🙄Freight Brokers: What Do I Say To Shippers?🙄

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- So your biggest problem, what's causing you more frustration and pain than anything else, what's causing you not to succeed as a new freight broker is you don't know how to obtain a customer base. You can't get new customers for your business. Now, the reason why you're not getting customers is because you're probably not calling shippers often enough, and the reason why you're not making those calls consistently is because you don't know what to say. That's what I'm going to help you out with today. So let's go. (bright electronic music) Come on in, don't be shy. And if you stick around to the end of the video, we'll have a very nice gift for you. So now, before we get started, I need to ask you a big, big favor. If you like this video, please take the time to smash that Like button, (bell dings) make the Like button turn blue. It does a whole lot for our channel, helps us to get exposed to a bigger audience. We certainly would appreciate it. Also, if you're interested in more videos like this, you want to become an entrepreneur, you want to be freight broker, this is a channel that you want to subscribe to. So make sure that you hit that Subscribe button and then hit that notification bell and you'll be notified every time I release new videos. Thank you in advance. Now let's get started. Today we're talking about shippers and shippers are the lifeblood of our business. They are our potential customers, they become our customers and, without customers, we cannot build a business. So we have to establish a customer base in order to build a businesses that we're interested in building. So that's number one. And far too often, I see that most people are focused on the wrong thing when they first start offering their service to shippers. And I want to back up a little bit, I want to say this quickly. Some of us have the impression, especially when we first start that we can just go out and offer our services, offer trucks to shippers, and they're automatically going to say, "Hey, okay, let me know how many trucks you got "and I'll let you know how many lanes that we have, "and we can start working together." That sounds very good, but that's not how it works in most cases. So we have to understand how to communicate with shippers and then how to speak to the issues and problems that they have. And first we have to learn what those problems are. So today, I want to get you to redirect your focus. I think your focus is in the wrong place. And you know, talking about your service, talking about what you offer, we're going to redirect that and help you to understand how you can solve your shippers problems. And the first thing that we have to do is understand what those problems are. So today I'm going to give you something that you can say to shippers, other than what you're saying, other than the typical, "We have trucks, can we help you move some of your freight?" We're going to give you something that you can dial in on and focus and then build your conversation off of. So stay tuned to this video. So now you're at the point of your business where the real business starts. The setup is finished. You've gotten your business set up, all your systems are in place, all of the tools that you need are in place. Now it's time to go ahead and take action. And that's where, sometimes, we start to have a problem at. We start to figuring out, "Oh, this is going to require something from me. "This is going to require a huge sacrifice, "a big commitment." And then we start to shy away. So I don't want you to shy away. I want you to meet this challenge head on. So I'm gonna help you to do that by showing you where you are in the process, and then giving you some things that you can do to actually take you where it is that you want to go. So you've gotten to the big point. The big point now is what you have to do is get customers for your business. That is the key right now, because if we don't have customers, we don't have a business. We just have a lot of stuff that we put in place that we're paying for, but we don't have a business yet. Once we start making money, then we have a business. So that's what we want to move you to, to making money. So here's what we want to talk about. Now, once you've gotten your business set up and now it's time to go after customers, you must have a game plan. You gotta have game plan and a way that you're going to go out and approach and eventually make that customer part of your team. You become a partner with that customer. So what is the game plan? How are you going to make that happen? Again, before I said, it's not just about going out and saying, "I got trucks, you have loads, let's work together." It's about helping that shipper to understand that you can solve their problem, but you need to understand what the problem is. And when you first start, you really don't know what shipper's problems are, so you need to sit down and start asking yourself, what are some of the typical issues that shippers will run into? And how can I solve those issues? There's where we need to start at, is to figure out what is it that I can do to solve that customers' problems? That is what it's all about. That's what your job is as an entrepreneur, as a shipper, or excuse me, as a freight broker, your job is to solve your customer's problems. If you can do that, you can do great in this business. If you cannot, you will fail. It's that simple. You have to solve the customer's problems. And first, what we have to do is understand what that problem is. What are some of the problems that a shipper has? So that's what we're gonna talk about. I'm going to give you one problem that a shipper has, and then I'm going to show you how I speak to that problem, how I design a game plan around solving that issue so that I can eventually start working with that shipper. Now, if you're anything like me, when you get a sales call, you know that it's a sales call. And what you probably going to be doing is looking to move that person to the end of that call as quickly as possible, unless they are saying something that you hear that says, "Hmm, I may be able to benefit from this call." Then you may be able to listen a little bit longer, but if you don't hear something in the very early part of that conversation that gets your attention, you likely going to move that person to the end of that call as quickly as possible. Well, that's the same way with you when you are calling shippers. If they don't hear something that they say, "Hey, I can benefit from something that sounds like, "you know, maybe different from what I've been hearing," then they're probably gonna move you to the end of that call. So you want to say something very early in the conversation that gets their attention. So what are you going to say? Here's what I would say. Remember, I'm starting the call this way because I want to get the shipper's attention. I want him to know that I understand what his problem is, and I have a solution for the problem. So I'm going to start the conversation in this fashion. I'll say something like, "Hey Mike, this is Brandon over at Alliance Logistics. "Hope I didn't call at a bad time." Quick pause. "How would it benefit you to have someone on your team, "a partner who can move last-minute loads "after other freight brokers or carriers "have canceled those loads?" And then I shut up. Now I shaped the question in the way that I did, I said, "How would it benefit you?" because I don't want him to just give me a yes or no answer. I want him to tell me how it could benefit him, or, you know, how does he see it benefiting him to have a person on his team that can get the job done when someone else has dropped the ball. I want him to see that I understand the problems that shippers have. That's a common problem, so I'm expecting that he has that same issue. And I want to give him a go-to when that situation happens. I'm not trying to get the entire piece of the pie on the first go, but I want him to understand that I have a good understanding of what happens in a freight broker world on a day-in and day-out basis, what happens in trucking and I have a solution. And then we can get to the part about what's required in order to get set up, what we can do for him moving forward and all of that good stuff. But first let's just get in the door. Let's get in the door with something that is common. Something that he understands, something that he says, "Hey, this is something that I may be able to benefit from." That's how I start out the conversation. And you know, sometimes you're going to have different ways that you start out. Remember, this is just a recommendation, and then you shape it and mold it in a way that you want it. But you know, when you compare that to the common, "Hey, I was just giving you a call "to see if we can help you move some freight," that's completely different. Yes, shippers need freight moved, but anybody can do that. We want to talk specifically to a problem that a shipper has, because in my experience, we get better results that way. People are willing to listen when you're speaking to an issue that they have, and especially when you're saying, "Hey, I can solve this problem for you. "I can help you with this problem." So that's what I wanted to share with how I approach, how I go out and approach that introduction, when it's time to call and introduce yourself. Some people just think it's about calling and introducing you and your business. Well, that's one way of doing it. But to me, it's much better to have a brief introduction up front because the shipper knows what you do already. He knows that you are a broker or a carrier. All of that is good. You know, saying "I'm a third party logistics company", where you from, like, remember you only have so much time. And you know, in my experience, people don't really listen to all of that. If they decide to move further with you, then they can get who you are and where you from if that's important. They can get all of that stuff at that time. So remember to focus on getting the shipper's attention, because you only have a small amount of time to do that. So get that shipper's attention, get it with a problem that they have and then show how you can solve that problem. Now, are you going to be nervous when you first get started? Certainly, we all are, that just comes with the territory. I want you to think back with when you were a kid and you had a girlfriend or boyfriend, 11, 12, 13 years old. Well, when you first started having conversations with your girlfriend and boyfriend, it was a little uncomfortable. You have those long stretches of silence because you don't know what to say. Well, that's kind of the same way that you're going to start out here. You're going to be a little nervous. You're going to have some butterflies before you start calling, but it's important to start calling because after two weeks have passed, you're gonna feel a little bit better. After two more weeks have passed, you're gonna feel even better about making those calls. But if you keep delaying it, if you keep pushing it off saying you don't know enough to get started, then you're never going to get started. The whole idea is to start somewhere and improve the process as you go. Remember, it's not about perfection. It's about getting started. Getting started is better than perfect any day. So let's just get started with some basics. And then once we get started, we can improve as we go. And as you do it more and more, you'll get more confident and you'll get, your conversation are going to be more fluid. You're going to be more, you're going to be smoother when you're talking to your customers. All of that stuff will come. You want to be that right now, but in order to be that you have to get started. So that's what I wanted to share with you today. I certainly hope that this has been helpful. If you would, please, I would like for you to leave a comment in the comments section and let us know how you approach introductory calls or how you approach your calls in general, how you set your calls up for conversation. What are you saying actually to your shippers? We certainly would appreciate it if you would share that in the comments below. That way, we can all learn from each other. It's not just about me coming and sharing how I see it, but we can be in a community of people here that all are learning from each other. So thanks in advance. So now for the gift that I promised at the front of the video. If you're interested in learning more about the freight broker business, and you wanna know what it's really like to be in the seat, you wanna see what it's like to talk to customers, how to get loads set up and then how to go ahead and move loads and get paid, if you wanna see that process, you wanna watch someone else do it, I have a five-video series that you can sign up for on my website. It's absolutely free. You don't have to pay anything for it. You just go to www.BrandonTheFreightbroker.com, wait for the popup to appear, and then you can register for my five-video series titled "How the Load Movement Process Works." So I want to leave you with one quote before I end the video. It's by Marilyn Ferguson. It says "No one can persuade another to change. "Each of us guards a gate of change "that can only be opened from the inside. "We cannot open the gate of another "either by argument or emotional appeal," close quote. So what that means to me is that it is not my responsibility or your responsibility to open anybody else's gate for change. That person has to open that gate on their own. When they are ready for a change, that's when change will appear. It will not come any sooner or later than that. So when you are ready for a change, you have to open that gate from the inside. I wish you the very best in your life and business. See you at the top, because the bottom is much too crowded. (digital chiming) (smooth digital music)
Channel: Brandon Scott
Views: 100,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freight broker, freight broker training, brandonthefreightbroker, brandon the freight broker, work from home careers, work from home business, freight broker basics, new freight broker training, freight broker classes, freight broker courses, freight broker finding shippers, freight broker cold calling, freight broker training for beginners, freight broker training online, freight agent cold calling, how to find shippers as a broker, freight broker agent classes
Id: Phsx15URIh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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