🥫 Focaccia? 🍕 Deep Crust Pizza? - Recipe - Glen & Friends Cooking

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welcome friends welcome back to the kitchen a little thing we're calling stuff in my cupboard or pandemic pantry this is a series of recipes that will help you out if you're locked in your home they use things that you probably would have in your house that you might have in your house they're using things that we have in our house in our cupboard and so we've been doing know need bread and in the course of making that no need bread I showed you how to make this which is essentially a bigger or levan today I thought I'd use this and say you could make any bread recipe with this any bread recipe at all and today we're gonna make sort of like a focaccia kinda so in this bowl I'm gonna put the flour now when I say you could use this in any bread recipe you look at a bread recipe and you say I've already mixed together the yeast a cup of flour and a cup of water so you look at the new bread recipe wherever it's from and you say okay I need I can take out the east because I've already got that in his bowl the bread recipe asks for four and a half cups of flour I've already got a cup in here so I only need to add three and a half cups of flour and instead of adding two cups of water I've already got a cup in here so I'm going to add a cup of water and it's that simple you don't have to over complicate it I know that a lot of people try to make it complicated don't let them so in here with the flour I'm gonna put the salt and I'm just gonna mix that through with my hand just so there isn't a concentration of salt in one spot I'm using all-purpose flour because I imagine most people if you have flour you probably have all-purpose if you want to use bread flour for this go ahead and use bread flour and I'm using as I said in the last video I'm using volume measurements even though scale is the best way to go always I'm using volume measurements because this is the kind of recipe where you really need to eyeball it do it by hand and depending on where you live the brand flour you're using you're going to use a different amount of water and so even with weights as the measurement you're still gonna have to add a little bit at your own discretion so in goes Levant or the Bigga or whatever you want to call it I'm gonna use all of it because later in the recipe we're gonna take another little piece of dough out we're gonna put it back in the bowl we're gonna feed it we're gonna put it away and we're gonna use it again later into here I'm going to put probably about three-quarters of the rest of the water that's all I'm gonna hold some back because I may not need it all we'll figure that out now we'll just mix it if you want to do this in your stand mixer please go right ahead do it in your stand mixer put the dough hook on and you just need this until it's a nice smooth elastic dough I'm gonna do it by hand cuz you know not everybody's gonna have stand mixer I understand that it's very easy to do it by hand not a whole lot to it now I start off with a spatula or a wooden spoon to start the mixing process then I will move out onto the bench by hand to bring it together and I think this needs a little bit more water so from the water that I've reserved just a little bit a tablespoon at a time don't overdo it I've got a pretty ragged ball of dough so I'm gonna put a little bit of flour out on the counter not a whole lot one of the problems I often see and I do it myself is too much flour on the bench there's two things at play here you don't want to add too much flour to your dough because that dries it out and makes it tougher and you also kind of want it to stick a little bit to the countertop that sticking is going to help you with the kneading process if you don't have that friction you're not gonna be able to knead it quite as nicely so the dough is still a little bit sticky it can stand to take a little bit of flour and you just kind of work it push it out turn it fold it over push it out turn it fold it over push it out same sort of thing just over and over and over so it's just this motion heel of your hand and push it out bring it back and turn it fold it over push it out turn it fold it push it out and you'll just kind of fall into a rhythm and this might take you 10-15 minutes depending on how rough you want to be with it and if it starts sticking to your hand too much put down a little bit more flour but the longer you need it the more it's going to come together and the less it will stick it is it can be a very freeing thing just to do the same repetitive motion over and over and over again don't be afraid to fail don't be afraid that it's gonna stick too much don't be afraid that you're doing it wrong free yourself and just just make it happen you got this you've got this I think I'm just about there it's really kind of weird I don't know how to tell you exactly what the dough should feel like everyone says smooth and elastic and when you're doing it you will notice that the dough has changed you will notice that it feels different it's not going to be as sticky to your hand it'll still stick you'll still feel it kind of tacky but it's not sticking and when you push it out you're gonna notice that this front face is smooth it's not tearing it's not pulling apart it's at that point that you're probably done probably one of the things is that most people aren't going to be able to over knead by hand unless you know you went 45 minutes or an hour but if you went 15 minutes and you've done this and it looks pretty good you'll be ok it's gonna be fine now I'm gonna turn this dough into a focaccia type thing not truly focaccia but kind of focaccia this dough could be made into any kind of bread at this point as you look through bread recipes there are different levels of hydration and there are slight differences in how they're handled but the reality is if you've got water flour salt and yeast you're gonna make a loaf of bread so you could turn this into a loaf of bread if you wanted to because I'm gonna make it into focaccia I'm gonna put it into this bowl for its first rise and I'm gonna coat it with olive oil if I was making bread or pizza dough with it I wouldn't put olive oil on it but I am gonna make focaccia sort of so I am gonna use olive oil before I put the olive oil on this as a coating I want to tear off a walnut sized piece of the dough I'm gonna put it in this bowl I'm gonna feed it with flour and water I'm gonna set that aside in two days from now we're gonna use that for our next loaf of bread so it just keeps going you keep moving it forward it's so simple so easy and you want to do it before you put the olive oil in you don't have to not strictly necessary if you were always making this dough for focaccia you could have the olive oil in it would be no problem I just don't know exactly what I'm gonna do with that yet so I don't want olive oil in it so a splash of olive oil and you can be fairly generous with your splash of olive oil because you're gonna oil the pan generously later and you just want to make sure that this is fully covered in the oil the inside of the bowl is covered in the oil put a lid on it and we're going to let this stand at room temperature for about an hour hour and a half before we move on to the next step okay here we go okay that dough rows really nicely now there's enough dough here to do one of these rimmed baking sheets and you can do a whole room baking sheet I'm gonna break this up I you know I'm not certain that everybody has one of these some of you may have them some of you probably do have them you can break this dough in half and you can cook it in a frying pan any frying pan a cast-iron frying pan stainless steel frying pan any frying pan that you have you just break this dough down into two pieces for a couple of these frying pans or I've got these quarter sheets which are half of the half sheet and I'm going to break it in two just so that I can do different flavorings now venture scraper I am going to pour it into this sheet pan just so that I can cut the dough in half roughly in half and it doesn't have to be exact so the dough will deflate a little bit when you do this that's fine that's normal it's gonna happen okay now olive oil generous with the olive oil I'm going to use this pan and this pan I'm gonna plop that went in there and this one in here now shaping it really not a whole lot to shaping it you just take your fingers and you press it out and you want to make sure that the pan is completely coated in oil just gently press it out and you can stretch it and if you want to pick it up and turn it over pick it up and turn it over the dough is very forgiving now there's gonna be a point where it might pull back on itself and especially since you've got so much oil in here if that happens just leave it move on to this one the dough will rest and relax a little bit and you'll be able to finish the shaping after you've got them stretched out just take some plastic wrap and cover them over let them hang out on the counter for about a half an hour while you decide what you're gonna put on top I am gasp going to treat these as though they are kind of a pan pizza a thick crust pan pizza so I'm gonna put together some toppings and in about half an hour we'll see how this goes I went through the fridge and freezer to come up with some toppings for these two flat breads focaccia deep pan pizza thick crust pizza skillet pizza frying pan pizza whatever you want to call it I went through the fridge in the freezer looking for stuff to put on them now in its simplest form a little bit more olive oil salt and pepper and these are done put them in the oven and you're good to go I kind of want a little bit more on them so I've got some fried bacon and onions left over from the pierogi episode earlier in the week and I'm going to sprinkle them on top of this one I think that should make a really nice topping so I'm just gonna spread it out on top and you can put whatever you want on here you could make this into something sweet you could put on honey you could put on tella peanut butter whatever you want really don't let the food police scare you into believing that you can only do one thing on the second one I found some crushed tomatoes in the freezer so I'm gonna put that on top and just spread it around just like you would with a pizza and then I found some black olives half an onion and some pepperoni or salami hot salami I think it is so I'm gonna put that on top and treat this one just as if it was a pizza some sliced onion and some black olives now I think I've got some hard cheese in here let's see it's not labeled not completely sure hmm it's probably uh some kind of parmesan anyway great a little bit of that on top now these will go into a preheated 450 degree oven and they're gonna take anywhere between 20 and 25 minutes to cook it's one of those things where you can't really test if it's cooked but after about 20-25 minutes they are fully cooked into the oven we go hey Glenn hey friends I see you've got some creative bread work today yes so I thought leftover gotcha deep dish the crust pizza whatever I think this one's the whatever yeah so I mean that was leftover bacon and onion oh okay and that was leftover stuff that was in the fridge from our last pizza night I don't know two and a half weeks ago okay so hate them as they are eat them as a side yeah yes good options two things make sure that you have enough oil I always forget to put enough oil it always seems like there's enough oil like it's swimming in oil and it could probably use some more put on whatever you want to put on whatever you have because obviously we're in kind of a situation where that's important right now but you know these are these are fine straight up just with olive oil a little bit of salt pepper but you know all of the regular things you dimple it and you could put anything on it really it's fresh it's fresh it really is it's fresh brings you joy yeah so I'm trying to figure out how to I can bite this in a way that I can get lots of bacon and onion because I make a complete disaster of myself that's really good now using that levan that left over using that levan the leftover yeast mixed with a slurry of water and flour leaving it for a day really improves the texture of any bread that's really soft super soft bread yeah I know I'm amazed at how much that still tastes like a fruit that I want to put a little sour cream with it mm-hmm and um just you know because it brings me joy for no other reason so take this do whatever you want with it put whatever you want on top cook it however you've gone it's really simple it's really easy it doesn't take long you can do it in any kind of pan don't be afraid of the kneading step it's very simple it's very easy it's just a repetitive motion it's very calming yeah it's a calming just just it is very calming it's not hard it just takes about 15 minutes don't fear that so thanks for stopping by stay well stay safe see you guys soon you
Channel: Glen And Friends Cooking
Views: 110,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glen & Friends Cooking, recipe, how to make focaccia bread, how to make focaccia, how to make focaccia bread at home, how to make focaccia pizza, skillet pizza recipe, skillet pizza bon appetit, skillet pizza dough, skillet pizza dough recipe, skillet pizza bread, how to make skillet pizza, homemade focaccia recipe, homemade focaccia bread recipe, focaccia dough recipe, focaccia pizza dough, how to make focaccia bread from scratch, focaccia with preferment
Id: 1VrZo0NReC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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