take my shirt off right now i'm on four dating apps but i want to give myself my best odds so i might be adding a couple more okay big red flag if you date a person you find out there on more than just one let's say maybe two dating websites i already told you don't don't do online dating at all whatsoever it's a playground for pretties but if you are on it and you find somebody who's on four websites big red flag don't teddy you wanna help me set up my dating website okay here we go i have a graduate degree i'm a christian catholic oh did he say he's a christian catholic no no oh no um ah so my ex narcissist was also a catholic but he was a traditional catholic so that's a whole different league but let me put it this way it is very important to understand i don't have any problems with traditional catholics they're they're very nice people i wasn't forced to do anything i was explained there are certain rules either like you wear a whale and a maxi skirt or maxi dress shoulders covered um you know sleeves up on to the elbow best way no legs no shoulders no boobs obviously and i don't have any problems with any of this actually that was the best time i have ever had in inside the church to be honest like latin language i am blown away it's mind-boggling i have no problems with the catholic faith no problems with the traditional catholic faith the only person i have problems with was my ex-narcissist so this is an important thing because ed is shining here light on christians and catholics which is absolutely wrong and i feel uh humanity has a tendency to kind of like simply generalize it on all catholics which is not true okay but my body size i'm about average no smoke no dude you're not average five foot is napoleon that is not average i think five foot nine is average isn't it five no five foot five ah he's lying to the trouble i do want to find love but i've been not so lucky no you you you don't want to find love you want to find fame past i was a late bloomer when it comes to dating i never really had a serious girlfriend before my ex-wife was married once she was my first love my first everything everything was great and she got pregnant with our daughter tiffany but we just started to fall out of love and then i was unfaithful it was a one-night event entanglement and that breakup almost destroyed me [Music] teddy what did we decided my age range 29 to 48 okay so he's already going on at like 25 29 to 48. let me just advise you episode 15 of b90 strikes back ed had a conversation with his mother and he said that he would look for a girlfriend which is not so young anymore uh his mom suggested 10 or 12 years younger at maximum he he instantly said i take 15. so 15 years younger that would be 40 for him right now so also also fun fact i said it last time in one of my other videos is the fact that he actually looked at pictures of women okay they used the wrong pictures of themselves younger pictures okay not a good thing but he still looked at pictures and profiles and went out through to try to date them even though these pictures were kind of like college and high school age and that is according to him the big mouth over there says a lot so here he is again looking for way too young of girls yeah okay good i'll take that as a yes i typically connect with younger women because i mean i don't consider myself old okay so here we have a problem pretty much he's saying he's a man child and this is kind of like going with narcissists as well they are very immature emotionally immature so you have to wonder why and what type of woman they want it's getting really interesting later on down the line would add in look in in my experience you know people who are um how should i say this a child at heart they have sort of like a child like joy when they do something they really love or when they spend time with people they haven't seen in ages and we can we we i don't know i don't know if i'm child like i don't know um but i imagine they are um like when they're like a child at heart that they are kind of like a little bit naive and also like they're having fun and sometimes a bit silly but it's kind of like in a very healthy frame it is only with people they trust around that they that people are that way but he is not that type of person he definitely is more of like an immature person like a big grown up man child and that is the reason why older women or women his age do not date him because they see right through this bs that he is talking about he thinks he's funny if he puts a chicken on his head but i'm telling you right now no no i mean seriously um if this pops up on a dating website run like you you know it has to make sense you know what i'm saying it hasn't to be it does not have to be forced if there is a picture on a dating website and there is the the guy is in a costume it has to be kind of like in the right setting yes kind of like halloween or carnival or kind of like a party for somebody you know and but sitting on the sofa just having a chicken head on and just selfie i mean i like it that's it that is a good start my last ex-girlfriend rose who's 23 but you know i won't ever date anybody that young again well you're technically dating somebody of that age range again technically but yeah we're going into that anyways uh i think you had a few other problems with rose and the biggest one was yourself i met rose on social media she was just super attractive she had a great sense of humor and we facetimed for about four months and i bought a ticket and i went to the philippines to see her meeting rose for the first time in person that moment was one of the happiest times of my life oh my god ouch oh i'm getting stitches in my side huh and a bit more yeah also i have seen rose and she has moved on truly moved on and what i found interesting about the bear all interview episode 5 you have to watch this this is so vicious it's obviously that rose have moved on and um rose and ed they were kind of like saying goodbye to each other you know the rose was calling in from the philippines and everything and you know what ed could not stand the fact that rose has had had moved on you know what he said when he said goodbye he didn't even say goodbye he said well he said goodbye he said goodbye for now there we have a glimpse of his narcissistic ego just coming out and not accepting the fact he has lost her you're so beautiful oh my god i thought it was love at first sight but rose's age was the least of all the factors involved that caused our relationship to fail yes the problem is you are a spoiled first world man from california who cannot accept when people tell you not to put mayo in your hair but there are purely 100 organic hair conditioners you can use and you're a narcissistic [ __ ] rose what is that i did a mouse yeah this is mouthwash this your breath is not um pretty i want to paint because that's my dream i'm telling you now i don't want more kids when rose broke up with me i was heartbroken i felt like a failure rejection hurts it hurts a lot rose and i ended our relationship about eight months ago but so here here this is i find interesting yeah rejection does hurt but it shouldn't hurt it shouldn't hurt a lot it should not hurt deeply okay from the sounds of it and hurts him deeper than normal people because the reality is they were just knowing each other for like three or four months and that's that's no time at all i mean come on you can talk about real deep or deep pain uh when you have been traveling to the philippines like four or five times to see your girlfriend then we can start talking about that you know when you have more experience but that's like he's not good dealing with rejection and i think he amplifies the the the hurt that he feels he certainly does like like a drama queen but um i'm not alone anymore be careful mom know i used to like his mom until the last episode of b90 strikes back because of course ed has been lying to her about rose and her hygiene so yeah i mean get yourself discovery plus i mean check it out for yourself it will make your skin crawl so here it is oh my gosh it's not quite done but wow [Music] my mom is moving in with me she spent most of her life taking care of me especially when i went through my divorce helped me raise tiffany for about 17 years and now it's my turn to return the favor so i'm giving you the biggest room in the house thank you so much oh you're gonna have a good one yeah my brother i like to put my um your dad and knight our first date oh my god what year was that 1958 not 1959 we met in september and got married in april oh that's awesome my mom met my dad and they got married in tijuana and then they came over to the states pretty good six kids at 25. my dad was a very church every sunday no talking back no sassing back i can't tell you how many times i got my mouth washed out with soap everybody oh trust me ed we all want to put sterilizing fluid in your mouth you want to wash your brain with that you want you to see i thought my dad was the nicest and funniest person that they'd ever met about eight years ago he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer um part of my mom as well they had us such a special relationship and i want that true love in my life i'm more than ready for love and the perfect and you're not ready for love unfortunately i've already seen where you go next kind of woman that i'm looking for i think number one would have to be kind um number two she has to be hot and that's h-a-u-t-e which means she's cute with a sense of fashion she has to love to make love of course this man got so warped up ideas like oh gosh oh my gosh oh wow genie wheezies no no no no no you know he's 55 years old so if he gets a girl or well if he gets a woman she should be clean looking neat clean and neat looking but if he says something like hard you know she will not be too i should have put his standard are her way delusional he has um delusions of grandeur when it comes to him having a woman which should be hot and sexy um physical she needs to be my body type which is you know short and fat [Music] hey welcome hey how you doing sir good good i'm big ed i have a party of two yes the biggest lesson i learned from rose is that it makes things a whole lot easier when the person that you're in love with is not 7 000 miles away [Music] hello hey how are you i'm good how are you good i'm [Music] today i'm meeting sapphire she's actually from israel she's very beautiful she has the whitest teeth in the whole world hey i like the view yeah thank you have you ever heard that i'm just kidding thank you anyway i like her i don't like him this is like perfect weather like yeah i would prefer it a little bit colder but that's okay you should have wore a shortened t-shirt okay so tell me um why are we here sapphire is a dating coach what is it that we are looking to solve i know that she's been in business for quite a while so i'm looking for some objectivity from a woman that does this for a living i think i need professional help um because i've done it wrong for 28 years okay first of all stop you said that you have been single for 28 years in order to raise your daughter so you cannot have been doing the whole dating wrong the entire time but okay whatever second ed you need help but you don't need help from a dating coach oh bless you marina um no you need professional help from somebody else a little bit of freud here and there maybe a little bit young on top of that but man ed you need and and needs professional help psychological help to be precise but then again it is kind of an open discussion if psychological help and treatment are even helping narcissists i say narcissists cannot be helped because first of all um i have read that in a study that narcissists have less marijuanes in the frontal lobe so less ability to have emotions and they lack self-awareness so yeah so this time i want to get it right so what do you think that you are looking for just you know trying to find the one you know the one and in the next part you will hear all but a very sad story and why ed is in need for help to find love and when i watched it the first time i nearly fell for it but this is the tricky part about the warner vulnerable narcissist is that they suck you just in you think they open themselves up to you but they don't it is just a shallow puddle of deception that's what that is and like i said i nearly fell for it but how should i put it it is like this drop what the wonder vulnerable narcissist particular it is just this drop of honesty okay this drop off an honesty in this whole of an ocean of red flags so i jumped on all these websites and so far it's been a disaster okay relationship for me it's almost like a a math equation so as long as you know the equation and you know how to plug different variables then it's become so easy so i'm very excited to see what we can achieve with ed okay so you are in that stage in your life you wanna you're looking for the one i am i am at a point in my life where um i don't wanna die alone and i'm i want to be able to you know take care of somebody and and treat her well and and spoil her but i i i still didn't hear you saying that you are looking again so he says he wants somebody to take care of which is like um this is like the first strategic step pardon me um in in in sucking somebody in as a vulnerable narcissist so and he wants somebody to be spoiling [Music] we have seen how he spoiled rose and it wasn't good so i don't think he has any idea of what it means to really spoil selflessly spoil your partner you know for someone that will take care of you as well like someone that will appreciate you as well love is not i'm looking to give you so you will give me but love is also i appreciate myself so by appreciating myself i know i'm capable of giving love and i also deserve that i don't really i don't think i deserve that's my sorry just got emotional i don't it's okay i think i deserve it and there we have it this is just about the tiniest glimpse of him opening up because he kind of like on a basic level of human understanding he understands what's going on and so he knows he doesn't deserve love but his ego is in his way of really um adjusting his behavior so i mean i nearly fell for it but i don't because like i said this tiny little drop of self-awareness stands against the ocean of red flags and behaviors which are quite frankly wrong so nope not falling away that's the thing i like right away oh he's pressing out another team but right away that's what my instinct's telling me i'm feeling that eddie doesn't feel like he deserves to be loved that's the biggest mistake first thing please do not feed the narcissist he needs to do is we focus on himself what is he that i'm looking for and what i deserve to have in my life it's all coming back to if i want to build love i have to love myself first i will teach you how to do that as long as you can understand my accent she's so pretty and i think with ellen every other person it would make sense but not with ad don't tell him he's a vulnerable narcissist don't tell him that he needs to love himself first because you know that is just about the magic fuel for the narcissist so in addition to online dating which has not gone so well i've also i've met people in person and there is someone that i like her name is liz and she's a friend i like her but i don't want to blow it and i don't know if it's going to work out liz little friend i've known her for about two months but i'm not dating her yet she's 28 and she works at my favorite restaurant she's a manager she's totally cute and i am smitten over her eyes she's a hard worker she's a whipper snapper she's a smart ass and i love it and i've been wanting to ask her out okay so first of all let's talk about that she's 28. ed what the are you doing no no no no no a young woman when when when they hit 35 the latest and a young woman wants to have another child and that said he doesn't want to have children well here is some news flash from the bears all interview it appears to be that ed actually has frozen his sperm yes you heard that right so that he can decide maybe tomorrow or in 10 years to have a child if he wants to but again you know that would be ivf it would not be making love with your partner so uh i don't know i don't know what to think of it i just it just rubs me the wrong way to think of that and also seeing the pictures of liz right now i have to say she looks really much like ed's daughter sure like dark hair dark eyes and he seems to favor it but they're all the same age like rose was even younger than his daughter liz is now in a very similar age i think his daughter's 29 or 30 liz is 28 then no i mean it makes my skin crawl i swear to god for about two months but i don't know how oh and the timing they know each other for eight weeks eight weeks well he doesn't really take his time he is just hitting the gas pedal to the metal well we cannot see that possibly backfire can we i like her very much and i'm going to a restaurant he's here every day but they never say would you like to go on a date with me because i'm too afraid of what that means or if i was scared away okay we can't let fear dictate what we're going to do in our life and i do have a lot of fear i mean around around the failure part like i don't want to fail i truly believe that whenever you will love yourself and you feel as you deserve that you will have less and less fear because when you will truly love yourself it will be easier for you to just ask her on a date again she is feeding the narcissistic ego so what she does she is actually enabling and empowering him to ask out a young girl a very young girl i wonder what this dating coach thinks if she sees that a ad is trying to hit on a 20 year old 28 year old sorry don't you appreciate yourself that's enough to keep your heart safe you're amazing thank you so much you're so awesome thank you this advice is worth gold she woke me up especially for you as a narcissist take care i can't be afraid to take risks and i'm ready to ask this girl out i hope she says yeah well you can't be afraid of taking risks but add let's face it if you don't stop dating girls which are younger than 30 one day there will be a dad on your front door a dad and he will give you the fist or a shotgun i'm sorry but he he doesn't think of consequences or anything of that why is he on television yes you
Channel: INFJ-Zone
Views: 27
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: q74fLtUdc4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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