🤫8 SECRETS only PROS know in ROYALE HIGH! || Royale High🏰 Secrets + Tips | Roblox

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[Music] hey everyone it's Enchanted Izzy and welcome back to my Channel or welcome if you're new in today's video I'm going to be talking about Royal High secrets and make sure to subscribe for more Royal high content because I'm on the road to 8,000 Subs so I'm going to be showing you guys a bunch of different secrets in Royale high this video is inspired by bpls because she live streamed one of the secrets I'm going to be showing you guys in this video so credits do go to her for one of the secrets I'm going to be showing you guys in this video however there are multiple different little things that I'm not sure if that many people know about that are in game so let's just get into the [Music] video the first secret is actually in the new realm in the thr Tower there is a couple of different secrets in here that I want to share with you guys so if you go over here I actually did make a video already talking about this however this painting is not a normal painting if you pull out the dark element and you do this towards the dark element as you can tell something begins to happen the floor kind of breaks so all you do is do that with the hammer and then once you go down here there is is like this secret room however there is this book right here oh I'm a little bit too close let's Okay so there's actually two different secrets on this book so the first thing is if you didn't know there was an old realm called deina and this Tower right here looks exactly like the tower that was in the deina realm now if you look at these little patterns right here and then it's literally pointing towards a mermaid tail and if you look down here it is the same exact pattern saying meaning seen with mermaids so I feel like that might hint at mermaid tales being officially added back into the game and also something else that I want to point out is if you completed the quest completely unfortunately if you rejoin and you've already completed it it refreshes but if you go over here here this is like another little secret and you go behind these chairs there's actually a hidden note unfortunately it doesn't show up for me because the quest you know refreshed for me and stuff like that however it shows the same exact symbols and the alphabet and if you put the alphabet with the book that I just showed you and the symbols and stuff like that it actually spells out deina so yeah that's just a cool little Easter egg that is in Royal hi I hope this kind of seals the deal that we're going to get mermaid tales back into the game because they have been confirmed to get added however there has been no talk about them until this little book and also another secret is actually on this book too so if you look down here it a secret passage hidden in the school and then it actually shows you a code however the hidden code is different for every single person so I'm going to actually show you guys where this hidden passage is I did make an entire video about it but I'm still going to show you guys in this video cuz it is a little secret so if you go to the Castle's part so if you go up here to this little fireplace area this is where the hidden passage actually is so I'm just going to open it up real quick and as you guys can see it opens up and it leads up there and opens up to a chest if you would like a stepbystep tutorial on how to do that cuz I did kind of skim through it I will be linking that video in the description down below for you guys as well so the next little secret is actually in the school's office okay so if you go in here and you look at Poppy's computer I have to angle it right it says new set and then it says Valkyrie cosplay so this has been in the game for a very long time and we still haven't really got anything about this however this is a cool little Easter egg that possibly we might get a valkyrie set eventually eventually so I'm sure a lot of people actually know about this but they added this like a month ago so if you click on your diary and you're doing your dailies and stuff like that you can actually just teleport to them and there is a button that allows you to teleport to them so if I click go there it will it's broke it just took a second but it did teleport me so yeah that is just another little Easter egg in Royal High now we're actually going to go to the apartment's realm so I'm sure a lot of people actually know about this but you can actually flood your apartment in Royal High so if you just click on the faucet here as you can tell it goes down but if you click on it and then you wait a little bit it actually floods your apartment [Music] as you can tell now my apartment is literally flooded and all you do to stop this is just click on the faucet again and it will go back down so very similar to flooding your apartment you can also set it on fire just by clicking on all of the buttons here on the stove and then you just kind of wait so it's been a couple of seconds and now my entire apartment is on fire and to make this fire go away all you do is just flood your apartment and click on the water and it should eventually go away because this is a bit of a a bit of an ey sore I can't lie it's no longer on fire except now my apartment is flooded once again okay so if you didn't know D drinking tea actually lowers down your energy so this could help you level up really fast if you drink enough tea and then you go sleep if you didn't know sleeping actually gives you little XP so that helps you level up and stuff like that so the tea bags are actually right here in the bathing quarter so you could just drink a bunch of tea and it'll lower your energy and then you could sleep and then it could help you level up okay so everyone probably knows about this mirror over here however I'm going to show you guys that you can actually get behind this mirror room because it's actually a separate room so what you're going to do is you're going to go over here to the relaxation room and you're going to put your flight all the way up and you're just going to kind of fly against the walls and it's going to kind of glitch you out a little bit okay now now I'm kind of out so you're going to go over [Music] here and the room should be somewhere around here oh yeah right here and here it is you're basically now on the other side of the glass which is crazy yeah this is actually a really cool spot to make your outfits and stuff like that if you don't want anyone bothering you when you're making outfits you could go here or you could prank people on Royal High I feel like that would be kind of a funny video if you guys want me to prank people by going behind the mirror in Royal High add dressing really scary let me know in the comment section because I have a really good scary outfit I could definitely use to scare people okay so now we're going to go to campus 2 and this is a bit of an old little secret but not that many people know about it and it is personally one of my favorite Secrets okay so in campus 2 there is actually this hidden Magazine with some lore in it so you go to the bathrooms and it is in the Princess section and if you go to this corner over here there are these Royal magazines and if you click on it and click on Royal High news there is like a bunch of lore and stuff like that so if you guys want to read this and check it out definitely recommend to and then there's like a swimming competition or something like that and then there's like pools you can tell that this is really Old Roy High but it is really cool to see this because there's like little lore and it's so cool [Music] what
Channel: enchanteddizzy
Views: 24,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PU1fE2PPuBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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