Boruto's Team 7 Have Potential To Be OTSUTSUKI God Killers Post Time Skip!

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another board to part one is officially over we have enough information about the different members of Team seven and come to a conclusion on just how strong they are but most importantly set a floor and a ceiling floor how strong they should be coming out of the board so time skip between chapter 80 and chapter 81 aboard so and joining me for today's video is my much underrated good buddy King bullet and in today's video we're going to be discussing how high up the power charts Borton kawaki will be after years of training and we're going to discuss if it's possible for soda and misky to jump up several tiers of power like the board tokage did during their 15 years of training to reach a level where they could collectively fight against nasuski wish to understand How likely this would be for a Miskin solder to reach we have to establish how strong each of the four kage got as a collective during that 15-year time skip that way we can accurately surmise whether or not sword and miskey have a Suzuki level potential I would agree that team 7 do have utsuzuki potential in fact in junk Festa I think this was confirmed but talk more about this later the brother Colgate collectively of as strong as in history I think although this does sound crazy at least hear me out they can fight utasuki like kinshiki and momoshiki who have well destroying Powers adult aliens who are planning to drain all the chakra on Earth to harvest the chakra fruit Sasuke often reading kogi's scroll was under the impression that kinshiki and momoshiki were at least on kogi's level bare minimum regardless of if astronaut which it is by the way is in Sasuke kind of confirmed it from fighting them he still thought of that bringing the kage in the first place to fight them was a good idea and that they would be useful and we know that's true because they were able to clearly fold kinshiki and put base mode and Shiki on the back foot what's more impressive is that the new team 7 will most likely surpass these four card game especially boruto who will obviously as a protagonist since even the kagaya warrior device power and he's only getting stronger and stronger now let's be honest right here so is there anyone out there that's really gonna say that sword and misky can't reach levels higher than someone like children the idea of a a motivated solder with the Mangekyou Sharingan amp in a pissed off misky with Sage Mode training to kill board so not being able to surpass shojoroth and the other four kage collectively is absolutely absurd the Collective Strength of those kage at the bare minimum be their floor but the ceiling from misky and solder should be a lot higher specifically because they're chasing boruto sorda to support boruto and misky due to the shinjutsu effects of him wanting to kill boruto the current boruto is their Benchmark they're chasing which is why we have to establish exactly where current boruto actually is boruto is capable of using momoshiki's power to transform when usuzuki uses another being as a vessel basically they just add their power to their own and grow stronger so boroshiki is basically like this Fusion between Porto and mooshiki in a way and could therefore be stronger than momoshiki on his own as if Courtney borto is stronger than code with his limiters on and this version of code has consistently been considered stronger than Delta by himself an additional volume statements even promotional material we also how strong Delta was granted Naruto wasn't at full power against her but what I mean by that is that he was avoiding using large-scale chakra based attacks but we're not using that basically the taijitsu was matched and Naruto was in fact going all out as he did literally say he was Butters should also be a rival to kawaki and maybe around his level but I'll go over exactly how strong he is a little bit later yeah because like kawaki is like absolutely cracked but for as strong as kawaki is when you look at boruto and you factor in his genius his potential is almost unlimited well as a protagonist he's gonna be strong Damian wants Porto plus time skip to give him a good fight which he probably will and he'll reach Damien's level perhaps dealing with his abilities might be a little bit more tricky but he should be able to do I imagine however given where boruto's actually stacking up we have to take a look at what boruto's time skip training should actually focus on and I think we all can agree that the narrative is setting boards up to be the perfect blend of a Shinobi and osuski we see that much just based off the fact that he tells kawaki in chapter one that he's still a Shinobi and he's about to fight kawaki using those Suzuki Powers via the comma seal itself for boruto to symbolize us that he truly is his master student because as Sasuke said after his renigon was destroyed a true Shinobi works with whatever tools that they're given boruto progressing to accept the power the comma and using it is a mirror for his experience with the scientific ninja tools and it's a sign of boards growth borto felt shamed and embarrassed about the fact that he got called out for using ninja tools and the tuning exams and it took him some time to accept ninja tools as being something that can be used in combat by a Shinobi in battle when he fought against Alp however with the karma seal we see boruto is afraid of using the power karma for the most part that's not to say he won't use it when pushed in battle we saw that however we did also see in the anime he was afraid of losing control even after getting those biaki on drugs that's why he got PTSD when himawari was asking him to spawn with her because boruto was afraid of losing control and harming his sister and he was specifically thinking about the comma seal boruto was reluctant to use the comma in Chapter 58 of the manga and even in the anime battle with code the anime did a really good job of highlighting boruto was reluctantly giving in to using a calm against this enemy because using his Shinobi tactics against code it wasn't enough it's for that reason boruto should be beefing up his Ninjutsu arson and skills during his training with Sasuke both to get the most out of them when he uses the comaseal power boost but also so he does what Sasuke and Naruto wanted more to do with the ninja tools which is don't rely too heavily on science to a point where you forsake your own Ninjutsu training now they were only talking about ninja tools scientific ninja tools at that but the karma seal is a type of tool in a way so the same logic can still be applied here but that's not to say he shouldn't use comma to use all momoshiki's abilities the question is which ones should bore to know realistically Post Time skip Post Time skip Porta should have learned all of mamushiki's abilities that includes time freezing the ability to communicate with people's Consciousness full countering which allows him to reflect any chakra based attack is opponent with double strength and if you're using a novels you could possibly use the Ability absolute zero eyes which is basically an ability similar to a character like Rukia from Bleach all these abilities are something that boruto should be able to learn and opt to learn his potential as a protagonist is basically infinite he will inevitably surpass Barnum mode Naruto but for all we know he might actually end up riding usasuki Gods by using I don't know fourth dimensional rasengan's which sounds wild but it's not impossible however it's also for that reason because of how many shinjuku's abilities boruto theoretically should have access to due to momoshiki stating he has knowledge of all shinjutsu in existence I don't think it's crazy to say that if boruto on top of his on Ninja 2 training also Masters momoshiki's abilities that we can say are likely shinjutsu and he Taps into momosuki's knowledge of other shinjutsu and given the fact that boruto is a genius who Kakashi stated during the Rasengan training with boruto had inherited The Genius of the fourth Hokage I don't think it's crazy to say that boruto combines all that and at age 16 is able to slap box with Barry almost Naruto and ishiki potentially even beating them who up until now those two characters they've been in a class unto themselves about people like Damon burial mode and iziki they were benchmarks of power and board to part one so for part two it's inevitable that they get surpassed but that's bored so sarda reaching that level of power out the time skip that's a larger conversation to have but there is a path for Saturday very early on was considered joining level according to both the novels and promotional material we know she can fight Boro who is an inner member of Korra who like Cody is said to be stronger than Delta although take this with a grain of salt because it might actually just be related to his broken abilities keep in mind that Sasuke does consider all Cara members all inner members at least around the level of utsusuki I know it does sound kind of cringe but kishimo when he first decided to write boruto or go into boruto he said in a jump faster interview that all of fights and Naruto will be partaking in are going to become more and more dangerous than the ones in Shippuden but somehow he has to integrate the new generation into these fights but don't worry because he does admit that he also finds a way that these kids are evil to fight these alien Gods but it's a narrative concession that he has to make just to make sure a character like sarada continues to be relevant otherwise it's like what's the point of her character and that's honestly what's really tricky about sarda's character and how it's gonna be handled because she's clearly starting at a level well above where her mother was in age 12. her mom was stated to have barely been at a gaining level in terms of combat skill only having standout in the sense of high chakra controls shown when in the land of Waze Arc with the tree climbing exercise she did it in no time was shot Kakashi and Tsunade stated in Naruto volume 27 that Sakura's chakra control made her a prodigy that easily surpassed someone like shizuni however given all that sword is still stronger even with Sasuke sarda was literally confirmed by her father to be stronger than him when he was at the same age which at that point in time 12 year old Sasuke is the one who took the tuning exams and that's not a crazy statement neither is her being stronger than the Sasuke fought Naruto at the end of part one and that's before we factor in the power amp that saw it against with the mangakio however sarda runs into the problem of seeing boruto they were always implied to be somewhat relative to each other in the arcs before boruto started using chromata Skyrocket up through the charts and she didn't really have a cheat code like boruto to keep Pace with them where boards went from being at a Joni level like her too being in the upper tiers of Power by the end of boards of part one sarda doesn't even have the benefit that Toby Rama told us about the uchia clan when he spoke to hashirama about not making mod or Hokage Toby Rama specifically said that dude chia's power grows with the more hatred they feel given that sarda isn't exactly overflowing with hatred her training is going to be critical for a girl but what type of training should she undergo to level up Assassin's board so did in part one after he started using coma that's the question I think sarda's training during the time skip should focus on her new Ms abilities which I think may be related to her sun and heat it's impossible to say for sure hopefully she does gain a suit so no that'll be kind of cool and she should be able to take it to at least the almost stage keep in mind that she is Sasuke's daughter so her potential is automatically very high especially considering that she's way stronger than Sasuke ever was around that age to determine her potential exactly we also need to establish a goal we know that she wants to help her protect boruto shimitsuki had to agree that both of them have to become strong enough to protect boruto and only way to do that is to overcome and beat us Suzuki who are the primary villains that brought the fights nowadays Saudi also wants to be a Hokage which is a possibility Post Time skip the job of a Hokage is to protect the village and in order to do that she needs to be the strongest person in the village at least historically the Hokage has been the strongest of her five car game so if she is gonna be the Hokage I imagine she needs to be at least rivaling the other kage very very soon now the good thing for sword is that getting strong enough to surpass the other four boards Hokage that's not a tall task that's basically saying can she get strong enough to fight against a tintel the board tookage after learning that Naruto lost Kurama they weren't scared about the possibility of fighting and destroying a tin Tails they came across like it was something within their power to do as a collective but the idea of fighting another Zeus get the level momoshiki or something that they absolutely drew a line at when gar even doubting Naruto could be a stronger momoshiki who's stronger after being revived in boruto's body for sarda one great way to make up that power Gap is for her to have a pretty bust at my gecko showing on power which when we look at one of the gods associated with one of the stories associated with that goddess is said to have the power to drain and redistribute life force changing that for the Naruto World instead of Life Force you make that drain and redistribute chakra but I won't go over the potential ability since I've already done an in-depth video using mythology and folklore that lines up with sawdust Powers likely are however with mangekyo's Sharingan comes the blindness that comes from over using it which brings us to the Eternal mangekyo Sharingan now sarada might also need an internal magical shotgun in order to catch up with boruto and kawaki they see it technically possible if she transplants Sasuke's eye into herself which actually has a very high possibility of happening maybe foreshadowing Sasuke's death so my guy's life expectancy isn't looking that great unfortunately Post Time skip I imagine that the EMS also gives a bigger boost of sourdough than any other normal EMS because technically she'll be inheriting Sasuke's already existing EMS so she'll basically have the Eternal Eternal mangeko Sharingan maybe a power Stacks in a way and if it does and so they might just unlock a new dojitsu that's never been seen before which if that happens given she's transplanting Sasuke's eye emerging Sasuke's shock with her own just as Sasuke Mercy talks his chakra into his own that's a monster power and for solder even more so when you consider the possibility of her learning the biaco seal we've already seen the manga she's curious about it because she's spoken to her mother about it and in the car actuation art we saw sarda when she was training with her mother it was on chakra control in Chapter 58 she's leading team 7 through chakra control drills which might imply she's actually learning the seal right now it's at that point I want you to sit down for a second because we've already established a sauna does get Sasuke's a tournament get kill shotgun even if it's just half of his chakras this is only one eye that stacked on her own years of training is gonna put her in that osusky tier now when we talk about adding a Bianca go seal to it that's gonna be busted think back to Sakura she was stated to have been barely at a gaining level but a close three to Naruto's manga shows you that she was consistently jumping up tear after tear very quietly in the background saw that as she is right now without the mangekyo Sharingan she's already stronger than her mother was at any point in Naruto part 2 before the war Arc Sakura was just under four years of chakra stored in her seal went from into part one being barely at a gaining level two the initial stabilized biakugo seal was stated in the fourth Naruto dateable to put her at a power level equal to EMS Sasuke and KCM 1.5 Naruto but as the battles went on we saw that there was even more chakras stored in that seal because Obito tells us that soccer is fully Unleashed byakugo had more chakra than one third of Naruto because it's chakra at the time of split between two clones and that Naruto had six past Sage Mode he was stacking the QB cloak and six Pass power on top of it and he had the additional chakra amp that came from hagaromo's Chakra inside the Yang seal so if Sakura can go from a level that high with the biaki go in four years EMS sarda with the byakugo seal is gonna be cracked but for as strong as sword it could potentially get com walk he's just in a different Stratosphere as both his primary rival kawaki is roughly around the same level as borto I may even scale to jigan well what I mean by this is he's a stronger vessel than jigan technically you know he's a perfect vessel whereas jigan was a random monk who couldn't even contain ishiki's power properly kawaki also has the more advanced damagon something that jigan just didn't have which supports him being stronger than him although he should at least still be weaker than ishiki who he will inevitably supports don't get me wrong Post Time skip that is but I don't think he's quite at that level yet if anything he probably has the same Limitless potential that borto does assuming that he'll continue to rival him until the end of a series this could mean that he might reach utsuki God level 2 eventually although realistically kawaki should be strong enough to master all of ishiki's shinjutsu a training shrinking ability to literally become the Ant-Man of the Naruto verse with enough training the thing with kawaki that is the real wild card is set he is shown to have clear disrespect for the way that snobby and no interest in anything associated with the Shinobi other than Naruto even with him pretending to be Naruto's son I don't see him taking any Ninjutsu training seriously we've seen time and time again he prefers to use ninja Tech that a model transplant in his body and he prefers to use the karma seal Ninjutsu while it's something that he can't perform it's not a preface of his I think for that reason narratively we're going to see kawaki go on the other side of that question of where does science fit in this world of Shinobi that boruto's manga's been asking us was boruto's likely to take a more balanced approach kawaki is likely leaning more into the comma seal and his abilities and abilities says ninja Tech gives him and that's actually going to bring us to mitsky someone who could be a key to taking down car wash now there's not a lot to be said about mitsuki he's very underrated since he may actually physically already have supposed Orochimaru if you take into account Naruto Gaiden we use Sage Mode he easily blitzed Orochimaru who didn't even notice he had taken his scroll a little bit later also mentioned that you can see the mitsuki sage mode pretty dangerous and took him out before he had a chance of doing anything so he may already be rivaling utsusuki power if you're being completely generous although most realistically post-time skip mitsuki as a team 7 member will be helping boruto and Sarah out in their fights maybe even rivaling them which isn't that far fetched considering that orochimara made him possesses hashirama souls and possibly utsusoki DNA obviously take that with a grain of salt if you don't think he's already perfected his Sage Mode he may have to further improve his sage mode to stay relevant but even if he doesn't he would have to undoubtedly get stronger to protect boruto look at it this way the Perfect Two snow is called the perfect serious no but it can still be upgraded in ways for example it can be combined with Karma to create the Majestic attire or it can be combined it with all the other Biju to create the ashra mode susano it's for those reasons I think the biggest thing misky can do is to focus on his Sage Mode training because if we go by anime Canon osuski they're vulnerable to Sagemont Powers uruzuki saw that and immedi he shut it down hagaromo in the filler Arc went and learned sage mode to gain an edge to fight alongside his brother and still makeage before he eventually defeated her even with the 10 tails in Cherokee we saw that Sage Mode energy can actually damage them I don't think it's done by mistake that masashiki shimodo is literally the one who came up with misky having Sage Powers introducing it in the misky one shot in 2016 there's clearly a plan here for that however I'm curious to see how strong you guys think team seven is going to be after the time skip in terms of power and if you haven't already give my guy bullet a subscription thanks for having me on I really appreciate this opportunity hopefully we can do more collabs like this in the future and peace
Channel: Naruto Explained
Views: 78,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, boruto, naruto explained, hokage naruto, sasuke, new boruto manga, boruto shippuden, boruto chapter 81, new boruto design, boruto part two, teen boruto, sarada mangekyou, boruto time skip, teen sarada, boruto two blue vortex, boruto part 2, boruto manga, boruto naruto next generations, boruto jougan, how strong is teen boruto, how strong is teen sarada, how strong is mitsuki, how strong is teen mitsuki, how strong is kawaki, what are sarada's mangekyou powers, team 7
Id: Arr4doVq50A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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