🤯 This Praise Team Doesn’t Play Fair! Spirit And Truth KILLING Praise & Worship! #Church

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somebody give me a favor shout out the highest praise hallelujah come on dude again for the sun hallelujah now one more time for the holy ghost clap your hands everybody come on everybody help your hands come on y'all ready here we go glorious do it again hey glory glorious come on and make his friends glory be to every city street hallelujah glory glory glory glory is hallelujah glory times you oh [Music] put your hands on it god is so good come on come on now father we declare decree that from every nation and every tribe we will glorify your name and exalt your name highly to him be all glory don't make your majesty empower both now and forever y'all listen up say glory yes glory times glory glory so the way me [Music] everybody [Music] we gotta go glorify [Music] [Music] to go [Music] [Music] [Music] for all the things foreign you've done some crazy the lord you did it [Music] he's sometimes i look back and i begin to wonder the lord delivered me the lord saved me the lord can lead me did he's gonna do it again he's gonna do it again clap your head [Music] everybody [Music] can i get [Music] is foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] for me [Music] [Music] [Music] downtown save my friends foreign [Music] if you know the lord's been good to you if he's been bred when you are hungry water with you with our he's been let the musicians have some y'all clap your hands while they got it [Music] we gotta go we gotta go she already got my 10 more seconds we got to go back 10 more we got hey out of the crease [Music] somebody playing like the lord has done something for [Music] [Music] this ain't dancing speed but i feel like putting my feet on the floor [Music] everybody we gotta go [Music] two [Music] with his love he has saved us with his power i was locked in a tomb but he has raised [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign so many [Music] hands lifted [Music] and as long as we've got a memory as long as we are aware our praise will be consistent i will bless the lord at all you don't know my story of the things that i've been through you they may not be able to understand my praise but when you see me waving my hand know that there's a story behind my praise i know you're watching right now you're not able to get on the microphone but you know your testimony you ought to share so the world can hear that god is still saving and delivering naked ways i don't know where he is the prince of peace he's my bread when i'm holding water with a that's why he deserves the glory will you lift your hands if you believe it [Music] yeah we acknowledge him and we bow our heads because he is royalty and we salute him for the majestic savior that he is your majesty lift your hands before our savior he is our king he is the king he is our lord and king i'm ready he is the king and he is worthy of the highest praise come on stretch your hands it's uncomfortable but stretch them don't lift them stretch [Music] today we cast down our crowns we cast out crowds we joined the elders we we we know who we are we know we have degrees we know we have we have all these things but today we lay them down and we declare that you are the highest value in our lives you're the greatest thing we know
Channel: YLC TV
Views: 197,149
Rating: 4.8558655 out of 5
Keywords: Ylc, Praise break, Elder mark moore, Praise breaks, Mark moore jr, Young leaders conference, Bishop Brandon Jacobs, New zion temple, Spirit and truth, COGIC praise, Bishop j drew Sheard, Dorinda Clark Cole he brought me, Upper room apostolic cathedral, The ramp church, Bishop younger, Korey Mickie, happy preacher, Ricky dillard, Bishop Ellis, cooper temple bump, cooper temple praise break, glenn gibson shout, whooping, bishop joel tudman, jonathan nelson praise break
Id: bNOcETl-VBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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