😱 β‰οΈπŸš« Don’t Plant These 5 Things β‰οΈπŸš«β‰οΈπŸ˜± || Linda Vater

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well i seldom ever discourage you from i guess really planting anything because i usually believe that it's just there's not no such thing as a bad plant it's just the bad usage of a plant that said i'm going to really go out on a limb and i'm going to say never plant these things particularly if you live in the suburbs or you live in a neighborhood like mine where houses are pretty close together because they can just be so pernicious and cause so many problems both for you for your neighbors and in some cases for generations to come so here's a list of five things i would tell you never to plant and i'd also like to point out that i have worked with clients in the past who have said that they were getting ready to plant something and i have told them don't do that i promise you you will regret it now and you will regret it ever into the future and one friend of mine they went ahead her husband went ahead and planted it in that case it was bamboo and sure enough he he was embarrassed to even talk to me for years to come because i had so emphatically told him not to do it and he went ahead and did it anyway and sure enough it has created him no end of problems so number one even though i don't have it growing in my garden i would have to say don't ever plant bamboo in your home garden now i have seen it used beautifully but even in that context it still has become a problem so unless you're at the zoo and you're feeding panda bears do not plant bamboo in your landscape it will be an issue for years to come if you think covet is a problem plant bamboo in your landscape and then try to eradicate it almost as as difficult as a pandemic so that would be number one and thankfully i don't have any of it in my garden number two wisteria and i know some of you guys are going to argue with me and you're going to say that there are probably varieties that are not so vigorous and not so aggressive and you can probably look into some of those but i would say you just have to really practice due diligence before you plant any kind of wisteria because so often it's mismarked and it will become as aggressive and as problematic as the bamboo and i will give you a case in point my neighbors planted it on their fence um probably about 10 to 15 years ago and it has been an issue for them and me ever since then it grows all along the top of my fence i am constantly battling it i constantly have to cut it back it sends up feeders absolutely everywhere and not only that follow me over here because i want to show you something this is a perfect example of being a really responsible gardener and knowing what you're planting beforehand i want you to look at this power pole this disaster i feel like i should be playing psycho music or something right now because look at that that wisteria has scaled the entire length of my fence proceeded north and now has completely scaled to that power pole and frequently yes it does take out our power and they have to come and they have to cut all of those very thick and vigorous canes back it is just a nightmare you can see some of it stuart if you can point to some of it growing out of my arbor vita and not only that but it can be very destructive to your fence line so if that doesn't uh convince you not to plant an aggressive form of wisteria i don't know what will yes it can be beautiful but unless you have really committed to training it on a support that can handle it then just don't do it and i'm not kidding think about generations to come if you plant it at a home at a restaurant any place and you think well i'm just really going to keep it tamed just know that once it's there it will practically be there into perpetuity unless you use something really dangerous and you nuke it and i don't advocate using nuclear devices in the garden in general and there in particular so that would be my number two now not quite as much of a problem but equally as obnoxious i guess would be virginia creeper now at least virginia creeper has a few things in my garden to redeem itself it too is scaling the heights of that power pole and even these uh abhorred power lines that run behind my my house but at least it is easier to remove you can pull it out and pull it away from your fence fairly easily so it's not quite so much of a problem as as it could be otherwise you can pretty much easily cut it back yes it will send out runners but again it's a little bit easier to tame though not a lot so come this way with me it too now this homeowner inherited it they inherited it from the previous homeowner who inherited it from the previous owner prior to that and it does i will have to say in its defense back here in the protege if you come back here you can see and i get asked this frequently what is crawling along the top of my fence and that is virginia creeper and i can cut the top of it it doesn't really do nearly as much damage in terms of practically taking down the fence the vines aren't quite so thick and it does provide a certain softness to the top of the fence and it turns a pretty color in the fall that said it's extremely prone to white fly it's overly vigorous it too sends up shoots absolutely everywhere and in instances where i have a climbing rose or something it will intertwine with that climbing rose and keep it from blooming optimally and then i have to get inside that thorny bush and i have to remove it from those canes so that is also an issue so come back here and you'll notice that most of these things are have a vining growth habit so i'm going to show you another example right here look stuart this is some trumpet vine growing up in my flagstone and i keep pouring boiling water on it but it keeps rearing its ugly head because yes there is also trumpet vine that grows along this fence now i have seen trumpet vine used appropriately in the countryside and in areas that have a huge landscape and can accommodate its size and its girth and it is a great pollinator hummingbirds love it the monarchs love it but again if you can try to get a cultivar that's a little bit less aggressive and a little bit better mannered because it can really be a problem okay so that was bamboo wisteria uh virginia creeper trumpet vine and then for my fifth one i would just say know your own landscape there are going to be some things in your area in your geography that you should never ever plant in some cases it might be oxide daisies in some cases though not here it could be nandina it could be carolina jasmine some people will never ever plant english ivy so as a broad category my number five recommendation of things to never plant is something that you know to be an issue in your geography in your climate and where you live so that would be my list of five things never to plant in your own garden i'm gonna save you a lot of heartache down the line by listing those for you all five of them
Channel: Linda Vater
Views: 649,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potagerblog, Linda Vader, garden tour, garden life, garden designer, garden landscape design, flower garden ideas, garden design, topiary, backyard garden design, boxwood, garden media, gardening, influencer
Id: KBL5hgdrWss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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