πŸ§™ Unveiling Larys Strong's Secret : Blood and Cheese | House the Dragon

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it happened again last season I made a wild speculative theory about how Lara strong is a skin changer and a green Seer and the next episode House of the Dragon provided basically everything I could ask for short of a direct confirmation of the theory and that just happened to me again with another Lara strong Theory video the last video on my channel I speculated that Lara strong had something to do with blood and cheese not that he was necessarily hiring the Assassins more he was allowing the murderous rat catcher and gold cloak access to Royal Family to do the crime that Damon hired them for at the end of the video I made a bunch ofs that if the theory were true how would that subtly show up on the screen knowing how light of a touch the writers like to use with this particular character and lar strong and one after another the things I predicted showed up in the episode the first prediction and the biggest one was this I suggested that the show would use the kolish effect to have characters talk on screen about who they think is really responsible for the murder of Prince jaharis while using camera work to imply something completely different and by Jo it happened in the small Council room King agon is having an absolute meltdown and blaming everyone and everything in sight for the murder of his son and here comes the kulishov effect uto hi Tower says this is not the time for blind accusations your grace we'll know who did this soon enough and then aegon replies who did this who what is there any question who did this who would do this now aegon here is literally talking about rira believing his half sister is the obvious hidden hand behind the assassination close no cigar however notice what the camera work here is doing as aegon asks the first question at that exact moment Lara strong enters the room and not subtly not off to the side not in the background the entire camera shot has flipped around away from the principal character in the scene to focus on the door and his entrance also all the lines in this shot are now pointed at the door and Lara strong the ordering and placement of the characters the tapering view of the small Council edges are all pointing at him this all serves to draw your eyes directly at Laris and wonder why he's getting this attention in cinematic language you are being screamed at to pay attention to lar strong and then the show doubles down aegon continues his rant about how the culprit is obvious and Etc and the shot changes to a zoomed in Solo of Lis alone the other members of the council the king the table the cool balls to play with they're all gone the only thing on screen is a single closeup on Lis who notably is not saying a word or doing anything to Warrant this level of attention no one has even mentioned him no one acknowledged his entrance into the room nothing he is just sitting on his own in this perfectly framed shot while doing nothing but standing and listening and that's really strange Tom Glen Carney is offc screen now acting his heart out delivering these lines with passion in the middle of an argument with Otto and his counselors the camera should be on them instead the director and editor have decided the most important thing for you to be looking at right now is lar strong so why are they doing this because the use of the visuals with aegon's lines Lis is being heavily gestured at to be the answered aegon's question who did this Lis is there any question who did this no it was Lis it's an incredibly clever and subtle way of communicating suspicion on tolaris without the characters noticing because this is for you in the audience to pick up on not them this helps create dramatic tension as the audience may start to suspect something about Lis that his colleagues don't and can pay off later in retrospect rewarding close viewing and attention to detail if you want to know more about the cooler sh effect here's an excellent video by YouTuber folding ideas who you may know better for exposing nft and crypto grifters part of my video was suspecting that because Lis is aware of blood and cheese he obviously knows who they are he for certain knows cheese the rat catcher as he bragged to Allison about interviewing the entire Castle staff for Traders in their midst and assuming that Lis had a hand in allowing the attack to happen he knows who blood is too because of that I suspected that Lis will have a comically easy time tracking down the two men he may have even had his fireflies following them as they left the red keep with chahar's head and wow we wouldn't you know it the news Lis is delivering as the show is fervently gesturing at you to pay attention to him is that he has already apprehended blood with the boy's head way to go buddy Lis you crushed that one as I suggested he may end up looking like a hero making sure there's no suspicion on him despite his job being to stop these kind of plots as the de facto master of Whispers and the guy who supposedly just purged the castle of all of my saria's agents and despite that meaning he should probably be a character of Suspicion he found blood he's proved his worth Lis is great nothing to worry about there so my question is how exactly did Lis catch blood he claims the Burly gold cloak was attempting to flee from the gates of the Gods with Jar's head in a sack now that's pretty strange for the simple fact that the gates of the Gods is not the gate that blood was patrolling and the one that he has the keys for when blood let Damon into the city it was likely through either the mud gate the same one used in Game of Thrones by tyon and his men during the battle of the Blackwater or possibly the Iron Gate both are lightly guarded and they border Blackwater Bay which is how Damon obviously got there and they both open into the poorest parts of King's Landing known as muddy way and flea bottom which match the sets being used here now let's think about how this plan should go post murder Damon wants the head his proof and thus he has to meet up with blood or cheese to pay them the other half of the bounty the logical thing to do would be to meet back near where Damon came in and then let him out the same way not only is it convenient for Damon to escape into Blackwater Bay quickly which he may have been planing to do anyway but this is also where blood Works he knows the gold cloaks there the streets the people no one would suspect him of anything for being out and about it's his Turf the gates of the Gods though is the other way through the city and it is a huge ornate and heavily guarded gate it's also the main thare out of the city to the King's Road it also happens to be the longest possible route to try and get out of King's Landing if you're starting from the red keep taking this route offers the most danger out of any option to leave the City by far it's inconvenient it's far more heavily guarded and the guards there may not know blood that well unlike his local gold cloak goons in the muddy way or flea bottom which increases his odds of someone stop in him to ask about hey uh why do you have a sack that's bloody and head-shaped if you were trying to make a quick exit with an incriminating head leaving through the gates of the Gods is the last place you would go whether you're Damon or blood what I'm saying here is I doubt laris's story about where blood was caught and how seems far more likely that the gates of the god story is a fabrication by Lis to give an easy explanation of how blood was caught rather than blood being followed and arrested by L's men shortly after leaving the r keep Lis says he was caught going through a major thorir and his odd bag gave him away that doesn't arouse suspicion on how Lis found the man so fast since it's Being Framed as a foolish error rather than shockingly effective detective work it's also odd that we're being told where blood got caught at all why would you specify the gates of the gods to the audience if not to arouse suspicion to Super nerds who know the layout of the city casual fans won't even know the gate exists it's a Superfluous detail otherwise it doesn't add anything to the scene or Lis it's really just a throwaway detail from Fire and Blood and there's a reason for that in Fire and Blood the suspicions that blood went through this gate of the Gods specifically because they lead to the King's Road which goes to heren Hall in the timeline of the book Damon has already gone to and taken heren Hall meaning blood was going towards the Rogue Prince but that's not the case here Damon has dawned his Crim hood and he's been sneaking through the city personally and is waiting with a bag of gold for a head he's not at Heron hall there's no reason to go that way in Fire and Blood it's a detail that just implicates Damon slightly more when it's pretty clear he did it anyway in House of the Dragon though the detail of the gates of the Gods stand out as something to pay attention to if you know the geography of King's Landing which I do and now so do you next up in the parade of Lis totally did it stuff we have the interrogation of blood Lis has the gold cloak in the Dungeons and rolls up with his array of torturing tools which kind of look like Rusty gardening equipment Auto high tower had instructed him to apply his torture tray to get any and all details out of the man before his death instead of a Ramsay and Theon throwback though blood takes one look at the tools and nose layers by reputation and gives up everything he can to avoid pain effective job by Lis here he got basically everything he wanted except the identity of cheese and he didn't have to do anything other than unroll his tools although you may have picked it up here there's a little bit of word play shenanigan Lis asks who is us which is suddenly including himself in the conspiracy I mean nothing Earth shattering but it's kind of cool now here's where things actually get spicy blaris without a name to go on from blood gives up on the man and hands him over to the waiting King aegon who bashes the gold cloaks head in with a mace okay that's not the spicy part aegon Delights in these sorts of things as said he already wanted to kill blood the spicy part is that Lis is seemingly giving up on using blood to find cheese you may have caught it as well how Lis could have easily gotten che's identity sure blood doesn't know his real name but you don't have to know his name to know what he looks like you could gather up all the rat catchers put them in a lineup tell blood or even Helena to point out which one is cheese it's easy to do and gives you exactly the person you're looking for and we know from the scene that blood is well motivated to turn on anyone if it will save him from pain or death there so he's not interested in cheese he doesn't want to find him and he lets Aon play executioner to kill the only person other than Damon myara who knows the rat catcher so why would Lis do this why is he giving up so easily when the path to truth here is trivial that could be answered by what happens next aegon then takes this information and orders that all the rat catchers in the red keep are rounded up and hanged with their bodies displayed on the city walls for all to see this is for certain the suggestion and carried out by lar strong and his men as they definitely would need laris's help to find them and Lis is encouraging Aon to be violent here it's not like there's a red keep Facebook or employment records with pictures and ID badges to go by there's a lot of people that work in the red keep and there's a lot more people in King Landing it's this encouragement of Aon and the further violence that leads to Auto high tower losing his position of hand of the king and also embarrassing Aon throughout the city Ru his reputation as a good guy which are both things Lara seems interested in doing at least based on the last episode him steering Aon away from being like his father is steering him towards being almost more like Damon getting back to cheese and the now hanged rat catchers there's a few purposes that could be served by letting aegon hang the men without identifying cheese first seeing as Lis personally screened and approved chees as a not traitor despite absolutely being one getting rid of the the man before he can say anything he may know about Lis and possibly his use of the tunnels could be a major Plus for the club foot tying up a loose end in a way that no one else gets to talk to the rat catcher before his death who knows what lar said to him when they met what he's seen the clubfoot and his minions do in the tunnels if you would try and blame Lis in a panic and also there is a few benefits to Laris not having rat catchers around the red keep anymore as we learned they use the secret tunnels heavily to do their work meaning any subterfuge by Lis and his minions in the castle are inherently riskier they could come across the rack catchers in the tunnels and that could be a wrinkle they either don't want to deal with or they now have to pay off their existence in the secret places of the red keep limits ls's control of it however with all the rat catchers and their knowledge of the tunnels being gone this reduces magor's secret Labyrinth of tunnels to being the knowledge of a few to being under one master alone lastly forgive me if you figured out where this is going rat catchers catch rats wow if Lis is a skin changer using the rats as his personal spy Army throughout the red keep then the existence of rat catchers is an annoyance to him some skin Changers can only use one animal a time someone like Jon Snow while other more powerful ones like verir 6 skins and Bran Stark can maintain control over many different animals although not at the same time if Lis is a low-level skin changer he may only be able to use one rat at a time and if that rat gets killed that's bad news for him and potentially quite painful as the bond between the skin changer and animal can sometimes pass along feelings of pain and even the death of their animals it works the same with more animals just on a much bigger scale the rat catchers could absolutely be a constant annoyance to lar strong although things do not improve that much the solution to the no rat catcher problem is letting cats roam free in the castle to hunt the rats although this could be something that a skin changer may not mind as much as the new Army of cats are also plausible targets for their powers now one more thing is the episode did bring up but did not solve the two major questions I asked as well in my video adding some more fire to the Smoke I've been following I asked why the maid who saw blood did nothing and crucially where the entire Castle staff was during the extended murder sequence Kristen Cole revealed that he had ordered the knight's watch meaning that there was Sir aric cargy and another King's Guard on duty guarding the king as well as a bunch of other Guardsmen however we also learned that aric suspects that Kristen was with Allison and asked why she still has a sworn Shield while Helena and her children do not after being elevated to royalty you know that's an excellent oversight well done aric so what we learn here by Kristen's order there was supposed to be guards about and there just weren't except around aegon and also Helena and her her children were especially left unguarded ever since aegon's crowning despite the massive danger they're all in you'd think this would be the kind of thing that someone like Lara strong who's very security conscious would probably notice we also saw a huge amount of people and servants and guards that were actually in the red keep at the time as they were turned out of their quarters in panic so it's not like it was a suspiciously empty night there were tons of people they were all just nowhere near the Royal Apartments not only are my questions unanswered now there are more of them the queen and her quarters are being left unguarded people are starting to notice and the area was still completely deserted despite the entirety of the royal family still being awake and about curious and curiouser almost like Lara strong had something to do with it although one thing I predicted and we have not gotten yet is Helena in any kind of reaction or fear of Lis but to be fair to Helena in this episode she's mostly Frozen by grief and being used used as a sympathy prop by her grandfather and mother to help their political cause the trauma of the event may be far too recent for her to start interacting with anybody outside of her mother and sort of aegon where they locked eyes any kind of interaction between Helena and Lis is still on the table we have six episodes to go and Helena's powers and dreams aren't going anywhere and neither is Lara strong we may not have the full scope of his strategy and view yet but so far we've seen that key to it is creating chaos removing otoh high tower from power and enabling aegon's worst and most violent behaviors turning a war of Inc into a war of Fire and Blood why Lis wants this remains to be seen but this episode did a lot at solidifying for me that blood and cheese wasn't an outside attack on the greens alone no no no no blood and cheese was an inside job within the realm of the king of rats [Music]
Channel: Joe Magician
Views: 73,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game of Thrones, a song of ice and fire, house of the dragon, HOT D, ASOIAF, Viserys, house of the dragon theory, HOTD theory, ASOIAF theory, A Song of Ice and Fire theory, Fan theory, Larys Strong, House strong, Larys the Clubfoot, Lyonel Strong, Joe The Magician, Larys rat, Larys Rat theory, House of the Dragon Rats, Larys skinchange rats, Larys Strong Theory, Joe the magician, Blood and cheese, Helaena rat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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