🚐💨 Moving in to the FIRST Winnebago View 24T (our honest thoughts) | Newstate Nomads

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have you ever been surprised when something exceeds your expectations because that's how we're feeling right now with the new Winnebago View 24t this is the first of several new RVs that we're going to be testing out this year and after living in this one for a few weeks we're sharing a few of our favorite features good morning from a cold and rainy Florida it is very cold today bundled up in winter jacket I know we are heading over for the first time to see the Winnebago view T just the first of several new RVs that we'll be checking out this year and one of them will be victorious one of them will be the RV that we purchased we have been looking at these floor plans for several months and today is the day that we actually get to see one of them in person so many things I'm so excited about already so one of us has to film the other person going in so we drew straws we didn't draw straws I'm just doing it so that means I get to see it first so that way I can film Caitlyn seeing it for the first time so here we go Caitlyn good luck the anticipation so excited wow you guys this is so nice this is so nice I love that couch oh my goodness can I okay yeah come on [Music] kayin oh my gosh I was to cry it's so pretty wow it's wow it's beautiful look go over there look would you just look at this you just got to guys you just got to look at it look at that get from behind look can't do oh look at that look at look at that color look at that couch oh I love it oh my gosh oh my gosh the bathroom this is huge this is huge okay wow wow oh wow I'm like almost speechless it's just like taking it all in the colors are beautiful the layout is incredible the bathroom space there's a seat in the shower in a 25t motor home that is not something that I would expect that there would be a seat in the shower this is beautiful do you like it yeah I do wow a digital rear viiew mirror oo yeah guys and look at just the colors and like this is great this is this way exceeded my expectations yeah I was just telling Caitlyn like I didn't know because we all we've seen are just like some renderings and uh you know obviously the floor plan they sh they sent us a floor plan like months ago and wow like it's really cool like I love the layout and everything but now actually being in it and seeing it I'm digging it yeah it's just like so clean and pretty mhm let's back up a little and explain why we're even moving into this new Winnebago we've lived in our 2019 Winnebago navon 24d for 5 1/2 years it's taken us to Alaska twice explored nearly a dozen states in Mexico traveled to most US states and across Canada but after 5 and A2 years and over a 100,000 miles we feel ready for a change we love the size and capabilities of our RV so after getting a sneak peek of what Winnebago had up their sleeve for 2024 it got our wheels turning we're going to be testing out several new vew navon floor planes this year and at the end of the year we'll decide which one will be our next homeown Wheels oh this is a very hard decision we've seen all the initial floor plan designs and several weeks ago before looking at anything in person Howard and I each made our prediction of which one we think will end up with based solely on the floor plan diagrams and some initial renderings here are my rankings those guesses are sealed in separate envelopes Howard has no idea what I chose and I have no idea what he picked either now back back to genuine excitement about seeing the tea for the first time when you find somebody in the bathroom this closet is massive I can't even like wrap my head around okay so open that side look oh there's a shelf and drawers everything is shocking to Caitlyn all right Caitlin you ready for another shock look hold on here the pantry can't oh sorry here go come on way yeah go and pull it open yeah look at that oh that is yeah we're going to like living in here over the next several days the new vew 24t was on full display at the Florida RV Super Show where we got to learn more from the product and design teams who worked on this new model we also had a blast meeting up with so many of you it was a great week and then the morning after the RV show was over it was time to drive the tea off the lot all right this is totally different than our SP chassis there's a push to start Safety First oh radio popped on I don't know how to turn the radio off radio volume there we go okay all right here we go moving see there's two big trees I'm trying to maneuver around maneuvering around some Rebels that was the hardest part just getting out of there what up Ken what you think that was really fun to drive it's very smooth once I figured out how to actually put it in drive and then figured out how to put it in park um I think that you're really going to like that and it's going to be a lot of fun zipping around Florida in this [Music] we have more Vehicles than [Music] drivers all right let's [Music] move [Music] okay Howard give us the tour of what we've done already we've been working I think about 2 hours we've got a lot done come join us most of our kitchen stuff done ooh more kitchen more kitchen there a lot of kitchen storage yeah and we're just kind of putting things in places right now and then we'll like figure it all out I think this stuff is going to end up being like our office camera stuff so we haven't done that yet um yeah up here yep so much space yep spices coffee kind of big bulky stuff about the pantry pantry is coming along really nicely see I can't even see it that's how that very nice very nice bathroom's really coming in nicely Caitlyn did a great job organizing I mean I just kind of put stuff but still like you know we'll figure it out it's big oh the closet I'm in lovely look at that and there's still more room we actually have a ton of space like to the right even cuz there's actually shelving over there I just realized yeah yeah there's a random box up here like there's so much storage in this bathroom yeah now on the other side you've got you know for like um what do you want call it stackables yeah foldables anyway foldables each one of us has one and then we've got our own drawer I love the soft clothes yeah it's really nice yeah yeah you can good progress mhm still got a ways to go but I think we can finish oh yeah all right high five very nice I'm impressed with the amount of space It's tricky because we're just trying to figure out like things going in different places like we don't it's not Apples to Apples trying to maneuver and fit things in can be a little tricky okay this is Caitlyn cam checking in it has been about 4 and 1 half hours we are almost done moving everything that we're taking with us over to the tea how we're just put the tow hitch on so that we can tow the CRV around I just got the fridge completely loaded so we almost ready to like spend our first night in here the last thing I have to do I think is the bedding and then bringing over Piper and Ella who've been very patient in their crates today Scout's gotten hang out with us but they've been locked up so they still haven't seen the new RV yet there goes the May on what you doing Caitlyn well I'm trying to figure out where to feed the dogs so we successfully moved everything in I think it actually took us about 5 and a half or 6 hours which I think is pretty good um um so now it's just kind of figuring out like the best place for things because we moved everything over really quick and it's just kind of configuring the space and one of those issues is where to feed the dogs since Ella is blind and she hops when we feed her we have to keep a lot of different things in mind so that's what I'm do we're super excited to spend our first night in the RV um we're boondocking right now and everything's going great what do you guys think mhm they are still apprehensive oh [Music] right he Scout for you oh Scout's room is so much bigger she has like a palace in there what your butt three dogs so it's been a couple weeks since we moved into the brand new tea Caitlyn what do you think so far guys there is a lot to love about this floor plan one of which is this couch it's awesome yeah it's made by hu cansen good job yes thank you uh it's a Danish uh manufacturer and Winnebago actually filed a patent on this because it is a very unique powered uh very comfortable recliner that folds forward and then the Murphy Bay comes over it and um yeah we spend a lot of time with it I like it too because it's multi-purpose multi-functional I work from it sometimes it has been awesome for us yeah another thing that I really like that we weren't sure how we were going to feel about was the kitchen I find that it is an ample amount of space to prepare all of our meals we both really like to cook which was something that we liked about our 24d was that big kitchen guys I know this is going to be a little controversial but it is very similar counter space to the D It's just in a completely different configuration until you see it in person and actually use it you know I think that it's a little bit misleading I think your eyes just kind of deceive you and yeah Caitlyn like you've prepared several meals in there I've prepared meals no problems like we definitely have enough space to be able to have all the pots and pans and uh cookware ingredients out yeah I think another cool thing about the kitchen so in our 24d the oven and microwave is a bit high like to put things in it it's you have to like kind of reach up pretty high this one is at a perfect eye level I'm 5'5 and it's so easy to get things things in and out so that's another like really big positive there's just so much storage space in this RV the other thing that I have just completely fallen in love with and I said to Howard the other day I said it's going to be really hard to go back to a smaller bathroom the bathroom and the Wardrobe is incredible like my reactions from this video when I saw it for the first time like that still Rings True to this day every time we go in there it just feels so good everything is easily accessible I don't have to like dig through things to try to pull out clothes I love that and we've now driven across the State of Florida now granted it's a peninsula so it's not a super long distance but we did it while Towing and I have to say this has actually been a pleasure to drive again a little bit controversial this has a new engine this is a four-cylinder engine instead of the older six-cylinder engine but it was smooth easy to drive uh no problems getting up to speed Caitlyn has now driven it I've driven it now several times no issues yeah like I said there are a lot of great things to love about this new floor plan and we're going to have a full comprehensive walkthrough and tour video for you in a couple of weeks yeah so we want to know what are your questions what do you want to know about this floor plan drop them in the comments below we'll try and answer as many as we can in that video um but yeah look for one where it's not just a walkth through but it's also how we live in it and so you'll get to see how we're storing and how full-time living works in the tea and where the doggies sleep and what they think of it we're going to ask them yeah and if they're laying down I presume that to mean that they're happy with it we'll have several destination episodes coming up from all around Florida plus the full walkthrough of the brand new Winnebago View 24t thanks so much for watching we'll see you soon
Channel: Newstate Nomads
Views: 45,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winnebago view 24t, winnebago view, 2025 winnebago view, view 24t, winnebago view review, mercedes benz, winnebago navion, rv life, full time rv living tour, full time rv living in florida, winnebago navion 24t, new state nomads, newstate nomads
Id: d3BnGohKnjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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