🛠Damn good multitool under $50. (real innovation IMO)

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there's a good chance you don't know who Roxanne is but they make multi-tools and some that are quite unique the Phantom is no exception and I'd like to show you what this budget multi-tool has to offer so let's go ahead and get right to it so the Phantom is a multi-tool I wanted to pick up for a little while the reason I'm doing it now actually it kind of happened after uh number three of the Letterman garage where they had the exchangeable blades and I'm like I've seen this before and I've seen it done better and it reminded me of this uh and their folding knife which I reviewed way back when which was only about 15 bucks and has exchangeable blades this is a multi-tool with a blade exchanger and so I wanted to Showcase that you could do it and do it in a much better way so let's go ahead and walk through the roxon Phantom there's actually a lot of features to this tool that I think are done better than some of the bigger name brands and there's nothing else really on the market like it so let's go ahead and pull out the tool so first as you will see it's definitely a different form factor and in pretty much the entirety of the tool all the edges are rounded so there's a lot fewer sharper edges like you will find on the majority of mainstream multi-tools it also comes with some spare Cutters which is greatly appreciated because I'm sure it's difficult to Source them otherwise and it comes with a sheath and you'll notice that in the sheath there is also a bit kit included there's a thought you have a tool that needs bits you include the bits with the multi-tool you know I think if certain brands maybe included bits with their multi-tool they would sell a lot more of them just a thought anyway you'll notice though that these are four millimeter bits and it has a converter for that and a square on the opposite side we'll get to how that attaches in a minute so for starters on the outside this looks quite a bit different um than most multi-tools and this does things different than most multi-tools so let's start with the blade so the blade it comes with is a Tanto shape um and what I find interesting in addition to this being a very transparent company they have all the materials and everything listed on the back and uh yeah it's it's solid you can see the materials right there they have different materials for the exchangeable blade so this is I believe 5cr but the ones that you purchase separately and here's an example of some of the different ones and my favorite being the utility knife by the way these are actually HCR I believe which is pretty cool so a slightly better upgrade on steel for the extra blades that you buy and this will work not only for this particular multi-tool but it'll work for their um pocket knife as well so that's really really neat so the way this works we'll close the liner lock it's the liner lock is you pop out these two spots here the frame comes off and you get access to your blade it's really really simple design so if you need to take this off to clean it let's say you're you know doing food or whatever you could take it off clean it put it back together and it's a pretty quick process just line them up push down lock lock and you're back to where you were very very quick and easy to do not like the Leatherman garage where we had to undo tiny little screws this makes a lot of sense right this actually makes sense because you're not going to be wearing down threads and different you know anyway it's it's just a it's just a really nice way to do it so let's go inside now this is a big tool notice there's three different sections we'll get to that in a minute when we open it we get spring-loaded pliers this is probably the weakest part of the whole tool as far as appeal for me the Pliers are not that big um they're not they're not as big as you would expect from a tool that is this dimension and speaking of Dimensions let's get a weight and I think this is something that people are going to ask about so let's go ahead and get a weight on this thing so this is in Grant uh using ounces sorry it's just about 10.6 ounces and we'll go ahead and do grams we'll do grams as well grams here we go about 300 almost dead on 300 grams all right so it's not a light multi-tool by any stretch and it comes with a sheath so that's appreciated because that's pretty much the only way I would carry it personally there's no pocket clip so they're not trying to make it a uh pocket clip friendly multi-tool per se now on the other side before we go I should have probably done this before we got to the pliers we have a locking liner locked saw this actually is done really well surprisingly so liner lock saw easy enough and then this is something every company should be paying attention to check this out so if I press the tool this little button and I press it up it actually deploys the smaller implements all four of these things it's they have a chisel and bottle opener we have a partially three-dimensional Phillips we have a reamer we have a can opener wire stripper and small flat head so these four implements and all of these by the way lock how do you unlock it use the same button and go this direction and now it is able to be unlocked so upwards to pop them out backwards to lock them now how efficient is that very nice I like that a lot now getting inside we see the pliers right but there's this other button over here now watch this this is crazy so if I press this button can't see it through the viewfinder here it goes down I believe yeah there we go now it will unlock and it will give you big reveal time one of the biggest pairs of scissors in fact they're far bigger than the pliers they are monstrous scissors now hold on a second let me get some material I want to show you what I'm talking about when I say that these are insanely good like they make the surge scissors look bad hold on okay so this is Titan Survivor chord so in addition to the normal strands it has additionals including a copper wire on top of everything else this thing is a pain to cut for most scissors but I'm going to start even at the tip which is the hardest Place check this out no problem whatsoever even at the very tip it goes through it without any issues and no damage whatsoever to the scissors and these are seriously stupidly over the top and this is not something I would necessarily do with every scissor but you can see they're strong enough not to deflect even when I'm cutting large pieces of wood very very good scissors on this thing like actually legit scissors how cool was that and they lock in under the plier now that's partially why the plier is so small so looking at this package it's pretty complete when you combine that with the fact that you can change this out for more useful blades and in my head the more useful Blade the one I would buy is the package that includes the utility knife blade I think having utility knife blades in a multi-tool makes a ton of sense I really really like it and if I remember correctly it comes with this one it comes with that one and I'm trying to remember what else I think it's this one here I think it's this one this one and this one come in that package those are all really good in useful shapes already so you have the uh I believe it's a sheep's foot design you have the clip point and you have the utility knife in that and you can even get the pocket knife if you just want to rock a single blade so you have a really light setup this is a good idea this is a really good idea and they do it in a simple enough way that uh yeah anybody can figure it out and the price is cheap enough that you can justify getting multiple sets or at the very least you because you have the utility knife blade holder you can just get a stack of utility blades and you call it quits for most people that's going to be good enough now I'm I almost forgot the big hit if I go out here and we pull the Phillips and I should mention that because of this deployment I can pretty much select it like a Leatherman free series tool like I can just deploy it select the one I want and then pop it out without needing to use two hands that's pretty cool this works like so where the square side goes onto the Phillips you get a very long extension doing this and because you're using four millimeter extender this is narrower than a quarter inch so it's going to go in more slots and then we have our bit kit so we have different size Phillips looks like always up to number two some um hex as well as some torques as well I think this is is this a number six it is a T6 so T6 looks like T6 T8 T10 those are the ones that I actually use the most so that actually works out along with a small Flathead that's a lot of included features you've got your spare Cutters awesome you got your spit kit included awesome you have a really well thought out tool I think it's a little bit bulky but the bulk actually I think a lot of this has to do with these secondary plates which they probably could have just hollowed out like just put holes in them to make them lighter but the big benefit is that you get one of the most comfortable multi-tools I've ever held in my hands I mean using a blade like this like really hard this is surprisingly comfortable because of all of these rounded edges all over the place like that's not normal like I don't see that pretty much anywhere in the multi-tool world so for Roxanne to do this it's pretty interesting um it doesn't get talked about a lot and as you would expect I mean the quality of the materials and so on it's not the highest but the price isn't the highest either I think this thing came in well under fifty dollars so for a package like this with the bit kit with the spares I think a lot of people can get behind this this is more of a toolbox approach than some of the lighter off-branded multi-tools but that might not be such a bad thing in some ways this is a pretty good uh throw in a glove box kind of setup in fact if I could find a way I would try to fit this into I wonder if I can do that hold on a second let me just see if I can get all this in here just just out of curiosity yes indeed look at that so you put the whole thing including the spare Cutters in there and does that prevent me from pulling everything out sort of I mean it makes it really tight but you know it works and yeah yeah I think that'll I think that'll do it yeah boom look at that so you can use this oh and oh by the way this sheath this is something that all companies should do horizontal carry and vertical carry that's a spare bonus that I that most people don't even go through but that's awesome yeah well done rock song I want to see more of this this is in my opinion this is more Innovative than most of the tools that I see and they emphasize the right things maybe not as much on the pliers as I would like but they did a good job with the blade exchanger they did an amazing job with the scissors the saw looks pretty solid for notching at least and the way they deploy those small implements is really really well done and includes some things like the Chisel and the reamer That You Don't See often in other multi-tools so yeah this is the roxon Phantom and uh I gotta say I like it I'm not 100 sure yet if this will make it into the recommended under 50 but I'm thinking about it I mean it's pretty impressive I'm curious what you guys think should I recommend this and if you have one please I don't think that one um experience is enough of a sample size to be say one way or another so the more feedback you guys give me the better so if you do end up picking one up and you use it for a while please come back and let me know I read every comment so it is helpful so thanks for stopping in I appreciate your time and we'll talk again soon
Channel: Maxlvledc
Views: 164,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S1cAP1nagRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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