😲 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Bonkai - Vampire Diaries Kat Graham & Chris Wood Part 1 😲

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[Music] it's amazing do we ask [Music] so my first question is focus can you talk about getting the role of bonnie on tv what was the audition process like um can you remember that for me yeah yeah i uh you know there's like intense music playing um it was i mean listen i hate auditioning i'm terrible at it i don't like it i'm uncomfortable i'm nervous it was literally a room my final uh test was a room it was like an auditorium like this or about 20 felt like 20 people and there might have been four um and you know they set up the camera i did it and then i left and i didn't hear and i listen at that point i i had shot about six pilots six television pilots that had never seen the light of day and i thought this was might just be another one of them so even after i booked vampire diaries i thought for sure i was either going to get replaced or maybe the show wasn't going to get picked up or if it didn't get picked up i'd be replaced after they aired the first couple things and i didn't rate well or something i just i mean it's they were very nice kevin and julie were very sweet to me but auditioning as an actor is for me i just it's it's awkward sorry it's probably not like the most sexy answer but like auditioning i hate that i guess she did okay because she got it yeah i guess i did okay or at least good enough better than the other girl we won't tell the other girl you said that no did you know the end was coming for kai in the last season did i know the end was coming i found out the day we shot it no i um yeah i know i knew sort of all along that that was where it was gonna go and uh there were two options basically there was you redeem him and you make him like you know not completely psycho and all of the things that we love about caillou take that away and make him sort of a normal guy again and the more fun option is to let him go out in a blaze of glory and i think that's that was always what their intention was was to bring in this guy make him terrible make him kill everybody and then uh the chopped his head off with a bare hand i think that was sort of the ultimate goal but yeah no i knew for i knew for a long time that that was how the season was command for me thank you very much for being with us here messi thank you hi hi there are a lot of ships on vampire diaries and bonkai is now very popular but what are your favorite ships about vampire diaries we're talking like relationships not like big boats right no okay i'm like titanic the titanic is a great show nina the pizza good chef carnival cruise ships disney cruise ships are awesome do you ship bon kai do you guys ship on okay [Applause] very interesting what our favorite ships are outside of the i'm not picking my nose my nose ring is like driving me nuts um yeah i'm picking my that's the real reason they won't put me with any guys because i just don't know how to act he's like on a date yeah i'm dave that's why i'm dating myself um who do we like like what characters we like to see together on this show okay um i like this new lilly enzo thing this whatever the lenso what do you guys what are you gonna call them i like them yeah and lee is there a name do we have one yet kenzo that's your wish a good wish know if there's i mean what do you guys do you guys want to just yell out some things because i don't even know who i'm super excited about right now don't not not including me like someone else i said not including me now yeah steroids really you like them okay okay i ship i shipped that you know my favorite ship of the moment is uh what are they calling it woodsley what is that that's me and paul wesley you know what it's about damn time i saw some you know gay characters in vampire diaries you can quote me on it colin stefan i'm ready for some hi what's my name for some some sexy time with the boys maybe some cave the ones that come for sure it's overdue tara mystic falls do it okay thank you so much i'm so sorry hi my question is would you like um would you have liked to be in your prison world with catching peace or you can what would we like to be in a prison world with catherine pierce with catherine pierce hell no i don't think i don't think anyone wants to be in a prison world first of all at all and i don't think anyone wants to be stuck with someone who well she yeah catherine pierce has tried to murder me a million times you have a bad history yeah we just have gone at it not so good so no she also just like as you can see her character you know if she's with anybody she just kind of stabs them in prison worlds or i stab people in prison the world it's sort of what you do you just kind of just kind of poke them you stab people that's the thing to do so it's trendy uh would you like to be stuck in a prison room with me wait wait wait with me or with kai both are bad and those are mother bad outcomes i think they'd probably take either that would say neither yeah they would not me though [Laughter] i just don't care thank you so much thank you hello hello i'm so scared why you should be so scared no i'm scared no i'm scared my question is what is your favorite song that's a nice question my favorite song yeah besides my own okay i was about to say what's that 1991's huh yeah um my favorite song i love banks right now do you guys know who banks is oh yes i love the waiting game i've been listening to that for hours and then i've been listening do you guys like james brown right a little bit um there's a group called um saint paul and the broken bones check him out he's funny they're funky paul's good saint paul in the burglar yes uh favorite song right now wow that's hard um uh this is a really hard question i like so much music um i really like that what is it alabama shakes they have a you know the one yeah it's the one it's the one they're one you guys know alabama shakes right a little bit no check them out oh i'm sorry i'm so stupid my favorite artist by the way like in the world is stuamai so everything he does is really my favorite but i've been obsessed with him for many years and he's from belgium i don't know him so now you gotta know him i'm gonna check him out does anyone can anyone pull up stormi on their phone so i can play it on the speaker on my microphone someone pull it up for me and then i'll let you come up and play it but we can get to the next question and until then thank you so much for your question this is my girlfriend i would like to hear my new favorite song right now this is my do you have it there we go [Applause] [Music] wow brussels has amazing artists and i met a lot of you guys here but i just i love i love music i love artists from belgium they're amazing okay sorry i tried to have that moment i really dug that it's good right it's got a nice i'll play but kanye west did a remix for it it's like amazing that was great i'm gonna go download that you
Channel: KLZ Events
Views: 22,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vampire diaries, tvd, the vampire diaries, damon salvatore, vampire, ian somerhalder, legacies, Daniel Gillies, convention, fan, fandom, fan event, the originals, Kat Graham, Chris Wood, Kai Parker, Bonnie Bennet
Id: lFdEmPvkd9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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