🚘 Is MG4 WORTH IT? Owners Reveal Their 9 Gripes!

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hey Tech heads Fina here today I have a video for you about what troubles mg4 owners so everyone pretty much agrees that the mg4 is a great car and yet these issues still really annoy mg4 owners that have to deal with them so hello mg are you working on a new software even something as simple as a press release or statement from you would do a lot to alleviate your customers worries and make them of your product even more yet always quiet on the I guess Eastern Front before we dive in I as always want to invite you to hop aboard and subscribe if you do enjoy our content we would love to have you okay now let's get into it and find out what bothers mg4 owners first on the list are reduction gearbox oil leaks so some mg4s actually suffer from oil leaks from the gearbox breather balls and it's not yet clear what the reason behind this is some say it's a mistake in filling with oil during production so apparently 900 milliliters of oil got filled instead of the 700 milliliters That was supposed to be filled others say it's a poorly designed breath evolve now mg actually tried to initially solve this problem by designing a second version of this breather valve but that actually made the whole problem even worse so again still not quite sure what the actual reason behind this is but it appears to just be a design flaw now apparently in the newer versions this has been fixed and they do not suffer from these oil leaks anymore of course we still have to wait once they've been around a bit longer and we have some user feedback to know if it actually has been resolved or not so jury's still out on that one again it does appear to just be a design flaw but of course new car owners are not quite happy about that you know just imagine getting a new Eevee and now you have an oil leak problem that's kind of crazy you know the connection of an Eevee and an oil leak it's very counter-intuitive so so perhaps the worst part about all of this is that mg has not released any statement about District customers to reassure them you know to tell them hey it's an issue with the design but your car is still fine to run so perhaps that's a bit of a fail on mg's part there along with of course the issue to begin with you know they spew one marketing message after another just like a lot of these car companies do but they're not actually communicating with their existing customers so again I would say that is the worst part in this whole situation number two that a lot of mg owners complain about is the fact that the air conditioner temperature reading is actually five degrees higher than the temperature inside the car this means that if you get into the car and set your favorite 22 degrees Celsius let's say the actual temperature in the car is only around 17 degrees Celsius which is why the car might actually feel like it's continuing to cool and maybe you're thinking you know why am I cold this is my usual temperature that always works today I'm freezing what's going on well this so this is something that only gets mentioned by really a handful of reviewers which just goes to show you that sometimes even when you rent a car the review itself might not give you all of the useful information and that's understandable not all of us have an internal thermometer to be able to tell hey the temperature is a few degrees off that is something you might only notice once you own the car for a bit longer of course this is a pretty easy fix you just need to get used to setting your temperature five degrees higher than you actually want it and I do believe that a software update will fix this but what is your experience with your mg4 have you noticed this bug number three is the fact that you cannot turn off the doors locking once you start your car in SE and standard version so in the mg4 once you start your car all of your doors lock and they remain that way so personally I don't have a problem with this I think it's a fine feature and you know I wouldn't change it but not everybody likes it so if you want your car to remain unlocked once you start it if you own the SE or standard version of the mg4 at this point you're out of luck so I do hope that mg will be fixing this soon with a software update because actually if you have a trophy or luxury version you already have this option in the infotainment so you can turn that feature off again in the trophy or the luxury and I'm hoping that they will be making it available for the standard or SE version soon because why wouldn't they right number four are the automatic lights so a lot of mg4 owners have reported that when they have their lights in auto mode they come on pretty much all of the time unless it's an extremely sunny day but since your average mg4 owner is quite often also a Tech head one of them did think of a pretty clever solution to fix this issue so this guy on the mgev.com Forum who goes by the handle of macadoodle thought to remove the light sensor cover and see if it helped and of course that fixed the problem so the issue here seems to be tuning the lights to work in an environment other than cloudy England but now since macadoodle did not want to drive around with a big old hole in the middle of his dashboard he decided to just drill a tiny eight millimeter hole in the top of the cover above the sensor and that does the trick so if this is something that you want to fix in your car you know it's a pretty easy do-it-yourself fix number five is the fact that you cannot turn on your battery preheating while your car is connected to a level 2 charger and fully charged up so this is very unpleasant for some users because you know let's say your uh your car is connected overnight and it's charging up and then in the morning you want to preheat your battery before you leave to go to work right so you're at home getting ready you want to just go in your app start preheating your battery and have it be you know nice and ready by the time you leave well this uh software bug does not allow that to happen so it's not like a humongous deal you can of course go and disconnect your car but it's one of those things it's like I have this feature I have it in my app for a reason so it takes away all of that convenience so this is an obvious software bug and I do hope that they fix it soon number six is the fact that the navigation does not show Chargers on Route which is a bit of a shortcoming for an EV isn't it of course this is an issue only if you are using the built-in navigation and mg Germany has promised an improvement to this in the 2023 luxury version as well as an addition of battery preheating when you start navigating to a charger which will be a pretty cool feature I think but does that mean it will also be able to plan the routes and charging I don't know what do you think also is this map upgrade something that's going to be coming to all mg4s or is it going to be exclusive to this 2023 luxury version inquiring minds wants to know number seven is the fact that sometimes the infotainment screen freezes so it will stay black and just doesn't turn on luckily this is a easy fix you just have to hold the home button for like 10 seconds that will restart the infotainment and then everything starts working fine again so it's not a huge issue of course if it happens to you often I could see it being kind of frustrating another thing that people mention is the fact that sometimes the parking camera just doesn't turn on but I do have to say I know this tends to be an issue in even much more expensive cars than the mg4 which is kind of interesting thing isn't it if you have an mg4 do any of these happen to you let us know in the comments number eight is something that a few users complained about and that is the fact that the radio turns on every time you turn on the car even if you turn it off when you got out the last time so of course this is again a very easy fix you just have to turn the radio off but you know if you don't listen to the radio and it turns on every single time you get in I could imagine that could be kind of annoying okay the final thing that a lot of mg4 owners complain about is the fact that the lane keep assistant turns on automatically every time you turn on your car and apparently it's pretty garbage so a lot of owners end up having to manually turn it off every time before they start driving so this is kind of a paradox because in European and cap tests you actually get extra points for having a lane keep assist that turns on automatically but the quality of the assistant does not get addressed so this seems kind of ironic to me because you know it's nice that it turns on automatically but if it's really garbage is it really making driving safer so you guys that have an mg4 please let me know in the comments is this Lane keep assist really so bad that you have to turn it off every time before you drive now most mg4 owners still agree that for the money the mg4 has no real competition on the market and they certainly wouldn't be willing to pay an extra 10 000 pounds to fix these little issues because let's be honest they are little issues and these days even much more expensive cars have little bugs here and there it's almost as if car manufacturers these days don't have the people or the time to deliver a finished product on the market do you guys remember the cars of past Generations like the golf for example it's gradual Evolution meant that it was really a near perfect car that never needed any software updates because everything just worked oh those were the days but you know hopefully we'll get there with the evolution of these EVS as well hopefully we'll get there soon if you own an mg4 let me know your experiences also let me know if I missed anything in the comments if you're thinking of getting an mg4 would these issues make you think again again they're pretty small issues I am hoping though that mg will address them especially in upcoming Generations you know they're small software issues but it's just always better not to have them anyways that's it for me today thanks for watching and I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: siasek
Views: 32,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6eL_d-B7_fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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