🟣 Cómo Sembrar MORAS (Morera) desde Semillas ➤ para Cultivarlas en Maceta o en Tierra

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In today's video I'm going to be showing you How to plant blackberries at home, in a super easy way so that little by little you can have your blackberry plants growing without any problem; and I am also going to be giving you all the secrets so that you can grow your potted blackberry plants to achieve compact plants that are well branched from the base, because this is going to be one of the main secrets for the plant to be loaded with fruit when cultivation is done in a pot. But first we are going to go look for the blackberries to do all the extraction of the seeds. I came to look for these because the production that this plant gives is impressive, look at the size of these blackberries and I am going to take these too. But all the branches, even the ones that are touching the ground, look at the size of these, it's something impressive, I keep them here. And now I show you how to plant them around here, some bird has already been eating. And from how ripe they are, the seeds are coming out, I'm going with all this and I'll show you how I go about planting them, in this case I have this one pruned in such a way that it fits me well at a height of approximately one meter and the plant is medium due to pruning and it is the white blackberry look at the size they have then it is much easier to reach these plants and I am going to harvest some to be planting them and there are these other blackberries and they have an intermediate point between the two types of blackberry that we put together the one that is very dark and the white one. And these are all the blackberries that we grow at home: the white one, which is much sweeter, the black one, which is my favorite, and the intermediate one, which is much more acidic, which makes it totally different from the white blackberry, and this intermediate blackberry combines the sweetness of the white blackberry and part of the acidity of the blackberry and as we were seeing in the sowing of strawberries and blueberries, in the case of strawberries each of these little dots that we see are the fruits that will have only one inside seed, in the blackberry, we are going to have the seed inside each of these sections that we are now going to be cutting and the blueberry inside the same blueberry we are going to have all the seeds so the blackberry is going to behave practically like a blueberry in the sense that it is all pulp and keeps the seed inside and the blackberry is going to be similar to a strawberry because in each of these sections we are going to have a single seed, and in the blackberry, and that is why I am going to use the white one, to be watching or where we have these seeds located and there it is in each of these parts comes the little seed, we are going to do the extraction as we did with the strawberry and the blueberry and I am going to give you a couple of tips with the blackberry because the seeds are going to behave differently I look for the largest ones and one of the characteristics of the blackberries is that we are going to have a lot of seeds, we add the water and as we did with the blueberries and the strawberries we are going to start giving them pulses. And in this case we have the first difference with strawberries and blueberries, many of the blackberry seeds will remain floating and this does not mean that these seeds will not germinate, and this happens because the seeds have an extra protective layer because In nature, birds eat it, mainly pigeons, so as it goes through the entire digestive tract, it is a way that the blackberry plant has to protect these seeds when it goes through all the gastric juices so that the seed remains intact. , and all the seeds that were left floating, now we are going to separate them with a strainer to also be sowing them, and to be able to get out all that little bag that protects them with a little water and you press it with your finger and in this way we All the seeds remain without the bags, I'm going to zoom in more so you can see all these bags that you see, it's what was protecting each of the seeds. We are going to leave a paper napkin like this and we are going to put all the seeds on top of the napkin until here, it is the same thing that happened with the blueberries and strawberries. This is the right moment in case if you are going to have a little bit of guilt you can take it out and now we are only going to leave them this way so that the water is absorbed, but the problem that we are going to have with these seeds is that if we leave them directly on this sheet of paper they will remain stuck because there is still a layer of mucilage around the seeds that, when dry, will stick in such a way that you will not be able to separate them, once we remove the excess water before it dries we are going to pass them over a plate, in this case as it is not going to stick, later we will be able to separate it very easily to be able to be doing the sowing, because this mucilage is not going to stick against the plate I let it dry and I'll show you, here I already have some dry ones and this is the advantage we have, we are going to prepare seedlings to plant, as a container I am going to be using the same trays, unlike the blueberries and strawberries, I am going to pierce it because how are you going to plan They are very strong when they are germinating, we are going to have to increase the irrigation and we are not going to want to retain excess water, as for the substrate, it will be a common black earth that you have at home because they are seeds that adapt very well to different types of substrates in this way, I have the nursery ready and the dry seeds to start sowing any large rubble that we have left, we take it out and if there are seeds that are too close together, we separate them, in any case when we are doing the transplant we are going to to be able to separate without any problem, and I leave them lying around and now for this type of seed we are going to cover them with very fine soil because they are seeds, and that is one of the advantages that blackberries have, that they germinate very quickly and we are going to want that these roots meet the substrate and begin to extract all this nutrition as quickly as possible, in the case of blueberries and strawberries we did not do all this because as they are very small and weak embryos they did not go to be able to get out from under the ground. I water well and gently so as not to be unearthing any of these seeds, as it is I am going to leave it in a warm place inside the house and approximately a week later you will begin to find that all these seeds have begun to germinate, that is It is important to leave it uncovered, unlike blueberries and strawberries, so that they grow as quickly as possible, as time goes by these little plants grow and we are going to start to find the first true leaves, typical of a blackberry, in where at this point with one two three little leaves we can start to transplant it without any problem, on the other hand this one is also much bigger it lost the cotyledons, but we have a super rusticated plant this one needs a little more I am going to transplant this behind a pot, I put part of this compost that I have around here, I hardly press water so that the root immediately comes into contact with all the moist substrate, we are going to go with the fork well from below to remove the entire little plant here are the roots growing and the growth of the blackberry plant is very fast we try to make it as well located as possible and well straight and just as this plant is now I am going to be watering it well and the first days I am going to recommend that you leave it in a well-lit place but that it is not in direct sunlight and when you start to see new leaves, you can start moving it to a place with more sun so that it begins to photosynthesize as much as possible. fast as possible and grow super well, remember to water it when you touch it with your finger and feel it dry. To grow in a pot we are going to have to achieve compact plants that are well branched from the base and all this induction, unlike the blueberry, for example, we are going to be doing it directly with oblique cuts and then I am going to be sterilizing it with 80% alcohol so that in this way we are going to start doing all this stimulation of these new branches, if you see that this branch grows much faster because we still have the apex, what we have to do is cut it to give it time not only so that they branch out from below, but also so that it grows in a balanced way. In this case, I already have a basal branch, I go up 1 2 3 4 nodes and I have another branch, so I am going to cut it up here , to be stimulating a much greater number of branches And so we are going to generate the entire cup, if you want all this cup to be very high, you are going to let the first branches begin to come out r at the height that you are looking for, which I am now going to show you with a plant that I have directly on the ground so that harvesting is much easier. In this blackberry that I have directly here in the orchard, I left the entire stem where I am cutting all the branches that it gives and I am forming the top, and that is why I am leaving the different branches so that it develops well above and in turn on all the lateral branches, I am also going to go ., letting this trellis form, so that later each one of the branches is loaded with the fruits and I am going to have it this way on this other side exactly the same and notice that at the tip they are all blunt so that the plant branches out where I want and this other one is also all blunt and mainly the one on top of everything. This is how I am forming the cup of this blackberry so that it can be harvested super easily. I hope you liked the video, share it with your friends and in a very short time we will be seeing each other in another video with much more botanical biology and today applied to blackberry cultivation from seed, I send you a big hello... Bye
Channel: MiradasBiologicas
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Id: iLv9FytF-dM
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Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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