🤖 Best FREE SCRIPTS 3ds Max Soulburn - Save Time Part 01

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foreign [Music] scripts this this is a package of scripts are really useful I'll show you how to install them how to make them into custom made tabs and shortcuts and which one are my favorite I use them to save time and save a lot of clicks firstly you can download the script from this site you can find the link in the description you can choose over here the version of 3ds Max that you have downloaded unzip the package and here is my unzipped package this one then I'll go and copy the folder Scripts to disk C program files out disk please choose here your folder and then find the folder Scripts and copy this content over here continue then go back to this folder user interface in and then here to 3ds Max user UI slash I in and copy the content from the folder icon here to this one yes continue and the icons for the dark mode select all Ctrl C and to the icon icons dark here Ctrl V and yes then go back open the first folder macro macro Scripts and then copy these two into folder C user select your user app data local Autodesk 3ds Max your version the end folder that you're using and user macros s here copy and paste all of them hear about the end folders you can check our video on what is the difference and if you have a different end folder how to transfer it and if I go to 3ds Max and here if I press either X and press sawborn here is the list with all of the scripts they're a lot or the other options how to find it find them is to go customize customize user interface and here under Soul burn there is first one part of the list and then Soul burn script extras there are another one now how to make the scripts into two bars go to customize customize user interface toolbars new name it press ok this guy over here with the dots is our new menu um the first one that I add is object replacer please drag and drop this one that ends with UI object replacer I'll show you for the how to use them this that the one that I'm going to select are my favorite one that they increased my speed of work a lot through the years so drag and drop and you can see that the icon is being loaded automatically this is because we copy and paste the icons from the unzipped folder to the particular one so object replacer drag and drop then transform randomizer this one like this then selection randomizer this one here object the toucher I use a lot the object toucher but I prefer to assign a shortcut to it so I'll show you how to assign it later object painter [Music] uh we have made a huge another video about the object painter and how to use it [Music] and material remover this one here and as a final I will add also the soul burn script Lister this one then press save and save her toolbars like this and then you can place it here ready to use so the first one is the sovereign scriptlister if you hover on some of the icons the name of the script is popping if you forget what the icon mean but by using the scripts you're going to use to it you can call it from here by clicking it is all of the scripts or by pressing X and writing so burn you can call the list from here as well the second one is material remover if I make an object assign material then by pressing here press do and it's cleaned it works also for multiple objects like this if I select them assign material and then press remove I can clean them I highly recommend to clean the materials from different softwares when you import something from archicad or out some of the other Autodesk products Revit um some of the rendering Edge engines like vire or Corona they don't they don't support all of the material types and you can have artifacts or books so my suggestion is always to clean the materials and assign the correct one and to use them so this is this script comes in hand in these situations the next one is object painter we made video about it uh with suggest with ideas how to use it when to use it and why it's going to save you time you can find it in the cart above or in the link in the description the next one is object attacher I prefer to use it as a script not as a toolbar over here I use it a lot when I work on huge projects let's say an aerial view and you need to have you have many buildings I prefer to attach the whole building in one object because in this way you're going to have not um different pivot Points to all of the object but one Pivot Point to it and this is going to optimize your FPS in the scene when you turn it how to attach um the shortcut go to customize customize user interface keyboard here under soulburn Scripts object attacher I assign here the shortcut because here under object attacher UI the menu context menu is going to be called I'll show you if I press it here my shortcut is Ctrl and R if I send here close this menu and select these two boxes and press it here is the context menu but and you can say okay I would like to have it in poly mesh or spline let's say polyline do and these two are attached but I prefer to make it faster that's why I will assign this shortcut to the object attacher without UI customize customize user interface here again sober script object attacher here above you can just press to the hotkey here assign it's going to be moved you can save your shortcuts as well close it and then you can choose all of these objects these three objects press Ctrl and r and there attached it works for a lot of objects I've tested it with hundreds of hundreds of objects then when we have all of the objects attached together the opposite script option is the object toucher if you press it you can select whether to keep the wireframe color to select the result after that if you have thousands of objects uh where to where the pivot point to be placed in the center or the bottom of the region and by pressing apply now you can see we have all of them the same wire wireframe color in different objects in all of them are called detached I also like to assign shortcut to the object detacher because I use it a lot again under customize customize user interface soborne object detacher my script my shortcut is control shift and D assign and press and if I attach them now it's one single object and if I press Ctrl shift ND now I have again four objects this works for instance when you have the slabs of the building you want to attach them to assign one um let's say one material let's say this one and when you work on them after that you want to decide to detach them to work on the particular slap itself and then you can detach them again like this and you can have them in single pieces then how to use selection randomizer let's say I have this plane I'm going to make it to editable poly then select uh the edges go to chamfer press here here this gaps and I'm going to turn them really fast into the house then I will press the object detacher and detach them wait a bit okay now we have here this 400 objects let's say these are the tiles for my scene I'll go to selection randomizer and are called the context menu I would like to have 30 percent of this of all of these styles apply I've selected them and I would like to have them gray like this then I selected the rest of them and from the rest of them I would like to have 50 percent like this these are 50 percent I would like to have them blue and from the rest of the tiles let's say 10 percent I would like to have them red and I have variety of the tiles you can either select select percentage or exact exact number let's say from this 400 I would like to have 50 apply and oops like this apply I've selected 50 objects over here you can see this one and I would like to have this yellow and in this way with these two I can make variety for concrete tiles wooden tiles wooden locks or wooden planks or furniture [Music] accessories decoration everything that you can imagine this is going to give you a moralistic look to your image here I've prepared um some bushes let's say I would like to use this one I'm going to spread it copied like this then I can select it and it's important here to select the pivot of each object now I can rotate it on the Z axis so I can create a bit of variety I can increase this amount this one and I can turn them and maybe rotate them on this axis as well on the Y like this so it looks a bit more realistic and natural organic additional in addition to that I'm going to scale it on all of the axes maybe from let's say if it's if this is the biggest one that I would like to get here I'm going to keep it at 100 percent and then maybe 80. to be to have Variety in the size by pressing one time let's go to scale a bit and then it continues to measure from this size maybe it's a bit too much so I'm going to bring it back maybe just in the that axis a bit like this you can adjust it as as much as you want and I would like to put it a bit to to the y-axis like this you can see it in the top view moved a bit like this rotate it like this and now we have more natural look to all of these bushes as if the nature has spread he has created it works really well as well for trees if you have one tree around the streets let's say you would like to spread it five trees and you don't want to have them copy paste all of them rotated at the same direction then you can rotate it on the Z axis as well like this a bit and you can scale them a bit in all of the directions like this and rotate it like this now you have them in different ways turn rotated if you rotate them in all of the axes you can see that it comes a little bit strange but if you make this in one percent and then two [Music] this turning around and folding let's say it doesn't look so weird and of course by pressing undo you can go back one step and you have more realistic look over here and the second part of the soulborne scripts tutorial I will show you how to use object replacer some great examples on how to boost your work how to lit a night scene really fast how to get trees Street lamps how to switch to between open umbrellas for they've seen enclosed umbrellas for night scene so stay with us if you enjoyed anything in the video then drop a like and a big thank you to everyone who does if you haven't subscribed yet click below and join us we have some great videos coming up that you don't want to miss thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video bye for now [Music]
Views: 2,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering, 3d, archviz, architecture, optimise, workflow, boost, savetime, speedup, render, visualisation, script, custom, tabs, shortcuts
Id: f8XkJ6BaXxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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