😦PERDI la esperanza EN ESTE LUGAR hasta que ocurre lo IMPENSABLE 😭 #Itaimbezinho

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and I never imagined that it had canyons we had to stop rethink the route look at the texture and here is the Beware symbol we have decided that we are going to stay to sleep today here it is 4 5 5 in the morning now Welcome to cambara azul in Brazil yes You are Brazilians, I invite you to put the subtitles in Portuguese for those who have no idea where Cambara ZL is, which I also didn't know two weeks ago. This area is also known as the land of the canyons and is located in Rio Grande Dosul in the south. From Brazil we have been stuck here for three days because of the rain Hey the days have been terrible thank goodness We are in a place called Casa do Turista here in Cambar Do Zul that has electricity and has water So we have been able to work perfectly see here we are working Ricky say hello Hello people today Galera today Galera today Galera and river for those who don't know me I am Isa I live traveling 4 years ago throughout South America with this character my partner my life partner and with the ac3 we adopted him in Argentina two weeks ago we entered to Brazil and we swear it was going to be a beach Don't ask me why the only thing I've seen in Brazil is a beach beach beach and I never imagined it had canyons and I never imagined it had the deepest canyon in all of South America The Itan beño with more than 700 m depth So we were craving a recommendation from a stranger to change the route, not do the beach route yet and come to the mountains of Brazil, the hills of Brazil and the canyons of Brazil and the Itan beño is part of what Ricky is part of the formation of the largest canyons in all of South America, which are like 68 canyons that make up everything that is the general mountain range of Brazil or Serra Geral Serra Geral Serra Geral of Brazil there are two canyons that are very famous the fortress canyon and the canyon and also the blue cambara is here if you see it and what we are going to do is go to two canyons and so veño that is here and fortress that is here well people it is assumed according to the weather forecast that tomorrow will not it rains Until tomorrow until tomorrow until tu No well, until tomorrow from Rio Ah fat Good morning we have been waiting for this moment for four days according to the forecast Today is the best day so yes or yes we have to go out we say goodbye to the house tourist and we are going to the fortress canyon and we arrive in the rainy season the dry season is from April to September But well we cannot coordinate all of South America arriving in the high season to go to the fortress canyon it is 18 km from cambar sul and the The road is good then we have to turn back to be able to go to the Itan bathroom. That's another 18 km but the road is not so good [Music] we finished yesterday we were talking to a Brazilian and he told us that this ecosystem is something completely different from what we They are used to seeing see Cambar Azul Terra two cannons with the entrance what do you pay which I think is 96 reais you can enter these three things fortress and there are four trekking and in Itan Visino there are also four iteso My God you will not be able to with that word See how the situation is, super cloudy, so obviously we are not going to see any canyons. So the Parque Nacional da Serra Geral is at the moment and during the creation, how to guarantee it, why move everything will also be necessary to give access also to can and more access, we would like to return em two dois sorry for a question no let's go with Cacho pod here in deot this is not here we had to stop rethink the route rethink what we are going to do and we decided that we are going to go to Playa Grande and we are going to go through the Itan entrance anyway Well, they tell us that it may be a beautiful route to do, that we may see canyons from the route to So we don't care, we're going to go anyway between all this We forgot to have breakfast and we found a beautiful place on the route to have coffee so we wouldn't asleep and there is nothing that carali carali there is nothing that a good coffee does not improve yes or no and a good breakfast and food in general Oh This is beautiful my love How beautiful yes Oh see how beautiful this is Ah well we ordered hot chocolate and we They brought this is like a chocolate mous, that is, like a hot milkshake, very strange no no no and we ordered this plus cheesecakes without knowing that the hot chocolate was tremendous but look at this brigade let's see let's see try it, it's a hot chocolate mousse literally see the texture see the texture Oh my God Ah no my love I'm going to switch to hot chocolate Yes yes with the cheese chocolate with cheese that's very Colombian no oh my love you're serious about it to make very delicious and everything but Honestly This is for a very rough stomach pain 5 minutes later we have to put all this hot chocolate in a coke to take away my love come on ahead smell support my love look Why why Let's see later no We will eat it, we will put it in the refrigerator and we will turn it into ice, a month or so in one day and in one sitting you will see the peace, please feel in this place, this entire area is full of araucarias, they are smaller than the ones I am in. used to seeing we will continue the route with 800 G more sugar in the car [Music] it is not possible to see but they are like very big stones one from the other very slowly yes very slowly God see stone by pile Laja by pile There is no footprint, I didn't know, there is no footprint. There is simply a lot of, or a lot of bad stone, no [Music] Au, ahead of All the canyons, there is an Indio canyon, it is called, clearly, we are not going to see anything, but we are going to go down because the river is crazy about running, so even if you don't see anything, we're going to go for a walk through the moor, you still have to be careful because the fog is also dangerous, you get trapped in the fog and then you have no idea where you are standing, so you also have to be careful with That love, we have to be careful because what if we don't see the canyon because of the fog and we continue and continue walking straight Oh my God we take a wrong step into the canyon Uh and we get there easier we save all the kilometers from here on down well You see that this is a tremendous canyon, tremendous place and here is the Beware symbol so you have to be very careful because there is a risk of falling down there. We have decided that we are going to stay here to sleep today to wait to see this canyon clear. Decision Once the decision has been made, we're going to do it. Well, the afternoon is over, we made pipi ca, right, pipoca, and Pipi ca, too, I think. What a delight, we're going to add this morning's chocolate, right, Rick, and it's the first time we're going to sleep on a cloud on a cloud. literally you can't see absolutely anything on this side on this side either What a scare and on this side less God on this side you can't see anything let's cross our fingers so that tomorrow the weather favors us even if it's 10 minutes universe we only need 10 minutes Good morning It's 4 to 5 in the morning and at 500 in the morning we woke up because a car parked next to us and it seemed strange to us and when we went to look out the window, see what we saw, it's very windy, very very windy, but look how what you see and the Moon Here the walk begins we are going to see the sunrise there are a lot of people coming to see the sunrise a lot a lot a lot a lot [Music] a lot and there I was seeing the most incredible sunrise I have ever seen at the foot of a canyon looking down. far away the sea with the two loves of my life and that's how the universe tells me you see that after the storm the sun comes out and not only does the sun come out but also everything but everything gets more beautiful now I decree to the universe I want some day to fly in those hot air balloons over those rice plantations What a good way to start the [Music] fat day you are having breakfast with a tremendous view right having cookies for breakfast And how about today's view of the river Ah ah say mom to me the view doesn't bother me I care, I care about the street, not a tremendous view, people, if you see everything that is there, those points are the balloons, the balloons that come out from Praia Grande, which is where we are going to go, it is incredible down there because they don't know where we are at the entrance of where are we Ah well we made the decision after having seen that incredible landscape that we had to come to Itan beño obviously obviously people how were we going to stay without seeing this majesty it's not possible so come with me here let's go we're going to go by bike ri is preparing the two bikes to go for some bike rides there is one thing that we always think and that is that one never remembers how much the exo things were worth but the memory of the place of beautiful memory always remains the positive engraved in the mind but whatever is worth it or what is not worth it is forgotten it loses relevance over time. Exactly we have a bike ready here ready another bike here ready let's go there is a saying that says in Colombia I don't know if It is everywhere more punctual than ugly girlfriend Well, more punctual than ugly girlfriend here we are 800 at the entrance of the park because we know from our own experience that the weather can change at any time and the earlier you come, the better prepared we are people within the National Park are you excited Rick Uh [Music] let's go here Why do you need a bike look at the gigantic map we are here at the information center and there are quite a few trails to do there is one one of 6 km and another of 10 km So if you just want to come Let's see and do 1 and a half km Well, but if you want to enjoy the park, better in [Music] B this thing we just saw is the viewpoint of the Cachoeira das Andoriñas and it's like a first taste of the canyon And you can't imagine what This is what you can't imagine. Hey, the roads are. Look at this incredible wet forest. Ugh, there's another viewpoint and the roads are good. You know, I mean, the road here is good. I got off because I can't coordinate walking, talking, riding a bike all at the same time. This It's the bridal veil waterfall viewpoint let's see no One better than the other better than the other better than him you look there Ricky My God how brutal [Music] wow it's going around like all over the edge of the canyon alone all the viewpoints and you change perspective as you pedal more and more, so the first viewpoint was from above. From that waterfall and now we are seeing it completely fall, as if it were not possible to measure what one really sees in the cameras are 700 m from there down so it's too impressive Oh we've finished the shortest walk which is 1.5 km now we're going to do a cotovelo threshing which is supposedly 6 km round trip and can be done by bike there may be snakes my love in the stones Look hidden Snakes in vegetation and Stones oh oh well see all this is the trilia that we are going to do we are going to go all over the canyon if you see that is the crater of the canyon if you see it Well we are going to go all over the [Music] I already changed my bike, this one is clearly easier to handle than the city bike and Ricky is used to riding a bike since he was little. So that's a beautiful act of love. Let's go there if you see it, it's the most beautiful viewpoint. incredible, the park from here looks brutal We have arrived [Music] [Applause] wow easily This is the most brutal view I mean it looks like a postcard right like those photos that appear in Windows Yes you know, do note no no no apart Ricky, here they lend you the binoculars to see everything more closely. That is the bride's veil that we saw from the other side, but here you can already see the entire river and up to here, no no no no no no no Wow, the story tells us. guide that we had an incredible day. So it's been a long time since we've had such a spectacular day in the Itan beño canyon. So it was worth the wait of 5 days to see this natural wonder, this river that you see here is the river do Boy and you can take a 14 km walk not here but there and that walk also includes the ticket you bought And yes or yes you have a guide But then imagine walking inside the canyon it must be another incredible experience here we are all over the edge of the canyon all over the edge of the canyon you don't know how many warnings there are like be careful fall be careful fall be careful fall be very careful [Music] Listen and the truth is that the park is super good As if equipped, you see, it has a cafeteria in the middle of nowhere, 6 km away there is a cafeteria. A park guide liked us and he told us a secret passage to get to the bride's waterfall. It's a secret, I'm not going to tell you where. It remains because the truth told us that they did not tell many people because it can be dangerous and suddenly people want to get wet in the waterfall, bathe and it is prohibited wow wow wow wow it is incredible to think that that water that is passing at this moment in ric 10 seconds will be 800 m down the river Wow I think that today it reaches the sea today that water that we are seeing can reach the sea it could be it could be back Ugh the return is already getting tough in total we are doing 12 km to the entrance of the park Uh it gets hard it gets hard Oops a snake wow wow incredible you saw it my love there are many warnings about snakes Be careful with the snakes be careful be careful with [Music] River [Music] my life Hello fat man How was it you rested you slept fat Ah say yes mom I slept better I slept delicious Yes yes yes the lesson of this video is that it was worth the wait and that the best thing is to wait, we really thought that we were not going to be able to see the canyon, no canyon in fact and today we saw that of the Indians and that of Itambe Iteño So we leave too happy. From this area of ​​Brazil that for us was a complete surprise, we thought that our first destination was going to be the beach and not our first destination, it was something that exceeded my expectations, what about you? G absolutely in love with the Sierra de Brasil I think Brazil is very famous For the beaches And that makes these places lose their prominence a little for my taste this has much more to offer than a square Exactly So the Sierras of Brazil 100% recommended from the south Well, if you are thinking about going, come here instead of the beach, recommended apart from that there are not that many people, I can't imagine what is going to be in the next chapter, arriving at the Florianápolis beach, I can't imagine walking sowing law walking through the world of the King all the things that I have found all the love lauch of let's go up a hill so that you can see clearly where we are and where we are going more I leave you out of my sight Always ready always ready without stopping without stopping stopping without stopping without stopping stopping sowing love without stopping we reach the top and here we understand well where we are and where we are going we are in the mountains the mountains and we are going to the sea there at the bottom I know of the sea Uh for now our next The immediate destination is not exactly the beach, it's down there, praya grande, which they say is very funny because praya is a beach and grande is big and tells two lies because it doesn't have a beach nor is it big, it's a small town from where the balloons leave all over the place. canyons spectacular Oh how intriguing the Brazilian sea Ricky has just found gold lies no but we need people to tell us what it is look if you see how it shines it shines a lot and it doesn't come out of this stone it shines it shines see look and no it's not glass because it is embedded in this stone if you see it stone connoisseurs what is this leave it in the comments quartz I say that this is white quartz from [Music] soon Welcome to praya grande we arrive at a spectacular river and a small flat town after so much saw praya big one is completely flat with banana and rice Look at this beautiful river Ah Here we are going to eat I made a delicious sautéed rice Ricky talking with the family and there the river really what a sensation You already fit me with the bathing suit because how hot or Well, we changed the temperature from this morning to today, impressive. Well, it's Sunday. So this is full of people, but the heat still gets to me and I'm going to get into that delicious river. It looks too provocative. It looks very transparent. Very clean. So let's go . Inside, look. There are a lot of people there and the river looks spectacular. Oh well, all of this was destroyed last year by an avalanche. So they built this here to protect the river from the city. Oh, what a delight. This is too much. Yummy, the temperature [Music] is perfect yesterday we were in Praa Grande on that river and they made us a recommendation for a service station 40 minutes from Praa Grande near a city called Torres that has everything, it's called posto Terranova people and You will have to ignore this This is real van Life but totally see here, those of you who can use it, we made a little rope that is tied to door number one and here is my God, door number two and we grabbed the entire sheet from both doors Better said and we washed all this by hand Ricky really washed it by hand and look well what this service station has over there is the service station that we haven't even still loaded with gas but we are going to do it here we are parked there is this whole area for the river to rest from the heat here we have our little table that you want to go out right I grab the cell phone and you will always want to go out here we are connected because the The light is already starting to go out and I am working in shape. So we are connected, it has water, it also has somewhere to leave the black water, the gray water, that is why it is full of motorhomes, clearly because it is like taking a break from life, Van Life and after all that 4 by 4 and those cannons were what we needed there are showers with hot water look look amazing showers Oh no how exciting there are bathrooms kitchen to be able to wash the dishes there is a grill Ricky there making friends and where to wash clothes Oh even washing clothes taque taque no This It is great and here at this point and with this view I tell you that our plans changed, the idea was to go from Playa Grande, true, which is the state of eh rí grande de sul to the State of Santa Catarina and start seeing the beach, true, but we received a invitation that is going to make us give back a little and eh No, you can't imagine it's a dream come true it's something that appears in this video and I couldn't believe that no no it's not that I'm nervous and I don't even know what I'm saying God mine, wait for this invitation to do many things that I dreamed of doing in the region of cambara zul and praya grande So let's wait for these clothes to dry and tomorrow at 3 in the morning a new adventure begins I'm nervous it's the 3:34 of [Music] tomorrow breathe dream travel clandestinely maybe there qua there maybe there maybe there qu rqu River clandestine breathe dream travel clandestine yeah
Channel: Isa por ahí
Views: 123,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, viajar en furgoneta, turismo aventura, BRASIL, van life brasil, vivir viajando en brasil, viajar por brasil, que hacer en brasil, itaimbezinho, canions, canions en brasil, viajar por el mundo, isa por ahi en brasil, cambara do sul, praia grande, vuelo en globo brasil, viajes y aventuras, viaje furgoneta camper, vivir viajando por el mundo, brasil turismo, que hacer en el sur de brasil, planes en brasil, top 10 brasil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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