🦸‍♂️SUPER Buster's Rainbow Superpower 🦸‍♂️| BEST OF @gobuster-cartoons | Lellobee Friends

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Ghostbusters [Music] wait a minute there's no color that's strange even Robin doesn't have any color look Robin Buster made you colorful again well done Buster [Music] [Applause] oh no that baby duckling looks sad she's lost her color maybe Buster can help great job the color is back again oh look how happy the duckling is now oh look Terry's Farm has lost its color too can Buster help he sure can You've Got The Magic Touch buster oh no knock Scout too go on Buster helper be colorful again there you go Scout back to normal look Buster can change the color of things too now the ball is green [Music] and now the ball is purple Buster knows how to color things in wow Mr May pick out rainbow colored now he's rainbow colored too it's Buster the rainbow bus Terry again now it's rainbow Terry and look at all the fields and the barn rainbow colors everywhere amazing Buster even turned the clouds different colors there's just one thing missing a rainbow of course the rainbow bus is driving off over the rainbow bye bye oh Buster it was only a dream and it's raining outside oh I'm sorry Buster wait maybe your magic after all Buster you made the sun come out you don't look as bright and yellow as usual oh Buster I think you need a new coat of paint you're looking a little scruffy great idea a trip to the paint shop will do the trick he looks like one happy customer Buster can't wait to get a fresh new coat of yellow paint he's going to look good and new oh my that made You Jump didn't it Buster oh no Buster's mixed up the paint cans I don't think he's realized is that gonna be the right color here goes Buster a fresh new coat of yellow no that's not yellow Buster has been sprayed red and I don't think he's noticed take a look at yourself Buster you're a red bus quickly back to the paint shop oh dear you've knocked over all the paint how will you be able to tell which color is which here it goes oh no that's not quite right Buster is now blue Jesse seems very surprised yes it's because of how blue you are buster maybe this time you'll come out yellow still not yellow now Buster is green look at how confused Tony is I'm lucky close your eyes and wish for yellow Buster oh no Jesse and Scout still don't seem to recognize you Buster Buster has now been sprayed pink wait Foster I'm not sure that's the answer Buster the rainbow colored bus I'm not sure if Robin approves can to choose from one of these must be yellow the moment of truth phew there there you go the bus we all know with a bright new shiny coat of yellow paint that was quite a colorful Adventure looks like another day to have fun oh no it's Bandit the bus Buster watch out you will crash wait what's happening oh wow you're floating in the air oh this is incredible Buster hmm I wonder if you can fly oh wow you've turned into a superhero you are so fast super Buster is here what is Buster scene it's Otis the police car I wonder what Otis is looking for inside the tunnel wait it's Bandit the bus what is he up to this doesn't look good oh no he's pushed the boulder over the edge and trapped Otis in the tunnel you've gotta save him Buster you can't let band at the bus get away with this that Boulder looks very heavy it's okay Buster you're a superhero now you can save him oh Buster your eyes wow you have laser vision well done Buster you've set Otis free now let's catch that naughty Bandit bus Bear's Bandit looks like he's up to no good again Scout watch out poor Scout look who it is you're in trouble now super Buster is here Buster you can stop him [Music] super Buster is too strong for Bandit that should stop him now Buster just needs to help scout out of the pond look at Bandit he's stuck now oh it was all just a Daydream I don't think the teacher is very happy [Music] what's that poster there a fire truck sure looks exciting doesn't it look it's Ashley the fire truck [Music] I think Buster wants to join the fire brigade go on Buster time to get ready for your first day on the job [Music] just a few little changes and wow look at that buster really is a fire truck he's got a ladder a siren and a water hose uh oh the fire alarm there's a fire somewhere Ashley has to go and take care of it you stay here Buster okay it's Tony the truck watch out for that puddle [Applause] [Music] that falling box started a fire at the fire station what are we going to do [Music] quick Buster the fire truck put that fire out [Music] uh oh the fire has spread to the roof keep blasting water Buster hooray Robin is here to help and Ashley's back too [Music] you can do it if you work together two fire trucks are better than one ew the fire is out at last nice work Buster and Ashley [Music] again now it's buster on the poster whoa you really are a hero Buster hello Buster it looks like you're all covered in mud you had a lot of fun splashing through those muddy puddles it looks like Buster might need a wash I'm not sure if he thinks so here comes the city bus oh dear he doesn't look very impressed at how dirty Buster is it looks like Buster has finally realized just how messy he looks that's right Buster you're covered in mud is that a sign for a car wash great idea Buster off he goes to the car wash to clean himself up [Music] oh poor buster he's too scared to go inside it does look very scary doesn't it go on Buster you can do it you need to get clean you're so dirty he's going for it Buster is being very brave indeed one two three oh no you were so close buster [Music] oh he sounds very impatient Buster take a deep breath you can do it sounds are so scary go on Buster you can do it you're almost there Ready Set oh you're doing it Buster it tickles that's not so bad is it and out he comes there that wasn't so bad was it Buster all sparkly and clean looking good wow well done Buster nice and clean that car wash wasn't so scary after all [Music] I bet Buster has had so much fun in the sun I wonder what that green slime is oh no it's dropped on Buster and I don't think he's noticed what's happening something isn't right look at all the gravestones and pumpkins appearing this is spooky and what's happened to Buster I think that green slime has changed Buster into a zombie that's one big pumpkin Digger is carving and it looks great who's that oh no it's zombie Buster Digger's really frightened but I don't think Buster knows what he looks like [Music] oh look it's Scout Buster's so happy to see her oh no she seems scared too [Music] oh no Scout is hiding from Buster just like Digger did [Music] Mr is so upset and lonely come on Scout Buster is your friend I think Scout has an idea foreign she wants Buster to follow her do you see now Buster you look like a zombie that's why everyone is scared of you don't worry Buster look the Slime has come off on Scout's wheel I think Scout has a plan A Car Wash good idea Scout Buster always loved the car wash [Music] yay the green has gone Buster is no longer a zombie that was super spooky Buster oh my Scout you sound like a werewolf happy Halloween everyone hey there Buster looks like a hot day out in the desert whoa look at that ahead a big mountain with smoke rising from the top what was that it's Frida the sports car she's speeding off toward the Smoky Mountain I think she wants to race Buster and Rita are speeding across the desert together Rita is faster go on Buster you can do it Buster is using that ramp to jump after Rita [Music] that was a fun race to the top but look what's that hot molten lava I think this is a volcano it could erupt at any moment uh-oh Buster careful of that rock oh no it's fallen into the lava nothing happened [Music] oh no I think the volcano is erupting quick guys get out of there oh no there are Fireballs shooting out of the volcano look out they'll be really hot oh no Rita is stuck in the sand Buster's being brave and going to help his new friend great job Buster Now quickly drive away [Music] faster faster [Music] phew that was a close one here's Ashley the fire truck she doesn't look pleased she's going to have to put out all the fire Buster and Rita aren't saying anything they didn't mean to set the volcano off that was close but Buster made a brand new friend along the way bye Buster by Rita there's Buster the Bus looks like he's driving through the Enchanted Forest wait what's this by the road I think it's a spell book wow Buster can use that to do magic look it's Scout Terry and Jesse in the Town Square I think Buster's going to try casting some spells let's see now whoa a wizard's hat muster really is doing magic I wonder what spellbuster can use to help Terry abracadabra the booster made the plants grow nice work wizard Buster [Music] what other spells are in the spell book the b spell yeah oh look Buster turned Scout into a bee she's having so much fun flying around I think Jessie wants to fly too what spells are there for that bubbles [Music] yeah that's cool Jesse's floating around in her own bubble nice work wizard Buster oh look he's very sleepy time for a nap Buster [Music] uh oh I think something's gone wrong the magic is out of control quick Buster you've got to put everything back to normal hurry buster foreign [Music] but I don't think Buster's friends are very happy with him Buster's putting the Spellbook back where he found it and that's the end of the fairy tale of cluster the wizard Buster looks so excited I wonder why a storybook Buster wants Mommy to read to him Buster loves a good fairy tale [Music] Mommy's reading Buster the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears when the Bears had gone out Goldilocks came to the window she tried their porridge but the first Bowl was Too Hot Buster thinks that's very funny but look at the time Mommy can't read all day Buster's upset he wants to know what happens next in the story but mommy knows what to do maybe Grandpa can read the Buster grandpa is out watering the plant but Buster wants him to read more of the storybook yes Grandpa can read to him for a bit he loves stories of Great Adventures and brave Heroes What's Happening Now Goldilocks sits on a chair that's too small and it breaks how funny Buster loves this story but what's this mommy says it's time for dinner the rest of the story will have to wait Buster has some nice fish fingers and vegetables for dinner but he's eating them all really fast he wants to get back to the story as soon as possible hmm Mommy and Grandpa are still eating they can't read to him right now cluster really wants to know what happens next look he's trying to read it himself he's not very good at reading but he's trying really hard wow he's getting it mommy and Grandpa are so proud of him good job Buster but oh dear he's getting sleepy too Mommy's reading the book to Buster as a bedtime story now Goldilocks is asleep in the Bear's bed oh look Buster has fallen asleep oh he had such a busy day he couldn't stay awake for the end good night Buster oh look it's digly and CJ they're filling up CJ's mixer with water what are they both up to look there's Buster and Scout phew what a hot day I wonder what they can do to cool down whoa digly and CJ are making colorful water balloons looks like Buster and Scout have got an idea the water balloon fight ready set off they go water Buster and Scouts planning oh look diggly and CJ are sneaking up behind them and splash uh-oh Scout has been hit and bullseye now things are getting interesting who is that hiding in the bushes it's Scout but she managed to hide just in time it's CJ's second chance but look here comes Buster he splashes CJ from behind Quick Buster [Music] oh no CJ and digly have Buster and Scout cornered what are they going to do aha an umbrella I think Buster's got a plan [Music] CJ and digly take Aim but Buster's keeping dry with the umbrella great idea buster uh-oh digly and CJ are filling up again whoa look at the size of that balloon looks like Buster is in trouble [Music] wow nice shot Buster that was so much fun it's evening time and Buster's cousin Bandit is coming for a sleepover this is going to be so much fun first it's time for a snack [Music] I wonder what it will be oh wow cookies they look so tasty Buster and Bandit love cookies they're one each yummy now mommy's put them away but Bandit knows where they are Bandit and Buster have such a fun evening playing together but then it's time for bed [Music] they want to stay up longer but mommy says no [Music] hmm I think bandit has an idea I wonder what he's whispering now everyone's fast asleep but what's this man it's waking up buster too they're sneaking back downstairs oh Bandit is going to steal some more cookies that's very naughty oops that made a loud noise mommy's caught them hmm [Music] very disappointed in Buster and Bandit oh the two little buses are very sorry they'll go back to bed now as they're told [Music] but the next morning Buster and Bandit have surprised mommy by making breakfast they wanted to show how sorry they were decorating the house for Halloween but look they still need a pumpkin [Music] looks like there are pumpkins for sale this way Buster and grandpa will go and fetch one whoa so many pumpkins to choose from Foster wants this big one now Grandpa's going to carve a face into the pumpkin and turn it into a Jack-o-Lantern eyes a mouth and a nose but what's Buster scene a sheet hmm [Music] oh Buster pretended to be a ghost and scared Grandpa but now the pumpkin is rolling away oh no it's rolling towards the road phew he just missed it quick Buster and Grandpa are chasing after the runaway pumpkin Busters almost got it oops there's digly building a wall [Music] oh dear the pumpkin spooked him now it's rolling away again no time to stop and play they've got to keep chasing it poor grandpa is out of breath it's up to Buster to catch the pumpkin quick it's heading for that pond Buster's jumping for it well done Buster it rolled right into place outside the front door [Music] you that was lucky [Music] mommy looks very pleased good job Buster and Grandpa it's a bright sunny day and Buster wants to play outside but what's this huh he's left his toys all over the floor muster knows he should clean them up but he really wants to go and play hmm whoa Buster's cleaning up all the toys super fast but not very well oh dear he's knocked that glass over and now is mopping up has left water everywhere perfect soon Buster is outside playing what was that mommy slipped on all the water oh dear the room is still such a mess Buster feels really bad for not cleaning up well but he can make it all better he just has to clean up properly and take his time to do it right Mommy and Buster can do it together like it's a game [Music] chores are so much easier to do when you find the fun in them and they're so much faster if you work together there Buster is even cleaning up that drinky spilled [Music] the room is all tidy at last oh now Buster and Mommy could go and play ball together hooray it's the end of school and it's time for scout to return the school flower that she'd been taking care of now whose turn is it to take it home and care for it hooray it's Buster's turn Buster is going really slowly he wants to make sure he takes good care of the flower It's Time to Say Goodbye to Scout and Ash whoa careful Buster that was a close one Buster is so happy to be caring for the flower that he's drawn a picture of it he's even brought it to dinner I don't think it eats Carrots Buster it needs water instead to make sure it grows strong [Music] but now it's time for bed good night flower the next morning Buster is super excited for school careful Buster you don't want to knock the flower oh no the flower has smashed what is Buster doing he's hiding it because he's afraid he'll get in trouble [Music] hmm Buster is pretending to be ill but he doesn't have a temperature oh now Mommy understands Buster doesn't want to go to school with the smashed flower he thinks he's let everyone down but mommy knows what to do they'll put the flower in a brand new pot it looks even better than before there good as new Buster Returns the flower to class everyone is really impressed with its lovely new pot good job Buster now it's Ash's turn to take care of it hooray it's a brand new snowy day and Buster can't wait to go outside and play it's so much fun to play in the snow and the best game of all is a snowball fight digly and Scout are on one team but Buster needs a teammate there's Bandit can be on Buster's team though Buster and Bandit don't always get along [Music] time to start throwing snowballs [Music] Buster and Bandit are hiding behind that Hill Buster thinks they should go this way but Bandit thinks they should go that way oh dear they can't agree they're not working together as a team Buster is sneaking through the trees but Scout has spotted him look out oh dear Bandit is trying to sneak behind the fence [Music] Buster and Bandit aren't doing very well but look Scout and digly are working together that's it if Buster and Bandit want to win they'll need to work together like a team [Music] whoosh off they go and that's more like it now it's a real fun snowball fight it's much better with teamwork [Music] who threw that snowball the more players the more fun it is Buster shoots goal well done buster great work whoa It's a soccer bus he plays for the Big Bus soccer team he wants Buster to come try out for the team but oh no Buster is too shy Scout encourages him and Buster says okay he'll come to the big game tomorrow [Music] Scout is very proud of her friend but Buster is still nervous that night Buster is sleeping peacefully in his garage Buster dreams he's playing on the Big Bus soccer team the game starts but oh dear the buses play rough now it's Buster's turn in goal he tries to save it but oh dear the soccer buses don't look very impressed poor Buster he's tried so hard it was just a bad dream but now Buster's even more nervous about trying out for the team Scout does her best to encourage him Buster can do it she believes in him now it's time for the big game Robin blows his whistle and the game begins oh no the red bus has been injured they can't play anymore Buster will have to step in go on Buster you can do it [Music] Buster kicks the ball and the game goes on Buster is going in goal now the blue bus takes a shot and Buster saved it who else done Buster you did so well hooray that was so much fun whoa he sure looks sleepy he's driving off the road oh no Busters ended up in the muddy puddle [Music] and now he's stuck poor Buster how will he get out the next morning Scout visits Buster's garage but oh dear Buster is nowhere to be found where is he oh but look muddy tracks Scout is following them to see where Buster is there's diggly the Digger Scout tells him Buster's missing they need to find him Scout and digly search together look a trail of sweets where could it lead whoa what was that ah phew it's just Robin Scout explains that buster is missing and Robin agrees to help search too they'll have a better chance of finding him if they work together poor Buster is lonely and cold [Music] Scout looks behind the trees digly looks beside the rocks [Music] what's Robin scene some more tire tracks look there's Buster he's stuck in the mud he's been here so long robin goes to tell diggly and Scout that he's found Buster he's just over the hill there's poor Buster digly and Scout can help working together digly and Scout pull Buster out of the muddy puddle now Buster is free at last he's very grateful to his friends for rescuing him now he's back safe and sound in his garage it's Christmas Eve and they're excited for Santa to arrive with the presents time for bed guys Santa won't come if you're still Wide Awake uh-oh it's that sneaky villain Bandit bus what's he up to this time there's Santa putting the presents under the tree he must be very busy tonight [Music] oh no that Bandit is stealing all the presents from under the tree what a villain he is now he's sneaking away whoops there's Bandit right what's he seen now the golden Christmas star he's going to steal that as well oh dear he's trying to pull it right off the tree look [Music] now Bandit is all tangled up it'll take him ages to get untangled it's taken all night but Bandit is finally free now he's sneaking away with the presents oh oh poor Buster all the presents have been stolen he looks so upset and it really is the worst but wait what's this what's Bandit doing look Bandit is putting all the presents back under the tree maybe he's not so mean after all [Music] the presents are there after all Buster is so happy Merry Christmas [Music] there's Santa he doesn't look very pleased with Bandit but what's this he puts a present for Bandit under the tree too and it earned it by giving the presents back you did the right thing Bandit Merry Christmas [Music] oh whoa It's time for the Christmas talent show Bandit is going first he's doing some magic tricks good job Bandit oh Buster looks nervous I think he's got a bit of stage fright poor buster their Scout it's her turn next she looks so excited [Music] oh cool she's going to do some juggling very good scout oh dear Buster still looks nervous he's afraid to go on stage in front of all those people hooray Scouts finished her show now it's Buster's turn oh but Buster doesn't want to go on stage [Music] mommy's getting worried about Buster the stage is empty I think mommy has an idea what's this mommy's on stage she's encouraging Buster to come join her they'll do it together hmm here Buster comes [Music] [Applause] We wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year the tidings we bring with Foster we sing We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Merry Christmas [Music] oh well done Buster and Mommy that was beautiful Custer and Grandpa are visiting the Christmas Winter Wonderland look at all the amazing stalls wow Buster really wants to win that teddy bear [Music] he's asking Grandpa if they can play [Music] they get three throws to knock down the cans oops Buster mist [Music] oh dear that's all three of his throws he's having another go oh no he missed again [Music] Buster's upset but I think Grandpa can teach Buster a thing or two about throwing the key to hitting what you aim at is to take your time [Music] first you take a big long breath then take Aim Crouch low and throw whoa Grandpa hit the cans now it's Buster's turn a big long breath take a Crouch low and throw hooray Nice Shot Buster now time to go in that teddy bear oh dear Buster didn't take his time he needs to take a big long Breath Take Aim Crouch low and throw [Music] Buster did it Well Done Buster and here's his prize too Buster's so proud of himself
Channel: Kids Road Trip! - Sing Alongs & Cartoons
Views: 6,111,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids videos, kids songs, nursery rhymes, fun songs, cartoon, videos for kids, kids learning, baby shark, cartoons for kids, kids music, color, learning videos, wheels on the bus, kids animation, kids education, sing-along, learn at home, Lellobee, city farm, old macdonald, education, lellobee friends, baby videos, go buster, buster, sing along, shapes, stories, rainbow buster, super buster's rainbow superpower, magic buster's rainbow superpower, super buster, superhero, rainbow
Id: fldrH75b1SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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