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oh there we go just the regular one [Music] though all right you never know oh let get up prid oh not the many yes nice okay everything looks really good there oh super mansion would be amazing nice they're all super super jackpots 15,000 oh no I going to do the buz all right we will take that all right at least they're on the left mostly all oh we already got a mansion [Music] [Music] get really good line [Music] NS all right need more hats there we go oh so we're going to have two Mansions or three mansions [Music] four games left [Music] hats two games left hats all we got four mansions [Music] all right it's a pretty full board okay remember we're on nickels now [Music] [Music] oh nice the miners are 250 [Music] bucks nice it's like [Music] $1,000 very cool I think we put 800 in so oh my gosh all right oh don't be the mini again although now the mini is 300 though at least the [Music] min oh no not again oh wait go upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade yes oh my gosh many bet you guys sh all already know oh come on something awesome the major is pretty high too all right super [Music] Buzz not the best placement for them though oh my God nice that okay we have a gold nice two golds [Music] K be gray all right we'll take you three gold Golds on a $20 B [Music] [Music] all right so uh just a hand B [Music] all right guys don't forget to like And subscribe if you want to see more huff and even more puff oh want something good $20 R we'll take it [Applause] [Music] this not good oh more of that oh nice [Music] nice oh yes come on four hats war hats nice that [Music] again okay where we at five okay this is good all right well say [Music] yet $20 bet [Music] wow these are all dollars Min one [Music] wheel what's [Music] that do I get a wheel bonus oh my gosh no way that's awesome two bonuses on $20 [Music] red upgrade that's awesome got a double [Music] bonus nice this one's starting out better thanks come on oh now it's going to push it into a h [Music] [Music] [Music] yep nice well that was prettyy cool to see though all [Music] right oh my gosh it's crazy uppr uppr [Music] oh my gosh go further go further oh my gosh no way oh my gosh it's hot today oh God craziest session ever [Music] [Music] oh the Major's 3300 come on more hats a re-trigger all right all [Music] [Music] right oh 400 oh my gosh jackpot oh my gosh [Music] insane oh my gosh all right guys don't forget to like And subscribe if you liked it [Music] oh something all right it's not the upgrade but just don't get the mini don't probably get the mini oh it's not going to get the Min go [Music] stop oh wait actually that's a jackpot that's uh minor * 3 is 1,500 bucks oh that was kind of unexpected but I will take [Music] it all right guys $1500 jackpot um where we at we're up 700 bucks all right let me know if you want to see more of this game [Music] guys oh nice oh nice super [Music] Ras something good entrance oh all right big Big [Music] B all right 12 all right lot of hats okay lots of retriggers on [Music] hats on hats R trigger ow and [Music] now three oh yeah three mansions [Music] [Music] [Music] oh nice jackpot yeah take [Music] it $1,500 nice [Music] [Music] never SE the Hat oh super uh Seeker feature nice I guess that's why the one was missing all righty $18 bet nice we got a lot of wood so we need a mansion [Music] [Music] now we have four wooden ones [Music] okay one Mansion two we have more [Music] re-triggers 10 all right we got three mansions [Music] okay got three three Mansions Three Wooden and three straw no four [Music] stra the mini is 100 the minor is 500 [Music] oh wheel yes nice so we have $550 and a wheel so we got the Seeker bonus and the wheel all at once all right can we get an upgrade oh wow $1,500 oh my gosh what look at that you guys that three times as good as the bonus all right guys don't forget to like And subscribe if you want to see more of this let me know guess what I got guys the super bonus $12 bet time on oh keep going keep going keep going oh my gosh yes all right wow oh my gosh retrigger please [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes yes yes all right wait getting it's getting full [Music] [Music] I think it's 19 [Music] [Music] two miners nice oh my gosh $3,000 you guys [Music] [Music] 3157 don't forget to like And subscribe and let me know if you want to see more huff and more Puff [Music] oh nice super bonus Mansions oh me come on Mansions or super [Music] oh Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay oh my gosh oh my gosh holy crap oh my gosh you guys right yeah it's the one you want okay oh do we have six Mansions already oh no where's the [Music] Mansions yes yes yes yes yes yes okay come on five games remaining get more [Music] [Music] okay all right come on we want re figures though oh my gosh $18 bet too [Music] come on some more re-triggers one well I can't complain about [Music] this all right wow oh my gosh I think it's like 21 Mansions I got the super mansion bonus major and minor oh my gosh Minor's 500 what is this you [Music] guys St not include that is it 5,000 oh my God it was doing so bad you guys I think that D the 4,000 didn't include that [Music] [Music] holy crap $5,299 don't forget to like And subscribe guys
Channel: πŸ€‘ NE SLOTS
Views: 48,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Las Vegas slots, new slot, big win, max bet, casino win, winning at the casino, handpay, jackpot, slot jackpot, new game, gaming, games
Id: tzNZEMrLaNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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