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so when i was a sophomore in high school i had this teacher who would only let the students in her class use the restroom one time per semester well one day i raised my hand and i was like excuse me i don't remember her name can i please use the restroom and she was like no you can't because you've already used the restroom in my class this semester well excuse me you can't dictate my bladder so i'm like all frustrated and i started secretly texting my mom because i wasn't allowed to use my phone in class and i was like mom i'm sitting in class right now my teacher won't let me use the restroom and she was like i'll take care of it for you and i was like okay so like five minutes goes by and all of a sudden my teacher's phone starts ringing and she walks up to it and answers it and she's like hello yeah okay thank you and then she walks up to me like so angry and she like slams the pass on my desk and she was like since you have to go that bad and i was like yeah i really do thanks and i got up and left i didn't even have to go to the bathroom it was just the principle of it i just roamed the halls [Music] [Music] my daughter savannah is the ceo of faking illness to get out of school so when she does not feel like being there she will go to the nurse's office and complain to them that she is really not feeling good so that they call me and i have to go get her well one day after this happens i walk into the administrative office and everybody is really concerned because savannah is sitting in a chair like so dramatically like hi mom and like when i saw her i i burst out laughing i was like oh my god are you okay and everybody looked at me like i was some really bad mom like oh my god why aren't you more concerned but as we were walking out she was walking really slow and actually didn't look good so even i was a little concerned i was like oh my god honey are you okay until we got to the car when savannah looks at me and goes you know what mom i feel better now and i was like savannah are you serious and she's like mom do you maybe want to go to starbucks and have like a girls day and i was like honey what kind of question is that you know i do this is why you should always lock your doors a class was playing a game of kahoot when they heard a voice on the intercom say this is not a drill go into lockdown the students huddled in the back of the classroom and then the power went off minutes later the students heard the sound of a man screaming at the top of his lungs running down the hallway the lunatic man started banging on the lockers and his screams gradually got louder he then started banging on the classroom window yelling open up he eventually left and 10 minutes later a voice on the intercom said a mentally ill person had entered the school and attacked the lady at the front desk the staff did a sweep of the school and still couldn't find him so they locked the doors and resumed class later that night one of the janitors went to the utility closet when this happened this is why you should never explore abandoned ships in 2014 the u.s navy decided to decommission one of its oldest ships so it brought it into port to be broken down for scrap before workers were allowed to actually start breaking it down the foreman had to go on board and take pictures of every room so late one night the foreman spends about an hour walking through this abandoned ship with a flashlight taking about a hundred pictures when he was done he emailed the pictures to his boss who quickly wrote back who's the guy with the axe the foreman had no idea what he was talking about but he noticed the boss had attached one of the pictures that he had just sent him when he opened it he nearly fainted there in the bowels of the ship poking his head around a corner was a faceless man wielding an axe the foreman had spent over an hour in this hallway and never heard or saw this guy the navy searched the ship and never found this guy they also reviewed security footage of the only entrance and he never entered or left the ship this is why you should always trust your parents in 1990 a father and his 15 year old son worked together at a gas station in florida one night the boy was sitting outside on a break when he saw a crazy looking woman walking towards the store they were in a high crime area and it was very late so the boy turns around to look through the glass at his dad to see what he should do his dad took one look at the woman and just shook his head no do not help her the woman walks up to the boy and says hey my car's broken down can you give me a ride before the boy can answer his dad bursts outside and says you need to leave here immediately angrily the woman turns and leaves cussing them both out the whole way one year later the boy's in his room at home when his dad calls from the other room and says you gotta come in here and look at the tv on the screen was the same woman from the gas station better known as eileen warnos she was a serial killer who used to pick up her male victims at gas stations in florida she was later put to death if someone offers you this walk away in 2016 a man was staying at his friend's cabin in the woods when he decided to go for an evening stroll a little ways down the trail he hears someone call out from behind his neighbor's house he looks up and he sees this skinny guy pop out from behind the building who starts waving frantically at him to come over worried this guy could be in trouble the man takes off running to assist but when he gets close enough the neighbor just offers him a fistful of slim jims and starts talking about how much he hates his wife sensing there was something wrong with this guy he says no thank you to the slim gems and walks away the next day the man calls his friend who owned the cabin to ask him what the deal was with his weirdo neighbor there was silence on the phone and then his friend just says i don't have any neighbors the police are called and it turns out his neighbor was really some lunatic who had recently killed his wife and had been hiding out in the abandoned cabin next door if you make it to the end i'm sorry in 2007 a woman was lying awake in her hotel bed when she started hearing a kid run up and down the hall laughing and making tons of noise she considered going out and telling the kid to be quiet but eventually just said whatever and fell asleep the next morning she got up and asked her teenage daughter who was staying in the room next door if she had heard the kid and she said yes it was so annoying that night the woman is back in bed trying to sleep when once again she hears the kid in the hall now feeling pretty annoyed herself she starts walking to the front door to get a better listen when the footsteps stop right in front of her door and she hears the kid playing with the do not disturb sign she leans into the peephole to get a better look but the kid's gone so she steps into the hallway and looks down the hall and there's the kid at the far end just standing there perfectly still [Music] story time i got my boyfriend back for cheating on me by getting him arrested it was the summer before my sophomore year in high school and my sister just got accepted to a college that was 25 minutes away from our house so i would always hang out with her and her friends and go to parties with them well there was this one guy in her friend group that i really liked and he was 22 and he also had a girlfriend but did that stop me no because he was really hot and because we would hang out all the time him and i were getting super close we would facetime each other all the time we would hang out even when we weren't with my sister and her friends well the one night i'm sitting at home and i get a call from him and he's like my girlfriend and i broke up i really need someone to talk to and i'm like oh you can come over i'll comfort you so he comes over and i come for him you know and then we do the nasty and the next morning i had to sneak him out my window because my parents would have flipped [ __ ] so him and i start dating after that and then halloween weekend comes up and i go to a party with my sister and our friend group like for part two part two about how i got my boyfriend arrested for cheating on me so like i said we got to the halloween party and we met him there and my sister had no idea that we were dating because i'm 16 he's 22. she would have flipped out so a little bit into the party i'm super drunk we're dancing and everything so he's really close with the girl who's throwing the party so he asked her if we can use one of the bedrooms and it sounded like he said oh can me and millie use one of the bedrooms you guys are gonna find out who millie is in a second so we go to the room and you know we start doing the nasty and next thing i know some girl walks in screaming at him and breaks a beer bottle over his [ __ ] head she starts calling him a cheater and everything else and i get a glimpse of her and it's one of the girls in our friend group named millie so i'm [ __ ] shook right now i'm laying down he's on top of me blood's [ __ ] dripping down my face and finally she realizes it's me so i hurry up i get my clothes on and millie's just sitting there looking at me so i go downstairs real quick tell my sister i want to go home like for part three part three of how i got my boyfriend arrested for cheating on me so i get home and i text the girl whose party it was and she had no idea what happened so i was just like oh it's millie blah blah's girlfriend and she's like yeah but they're off and on all the time he has a new girlfriend like every other week so at that point i block him on everything and i just go to sleep well the next day i wake up and my sister and millie are in my room and i'm like oh [ __ ] here's a [ __ ] intervention but plot twist my sister's like millie told me what happened with you last night and i'm like what and she's like how he took advantage of you and i'm like oh yeah that and my sister was like it's okay it's not your fault like we need to go to the police it isn't right what he did to you and none of them had an idea that like we were dating the whole time so my sister was like you need to tell mom so i told my mom and then we got the police involved and now he's in jail yes i know what i did was [ __ ] up i know i lied but i have no [ __ ] remorse karma's a [ __ ] story time about how i got catfished and almost kidnapped so because i just turned 18 i thought about signing up for a few dating apps so i did i match with this really cute guy named chris and we chatted on the app for like three weeks back and forth i would ask him to facetime but he would always make up some lame excuse yes ladies there's a video dating app coming out soon so no more lame excuses for sauce boys anyways so finally after asking him a bunch of times to hang out we finally made plans to meet up for dinner he gave me the address to the place and it was like 20 minutes from where i lived and he told me that he was going to be wearing a baseball cap and i told him that i was going to be wearing a white shirt and green jeans so i took an uber and got there at like six o'clock but when i got in there i didn't see anybody with a baseball cap on while i'm looking around all of a sudden somebody taps me on the shoulder so i turn around and it's this older guy wearing a baseball cap and he goes oh hi i'm chris so i'm definitely feeling super sus at this point but i'm too [ __ ] nice to be like ooh get the [ __ ] away from me so i figured i might as well get a free meal out of this so we sat down to eat life for part two okay part two of how i got catfished and almost kidnapped so we get seated we ordered our food and i start talking to him you know i was just trying to be nice and finish my meal but it was literally so creepy the whole time he's like wow you're so beautiful how are you still single yada yada i honestly just wanted to eat and leave so bad so here i am texting my friend that i just got [ __ ] catfished and while i was going in and out of my purse i dropped my phone on the floor and i know you're probably thinking oh why the hell is she telling us that part about the phone well because i'm pretty sure that he put something in my drink no like he 100 put something in my [ __ ] drink so i hurry up and eat my food and drink my drink because i just wanted to get the hell out of there and my drink tasted totally fine like there was no bitterness or anything so while he was getting the check i went to the bathroom to call my friend and as soon as i get into the bathroom i start feeling so off and no it was not my anxiety from sauce chris i also felt like i was gonna throw up and my friend wasn't picking up at all so i tried sharing my location with her which i usually never do like for part three part three of how i got catfish and almost kidnapped so like i said i shared my location with her but it took me forever because i had no control over my body whatsoever and i was throwing up uncontrollably so she immediately knew that something was wrong because i wouldn't just randomly share my location with her so that's when i blacked out and i really only remember a few things that happened after that like i remember being out in the parking lot and him walking me to a car which i thought was my uber so i remember waking up in the car and looking at the dashboard and it being nine o'clock at night so i start to wake up a little bit and i realize that i'm in somebody else's car and i can't find my phone anywhere i'm pretty sure i blacked out again after that because the last thing i remember is a police officer standing over me and shining a flashlight in my face so apparently there's security footage of him pulling off into a gas station and putting me in the trunk and he was able to make it all the way to south carolina from west virginia so my best friend shared my location with authorities i want to spread awareness that things like this actually do happen if a picture is worth a thousand words of videos worth a million so click the link in my bio for a safer option of online dating love you guys story time my boyfriend beat up his ex-girlfriend because she tried to kill me so it was my sophomore year in high school and i had just gotten with this guy who was fresh out of a relationship and let me tell you a little bit about his ex-girlfriend so before him and i even started dating him and his ex-girlfriend were together for like two years and guys this girl was [ __ ] psychotic like let me give you a quick example last year i had a class with him and her and the teachers assigned partners for this one project while her boyfriend got paired up with this other girl and anybody who would even talk to her boyfriend would get jumped by her and eight of her friends so his girlfriend starts being buddy buddy with this girl and his girlfriend goes oh do you want to come to the bathroom to hit my dab pen so the girl says yeah thinking that she's being all nice and [ __ ] so they both go to the bathroom and they're gone for like 25 minutes so i asked to go to the bathroom because i want to see what's going on i walk into the auditorium bathroom and nobody's really around that bathroom and this [ __ ] is getting beat the [ __ ] up like for part two okay part two okay so like i said i walk in and this [ __ ] is getting her [ __ ] rocked like there were like five girls in there beating the [ __ ] out of her both of them just look at me so i walk out and go back to the classroom and the one girl went to the hospital and the other girl got suspended so back to present day so after school that day i get a ride with him and his friends to his house well as we're all driving to his house we realized that his ex-girlfriend's car is right behind us and it's literally her and all of her friends and at this point my boyfriend's really fed up with her [ __ ] because she keeps following me around school texting me saying she's gonna kill me saying he got her pregnant always says that he's been cheating on me with her but my boyfriend pulls over the car and at this point i think it's a trap i'm like oh [ __ ] he's gonna let me get beat the [ __ ] up well he tells me to stay in the car he gets out and walks over to her driver's door and tells her to get out of the car so her and all her friends get out and one of her friends starts punching him while he's distracted with that his ex runs over to the car opens the door and pulls out a [ __ ] knife like for part three okay part three she [ __ ] has a knife up to my neck screaming at me and i'm staying quiet as [ __ ] because i do not want to get my throat slit by this [ __ ] all i see is my boyfriend rip this [ __ ] out of the cart and start stomping her in the [ __ ] ground and whenever he went and ripped her out of the car the knife like slashed my leg open so there's [ __ ] blood everywhere more like at the beginning of his cul-de-sac so all the [ __ ] neighbors are outside watching him stomp this [ __ ] into the ground then one of her friends comes around the other side of the car grabs me about my hair rips me out of the car starts beating the [ __ ] out of me so then one of his friends starts beating up that [ __ ] too so obviously the cops were called my boyfriend went to jail she also went to jail and after that happened my parents made me move schools but after that we're going around that they were dating again good luck to the next [ __ ] you
Channel: Tiktok time
Views: 3,537,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Sd91wza7U7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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